Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

34 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

Np @Rabobankrider , still got 100 xp can invest in smth

Also, add all of the gear that comes with the Jedi Utility Belt to your sheet.

3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

if this campaign is taking place between episode 7 and 8,

Speaking only as an outside observer....

There’s not much time in that particular gap.

3 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

Speaking only as an outside observer....

There’s not much time in that particular gap.

Exactly, thus, the events of TLJ are ongoing concurrent with the events in the campaign.

Man luke shoulda called Drez'n and the crew than!

See, the reason I think that we should start before episode 7 is because if we start after episode 7, it only gives a few days of ic game play. If you're happy to diverge from whatever happens in episode 9 it's not a real problem, but if you want to stick to canon, chances are the first order will be beaten by the last film, so doesn't leave us a lot of places to go.

1 minute ago, Rabobankrider said:

See, the reason I think that we should start before episode 7 is because if we start after episode 7, it only gives a few days of ic game play. If you're happy to diverge from whatever happens in episode 9 it's not a real problem, but if you want to stick to canon, chances are the first order will be beaten by the last film, so doesn't leave us a lot of places to go.

my opinion F cannonisity

I'm a legends man anyways

22 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

See, the reason I think that we should start before episode 7 is because if we start after episode 7, it only gives a few days of ic game play. If you're happy to diverge from whatever happens in episode 9 it's not a real problem, but if you want to stick to canon, chances are the first order will be beaten by the last film, so doesn't leave us a lot of places to go.

From everything I've heard so far, there will likely be a relatively large gap of time between TLJ and Episode IX, and books like the Poe Dameron comics seem to be providing some good information on the events following TLJ, so the “danger” of deviating from canon shouldn’t be a problem. For the most part, our characters should have only minimal contact with any of the movie characters, and even then, not until after the events of TLJ have fully transpired.

For the most part, we should only get bits and pieces of “news” or rumors regarding the battle of Crait, and Luke’s miraculous feats.

Also, it is because of what was originally revealed in TFA that having the campaign take place after that movie is really the best option, since as far as the rest of the galaxy knew, all of the Jedi were gone besides Luke. Thus, it is only after that movie, and TLJ, that new Jedi can really start coming back into the picture.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

@CathyKitten , your IC post is a little premature. Korath has knowledge skill checks left unresolved, and there are briefings to be gone through on the information he learns.

Also remember Korath is the captain of this ship. Please grant him the respect that entails. As long as Ro’Ka is on board his ship, he has full authority. This is true of any ship. The Captain has full authority of his or her ship and everything that happens upon it. Ro’Ka should know this already.

Also, as Korath himself said, he took Ro’Ka along for his own purposes, not as part of his “deal” with Zicktag.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
17 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@CathyKitten , your IC post is a little premature. Korath has knowledge skill checks left unresolved, and there are briefings to be gone through on the information he learns.

Also remember Korath is the captain of this ship. Please grant him the respect that entails. As Korath himself said, he took you along for his own purposes, not as part of his “deal” with Zicktag.

Ill edit my post to reflect this.

Just now, CathyKitten said:

Ill edit my post to reflect this.

Your best bet is to wait until after @Rabobankrider posts.

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Also  remember   Korath is the captain of this ship.    Please  grant him the respect that entails. As long as Ro’Ka is on board his ship, he has full authority. This is true of any ship. The Captain has full authority of his or her  ship and everything that happens upon it.  

Can you give a break down of all of the rules anyone who is forced aboard the single ship in this campaign has to follow?

I am a little confused on what "full authority" will actually mean for all of the other players?

Edit: Ro'Ka just left the ship. I assume she is no longer under your authority or does this extend to everyone, all the time?

Edited by CathyKitten
6 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I still need to take time during the trip for research and briefings to prepare everyone for the mission. The library and databanks on board should have a lot of information and lore on Manaan, that should make the mission a lot easier, and properly briefing everyone on that information will also remove up to one setback from all checks we all make. Korath's Holocron (made by his original Master) may also have more recent lore on it, possibly including potential clues to the "brotherhood" which Jonas belonged to. I just need the difficulties for Knowledge Lore checks. and then to get everyone to meet in the library/briefing room to impart whatever I learn. It doesn't have to be role-played out, but it does need to at least be narrated.

