Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

I might re-design Drez'n after I look over the warrior book. Also I have an idea based on the way we are introducing him.

Also for the apprentice I'd like it to be based on the story as it develops. I do have an idea for a noghri hermit/doctor/steel hand adept whose like a pacifist. But i have other ideas, I'm flexible and would like the input from other players, and what direction story developments might suggest I should look at for character ideas.

24 minutes ago, TheShard said:

I might re-design Drez'n after I look over the warrior book. Also I have an idea based on the way we are introducing him.

Also for the apprentice I'd like it to be based on the story as it develops. I do have an idea for a noghri hermit/doctor/steel hand adept whose like a pacifist. But i have other ideas, I'm flexible and would like the input from other players, and what direction story developments might suggest I should look at for character ideas.

My suggestion, is look at the careers and specs everyone else has and try to fill in where we're lacking. As it stands we have a glut of pilots and mechanics.

@SithArissa , if you're removing Shien Expert from Xanth, that removes her only in-Career spec, and thus, she'd need to be changed from a Sentinel to a Consular , since both of her remaining specs are Consular specs.

4 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

My suggestion, is look at the careers and specs everyone else has and try to fill in where we're lacking. As it stands we have a glut of pilots and mechanics.

@SithArissa , if you're removing Shien Expert from Xanth, that removes her only in-Career spec, and thus, she'd need to be changed from a Sentinel to a Consular , since both of her remaining specs are Consular specs.

Forgot to do it

The character art for xanth is hot

Just looked at arrissa's character sheet... she's scary both the art and she's an absolute beast with a lightsaber... 11 ranks of parry so stopping 13 damage, she's easily going to be the best lightsaber duelist in the group, Elias is likely a distant second at 6 ranks of parry. And a 5 in will power and some interesting defensive back up powers.

Edited by EliasWindrider
12 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

The character art for xanth is hot

Just looked at arrissa's character sheet... she's scary both the art and she's an absolute beast with a lightsaber... 11 ranks of parry so stopping 13 damage, she's easily going to be the best lightsaber duelist in the group, Elias is likely a distant second at 6 ranks of parry. And a 5 in will power and some interesting defensive back up powers.

Akua has a 6 in parry too :D

14 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

The character art for xanth is hot

Just looked at arrissa's character sheet... she's scary both the art and she's an absolute beast with a lightsaber... 11 ranks of parry so stopping 13 damage, she's easily going to be the best lightsaber duelist in the group, Elias is likely a distant second at 6 ranks of parry. And a 5 in will power and some interesting defensive back up powers.

I took part in a pvp tournament here. Had a much lower exp version of Arissa that was dominant in all but one of her melee duals (it started with a ranged attack taking most her health) She was never actually killed only knocked out by strain and was extremely weak to the aforementioned range attacks.

20 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

Akua has a 6 in parry too :D

She underwent a recent upgrade... juyo berseker is new right or did I miss it before... how close is she to having fr 5 ( plus the free pips from empty soul)? Three lightsaber specs... you could have 10 ranks of parry between them.... if you aren't already the second best lightsaber duelist in the group you will be soon.

I'm 80 xp away from fr 5 (without the free pips), and I've got all the parry ranks in my 3 specs

I'm debating about whether to pick up martial artist or ascetic or shi-cho knight as my 5th spec,

ascetic for the grit force rating, empty soul, and dedication I'd have to ditch my grapnel harpoon launcher though.

Martial artist for 2 ranks of parry, quick progression through the tree, iron body (unarmed crit 1), dedication, the real prizes are coordination dodge and overbalance (warden could provide overbalance and a fr but no parry or coordination dodge, but it's going to be chemdat's 2nd spec for the intimidation factor)

Shi-cho knight... 4 ranks of parry, another rank of defensive training which would max out my defense, improved parry and other lightsaber goodness, and it's an in career spec so 10 xp cheaper. If I took that I'd be in the same ball park as you when you max out your current specs and arissa (of course this isn't a competition).

What my character will likely be best at (after only 10 more xp, this is included in the 80 I mentioned above) is scoring the top initiative slot for the team.

Korath’s next spec will be Ship’s Captain . I really want those Pride and Joy talents.

Anywhat, @Stormbourne , what’s Avalon gonna do with that sensor information?

Jonas is, of course, lying. Difficulty on the Deception check?

On 7/2/2018 at 7:38 PM, EliasWindrider said:

I'll make a seek check when they get to garang... however the ship that appears to have been selected is an arc-170 and that I think only holds 3 people while we have to transport 5, akua, teetoe, excal'ur, Elias and chemdat

Would the character being linked to Black Sun be my Jawa or my Smuggler?

@Lotr_Nerd , as it's on Tatooine I was thinking the Jawa, but if you want it can be your smuggler.

@Jonas Shaaf , hard deception with a boost and a setback.

