Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

1 minute ago, CathyKitten said:

I thought only Iktotchi could use truimph for manevuer? That is thier species bonus.

I missed the part where Rabo asked for inititiative. Can roll if needed.

We did it preemptively

I fidgeted with Elias' build a little

ditched the disorienting strike talent and 2 ranks of the coordination skill to pick up the Foresight power initiative skill control upgrade and the dedication from sentry. Still at 1500 XP (the 10 "unspent" xp is for steely nerves as a scar talent). Wanted to get the change made before combat starts.

this does not decrease any pool I've already rolled, and increases several that I have rolled (move, vigilance) I'll let them lie as is.

The motivation was the force power and dedication were on the short list of things to take along with Elias' 4th force rating talent (to bring him to FR 5), which will take him 70 XP to reach, and I didn't want to delay anything on my short list. Also if I miss a lightsaber attack I had both Force assault and Disorienting strike and I really only be able to use one or the other most of the time so why not just choose one now and stick with it.

And I was thinking about how I'll spend future XP and the short list of 3 specs for my 5th spec is

Shi-cho knight the leading contender: 4 ranks of parry, dedication, 3rd rank of defensive training which will max out my melee defense at 4, other goodness, it's an in career spec so 10 XP cheaper, it will help keep me keep pace with what looks to be rapidly advancing lightsaber skills in the party, I don't think anyone is going to catch/surpass Arissa but maybe I'll be able to keep pace with Akua.

Ascetic : 5 more grit, empty soul, iron soul, dedication, force rating, of course I'd have to ditch my grapnel harpoon launcher which I'm not sure I want to do, this would make getting the desired number of white pips a lot more reliable (6 force dice and a free white pip) especially if I leave a die committed to sense defense, and yeah I know I've been pretty lucky with force pips when it counted so far

Martial Artist: the real prize is coordination dodge, but I could also get my unarmed crit rating down to 1 and I could get through the tree relatively quickly, but it would be another spec (besides Shi-cho knight) without a force rating

And I'm thinking about getting the unmatched ferocity warrior signature ability as a "nuclear option" to keep in my back pocket.

Given that I'm likely to take Shi-Cho knight next having the extra dedication in willpower (because Niman technique) helps with that and getting to force rating 5 before that also improves playability during the shi-cho progression (because having FR4 isn't terrible but FR5 would really help with getting reliable dice rolls).

15 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

I fidgeted with Elias' build a little

ditched the disorienting strike talent and 2 ranks of the coordination skill to pick up the Foresight power initiative skill control upgrade and the dedication from sentry. Still at 1500 XP (the 10 "unspent" xp is for steely nerves as a scar talent). Wanted to get the change made before combat starts.


I was reading over those Battlescar talent rules and you do know that you still have to pay XP for those talents. They aren't free.

43 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I was reading over those Battlescar talent rules and you do know that you still have to pay XP for those talents. They aren't free.

You seem to deliberately miss what's been said just to argue... this is exactly why I have 10 " unspent " xp on the ogg dude sheet, that and the character generator doesn't have scar talent rules built in but does have gm grants (that don't deduct xp). And you should know that because I told you that when I double checked Korath's build for you in the character generator before the first failed campaign got off the ground. The scar in question is when Elias got gored by the bantha in real life 2005. Everything with my build is by the book. And even if you didn't read the ogg dude sheet steely nerves is listed as "a 10 xp scar talent" on the swsheets. So that you're challenging me on this without bothering to check either sheet... it's more than pointless, it's lazy and rude.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Quick thing, I'm going to need everyone to keep the ooc for stuff that is currently happening in the ic thread, or for planning stuff. If you want to debate characters or argue etc, please move it to private chats. It makes it a nightmare to try and find what I need to.

Onto game stuff:

@player3333902 , your seek check wouldn't find a man in black, it may be that the vision was misinterpreted. What seek would find is several figure that aren't stormtroopers stood by the door on the other side to you guys.

Regarding triumphs from initiative, those are only really for tie breakers in order according to what I read.

@CathyKitten , I couldn't find your initiative checks for the hanger combat about to happen, so if you could repost (or post if you haven't already) them for me again that'd be a massive help.

