Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Or find another way out, it's pretty cramped in the vessel.

27 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Jonas Shaaf , sounds good to me, though for the triumph it may make more sense that with the promise of treasure the guy in charge simply doesn't think to disarm you. Same result for you though :)

@Tramp Graphics , the submersible has a silhouette of 3, speed 3 and handling +1. It also has 1 armour, 5 HT, 7 SS, medium sensor range but no weapons. The seats are sensor operator (back seat), co-pilot and pilot.

Speaking of, @Stormbourne , could you do an average computers check please for the sub.

@EliasWindrider , @player3333902 has already arrived in the city. You are all currently in the same city, just at different locations.

Also you don't really need a check to find the cantina, as it's not a big area. For the other stuff it's an average streetwise for asking around.

So where are they now (I thought they were in a outlying community an hour away).

Originally @player3333902 had been with the rebel base, but traveled to the same area as you guys in search of @Stormbourne

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

Originally @player3333902 had been with the rebel base, but traveled to the same area as you guys in search of @Stormbourne

The 4 of us ( @CathyKitten , @Stormbourne , @player3333902 and me) had been communicating in a PM (that I started) to work out our ideas (so as not to step on each other's toes with contradictory posts, and tell a story we were all happy with) and @Stormbourne had wanted Excal'ur to have been hiding out in a remote location, which if I understood things correctly, and I think I did, ended up meaning an hour away from Garang by speeder, and Akua sensed him on her way to Garang and stopped there to make contact, I hadn't read that they left that outlying town yet which was the context for me asking to make the check to determine when they arrived in Garang, but we can roll with what you intended instead... so where (in Garang) are they now so I have some context for describing the scene when Elias and Chemdat walk up (after having made the successful seek check).

In hindsight I probably should have included you on the PM recipients list, but at the time I didn't want to bog you down reading the brainstorm PMs, of which there were something like 20 in number.

The plan had been to brief you on what the 4 of us decided once we got our story straight but I was out of town (road trip with the extended family {wife's side} to Denver Colorado {with 2 to 3 stops along the way it was a 8-9 hour drive each way} for a mini family reunion packed full of scheduled activities planned by my adult niece {wife's sister's eldest daughter}) from Friday afternoon to early Monday morning (just after midnight) and had to work Monday so... yeah I didn't get the opportunity to do that before you posted.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Ah, that's me misreading the posts then, my bad. No rush on the stuff, that's the beauty of pbp :)

I do not mind skipping forward to garang. Maybe the 3 of them decided to take the arc fighter to farang, then land it(maybe someone can make a checkto see whether the imps will spot it) and then we head to @EliasWindrider , before we have to make our escape shortly?

3 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

I do not mind skipping forward to garang. Maybe the 3 of them decided to take the arc fighter to farang, then land it(maybe someone can make a checkto see whether the imps will spot it) and then we head to @EliasWindrider , before we have to make our escape shortly?

My understanding of @Rabobankrider 's post was that you had identified an Arc 170 fighter that you wanted to steal, not one that you already possessed. Once you steal the fighter you might have to leave the planet in a hurry.

Edited by EliasWindrider

You can try steal it if you want, but you will need to find fuel at least first, and maybe provisions.

22 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

My understanding of @Rabobankrider 's post was that you had identified an Arc 170 fighter that you wanted to steal, not one that you already possessed. Once you steal the fighter you might have to leave the planet in a hurry.

Oh ok oops my bad ?


In keeping with my pledge to run future foresee-ing by you

is this roll

Foresee : 4eF 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

sufficient to answer Teetoe's question "What's the worst that could happen?" with "we could all get caught by first order troopers when your attempt to steal it fails because it currently doesn't have any fuel in it"

My follow up verbiage

Hi I'm Elias Windrider and this is my brother Chemdat, and we've been looking for you, we need a ride off planet before something imminent and bad, likely involving the first order, happens. Let's discuss this over dinner.

here's the streetwise check you called for

streetwise : 2eA+2eD 0 successes, 1 advantage
a-s.png a-s-a.png d-f.png d-f.png

looks like I don't memorize all the routes

@EliasWindrider , seems good to me, maybe for the advantage maybe you have a vague recollection of where you're going if it comes to that, so you could get a boost.

14 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Jonas Shaaf , sounds good to me, though for the triumph it may make more sense that with the promise of treasure the guy in charge simply doesn't think to disarm you. Same result for you though :)

@Tramp Graphics , the submersible has a silhouette of 3, speed 3 and handling +1. It also has 1 armour, 5 HT, 7 SS, medium sensor range but no weapons. The seats are sensor operator (back seat), co-pilot and pilot.

Speaking of, @Stormbourne , could you do an average computers check please for the sub.

@EliasWindrider , @player3333902 has already arrived in the city. You are all currently in the same city, just at different locations.

Also you don't really need a check to find the cantina, as it's not a big area. For the other stuff it's an average streetwise for asking around.

I wonder what this exposion button does

Weapons check : 2eA+2eD 2 successes
a-s.png a-s.png d--.png d--.png

Haha, nothing explosive unfortunately. You would however discover that this is the controls for the sensor however. You'd also notice a large concentration of electronic signals (perhaps other craft, perhaps something else) along the ocean floor away from the city above.

11 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , seems good to me, maybe for the advantage maybe you have a vague recollection of where you're going if it comes to that, so you could get a boost.

