Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

@Rabobankrider , I can only use Sense out to short range, given that we know that there is a known enemy, can I attempt to use Seek to get a bead on their location and distance?

42 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@Rabobankrider , I can only use Sense out to short range, given that we know that there is a known enemy, can I attempt to use Seek to get a bead on their location and distance?

I'm interested in on how @Rabobankrider would rule this too because Elias also has seek.

Edited by EliasWindrider

@EliasWindrider , you just mean a basic enchance check right? For athletics?

  1. @EliasWindrider
  2. @player3333902
  3. @Stormbourne
  4. @EliasWindrider
  5. @CathyKitten
  6. Unknown Group, 6 soak, 1 armour, adversary 1, 45/45 wounds, 3/3 men
  7. Stormtrooper Squad 1, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men
  8. Stormtrooper Squad 2, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men

Ok, when you guys in the hanger are ready you can post your ic stuff for your attack/escape. As with the rest of the campaigns I'm running, pc order can be fluid if you guys want.

In terms of pvp social checks, I don't usually treat a success as the character automatically doing as they're told, rather that character would see the sense in what the others says and may be more likely to agree to what they're told. If it's against what a character would normally do, or they're really determined to not listen the player still has that option.

Normally if an extra dice has been rolled I just knock the one off the end out, which would remove the despair.

@Tramp Graphics , because you know that the gang is in the building in front, you can get a general direction of their locations. It depends what upgrades you have will effect the specifics of that.

I'll be sorting ic stuff later.

2 hours ago, player3333902 said:

@EliasWindrider , you just mean a basic enchance check right? For athletics?

Yes... btw I know Akua has the enhance power but Elias doesn't

13 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Yes... btw I know Akua has the enhance power but Elias doesn't

Ok. @Rabobankrider , what is the difficulty of the check so i can make the roll to see whether akua is succesful in her force enchanced sprint? It'll be a manuever right?

18 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

Ok. @Rabobankrider , what is the difficulty of the check so i can make the roll to see whether akua is succesful in her force enchanced sprint? It'll be a manuever right?

@Rabobankrider Assuming it's a maneuver which Im not sure about, I think we'd switch over to the chase scene rules, Elias will do the same, but can we do things a little out of order (because things would be happening at the same time) because it would be very helpful if Teetoe got to clear us an escape route with the ship's cannons before we started running.

Has my Jawa been introduced into the game yet?

9 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:
  1. @EliasWindrider
  2. @player3333902
  3. @Stormbourne
  4. @EliasWindrider
  5. @CathyKitten
  6. Unknown Group, 6 soak, 1 armour, adversary 1, 45/45 wounds, 3/3 men
  7. Stormtrooper Squad 1, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men
  8. Stormtrooper Squad 2, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men

Ok, when you guys in the hanger are ready you can post your ic stuff for your attack/escape. As with the rest of the campaigns I'm running, pc order can be fluid if you guys want.

In terms of pvp social checks, I don't usually treat a success as the character automatically doing as they're told, rather that character would see the sense in what the others says and may be more likely to agree to what they're told. If it's against what a character would normally do, or they're really determined to not listen the player still has that option.

Normally if an extra dice has been rolled I just knock the one off the end out, which would remove the despair.

@Tramp Graphics , because you know that the gang is in the building in front, you can get a general direction of their locations. It depends what upgrades you have will effect the specifics of that.

I'll be sorting ic stuff later.

That's what I needed to know.

Seek : 4eF 4 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds-ds.png

I spend two LSPs to activate the base power to find our quarry, and spend two more LSPs to activate the Magnitude upgrade twice to get more details about the quarry I can get one additional detail per activation of the Magnitude upgrade.

@player3333902 and @EliasWindrider , if you guys are planning to make a dash from the survivors of @CathyKitten 's attack, it will indeed go to a chase scenario.

@EliasWindrider , if you want @CathyKitten to go first that's fine. The pc initiative order is fluid so you guys can switch between each other.

@Lotr_Nerd , I will be introducing it in the next ic.

@Tramp Graphics , you would know that the thugs are scattered throughout the structure, in terms of additional details you'd know the largest concentration is in the centre of the structure, but there are at least five near by you guys in the other side of the fissure.

@SithArissa , I think you said the sith this timb belongs to was an old character of yours, so you can describe them on the wall and some additional details. Also, what is your characters emotional weakness? I couldn't see it on the swsheet thing.

I know there have been some other character intros, but I'm going to wait bit before addressing them (there's a lot going on here).

1 minute ago, Rabobankrider said:

@player3333902 and @EliasWindrider , if you guys are planning to make a dash from the survivors of @CathyKitten 's attack, it will indeed go to a chase scenario.

@EliasWindrider , if you want @CathyKitten to go first that's fine. The pc initiative order is fluid so you guys can switch between each other.

@Lotr_Nerd , I will be introducing it in the next ic.

@Tramp Graphics , you would know that the thugs are scattered throughout the structure, in terms of additional details you'd know the largest concentration is in the centre of the structure, but there are at least five near by you guys in the other side of the fissure.