Hanger Combat:

  1. @EliasWindrider , 7s3a1t
  2. @player3333902 , 3s2a2t
  3. @Stormbourne , 2s2a
  4. @EliasWindrider
  5. @CathyKitten 1s3a
  6. Unknown Group, 6 soak, 1 armour, adversary 1, 45/45 wounds, 3/3 men 1s2a
  7. Stormtrooper Squad 1, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men, 1s1a
  8. Stormtrooper Squad 2, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men, 1s

When the doors are open enemies will be at medium range of the ship.

You can use move to keep the door **** as the charge if you want, and someone else with move can throw them open (the doors would be the equivalent of silhouette 2 with weight etc).

@TheShard , I was thinking Drall because I wasn't sure if Drez'n would have contact on Corellia that would lead him to Kark, and later to @Lotr_Nerd 's master (who I think is in the system). If he does, that works fine, I just wanted to double check.

I think that covers everything, but Like I say, with all the chat it's tricky to track. If I missed something let me know.

Edited by Rabobankrider

@Rabobankrider , what about us in the sub?

See the ic

Just now, Rabobankrider said:

See the ic

Just did.

49 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Quick thing, I'm going to need everyone to keep the ooc for stuff that is currently happening in the ic thread, or for planning stuff. If you want to debate characters or argue etc, please move it to private chats. It makes it a nightmare to try and find what I need to.

Onto game stuff:

@player3333902 , your seek check wouldn't find a man in black, it may be that the vision was misinterpreted. What seek would find is several figure that aren't stormtroopers stood by the door on the other side to you guys.

Regarding triumphs from initiative, those are only really for tie breakers in order according to what I read.

@CathyKitten , I couldn't find your initiative checks for the hanger combat about to happen, so if you could repost (or post if you haven't already) them for me again that'd be a massive help.

Hanger Combat:

  1. @EliasWindrider , 7s3a1t
  2. @player3333902 , 3s2a2t
  3. @Stormbourne , 2s2a
  4. @EliasWindrider
  5. Unknown Group, 6 soak, 1 armour, adversary 1, 45/45 wounds, 3/3 men 1s2a
  6. Stormtrooper Squad 1, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men, 1s1a
  7. Stormtrooper Squad 2, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men, 1s
  8. -

When the doors are open enemies will be at medium range of the ship.

You can use move to keep the door **** as the charge if you want, and someone else with move can throw them open (the doors would be the equivalent of silhouette 2 with weight etc).

@TheShard , I was thinking Drall because I wasn't sure if Drez'n would have contact on Corellia that would lead him to Kark, and later to @Lotr_Nerd 's master (who I think is in the system). If he does, that works fine, I just wanted to double check.

I think that covers everything, but Like I say, with all the chat it's tricky to track. If I missed something let me know.

I'll reinforce the door against the charge. It was already rolled, but I can roll again if you want. Otherwise I'd like to use the triumph I rolled to activate blast on the charge and maybe take out some of the people who where waiting in what would have normally been a safe zone (but due to the door suddenly becoming an immovable object it redirects the shaped charges blast outward catching either group of stormtroopers in it.

You don't need to re-roll for that. For a triumph that seems fair, I'll sort that with the ic.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

You don't need to re-roll for that. For a triumph that seems fair, I'll sort that with the ic.

And if no one wants to throw the door, I'll let it fall *outward*.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Quick thing, I'm going to need everyone to keep the ooc for stuff that is currently happening in the ic thread, or for planning stuff. If you want to debate characters or argue etc, please move it to private chats. It makes it a nightmare to try and find what I need to.

Onto game stuff:

@player3333902 , your seek check wouldn't find a man in black, it may be that the vision was misinterpreted. What seek would find is several figure that aren't stormtroopers stood by the door on the other side to you guys.

Regarding triumphs from initiative, those are only really for tie breakers in order according to what I read.

@CathyKitten , I couldn't find your initiative checks for the hanger combat about to happen, so if you could repost (or post if you haven't already) them for me again that'd be a massive help.

Hanger Combat:

  1. @EliasWindrider , 7s3a1t
  2. @player3333902 , 3s2a2t
  3. @Stormbourne , 2s2a
  4. @EliasWindrider
  5. Unknown Group, 6 soak, 1 armour, adversary 1, 45/45 wounds, 3/3 men 1s2a
  6. Stormtrooper Squad 1, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men, 1s1a
  7. Stormtrooper Squad 2, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men, 1s
  8. -

When the doors are open enemies will be at medium range of the ship.