11 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Korath’s next spec will be Ship’s Captain . I really want those Pride and Joy talents.

I'm sure there's at least one more force rating that you haven't taken and probably 3 or more dedications you've avoided... If I were you I'd be gunning for those to bring Korath up to 4 in probably 3 attributes to make him a true generalist and fr 5 is kind of key to reliably pulling off certain force powers. With 4 dice the most frequent results will be 2 black 4 white or 3 black 2 white (the latter is probably more common), and 2 force pips isn't usually enough to use all the cool upgrades and I know that you never intend to use black pips. With 5 force dice the most common result should be (eyeball math, I haven't done the calculation) 3 black 4 white and 4 white pips is generally enough to do cool stuff.

As a meta question, what role/specialty in the party do you see Korath filling, Arissa is the lightsaber badass. Jonas is the strong in the force skill generalist, Elias and Akua are experienced generalist knights who are good with a saber/force powers (Akua's invested more in skills, Elias has invested more in attributes, Elias is also good at martial arts and will soon (meaning in 10 xp) reliably score awesome initiative slots), Ro'Ka is heavy artillery, the highest force rating and highest attributes, having invested in skills but not much in powers.... I don't know what the other master characters specialize in (Excal'ur is a healer though I don't remember the build to support that). What do you envision as Korath's specialty/party-role when he's not on the ship? Whatever that is, is where I'd recommend investing your xp?

Besides Arissa, Drez'n is also a blademaster and smith, specialized less towards single combat, more defensively focused. He is also a powerful oracle. He is just a few ranks behind her in parry, and is probably the group's tank and minion masher. He is the armored samurai to arissa's ninja/fencer.

Edited by TheShard

This should be the sheet for Drez'n Bercilak that is linked on the first page. (3).pdf?dl=0

Its a bit messy sorry.

As I'm at 2000xp and others are at 1500xp i propose drezn gets no more xp until others catch up.

Edited by TheShard

Decided against a rebuild...

4 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm sure there's at least one more force rating that you haven't taken and probably 3 or more dedications you've avoided... If I were you I'd be gunning for those to bring Korath up to 4 in probably 3 attributes to make him a true generalist and fr 5 is kind of key to reliably pulling off certain force powers. With 4 dice the most frequent results will be 2 black 4 white or 3 black 2 white (the latter is probably more common), and 2 force pips isn't usually enough to use all the cool upgrades and I know that you never intend to use black pips. With 5 force dice the most common result should be (eyeball math, I haven't done the calculation) 3 black 4 white and 4 white pips is generally enough to do cool stuff.

As a meta question, what role/specialty in the party do you see Korath filling, Arissa is the lightsaber badass. Jonas is the strong in the force skill generalist, Elias and Akua are experienced generalist knights who are good with a saber/force powers (Akua's invested more in skills, Elias has invested more in attributes, Elias is also good at martial arts and will soon (meaning in 10 xp) reliably score awesome initiative slots), Ro'Ka is heavy artillery, the highest force rating and highest attributes, having invested in skills but not much in powers.... I don't know what the other master characters specialize in (Excal'ur is a healer though I don't remember the build to support that). What do you envision as Korath's specialty/party-role when he's not on the ship? Whatever that is, is where I'd recommend investing your xp?

You mean aside from the ship's captain , and a teacher ? He's a lightsaber master, a " tank ", an artisan and mechanic, a navigator , a generalist with multiple Force powers. He doesn't have a "specialty".

21 minutes ago, TheShard said:

This should be the sheet for Drez'n Bercilak that is linked on the first page. (3).pdf?dl=0

Its a bit messy sorry.

As I'm at 2000xp and others are at 1500xp i propose drezn gets no more xp until others catch up.

Yeah, but you still need to transfer all of that to your SWSheets page. ? You need that in order so that we can keep track of XP, changes in Wounds and Strain, etc.

Reesh hunts stuff, that's pretty much it. :p

@TheShard , I think I might actually have Kark start on Drall if you're ok with that. I have an idea to make it work nicely I think.

2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

You mean aside from the ship's captain , and a teacher ? He's a lightsaber master, a " tank ", an artisan and mechanic, a navigator , a generalist with multiple Force powers. He doesn't have a "specialty".

Yeah, but you still need to transfer all of that to your SWSheets page. ? You need that in order so that we can keep track of XP, changes in Wounds and Strain, etc.

Characterizing your build as a generalist is slightly questionable in my opinion as to me it implies you can do several different things WELL, and i think you might have spread your xp a little tool thin for that. I'm having trouble identifying any one thing that Korath can do better than a dedicated starting character other than simply having access to force powers with a force rating prerequisite. Arissa is the lightsaber master of the party, and the only one remotely close to her is apparently drez'n (although I haven't verified that). Elias has higher soak, defense, wound threshold, strain threshold, ranks in parry and reflect than Korath and I wouldn't call Elias a tank (at best an up armored humvee), every master character is supposed to be a teacher.