@CathyKitten has made her position very very clear, when a woman says "no" it means "no and stop asking" so as long as the narration involves Ro'Ka being asleep in the cockpit of the jedi star while you're having the meeting with Avalon, you should be ok.

Please read what comes next as honest assessment/advice not inflammatory argumentationn

Since I haven't seen @CathyKitten post in this thread since @Rabobankrider retconned her shooting Korath I'm wondering if she decided to drop out of the game, and if she hasn't already and you push her on this, I'm expecting she probably WILL decide that having a master level character isn't worth the frustration of putting up with you and will quit the game. So the question you have to ask yourself is insisting on a mission briefing (for a mission that Korath technically isn't part of, he's just transportation) worth the almost certainty of her dropping out and there not being a mission at all and the collective us having to explain the absence of her two characters?

Personally if I was the GM instead of @Rabobankrider , my retcon of the fiasco would have been that the hand canon was set on stun and that Korath woke up on the cockpit floor due to the auto pilot beeping that it was about to drop out of hyperspace, having a throbbing head ache and realizing that there was a note stapled to his forehead that, after he removed it from his forehead reads, "the next time I shoot you it won't be set to stun".

Edit: I started writing this before I put my son down to bed and @CathyKitten posted in the meantime

Edited by EliasWindrider
3 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@CathyKitten , your IC post is a little premature. Korath has knowledge skill checks left unresolved, and there are briefings to be gone through on the information he learns.

Also remember Korath is the captain of this ship. Please grant him the respect that entails. As long as Ro’Ka is on board his ship, he has full authority. This is true of any ship. The Captain has full authority of his or her ship and everything that happens upon it. Ro’Ka should know this already.

Also, as Korath himself said, he took Ro’Ka along for his own purposes, not as part of his “deal” with Zicktag.

And this is why I said at the beginning of two failed campaigns back that the campaign should not happen on board the jedi star, no player should be able to pull rank over the others.

@Rabobankrider please intervene.

@Tramp Graphics han did not get a lot of respect from Luke and Leia while aboard the millennium falcon in the original trilogy. At this point Korath is at best a glorified Chauffer/taxi driver to Ro'Ka, there is no captain military rank in play here this is a civilian situation here.

Edited by EliasWindrider

@player3333902 @CathyKitten and anyone else with a character starting on Dantooine... so how do you want this to go down?

I'm thinking Akua and the Windriders will meet for dinner, Elias will fill Akua in on his premonition, Chemdat will be rude insulting intimidating to someone who he thinks is listening and will try and show off his (training) lightsaber but I think that this would be a good time for the saber to not be there because teetoe had just bumped into/brush-passed him and swiped the saber, Chemdat realizes what happened, turns, locks eyes with Teetoe points and yells "thief", Teetoe bolts Chemdat starts to chase him, but Elias stops chemdat and whispers to him "you just found our ride, we can catch up with him later, I gave you the katharcite crystal out of my old training saber... I'll be able to find it later without all this attention, and given that you were about to pull your saber, you shouldn't have it for a while." And they go back to eating with chemdat scowling "what are you looking at" to some NPC who glances his way... Chemdat is an aggressive jerk that's the character not me, I want to collaboratively tell a story about chemdat being a jerk (who continuously pesters Korath ? and "draws fire" away from the other apprentice character) so before I post chemdat's in character aggressive/jerkish verbiage directed at any character other than Korath I want to run that dialogue by the player of said character, if you want to draft chemdat's jerkish dialogue directed at your own character that would be even more appreciated , that said @CathyKitten presuming you're ok with Teetoe swiping chemdat's training saber what do you want chemdat to say to Teetoe when Akua, Elias and Chemdat catch up with Teetoe? Would you like that 2nd meeting be a rescue from storm troopers, quick run for a ship we see a ship captain get gun downed by storm troopers? Maybe you already stole the captain's keys he corners you in an alley, you activate the saber, stormtroopers round the corner gun down the ship captain after he turns to look at them while holding a blaster pistol, they see you with a saber and are about to shoot you when Akua Elias and Chemdat show up for a rescue? I'm just throwing out stream of consciousness ideas here, we don't have to use any of them, it is collaborative storytelling with emphasis on COLLABORATIVE .

