Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

9 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

is excal'ur and teetoe still on dantooine?

Teetoe is supposedly still on Dantooine (he's our ride, but hasn't made an appearance yet). It's up to you where excal'ur is. I think it'd be convenient if he was in or heading to the city of garang (the place most likely to have a spaceport, and where the windriders are and Akua is heading).

@Rabobankrider I'm ok if Korath has more xp than the other masters because the "build" (e.g. a few ranks lots of skills without boosting attributes) is sub-optimal/extremely-inefficient and because he was formula converted rather than built with respect to the ffg system so Korath would be at a penalty otherwise. However he should take a 100 xp cut if he respec's.

I'm okay with Akua having about 100 xp more than Elias because of her history... Elias should have the least or tied for least of any master character because he is likely the youngest master character (I used the minimum xp for master characters with Elias, but it was a fairly intelligent build although I put it together in a few hours) despite me not really trying to optimize it.

21 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

Can you give a break down of all of the rules anyone who is forced aboard the single ship in this campaign has to follow?

I am a little confused on what "full authority" will actually mean for all of the other players?

Edit: Ro'Ka just left the ship. I assume she is no longer under your authority or does this extend to everyone, all the time?

Well, that is some of the things Korath needed to go over in his briefings. And you are correct. Korath's "authority" is only limited to while on board the ship. As ship's captain, military or not, is responsible for the safety of his ship and those on board. As such, he has to maintain a certain amount of discipline on board said ship. Check out this article on the subject; The Captain's Duty.

To quote one passage from it:


Every so often it’s good to stop, reflect and renew your captain’s vows.

If you are the master, then three fundamental conditions must exist for you to be the captain. They are responsibility, authority and accountability. They’re a package deal. Without exception, all three are necessary to effectively command.

If you are held responsible for the boat, everyone who is onboard and the cargo, then you need the authority to do the job. The captain makes the final call and has the last word. His crew must do what he orders and the ship will go where he steers it. There aren’t many other positions in this world where you, the captain, are considered the “master after God.”

This tremendous authority makes you totally responsible. This responsibility is based on infinite trust and can’t be shared with anyone else. The mate can relieve you on watch, but he can’t relieve you of your responsibility. It’s all on your shoulders. If you can’t handle this, then you shouldn’t be the master.


<snip> What holds together the tradition of command is inescapable accountability. How many times do we hear people say they take full responsibility for some disaster and then nothing happens to them? No accountability. Without accountability there can be no trust from your crew, especially in times of danger. If they don’t trust you, you’re finished.

This is what I'm talking about. It's not about being the "boss". Korath has 100% responsibility for the safety of the ship, and everyone, and everything on it. And he is 100% accountable for anything that happens. As such, he has to have 100% authority over his ship as well. This is true of every ship's captain, be they military or civilian. As the article above says, it's a package deal.

Also check out this article: Sea Captain . To quote:


A sea captain , ship's captain , captain , master , or shipmaster , is a high-grade licensed mariner in ultimate command of the merchant vessel. [1] The captain is responsible for its safe and efficient operation, including: ship's seaworthiness, ship's safety and security conditions, cargo operations, navigation, crew management and ensuring that the vessel complies with local and international laws, as well as company and flag state policies. [2] All persons on board, particularly during navigation, including, public authorities, state authorities, officers and crew, other shipboard staff members, passengers, guests and pilots, are under the captain's authority and are his or her ultimate responsibility.

This would certainly also apply in space as well. So, if he (and I'm talking in character here) requests or orders something while on board the ship , I am asking you to please realize that he has a reason for doing so, and needs to be obeyed for the sake of the safety and survival of the ship, not out of some power trip, and that your character please obey that request. As an experienced spacer, she should know this.

Also, would you please at least let Korath decide when they land? That's what I meant by "jumping the gun." Korath has some new information he's learned from his research that Ro'Ka needs to be briefed on, for her benefit , and that of the mission as a whole. As such, I would suggest taking that new information into account in your post, and edit it accordingly to establish that she was briefed on this information. It will certainly help with your skill checks and save on other potential problems that might come up in the future. He's also coming with Ro'Ka, and I'm pretty sure Avalon is going to want to tag along as well, am I correct @Stormbourne ? We need each other.

Remember, Korath didn't take you along as part of his deal with Zicktag. He was very clear about that, and Ro'Ka heard him when he made that clear. He took you along for his own reasons . So she shouldn't be assuming anything.

