Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

35 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Arissa likes killing people.

Jonas is basically a Jedi detective.

36 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I'm still trying to figure out how to convert the Faalow's Cadences rules from Galaxy Guide 9 over from D6 to F&D. I do want to use them as part of the students' training.

Looking through these "tests", they all would be simply lightsaber skill checks or force power uses.

Characters with no lightsaber talents or ranks and no force powers would not even be able to pass them, let alone attempt some of them.

That is not a very interesting encounter.

6 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Jonas is basically a Jedi detective.

Arissa likes killing detectives.

On 7/8/2018 at 4:07 PM, Rabobankrider said:

@Lotr_Nerd , as it's on Tatooine I was thinking the Jawa, but if you want it can be your smuggler.

@Jonas Shaaf , hard deception with a boost and a setback.

I am fine with my Jawa having connections to Black Sun, I can wait for the Smuggler to come in to the story.

51 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Arissa likes killing detectives.

Jonas likes killing Sith ?

8 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

If we have a go at the man we risk death/capture, no one holds up to vehicle weapons so it's a chance to erase them and there being nothing left to know, and taking out their leader straight off would hopefully demoralize the stormtroopers send them running, but even if Teetoe takes out the man in black/which is possibly unlikely given the dicepools he might be facing, I'm sure there will be some stormtroopers to deal with so you'd still get the chance to fight something, but Teetoe is @CathyKitten 's character so it's her choice not mine or yours all we can do is suggest courses of action

Ok sure, I'm up for this :)

13 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Jonas likes killing Sith ?

Akua too :P

Btw, a initiative js a vigilance check with 2 difficulty dice am i rite? Kinda forgot XD

41 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

Btw, a initiative js a vigilance check with 2 difficulty dice am i rite? Kinda forgot XD

Vigilance or Cool (GMs choice) with no difficulty just your dice.

45 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

Btw, a initiative js a vigilance check with 2 difficulty dice am i rite? Kinda forgot XD

2 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Vigilance or Cool (GMs choice) with no difficulty just your dice.

@SithArissa is correct, unless you have the Constant Vigilance talent. That allows you to always use Vigilance for Initiative.

Cleared some stuff tramp

6 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Yes, it is your personal bias, one I don't share.

As it stands, Korath's skill checks do succeed more often than not. By RAW, trained proficiency is a matter of how many ranks of training in a skill you have: 1-2 ranks is considered basic proficiency, 3-4 ranks is considered professional level proficiency, and 5 ranks is considered master level proficiency in a skill. Korath has at least basic proficiency in almost every skill, and professional level proficiency with a lightsaber. My Dice pools aren't "designed" for anything. They are the way they are because that is how the character evolved organically during actual play . Do I intend to further his advancement in Lightsaber , Discipline , and Piloting ? Absolutely. However, they are not my top priority at the moment.

Even if I am biased to exclude the counting of force dice and equipment bonuses from the determination of the label "proficient", for an average dice pool with only 1 setback die, you really need 4 or more positive dice to have about even odds of succeeding on the check. If you don't like using this statistical definition of proficiency, then don't, but your refusing to acknowledge the statistical definition of proficiency doesn't improve your odds of success any. In any event, the reality of Korath's rather dismal chances at succeeding on checks should be abundantly clear even to you because Korath with 1875 xp failed to bind a starting character (Avalon)... you were rolling 3 yellow to his 1 purple and 2 red. The reason you need +1 positive die relative to the negative pool is you need 1 UNCANCELLED success to succeed on a check, with an equal number of positive and negative dice, the mean number of successes is very close to zero (i.e. usually less than 1 for typical sizes of dice pools). If you are ok with failing more checks than you succeed at (qualification: when you aren't getting dice from equipment and can't spend force pips to obtain successes) then upgrading your dice pools shouldn't be a priority for you, but if you actually want to succeed at checks of typical difficulty, you should make increasing dice pools a priority. The choice is of course yours, but you really ought to be aware of how the dice math works when you make your decision. And believe it or not, apart from the 1/12 chance of scoring a triumph a yellow die is barely better than a green die. In terms of odds of success adding more dice virtually always trumps upgrading dice from green to yellow. (5 yellow might be better than 6 green). So now that you've been made aware of your dismissal chances of succeeding with your current dice pools, I feel my obligation to you has been met. And seriously... getting angry/arguing with someone who is just trying to help you enjoy the game more... well that's entirely counterproductive for you.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Chill... Less table talk, lets aim for more ic than occ posts!