Edited by EliasWindrider
5 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Talk to Oruk's Holocron: Lore: Brotherhood/Jonas:

Knowledge Lore : 2eA+1eP+5eD 1 success, 1 threat
a-s.png a-a.png p-s-a.png d-th.png d--.png d--.png d-f-th.png d-th.png

I'm basically asking for anything he might know that might potentially lead me to any potential Jedi hiding on Manaan.

I'll leave it up the the GM what Korath finds out, but my thought is this:

There are stories of a small group (a dozen or less) of Jedi Watchmen who refused to fight in the Clone Wars. These Watchmen called themselves the "Brotherhood." After the clone army was discovered on Kamino, the Brotherhood defied the Jedi Council's order to fight in the Clone Wars and disappeared. They were presumed hunted down and killed after Order 66, but the rumors say that they stashed equipment for the future at scattered locations throughout the galaxy.

Edited by Jonas Shaaf

@Rabobankrider i don't know how descriptive you get with combats so feel free to use or not what comes next... a dragite gem (the crystal in Elias' saber) results in an unusually loud lightsaber, I imagine it's distinctive hum would sound a little like low rolling thunder, with a somewhat louder "crack" whenever the saber strikes something, and it's a good deal louder whenever he activates concussive. The blade is white, so the combined effect, especially when parrying or parried by another saber is like a "thunder and light-ning-saber."

5 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Also, add all of the gear that comes with the Jedi Utility Belt to your sheet.

Ok, is it in the fad core rulebook?

3 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

@player3333902 @CathyKitten and anyone else with a character starting on Dantooine... so how do you want this to go down?

I'm thinking Akua and the Windriders will meet for dinner, Elias will fill Akua in on his premonition, Chemdat will be rude insulting intimidating to someone who he thinks is listening and will try and show off his (training) lightsaber but I think that this would be a good time for the saber to not be there because teetoe had just bumped into/brush-passed him and swiped the saber, Chemdat realizes what happened, turns, locks eyes with Teetoe points and yells "thief", Teetoe bolts Chemdat starts to chase him, but Elias stops chemdat and whispers to him "you just found our ride, we can catch up with him later, I gave you the katharcite crystal out of my old training saber... I'll be able to find it later without all this attention, and given that you were about to pull your saber, you shouldn't have it for a while." And they go back to eating with chemdat scowling "what are you looking at" to some NPC who glances his way... Chemdat is an aggressive jerk that's the character not me, I want to collaboratively tell a story about chemdat being a jerk (who continuously pesters Korath ? and "draws fire" away from the other apprentice character) so before I post chemdat's in character aggressive/jerkish verbiage directed at any character other than Korath I want to run that dialogue by the player of said character, if you want to draft chemdat's jerkish dialogue directed at your own character that would be even more appreciated , that said @CathyKitten presuming you're ok with Teetoe swiping chemdat's training saber what do you want chemdat to say to Teetoe when Akua, Elias and Chemdat catch up with Teetoe? Would you like that 2nd meeting be a rescue from storm troopers, quick run for a ship we see a ship captain get gun downed by storm troopers? Maybe you already stole the captain's keys he corners you in an alley, you activate the saber, stormtroopers round the corner gun down the ship captain after he turns to look at them while holding a blaster pistol, they see you with a saber and are about to shoot you when Akua Elias and Chemdat show up for a rescue? I'm just throwing out stream of consciousness ideas here, we don't have to use any of them, it is collaborative storytelling with emphasis on COLLABORATIVE .