I would recommend that you identify what you most want Korath's schtick to be and invest your xp there to build it up

To be fair I saw the masters teaching sort of like this (obviously they can/will do stuff outside of the areas, but this is just what I saw as their specialties for teaching):

  • Korath: Piloting (maybe?)
  • Reesh: Trackig/survival skills
  • Ro'Ka: Guns/perhaps a view of the galaxy that the jedi types might miss (the grittier stuff).
  • Arissa: Combat/combat/ninja combat
  • Jonas: Investigative skills/jedi non-combat areas of expertise
  • Excal'ur: Medicine/history (maybe?)
  • Drez'n: Smithing/mechanic skills
  • Jornek: Underworld related skills and knowledge
  • Akua: Not sure why, but I can imagine her covering a lot of the theoretical/moral stuff with the jedi, rebellion etc.
  • Elias: Close combat/Fighting without a lightsaber etc.
11 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Characterizing your build as a generalist is slightly questionable in my opinion as to me it implies you can do several different things WELL, and i think you might have spread your xp a little tool thin for that. I'm having trouble identifying any one thing that Korath can do better than a dedicated starting character other than simply having access to force powers with a force rating prerequisite. Arissa is the lightsaber master of the party, and the only one remotely close to her is apparently drez'n (although I haven't verified that). Elias has higher soak, defense, wound threshold, strain threshold, ranks in parry and reflect than Korath and I wouldn't call Elias a tank (at best an up armored humvee), every master character is supposed to be a teacher.

I would recommend that you identify what you most want Korath's schtick to be and invest your xp there to build it up

That’s your prerogative. I prefer to advance him organically and spread his XP around based upon what he actually does during a given adventure. A “generalist” is someone who is proficient in multiple things, not an expert in them, hence the term “Jack of all trades, master of none”. Korath has always been a generalist, with one exception, his skill with a lightsaber. This is because of how the D6 system handled XP and advancement, which pretty much mandated generalist builds by having XP go directly into skills you used during a given adventure. The more you used a given skill, the more XP went into that skill. That is how Korath got all of his skill ranks. They were all skills he used multiple times in game. Will I be putting more ranks in his lightsaber? Absolutely. But, given that he is also a ship’s captain, having that spec and the benefits from the three Pride and Joy talents would certainly come in handy, as would several other talents in that spec, particularly with what they can provide the group as a whole. These include Inspiring Retoric, Field Commander, Inspiring Leadership, and morr. So, what “role” does Korath fill? A leadership role.

4 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

To be fair I saw the masters teaching sort of like this (obviously they can/will do stuff outside of the areas, but this is just what I saw as their specialties for teaching):

  • Korath: Piloting (maybe?)
  • Reesh: Trackig/survival skills
  • Ro'Ka: Guns/perhaps a view of the galaxy that the jedi types might miss (the grittier stuff).
  • Arissa: Combat/combat/ninja combat
  • Jonas: Investigative skills/jedi non-combat areas of expertise
  • Excal'ur: Medicine/history (maybe?)
  • Drez'n: Smithing/mechanic skills
  • Jornek: Underworld related skills and knowledge
  • Akua: Not sure why, but I can imagine her covering a lot of the theoretical/moral stuff with the jedi, rebellion etc.
  • Elias: Close combat/Fighting without a lightsaber etc.

Korath will also be handling a lot of lightsaber training, as well as Force power training and lightsaber construction.

@Tramp Graphics , just so we're clear, I did say that the leadership of the party would be a democracy, just as a reminder. You can invest in leadership stuff by all means, but he will no be 'in charge', it's still group decisions for rulings.

Hey, @Rabobankrider , how long is it going to take for us to get down to where Jonas is?

It'd be about 20 minutes or so, @CathyKitten wants to do average piloting check it may be less.

15 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

To be fair I saw the masters teaching sort of like this (obviously they can/will do stuff outside of the areas, but this is just what I saw as their specialties for teaching):

  • Korath: Piloting (maybe?)
  • Reesh: Trackig/survival skills
  • Ro'Ka: Guns/perhaps a view of the galaxy that the jedi types might miss (the grittier stuff).
  • Arissa: Combat/combat/ninja combat
  • Jonas: Investigative skills/jedi non-combat areas of expertise
  • Excal'ur: Medicine/history (maybe?)
  • Drez'n: Smithing/mechanic skills
  • Jornek: Underworld related skills and knowledge
  • Akua: Not sure why, but I can imagine her covering a lot of the theoretical/moral stuff with the jedi, rebellion etc.
  • Elias: Close combat/Fighting without a lightsaber etc.


Fixed that for ya @Rabobankrider