16 hours ago, player3333902 said:

Ok, is it in the fad core rulebook?

Sure! Sounds great! :)

Keeping the Peace page 52:

Jedi Utility Belt:

  • three day supply of food capsules
  • emergency medpac
  • Jedi Multi-tool (lightsaber Maintenance kit)
  • slim glow rod
  • comlink
  • Aquata Rebreather
  • a number of empty pouches
  • clip to hang a lightsaber from.

13 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , you may well be the captain (or owner) of this current ship, but without a crew willing to learn the jedi way etc, Korath will have effectively failed his mission. If he drives people off he will end up running out of force users, or the First Order will find him and he'll have to fight them alone, which he can only do for so long. Perhaps in the army or in the 1700's a captain had full authority over the crew of a ship, but in this game, Korath is not a military officer, and Ro'Ka is not a soldier. If anything, Ro'Ka probably has more military experience thanks to her work as essentially a one woman army. Now I know I asked @CathyKitten to retcon shooting Korath in the face, and she very kindly agreed to, but I will not ask her to do so a second time. Actions have consequences, and if that consequence is getting shot in the face, so be it. I also guarantee that Ro'Ka is not the only character that isn't going to put up with **** from Korath. Reesh is a proud individual, and if he's treated badly he will respond badly, probably violently. The opportunity to hold a briefing (for the mission you do not know about) has passed now. It's gone, you'll have to adapt and carry on. You can still have studied the info you wanted during your trip, and if you want to tell the other two players while on the move, there's nothing wrong with that (it will probably be quite handy), but right now, Ro'Ka is the closest thing to a leader on this mission, as she's the one who knows what's happening. To find @Jonas Shaaf , you are going to have to follow her lead, or not find Jonas.

@Tramp Graphics , you need to understand that when Korath begun collecting masters to help him teach new padawans, effectively stopped being in charge. Throughout this first session (assuming it survives), he will find masters with greater experience, combat ability, skills and even knowledge in the force than him. Each master brings a specific set of skills, and will be the best in their own field, but none are so good that they can be elevated to a clear leadership role. If anything, Akua is probably best served to be leader thanks to investing ranks in leadership higher than the rest of us. Korath does not have complete authority over anyone other than his padawan, and even then it's not total authority because different teachers will be teaching padawans here and there. You need to work together with the others, not have them work for you. This isn't SWTOR or KOTOR, you're not the main character, and we aren't the interchangeable crew members, all characters are equal and have equal authority. I'm afraid at this point this is non negotiable. Accept it and move one, I WILL NOT debate this point. I want this to be the end of this now. No one is beholden to the other, no one is in charge, we all work together or not at all.

Also I still think that all masters should either reduce their xp to 1500, or raise their xp to match whoever has the highest as I said in my previous post. Also as most people seem to be pro legends (or at least not anti legends), I will be using sources from there. @Tramp Graphics , if you're set on having this game take place in the few days between episode 7 and 8 (which we'd already nearly be at the end of because of travel time), then you're going to have to be ok with this campaign not correlating and possibly messing with the canon of episode 9. I'm ok with that, but if you want this whole thing to run in line with canon, it's going to really hamper what we can do.

Back to game play stuff, @CathyKitten , please do an average streetwise check, and then I'll sort an ic post for what you see as well as your hunt for submersibles (the check is separate to the search).

For Dantooine I was thinking @Stormbourne 's master may be able to meet my padawan using the set up in my last ic, and then the two groups on Dantooine will be able to find each other as events occur (which I won't spoil by talking about in the ooc).

@Tramp Graphics in terms of info you've gathered, the brotherhood info is as @Jonas Shaaf describes it. You know have a pretty comprehensive map of the city you landed on, and will be able to find your way around the place with ease, but the setback is a few alleys here and there aren't present due to recent construction. In terms of ancient ruins you know that the bottom of the ocean is home to a large number of these, some jedi, some from other cultures and that there's a few directly below the city, the setback is you don't have their locations pinpointed, and you don't know which ones are where, so it's a bit of a gamble.

I'll sort the ic post for both planets today when I have more time.

The reason for the range is primarily to account for people who are bringing characters from previous games in. Most likely these characters would logically all have different levels of experience, and I do not want to rob them of the XP they had earned. By the same token, I didn't want characters which were made from scratch, to be over-powered, compared to those who actually earned their ranks.