@SithArissa , I think you said the sith this timb belongs to was an old character of yours, so you can describe them on the wall and some additional details. Also, what is your characters emotional weakness? I couldn't see it on the swsheet thing.

I know there have been some other character intros, but I'm going to wait bit before addressing them (there's a lot going on here).

How close? Are they within short range?

The first group would be at medium range, around the corner from the exit of the fissure when you leave it.

10 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

The first group would be at medium range, around the corner from the exit of the fissure when you leave it.

OK, I'll focus on them first. I'm going to use Influence using a techniques called "Battle Influence" . IT's a technique the ancient Jedi Nomi Sunrider was known for, and she used twice on Ambira in the Tales of the Jedi comics, once to save her daughter from two Hississ, and once more against some pirates attacking her and her Master. It uses the Emotion upgrade to sow confusion within their ranks turning them against one another.

Influence (Battle Influence) : 4eF 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png f-ds-ds.png

I'm spending one LSP to activate the Emotion Control upgrade and the other two LSPs for Range. Since it's a Minion group, I believe that it should affect them all. I'll maintain it.

They'll begin arguing amongst themselves, believing the others are cheating them, eventually fighting amongst themselves and, hopefully ignoring Ro'Ka and Avalon, allowing the two of them to pass by. Hopefully, Ro'Ka won't do anything to get the two of them killed.

I'll post the narrative in the IC post.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
22 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Hopefully  ,  Ro'Ka won't do anything to get the two of them killed 

Do not worry. Let me and @Stormbourne know when Korath will "allow" us to do anything.

1 minute ago, CathyKitten said:

Do not worry. Let me and @Stormbourne know when Korath will "allow" us to do anything.


8 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:


God forbid one of Koraths sidekicks does ANYTHING. I have never been so bored playing a character. If you even call being ordered around by a "spotlight" player "playing". Just keep going Tramp, we will be around when you need to mansplain something or ramble about your own character.

11 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:


Hold your horses, Stormbourne. I already have an action pending with these guys. @Rabobankrider still needs to adjudicate it befor you act. Let’s resolve that first. Besides, Avalon shouldn’t have a lightsaber yet.

56 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@player3333902 and @EliasWindrider , if you guys are planning to make a dash from the survivors of @CathyKitten 's attack, it will indeed go to a chase scenario   

Making sure i am to go first? Are the others inside the ship?

Pick pocket : 2eA+1eB+1eD+1eC 3 successes
a-s.png a-s-a.png b-s.png d-th.png c--.png

I forgot uncanny senses

Uncanny sense : 1eS 0 successes

12 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

Pick pocket : 2eA+1eB+1eD+1eC 3 successes
a-s.png a-s-a.png b-s.png d-th.png c--.png

I forgot uncanny senses

Uncanny sense : 1eS 0 successes

Also, @Rabobankrider hasn’t called for initiative yet. That comes before any attacks.

1 minute ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Also, @Rabobankrider hasn’t called for initiative yet. That comes before any attacks.

Well this would be cool

Initiative : 1eA+1eP 2 successes, 2 advantage
a-a-a.png p-s-s.png

I think as action is occurring it's probably going to be easiest for you three to roll initiative (cool check). As there seems to be conflict regarding who goes first I think I'm going to keep initiative as set so there is no dispute. This will include the force check as this is happening in quick succession. @Stormbourne , if you're ok spending 2 strain you can reach the enemy this turn to attack them.

@CathyKitten , I don't think the others are in the ship atm, but it'll only take 1 maneuver for them to hop aboard. If you guys would rather let the stormtroopers breach the hanger, you could potentially blast your way out as soon as they do. The strategy is up to you lot though :)

@Tramp Graphics , according the books, if you want to invoke negative emotions (ones that would result in violence and distrust in this case) you need to spend dark side pips. If you want them to believe something untrue it's a vs discipline check (in this case 1eD). Basically if you want to make them fight among themselves you're going to need to flip a DP and take some conflict.

Lower Levels Combat:

  1. @Stormbourne , 2s2a
  2. Pirate Group 1, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men, 1s1a
  3. Pirate Group 2, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men, 0s1a
  4. -
  5. -

The second group as a quick reference is at long range, but when combat starts (which is pretty much now) they are going to hear what's happening. If anyone wants to add it to their description the area beyond the fissure would be a dull grey metal corridor, similar to old republic structures. There'd be a few door along the side of the corridor, and you guys would be at a dead end of it when you emerge.

5 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Stormbourne , if you're ok spending 2 strain you can reach the enemy this turn to attack them.

They're at medium no? I was under the impression that one could sprint that disctance with one maneuver, however if i need two I'll take the strain

Edited by Stormbourne

I don't know if sprinting is an ability or something, but I've always assumed it's 1 range band per maneuver. If anyone has any other knowledge/experience please weigh in. :)

11 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

I don't know if sprinting is an ability or something, but I've always assumed it's 1 range band per maneuver. If anyone has any other knowledge/experience please weigh in. :)

Mainly i drawing off pdf call force and destiny cheat sheet

Edited by Stormbourne