Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Seems legit

35 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

To be fair I saw the masters teaching sort of like this (obviously they can/will do stuff outside of the areas, but this is just what I saw as their specialties for teaching):

  • Korath: Piloting (maybe?)
  • Reesh: Trackig/survival skills
  • Ro'Ka: Guns/perhaps a view of the galaxy that the jedi types might miss (the grittier stuff).
  • Arissa: Combat/combat/ninja combat
  • Jonas: Investigative skills/jedi non-combat areas of expertise
  • Excal'ur: Medicine/history (maybe?)
  • Drez'n: Smithing/mechanic skills
  • Jornek: Underworld related skills and knowledge
  • Akua: Not sure why, but I can imagine her covering a lot of the theoretical/moral stuff with the jedi, rebellion etc.
  • Elias: Close combat/Fighting without a lightsaber etc.

Seems about right XD, given Akua's knowledge about jedi lore and such. She does not mind teaching techniques like niman and soresu, but is holding off juyo/vaapad till she views some padawans are ready and if they wish to XD. Was also kinda seeing her as a on battle general or something guven her experiences XD, though it does not have to be that way

42 minutes ago, SithArissa said:


Fixed that for ya @Rabobankrider

You know that’s not happening. ?

4 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

@EliasWindrider , @Rabobankrider which stat should i use for reinforcing the door?

That would fall under the Mechanics skill, so Intellect .

18 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

@EliasWindrider , @Rabobankrider which stat should i use for reinforcing the door?

If you're doing it with the move power as requested discipline check and roll your force dice, don't forget Akua's free lightside pip fro empty/iron soul (I forget which is which)

Edited by EliasWindrider
4 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

That’s your prerogative. I prefer to advance him organically and spread his XP around based upon what he actually does during a given adventure. A “generalist” is someone who is proficient in multiple things, not an expert in them, hence the term “Jack of all trades, master of none”.

An adequate definition but I don't think you've invested enough in anyone thing to be actually be proficient

Moving items to block door : 4eP+3eF 3 successes, 2 advantage, 3 Dark Side
p-s-s.png p-s.png p-a-a.png p--.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

Seems like the force isnt with me XD. But with the empty soul trait, i add a ls pip, so i can move some stuff

5 hours ago, player3333902 said:

Moving items to block door : 4eP+3eF 3 successes, 2 advantage, 3 Dark Side
p-s-s.png p-s.png p-a-a.png p--.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

Seems like the force isnt with me XD. But with the empty soul trait, i add a ls pip, so i can move some stuff

A single sil 0 object. You most likly you smack the door with something that shorts it out

1 minute ago, Stormbourne said:

A single sil 0 object. You most likly you smack the door with something that shorts it out

Yeah XD well, maybe that tiny thing i slap on just might cause the hanger door to hold XDD.

What can i do with the successes and advantage? I think the advantage allows me to add a boost die to the next person who makes a check right?

7 hours ago, player3333902 said:

Moving items to block door : 4eP+3eF 3 successes, 2 advantage, 3 Dark Side
p-s-s.png p-s.png p-a-a.png p--.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

Seems like the force isnt with me XD. But with the empty soul trait, i add a ls pip, so i can move some stuff

Well I'm kind of expecting that @Rabobankrider will come back and put some difficulty dice on these. But this roll is exactly the reason I wanted 2 people on it, if one flubs their roll for the round we get a second chance to hold it, and my roll for the first round was awesome (7 successes including a triumph, with enough lightside pips), maybe next round I'll flub the roll and you'll save the day. I think that 5 force dice should fairly reliably net 2 or more white pips and 4 force dice is on the edge of reliable or not.

XD Yeah. Hopefullt can get her to her 5 fr asap. Can the successes be used for anything though? I'll pass the 1 advantage to the next person for a boost die

Use the LSPs to get some success...

: 3eP+1eA+1eB+1eS+3eD+6eF 2 advantage, 4 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
p-a-a.png p-s.png p-a.png a-a.png b-a.png s--.png d-th-th.png d-f.png d-th.png f-ds-ds.png f-ls.png f-ls.png f-ls.png f-ls.png f-ds.png

18 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

It'd be about 20 minutes or so, @CathyKitten wants to do average piloting check it may be less.

Sub piloting : 1eP+6eA+2eD 2 successes, 7 advantage
p-s-a.png a-s.png a-a-a.png a-s.png a-s-a.png a-a.png a-a-a.png d-f.png d-f.png

Advantages used to find a backdoor out of sight of the other subs and Niktos?

@EliasWindrider , I think to resist the coming breach would probably be hard discipline to represent the strength of move needed to hold back the explosion. Bear in mind though that this won't actually stop the breach from happening, once you guys stop using move the storm troopers will be able to get in. You're essentially holding the door in place. To find another way out you'll need an average perception check.

If you guys wanted to you could also try a hard stealth to hide in the hanger before the storm troopers enter.

@Jonas Shaaf , I'll sort your stuff ic when I sort the others so I can do it in one go.

@CathyKitten , I'll do the same for you. Teetoe would also find that the guns do indeed work. You have access to 2 forward mounted light laser cannons (damage 5 (50), critical 3, linked 1) and two forward mounted concussion missile launchers (damage 6 (60), blast 4 (40), breach 4, guided 3, limited ammo 4, linked 1, slow-firing 1).