As for Korath being "in charge", as I said above, his authority only extends to the ship, and those on board it, and only because he has a responsibility and accountability for that ship that no other character has , and that he cannot turn over (see the above article). As far as Jedi matters go , and as far as anything that happens off the ship, you are correct, all of the Masters are equal in that regard. And, once we leave the ship, Korath would gladly take second stage. It is only in what happens on the ship, or deals with the ship's operation , that Korath, as a ship's captain has final responsibility, authority and accountability. That is because the lives of everyone on board his ship are in his hands. Watch Deadliest Catch for more on what I'm talking about in that regard. And, yes, he is both owner and captain. So this has nothing to do with him being "boss", and I want to make sure you, and everyone else understands this. Korath simply has a greater responsibility as owner and captain of that ship. Han Solo and Hera Syndulla had that same responsibility, accountability, and authority on their ships.

Also, that's not quite what I meant by "Steback". I'm talking about Setback dice . A proper mission briefing in the Briefing Room before the mission, removes one Setback Die from all skill checks due to known Mission conditions. Such conditions would be things, such as terrain, weather, people, laws, layout, and physical geography and or geology, of the location, etc.

@Rabobankrider , If you can narrate in the IC thread this information being briefed to everyone as happening before we landed, that would be much appreciated.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

This is what I'm talking about. It's not about being the "boss". Korath has 100% responsibility for the safety of the ship, and everyone, and everything on it. And he is 100% accountable for anything that happens. As such, he has to have 100% authority over his ship as well. This is true of every ship's captain, be they military or civilian. As the article above says, it's a package deal.

Also, would you please at least let Korath decide when they land? That's what I meant by "jumping the gun." Korath has some new information he's learned from his research that Ro'Ka needs to be briefed on, for her benefit , and that of the mission as a whole. As such, I would suggest taking that new information into account in your post, and edit it accordingly to establish that she was briefed on this information. It will certainly help with your skill checks and save on other potential problems that might come up in the future. He's also coming with Ro'Ka, and I'm pretty sure Avalon is going to want to tag along as well, am I correct @Stormbourne ? We need each other.

avalons sticking with you so that you can teach him to use the awesome

1 minute ago, Stormbourne said:

avalons sticking with you so that you can teach him to use the awesome

I kind of figured that.

Also, @Rabobankrider , I have no problem with some Legends material that doesn't explicitly contradict from what has already been established in canon being used. Given the lack of information we have on the Old Republic era, that's absolutely necessary. Obviously, post RotJ Legends material is pretty much out the door though, because that has all been contradicted and overwritten outright. Also, given that our characters are nowhere near the parts of the galaxy where what's going on during TLJ is taking place, anyway, that's not a problem. It's a big galaxy out there. But yes, it was fully expected that this would outlast the events of TLJ, and that our characters would slowly learn of what transpired during the movie. So, that's not a problem.

13 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

If    you can narrate in the IC thread this information being briefed to everyone as happening before we  landed, that would be much appreciated. 

Please do not MAKE my character do anything. I was not in any briefing.

15 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

He'    s also coming with Ro'Ka

She already left. Do not follow her.

17 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

He  took you along for his own   reasons  . 

As she is NOT on the force users list you have, Korath would know NOTHING about her force powers. It is extremely rude to try to ruin a characters big reveal before the player allows it.

20 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

As  such,      he has     to have 100% authority over his ship as we  ll      . 

You have not learned Ro'Ka is not going to follow your authority onboard the ship or off.

You are clearly on a crazed power trip. You tried to cover up why there could only be one ship allowed in the campaign with rules lawyering, but the truth has come out, its so everyone HAS to follow your commands. What are you going to do to players who do not listen? Put them in the brig? Is that standard military policy?

3 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

Please do not MAKE my character do anything. I was not in any briefing.

She already left. Do not follow her.

As she is NOT on the force users list you have, Korath would know NOTHING about her force powers. It is extremely rude to try to ruin a characters big reveal before the player allows it.

You have not learned Ro'Ka is not going to follow your authority onboard the ship or off.

You are clearly on a crazed power trip. You tried to cover up why there could only be one ship allowed in the campaign with rules lawyering, but the truth has come out, its so everyone HAS to follow your commands. What are you going to do to players who do not listen? Put them in the brig? Is that standard military policy?

I never said that. Please don't misunderstand me nor my intentions. I never said what those reasons were either. I simply said he had his own reasons. You asked me what those "rules" were. I provided links to them. It's not about being "in charge". Korath has responsibilities none of the other characters have.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I never said that. Please don't misunderstand me nor my intentions.