Sure! Sounds great! :)

3 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Rabobankrider i don't know how descriptive you get with combats so feel free to use or not what comes next... a dragite gem (the crystal in Elias' saber) results in an unusually loud lightsaber, I imagine it's distinctive hum would sound a little like low rolling thunder, with a somewhat louder "crack" whenever the saber strikes something, and it's a good deal louder whenever he activates concussive. The blade is white, so the combined effect, especially when parrying or parried by another saber is like a "thunder and light-ning-saber."

My lightsaber has a dragite gem too. Its blade is a whitish blue, can be considered cyan(an eg would be the cyan lightsaber blade cokour from saberforge). For the soumd it makes, it sort of makes a whitle sound. When it hits something, a loud crack sound occurs but instead of like a lightning strike, more like the crack of a whip.

3 dragite gems eh?

@Tramp Graphics , you may well be the captain (or owner) of this current ship, but without a crew willing to learn the jedi way etc, Korath will have effectively failed his mission. If he drives people off he will end up running out of force users, or the First Order will find him and he'll have to fight them alone, which he can only do for so long. Perhaps in the army or in the 1700's a captain had full authority over the crew of a ship, but in this game, Korath is not a military officer, and Ro'Ka is not a soldier. If anything, Ro'Ka probably has more military experience thanks to her work as essentially a one woman army. Now I know I asked @CathyKitten to retcon shooting Korath in the face, and she very kindly agreed to, but I will not ask her to do so a second time. Actions have consequences, and if that consequence is getting shot in the face, so be it. I also guarantee that Ro'Ka is not the only character that isn't going to put up with **** from Korath. Reesh is a proud individual, and if he's treated badly he will respond badly, probably violently. The opportunity to hold a briefing (for the mission you do not know about) has passed now. It's gone, you'll have to adapt and carry on. You can still have studied the info you wanted during your trip, and if you want to tell the other two players while on the move, there's nothing wrong with that (it will probably be quite handy), but right now, Ro'Ka is the closest thing to a leader on this mission, as she's the one who knows what's happening. To find @Jonas Shaaf , you are going to have to follow her lead, or not find Jonas.

@Tramp Graphics , you need to understand that when Korath begun collecting masters to help him teach new padawans, effectively stopped being in charge. Throughout this first session (assuming it survives), he will find masters with greater experience, combat ability, skills and even knowledge in the force than him. Each master brings a specific set of skills, and will be the best in their own field, but none are so good that they can be elevated to a clear leadership role. If anything, Akua is probably best served to be leader thanks to investing ranks in leadership higher than the rest of us. Korath does not have complete authority over anyone other than his padawan, and even then it's not total authority because different teachers will be teaching padawans here and there. You need to work together with the others, not have them work for you. This isn't SWTOR or KOTOR, you're not the main character, and we aren't the interchangeable crew members, all characters are equal and have equal authority. I'm afraid at this point this is non negotiable. Accept it and move one, I WILL NOT debate this point. I want this to be the end of this now. No one is beholden to the other, no one is in charge, we all work together or not at all.

Also I still think that all masters should either reduce their xp to 1500, or raise their xp to match whoever has the highest as I said in my previous post. Also as most people seem to be pro legends (or at least not anti legends), I will be using sources from there. @Tramp Graphics , if you're set on having this game take place in the few days between episode 7 and 8 (which we'd already nearly be at the end of because of travel time), then you're going to have to be ok with this campaign not correlating and possibly messing with the canon of episode 9. I'm ok with that, but if you want this whole thing to run in line with canon, it's going to really hamper what we can do.

Back to game play stuff, @CathyKitten , please do an average streetwise check, and then I'll sort an ic post for what you see as well as your hunt for submersibles (the check is separate to the search).

For Dantooine I was thinking @Stormbourne 's master may be able to meet my padawan using the set up in my last ic, and then the two groups on Dantooine will be able to find each other as events occur (which I won't spoil by talking about in the ooc).

@Tramp Graphics in terms of info you've gathered, the brotherhood info is as @Jonas Shaaf describes it. You know have a pretty comprehensive map of the city you landed on, and will be able to find your way around the place with ease, but the setback is a few alleys here and there aren't present due to recent construction. In terms of ancient ruins you know that the bottom of the ocean is home to a large number of these, some jedi, some from other cultures and that there's a few directly below the city, the setback is you don't have their locations pinpointed, and you don't know which ones are where, so it's a bit of a gamble.