4 hours ago, player3333902 said:

Cool check for akua initiative : 3eP+1eA 3 successes, 2 advantage, 2 Triumph
p-s-a.png p-tr.png p-tr.png a-a.png

Here is the roll

**** one of those triumphs can be used to give your self and extra manuver on the first round

Excal'urs initiative w/ constant vigilance

Initiative : 2eP 2 successes, 1 Triumph
p-s.png p-tr.png

1 hour ago, Stormbourne said:

**** one of those triumphs can be used to give your self and extra manuver on the first round

Nice. What can I do with the other? XD

1 minute ago, player3333902 said:

Nice. What can I do with the other? XD

Talk to rabo

9 hours ago, player3333902 said:

Nice. What can I do with the other? XD

9 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

Talk to rabo

Maybe you could give Teetoe a free maneuver?

8 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Maybe you could give Teetoe a free maneuver?

I don't mind :)

I'm going to try and get thing sorted tomorrow for this. Also could one of the Dantooine group post a basic overview of their plan? As a lot's been thrown about at the moment and I got a bit lost.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

I'm going to try and get thing sorted tomorrow for this. Also could one of the Dantooine group post a basic overview of their plan? As a lot's been thrown about at the moment and I got a bit lost.

Excal'ur and rhe two apprentices are taking the ship and escaping akua and elias are standing ground and fighting there way out after throughing the door into the troopers (elias already rolled in ic)

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

I'm going to try and get thing sorted tomorrow for this. Also could one of the Dantooine group post a basic overview of their plan? As a lot's been thrown about at the moment and I got a bit lost.

I think the plan is

Elias' triumph on the first move check to keep the door in place during the explosion will be used to trigger blast to kill or "flash bang" storm troopers as you deem appropriate,

Elias' second move check threw the door outward to kill or intimidate stormtroopers as you deem appropriate

Teetoe in the cockpit of the fighter (carrying Excal'ur and chemdat) will then let loose with the cannons to clear Akua and Elias an on foot exit, and will then fly away (to where I don't know)

Elias and Akua will exit, I think Akua plans to duel the man in black if Teetoe autofire barrage didn't kill him, and Elias won't leave her to face the man in black alone at least not until she's unconscious and Elias is low on wounds/strain and would also be captured if he stayed.

If he has to fight in a life or death situation Elias will try to fight in the most efficient/effective way possible, but since he has precision strike he can avoid killing with his saber.

Elias already committed a Force die to the sense defense upgrade so the first 2 incoming melee attacks per round will be facing 2 red and 3 black unless elias spends 1 straight on dodge to add a purple, I'm hoping for a number of negative dice equal to or greater than the number of positive dice on incoming attacks from the man in black.

Elias had a triumph, I think 7 successes and 3 advantage on his initiative check. Akua had 2 triumphs, 3 successes and I don't know how many advantages, Akua will be using her two triumphs to give herself and Teetoe a free maneuver in the first round if that's ok with you,. Elias will be giving himself a free maneuver with his triumph if that's ok with you, Teetoe will need to roll initiative if @CathyKitten hasn't already done so but unless chemdat or excal'ur are allowed to use the turret on the arc 170. I don't think they need to. If they get to I'd recommend taking a pot shot at the man in black on the way out


As for the starting on drall suggestion, maybe corellia would make more sense. Effectively the same setup. However Drall isn't a very outsider friendly place.

Maybe he arrives on corellia trying to find something? Or someone? Everyone goes to corellia at some point, its like the Chicago to Coruscant's NY.

Edited by TheShard
16 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Akua  had        2 triumphs, 3 successes and I don't know how many advantages, Akua will be using her two  triumphs  to give herself and Teetoe a free maneuver in the first round if that's ok with you,. Elias will be giving himself a free maneuver with his triumph if that's ok with you, Teetoe will need to ro  ll initiative if @CathyKitten hasn't already done so but unless chemdat or excal'ur are allowed to use the turret on the arc 170.

I thought only Iktotchi could use truimph for manevuer? That is thier species bonus.

I missed the part where Rabo asked for inititiative. Can roll if needed.