Dodging everything I said? Cool story bro.

Answer the question? What will you do characters who do not give you authority?

Edited by CathyKitten

@Tramp Graphics , and as I said, in a non military environment, like a bunch of jedi, mercenaries etc bumming around space, that isn't the case. See my numerous quote when I've told you that star wars is not real life, and so the same rules do no apply. You need to stop attaching artivles that may make sense for a rpg set in a modern or realistic setting, they don't land 95% of the time in sci-fi settings like this. This isn't deadliest catch. Workboat is not one of FFG's splat books. As the gm, I am making a final ruling on the matter that is as follows:


This will be run as a democracy where there will be no need for a deciding vote due to there (at least for now) being 9 character. I hope this clears up where everyone stands in the party, If Korath asks someone to do something on the ship, that person may do it if they think it makes sense, they may also say no. You just have to accept that, it's a downside of playing with other people. I'd really like to get past this ****.

@Tramp Graphics , to quote myself, the chance to have the briefing has passed, and I'm not going to backtrack. As I said, you may say that Korath has studied on the way to the Manaan, but there was no briefing, but you can tell them useful info on the move. Please don't bring up the ******* briefing again, I'm getting tired of dealing with it.

I narrated you guys landing, and will be hand waving stuff like docking fees for now, because I want to actually get people into the game, and parking bureaucracy does not make for a good rpg opening session.

@Lotr_Nerd , currently I don't think any of yours are active. If you want your Jawa to be on Tatooine instead of a junk world, we could get him into play now, as he could join @player3333902 's character.

Now I'm going to sort the ic post. Because this stupid ship debate has taken up so much ******* space I may have missed some peoples posts regarding requests for rolls etc. If I have missed them, let me know.

5 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

Dodging everything I said? Cool story bro.

Answer the question? What will you do characters who do not give you authority?

What would he do? Most likely escort them off the ship at the nearest port. But, it's not about "giving in" to authority. So, as @Rabobankrider , has said, let's lay off of that, it's over.

I don't understand Ro'Ka's hostility towards Korath anyway. Our characters have a mission to complete. If we're going to build a party, we need to start getting along and working together. This also goes for our characters. We can't do that if we, and they, don't listen to each other, respect each other, or go off on our own half-cocked. We need to work thgether, we need to all be on the same page. Now, @Rabobankrider has already said that Ro'Ka will be most appropriate to be taking lead on the ground mission, and I agree with him on this. However, that also means that he expects us to stick together. @Rabobankrider , correct me if I'm wrong here.

3 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

We can't  do  that if we, and they, don't listen to each other, respect           each other, or go off on our own       h  a  lf-cocked.

Please provide examples of when Korath listened to or respected Ro'Ka.

1 minute ago, CathyKitten said:

Please provide examples of when Korath listened to or respected Ro'Ka.

Has he yelled at her? Has he threatened her? No. He requested a meeting to go over mission specifics, and to go over the ship, so that Ro'Ka would know where everything was. That's standard procedure. He mentioned that there were cabins available for sleeping, that the cockpit was not an appropriate place for sleeping, and suggested, very quitely and politely, that there was information available that she might find useful. How is that not respectful? And all he has gotten was threats as if Ro'Ka ran the place. Korath has done nothing to warrant that hostility. He is doing his job .

2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Has he yelled at her? Has he threatened her? No. He requested a meeting to go over mission specifics, and to go over the ship, so that Ro'Ka would know where everything was. That's standard procedure. He mentioned that there were cabins available for sleeping, that the cockpit was not an appropriate place for sleeping, and suggested, very quitely and politely, that there was information available that she might find useful. How is that not respectful? And all he has gotten was threats as if Ro'Ka ran the place. Korath has done nothing to warrant that hostility. He is doing his job .

Times listened: 0

Times respected: 0

Times he tried commanding Ro'Ka to do something: 2

[Korath  kicks her chair to wake her up.

"I don't think so, I need you awake and aware in case of trouble. We also need to talk after we get into hyperspace. So stay awake."  ]

Rudely tries to force her to do what he says.

[Turning  to Ro’ka, Korath jostles her chair once more to wake her up. “Follow me,” he says, standing up. “We have much to discuss.”  ]

Once again , tries to force her to do something she clearly is not interested in.