16 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

An adequate definition but I don't think you've invested enough in anyone thing to be actually be proficient

I disagree. Most of Korath's skills are in the Two to Three rank range, even one rank is basic proficiency . There are only six skills which Korath has no proficiency in. In total he has eleven skills with one rank, fourteen skills in which he has two ranks, and two skills in which he has three ranks, one of those being Lightsaber . So yes, Korath is a true "Jack of all trades". He has at least basic proficiency in a lot of different skill, all of which were picked up through adventuring, and practical experience . Even his talent selection is built upon someone who has had varied and eclectic life experiences as opposed to someone who has dedicated him/herself to mastering one thing. All of his XP during the original game was put into skills has actually used in game. That inherently produces a character who knows a little about a lot of things. That is what Korath is, and what he has always been.

32 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Teetoe   would also find that the guns do indeed work. You have access to 2 forward mounted light laser cannons (damage 5 (50), critical 3, linked 1) and two forward mounted concussion missile launchers  (damage 6 (60), blast 4 (40), breach 4, guided 3,   limited ammo 4, linked 1, slow-firing 1). 

Good to know, if possible will try to launch those missiles soon after those doors are blown open. Whenever that happens.

Ok cool, bear in mind that if you do, you will be attracting a lot of attention and refueling the ship will become a much trickier job.

28 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok cool, bear in mind that if you do, you will be attracting a lot of attention and refueling the ship will become a much trickier job.

Whats the fuel at now? Enough to leave or not enough to even take off?

You'd be on the last dregs according to the console readout. You may be able to get out of the city, but you're chances of leaving atmosphere at the current levels are virtually 0. You will also need to find a way (maybe a temporary second ship or something) for the newcomers as well, but that's something for everyone to think about.

6 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , I think to resist the coming breach would probably be hard discipline to represent the strength of move needed to hold back the explosion. Bear in mind though that this won't actually stop the breach from happening, once you guys stop using move the storm troopers will be able to get in. You're essentially holding the door in place. To find another way out you'll need an average perception check.

If you guys wanted to you could also try a hard stealth to hide in the hanger before the storm troopers enter.

@Jonas Shaaf , I'll sort your stuff ic when I sort the others so I can do it in one go.

@CathyKitten , I'll do the same for you. Teetoe would also find that the guns do indeed work. You have access to 2 forward mounted light laser cannons (damage 5 (50), critical 3, linked 1) and two forward mounted concussion missile launchers (damage 6 (60), blast 4 (40), breach 4, guided 3, limited ammo 4, linked 1, slow-firing 1).

@Rabobankrider can the 1 triumph , 5 net success, 1 threat, and enough lightside pips to move a silhouette 6 object used to have protected the door too, i.e. Elias was holding both sides of the door with a wall of force... so that it protected the door from momentum but not heat, and the locks/tracks etc have melted the thing shut.

In any event That's got to be a whole bunch of very confused stormtroopers. ?

7 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I disagree. Most of Korath's skills are in the Two to Three rank range, even one rank is basic proficiency . There are only six skills which Korath has no proficiency in. In total he has eleven skills with one rank, fourteen skills in which he has two ranks, and two skills in which he has three ranks, one of those being Lightsaber . So yes, Korath is a true "Jack of all trades". He has at least basic proficiency in a lot of different skill, all of which were picked up through adventuring, and practical experience . Even his talent selection is built upon someone who has had varied and eclectic life experiences as opposed to someone who has dedicated him/herself to mastering one thing. All of his XP during the original game was put into skills has actually used in game. That inherently produces a character who knows a little about a lot of things. That is what Korath is, and what he has always been.

From an odds of success for various difficulties perspective, proficient statistically means having at least 4 positive dice in your pool, and preferably (but not required) at least one of them is yellow. Specialization is when you have at least 5 positive dice. Basically it's reasonable for you to argue that Korath is proficient at any task where he gets to add his force dice to the check and spend pips for success/advantage, however, and this may just be my personal bias, I tend to exclude force dice and equipment bonuses when determining the label of proficient or not for skills.

I know you didn't use an intelligent DESIGN strategy for Korath's build but your dice pools seem to be designed with the goal of failing checks with triumph (maybe for comedic effect?). I'm not saying this to bash your character, I just think that you'd be happier if you regularly succeeded on checks. If that's not important to you, then feel free to ignore my advice on how I would spend xp moving forward if I were running Korath. What matters is if you are happy with how Korath plays relative to the other master characters in the group. If you are great, if not you should do something to improve Korath's success rate starting with the checks that are most important to you.

Edited by EliasWindrider
1 minute ago, player3333902 said:

Seeking the man in black to derive how close he will be to attacking : 4eP+3eF 6 successes, 1 Triumph, 2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
p-s-s.png p-s-s.png p-tr.png p-s.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png

Use 1 ls pip to seek out successfully. Can i add 1 advantage with the remaining ls pip? @Rabobankrider , what can the success and triumpg be used for?

You need 2 pips activate seek and i doubt you should have rolled those yellow dice

23 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

You need 2 pips activate seek and i doubt you should have rolled those yellow dice

My bad will use the 2 pips to do the seek