I'll sort the ic post for both planets today when I have more time.

1 hour ago, TheShard said:

3 dragite gems eh?

I might just change it to another gem if I find one more suitable

7 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

@player3333902 @CathyKitten and anyone else with a character starting on Dantooine... so how do you want this to go down?

I'm thinking Akua and the Windriders will meet for dinner, Elias will fill Akua in on his premonition, Chemdat will be rude insulting intimidating to someone who he thinks is listening and will try and show off his (training) lightsaber but I think that this would be a good time for the saber to not be there because teetoe had just bumped into/brush-passed him and swiped the saber, Chemdat realizes what happened, turns, locks eyes with Teetoe points and yells "thief", Teetoe bolts Chemdat starts to chase him, but Elias stops chemdat and whispers to him "you just found our ride, we can catch up with him later, I gave you the katharcite crystal out of my old training saber... I'll be able to find it later without all this attention, and given that you were about to pull your saber, you shouldn't have it for a while." And they go back to eating with chemdat scowling "what are you looking at" to some NPC who glances his way... Chemdat is an aggressive jerk that's the character not me, I want to collaboratively tell a story about chemdat being a jerk (who continuously pesters Korath ? and "draws fire" away from the other apprentice character) so before I post chemdat's in character aggressive/jerkish verbiage directed at any character other than Korath I want to run that dialogue by the player of said character, if you want to draft chemdat's jerkish dialogue directed at your own character that would be even more appreciated , that said @CathyKitten presuming you're ok with Teetoe swiping chemdat's training saber what do you want chemdat to say to Teetoe when Akua, Elias and Chemdat catch up with Teetoe? Would you like that 2nd meeting be a rescue from storm troopers, quick run for a ship we see a ship captain get gun downed by storm troopers? Maybe you already stole the captain's keys he corners you in an alley, you activate the saber, stormtroopers round the corner gun down the ship captain after he turns to look at them while holding a blaster pistol, they see you with a saber and are about to shoot you when Akua Elias and Chemdat show up for a rescue? I'm just throwing out stream of consciousness ideas here, we don't have to use any of them, it is collaborative storytelling with emphasis on COLLABORATIVE .

is excal'ur and teetoe still on dantooine?

6 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

please  do an average streetwise check, and then I'll sort an ic post for what you see as well as your hunt for  submersibles (the check is separate to the search   )  . 

Streetwise : 2eD+1eP+1eA 0 successes, 1 threat
d-f-th.png d-th.png p-s-a.png a--.png

Flipped destiny (whats the count again), but didnt seem to help much.

On 6/27/2018 at 1:02 PM, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , fair enough, the reason I hadn't based their knowledge on Elias is because I didn't know what kind of info was disclosed with his background in your previous game. If you're cool with him being the link that works fine for me.

Also those points should be fine for the premonition stuff yeah.

@player3333902 , I think that may be a bit much as most people are at 1500. On that note, I think we should actually have the masters match their xp to try and reduce the chance of sidekick characters (no one wants to be Robin).

@TheShard , that sounds ok if @Lotr_Nerd is alright with it yeah, I'll get your premonition stuff up for you when I have a chance to do the ic post. I'll also say in the case of your backstory you were simpyl ID'd as a member of Luke's academy, but the suspicions about you hiding would probably be the same, minus their knowing of you being an unofficial green knight.

@Stormbourne , @Tramp Graphics and @CathyKitten , you guys are still up for the Manaan post when you're ready.

On a separate thought I had the other day, if this campaign is taking place between episode 7 and 8, when they release episode 9 that could mess with the plot line if people are concerned about canon and all that. I'd recommend in that case the game is set a bit before episode 7 to give some more play time in that universe. I'd also say that we should include legends stuff when we want, because there's a lot of cool stuff that may make for a good session (kotor inspiration etc).

I am down with that also which character of mine are in play?