[You  do realize that this ship has plenty of cabins with actual beds. Also, aren’t you curious why I was so ‘accommodating’ in allowing you passage? It’  s no accident that we met when we did.”   ]

After she had to tell to **** off, Korath condescends her actions and completely ignores her threat, pushing the issue.

I am sure in your head cannon Korath is a gentleman and scholar but to everyone else he comes off as an aggressive misogynistic jerk.

Just now, CathyKitten said:

Times listened: 0

Times respected: 0

Times he tried commanding Ro'Ka to do something: 2

Please go back and reread what Korath said in boith of those "supposed" commands. Also, go back and reread the first thing Ro'Ka did when she boarded the ship. She immediately "took over" and began treating Korath as if he were her personal Chauffeur even before they took off. To quote your post from Jun 11:


Ro'Ka smiled underneath her mask, "Funny droid you have there." She would casually walk to the bridge and find a seat near the navigation console. Resting her Blaster Cannon against the console, she connected the navimap she got from Zicktag. She lifted her feet and rested them ontop of the console leaning back in her chair before shouting out to Korath, "Take us out to orbit, Mr. Korath."

And again in Jun 14:


Ro'Ka mumbles quietly in her chair, "Mr. Korath, you have the con. Wake me when we get there." Her body goes limp as she loses conciousness. An empty vial falls from her hand and shatters against the floor of the bridge.

Now, ask me this, if you were the captain of a ship, and someone did that, how would you respond? Respect goes both ways. Ro'Ka has been hostile and disrespectful to Korath from the beginning , for no reason. She came on board his ship, acting as if she ran the place, and treating Korath like her personal servant. How would you respond to that? Under the circumstances, Korath's reactions were tame compared to what other ships' captains would have responded.

11 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

[Korath  kicks her chair to wake her up.

"I don't think so, I need you awake and aware in case of trouble. We also need to talk after we get into hyperspace. So stay awake."  ]

Rudely tries to force her to do what he says.

[Turning  to Ro’ka, Korath jostles her chair once more to wake her up. “Follow me,” he says, standing up. “We have much to discuss.”  ]

Once again , tries to force her to do something she clearly is not interested in.

[You  do realize that this ship has plenty of cabins with actual beds. Also, aren’t you curious why I was so ‘accommodating’ in allowing you passage? It’  s no accident that we met when we did.”   ]

After she had to tell to **** off, Korath condescends her actions and completely ignores her threat, pushing the issue.

I am sure in your head cannon Korath is a gentleman and scholar but to everyone else he comes off as an aggressive misogynistic jerk.

Yes, he kicked her chair. The cockpit is not the place for falling asleep. There are cabins for that. So yes he woke her up. She shouldn't have been sleeping there in the first place. Yes, he said he needed her awake in case of trouble , particularly if they came under attack. That's not an unreasonable a request, nor is wanting to go over the ship, nor a mission briefing. Nothing Korath did nor said was unreasonable. They're standard procedure , even in Star Wars. Everything he said, he gave specific reasons for. They were not disrespectful. They had a specific purpose and reason, and were perfectly reasonable requests. There is nothing disrespectful about them. And for the record, had it been a male character (or player), Korath would have done the same thing.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

@Tramp Graphics , let me be clear. If Korath starts escorting people of his ship because they disagree with him, I will ******* quit. As a gm, as a player, done. I am nearly at my limit for dealing with this ****, and honestly I thought I would have a longer tether, so that's disappointing for me. Trying to deal with this campaign is sapping my time for the other ones I'm running, and I'd already said if this **** devolves into nothing but arguing I'll simply leave. All of this stuff needs resolving now, and after this session, someone else is gm'ing, this is exhausting.

I would like players to stick together as splitting the part is usually a bad idea, but honestly at this stage I just want to get on with getting @Jonas Shaaf into play.

3 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , let me be clear. If Korath starts escorting people of his ship because they disagree with him, I will ******* quit. As a gm, as a player, done. I am nearly at my limit for dealing with this ****, and honestly I thought I would have a longer tether, so that's disappointing for me. Trying to deal with this campaign is sapping my time for the other ones I'm running, and I'd already said if this **** devolves into nothing but arguing I'll simply leave. All of this stuff needs resolving now, and after this session, someone else is gm'ing, this is exhausting.

I would like players to stick together as splitting the part is usually a bad idea, but honestly at this stage I just want to get on with getting @Jonas Shaaf into play.

I have no intention of doing so. And I agree, I want this resolved just as much as you do.