You can use move to keep the door **** as the charge if you want, and someone else with move can throw them open (the doors would be the equivalent of silhouette 2 with weight etc).

@TheShard , I was thinking Drall because I wasn't sure if Drez'n would have contact on Corellia that would lead him to Kark, and later to @Lotr_Nerd 's master (who I think is in the system). If he does, that works fine, I just wanted to double check.

I think that covers everything, but Like I say, with all the chat it's tricky to track. If I missed something let me know.

Ok, I can go with that. Is my enchanced leap check ok? I'm thinking of using it to jump into the fray and if i remember correctly, i had some advantages so maybe I could use that to blow away some troops?

Drez'n would have spent more time on corellia than Drall, only after the collapse of the new Republic did he retreat to the wilderness of Drall.

2 hours ago, player3333902 said:

Ok, I can go with that. Is my enchanced leap check ok? I'm thinking of using it to jump into the fray and if i remember correctly, i had some advantages so maybe I could use that to blow away some troops?

Force leap is only yiyr force dice so you cant get advantages

21 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

Force leap is only yiyr force dice so you cant get advantages

I thought it had to be done with an athletics check?

3 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

I thought it had to be done with an athletics check?

Thats basic enhance the right most branch of enhace is a seperate power unto itself

Edited by Stormbourne
11 hours ago, player3333902 said:

I thought it had to be done with an athletics check?

11 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

Thats basic enhance the right most branch of enhace is a seperate power unto itself

@Stormbourne is correct here. The Force Leap Control upgrades, in fact all of Enhace’s Control upgrades, basically replace the function of basic power with new abilities.

11 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@Stormbourne is correct here. The Force Leap Control upgrades, in fact all of Enhace’s Control upgrades, basically replace the function of basic power with new abilities.

Well not replace more expand

18 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@CathyKitten , I couldn't find your initiative checks for the hanger combat about to happen, so if you could repost (or post if you haven't already) them for me again that'd be a massive   help. 

Vig : 2eA 1 success, 3 advantage
a-s-a.png a-a-a.png

@Rabobankrider , @Stormbourne , Opposed Leadership check vs Avalon Korath orders Avalon to get back with him and Ro’Ka and keep quiet.

Leadership (w/Influence) : 1eP+2eA+4eF+1eD+3eC 2 failures, 1 advantage, 1 Despair, 5 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
p-s.png a-a.png a-a-a.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png d-th.png c-f.png c-f-th.png c-d.png LSPs add successes, spend Despair as you deem fit.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@Rabobankrider , @Stormbourne , Opposed Leadership check vs Avalon Korath orders Avalon to get back with him and Ro’Ka and keep quiet.

Leadership (w/Influence) : 1eP+2eA+4eF+1eD+3eC 2 failures, 1 advantage, 1 Despair, 5 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
p-s.png a-a.png a-a-a.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png d-th.png c-f.png c-f-th.png c-d.png LSPs add successes, spend Despair as you deem fit.

I stop with out question when i hear a sound coming from within the cave?

5 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

I stop with out question when i hear a sound coming from within the cave?

12 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@Rabobankrider , @Stormbourne , Opposed Leadership check vs Avalon Korath orders Avalon to get back with him and Ro’Ka and keep quiet.

Leadership (w/Influence) : 1eP+2eA+4eF+1eD+3eC 2 failures, 1 advantage, 1 Despair, 5 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
p-s.png a-a.png a-a-a.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png d-th.png c-f.png c-f-th.png c-d.png LSPs add successes, spend Despair as you deem fit.

How does Avalon have a 3/4 in disilpine? Tramp did you make a mistake?

2 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

How does Avalon have a 3/4 in disilpine? Tramp did you make a mistake?

Ah yes good spot it should be 3/2

20 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

How does Avalon have a 3/4 in disilpine? Tramp did you make a mistake?

Looks like I accidentally hit 3 Instead of 2. It was supposed to be 1eD+2eC. So it’s up to @Rabobankrider on which red die he wants to ignore. Regardless, it’s still a successful Leadership check, so @Stormbourne , Avalon should immediately return, for his own good.

12 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Looks like I accidentally hit 3 Instead of 2. It was supposed to be 1eD+2eC. So it’s up to @Rabobankrider on which red die he wants to ignore. Regardless, it’s still a successful Leadership check, so @Stormbourne , Avalon should immediately return, for his own good.

Its normally a reroll, even its just the 2 reds.