I'm not asking for a retcon for this roll, but...

in future instances where Elias (the character not me the forum member, by the way to anyone who cares to know my real name is Keith) is trying to prepare for a possible chase scene by memorizing routes, would it be reasonable/acceptable for Elias to be able to use INTELLECT (Elias has a 4 in INTELLECT) attribute instead of CUNNING (Elias has a 2 in CUNNING) with the STREETWISE skill to prepare , because memorizing seems like an INTELLECT rather than CUNNING type of activity to me.

And maybe the wager on the future (INTELLECT based) prepare check could be that if Elias succeeds on the prepare check for a chase scene/navigation, the pay off would be Elias gets to use INTELLECT instead of CUNNING with the STREETWISE skill (but only during all chase scene/navigation rolls) for the area he's memorized for the next 24 hours; if Elias fails the prepare check then he uses CUNNING with streetwise as per RAW.

But what I'd put up for a stake in the future wager is that whether Elias succeeds or fails on the check to prepare for a chase scene/navigation he doesn't benefit from any advantages on the prepare for a chase scene/navigation check but each un-cancelled threat still adds a setback die to one roll in a chase scene/navigation that happens in the memorized area in the next 24 hours.

Does that sound like a reasonable/acceptable wager for future prepare for a chase scene/navigation checks?

9 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm not asking for a retcon for this roll, but...

in future instances where Elias (the character not me the forum member, by the way to anyone who cares to know my real name is Keith) is trying to prepare for a possible chase scene by memorizing routes, would it be reasonable/acceptable for Elias to be able to use INTELLECT (Elias has a 4 in INTELLECT) attribute instead of CUNNING (Elias has a 2 in CUNNING) with the STREETWISE skill to prepare , because memorizing seems like an INTELLECT rather than CUNNING type of activity to me.

And maybe the wager on the future (INTELLECT based) prepare check could be that if Elias succeeds on the prepare check for a chase scene/navigation, the pay off would be Elias gets to use INTELLECT instead of CUNNING with the STREETWISE skill (but only during all chase scene/navigation rolls) for the area he's memorized for the next 24 hours; if Elias fails the prepare check then he uses CUNNING with streetwise as per RAW.

But what I'd put up for a stake in the future wager is that whether Elias succeeds or fails on the check to prepare for a chase scene/navigation he doesn't benefit from any advantages on the prepare for a chase scene/navigation check but each un-cancelled threat still adds a setback die to one roll in a chase scene/navigation that happens in the memorized area in the next 24 hours.

Does that sound like a reasonable/acceptable wager for future prepare for a chase scene/navigation checks?

That actually requires a specific talent doing in the Navigator spec, Studious Plotting.

18 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

That actually requires a specific talent doing in the Navigator spec, Studious Plotting.

that's a 5xp talent (suggesting it's not that powerful) with no downside, requires no preparation, and is always on; this is a wager where I have something to lose and have to take an preparation action to gain a short term benefit, and I have to have a reason to know I should prepare (so possibly requiring a foresee check that isn't guaranteed to succeed) to even make the check. Moreover, given the preparation action, in particular "memorizing," intellect is the actually the narratively appropriate attribute. And finally the rulebook is not the be all and end all of the FFG system, rules are intended to not get in the way of a good gameplay experience, and the GM is the final arbiter.

That said, if the GM deciding to let me make the wager would in some way offend another player (would it offend you @Tramp Graphics ?) then he probably should NOT allow it even though it makes a lot of narrative sense and seems (at least to me, see above justification) like a reasonable/not overpowered request.

@EliasWindrider , wasn't teetoe, excal'ure and akua still in the remote settlement? Teetoe found the arc there and is tryin to get it started so all 3 of us could fly to garang?


3 hours ago, player3333902 said:

@EliasWindrider , wasn't teetoe, excal'ure and akua still in the remote settlement? Teetoe found the arc there and is tryin to get it started so all 3 of us could fly to garang?

@Rabobankrider thought you were already in garang when he wrote that, the arc 170 is in garang and so we fast forwarded to that.

7 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:


@Rabobankrider thought you were already in garang when he wrote that, the arc 170 is in garang and so we fast forwarded to that.

Oh my bad

I'm going to try and sort my posts this evening, but failing hat it may have to be tomorrow.

@Lotr_Nerd I still need a confirmation about if you're cool with your character starting off linked to the black sun.

The rest of the stuff I'll get to when I can.

@EliasWindrider , I kinda feel like if we start swapping attributes out for other attributes for skill check is going to overcomplicate things. If I allow it for this, then there will be times when others want to swap on other skill checks and it'll just snowball. Also I don't think memory is necessarily linked to intelligence, lots of smart people are forgetful after all.

Hey, @Rabobankrider , you made a mistake in your most recent IC post. You mixed up @Stormbourne ‘s characters. The boy is Avalon, he’s the one with us in the sub. Excla’ur is his Master level character.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

I can change that

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , I kinda feel like if we start swapping attributes out for other attributes for skill check is going to overcomplicate things. If I allow it for this, then there will be times when others want to swap on other skill checks and it'll just snowball. Also I don't think memory is necessarily linked to intelligence, lots of smart people are forgetful after all.

Fine by me.

@Rabobankrider are we in a docking bay or a more conventional hanger/storage facility? Is the roof open or closed? What other exits are there? If there are no other exits, which wall/window not in the direction of the commotion looks easiest to make an exit with either move or a lightsaber? Is there a grated pit under the ship with a tunnel/sewer exit?