3 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Yes, he kicked her chair. The cockpit is not the place for falling asleep. There are cabins for that. So yes he woke her up. She shouldn't have been sleeping there in the first place. Yes, he said he needed her awake in case of trouble , particularly if they came under attack. That's not an unreasonable a request, nor is wanting to go over the ship, nor a mission briefing. Nothing Korath did nor said was unreasonable. They're standard procedure , even in Star Wars. Everything he said, he gave specific reasons for. They were not disrespectful. They had a specific purpose and reason, and were perfectly reasonable requests.

Are you trying to convince @CathyKitten to drop out of the game because to everyone else it seems like that's your objective and you're on the verge of succeeding, I've given you enough cues that this is about to blow up in your face so if/when it does you have no one to blame but yourself.

For the record @CathyKitten was roleplaying a slightly antisocial character (made sarcastic comments) but was initially polite out of character, your positions both in and out of character were antisocial, which makes in character antisocial behavior an extension of out of character antisocial behavior... that makes a huge difference and is part of why you are at fault. Bust mostly because YOU do not respect free agency and she does. That is the core issue here.

@Rabobankrider i am sorry if we upset you. We will move on, together.

@Tramp Graphics , i will not ask for an apology from you, but can we agree we both made major mistakes?

Edited by CathyKitten

It's ok, I just want to try and make a game people enjoy. I'm going to sort other posts tomorrow, I need to sleep.

12 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Are you trying to convince @CathyKitten to drop out of the game because to everyone else it seems like that's your objective and you're on the verge of succeeding, I've given you enough cues that this is about to blow up in your face so if/when it does you have no one to blame but yourself.

For the record @CathyKitten was roleplaying a slightly antisocial character (made sarcastic comments) but was initially polite out of character, your positions both in and out of character were antisocial, which makes in character antisocial behavior an extension of out of character antisocial behavior... that makes a huge difference and is part of why you are at fault. Bust mostly because YOU do not respect free agency and she does. That is the core issue here.

No, it isn’t. Yes, she was playing in character, as was I. I have no problem with her playing in character as an “antisocial” character, but that also means that she, as a player, shouldn’t be surprised when the characters she’s treating poorly react in ways her character might not like.

Just now, CathyKitten said:

@Rabobankrider i am sorry if we upset you. We will move on, together.

@Tramp Graphics , i will not ask for an apology from you, but can we agree we both made major mistakes?

Of course. I just want all of the players to get along, even if our characters don’t. It’s nothing personal.

2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Of  course. I just want all of the players to get along, even if  our characters don’t. It’s nothing personal.

Good I am glad you can own up to your mistakes as well.

27 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No, it isn’t .

You may not consider you not respecting free agency to be the core issue here, but for everyone here except you, it is the core issue.

3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , and as I said, in a non military environment, like a bunch of jedi, mercenaries etc bumming around space, that isn't the case. See my numerous quote when I've told you that star wars is not real life, and so the same rules do no apply. You need to stop attaching artivles that may make sense for a rpg set in a modern or realistic setting, they don't land 95% of the time in sci-fi settings like this. This isn't deadliest catch. Workboat is not one of FFG's splat books. As the gm, I am making a final ruling on the matter that is as follows:


This will be run as a democracy where there will be no need for a deciding vote due to there (at least for now) being 9 character. I hope this clears up where everyone stands in the party, If Korath asks someone to do something on the ship, that person may do it if they think it makes sense, they may also say no. You just have to accept that, it's a downside of playing with other people. I'd really like to get past this ****.

@Tramp Graphics , to quote myself, the chance to have the briefing has passed, and I'm not going to backtrack. As I said, you may say that Korath has studied on the way to the Manaan, but there was no briefing, but you can tell them useful info on the move. Please don't bring up the ******* briefing again, I'm getting tired of dealing with it.

I narrated you guys landing, and will be hand waving stuff like docking fees for now, because I want to actually get people into the game, and parking bureaucracy does not make for a good rpg opening session.

@Lotr_Nerd , currently I don't think any of yours are active. If you want your Jawa to be on Tatooine instead of a junk world, we could get him into play now, as he could join @player3333902 's character.

Now I'm going to sort the ic post. Because this stupid ship debate has taken up so much ******* space I may have missed some peoples posts regarding requests for rolls etc. If I have missed them, let me know.

I am fine with starting on Tatooine, as long as he is not with other Jawas if that works.?