Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

11 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Precisely. About the only type of foodstuffs that would have survived that long would be dry granulated sugar or honey , neither of which spoil or rot.

smoked and salted can usually survive that long with refrigeration (snowed in building would most likely be cold enough), and cans can absolutely keep for that long unless the seal is broken

They can, but in this case the food did not survive the ravages of time.

27 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

They can, but in this case the food did not survive the ravages of time.


12 hours ago, player3333902 said:

Lol I hope I’m right. I never really thought about this kinda stuff bfr XDDD like being a smuggler and thinking abt wat to do wif a fo ship lol.

Seems reasonable enough.

@Jonas Shaaf , I think an average lore with a setback (little things like password clues are easily forgotten) would help you remember what kind of password your old friend may use. I am however going to flip a dp because they're all dark currently.

@TheShard , as you did not know the guy, the check for you would have an extra setback to it. You can roll that separate and add it to the total roll if you want.

I will sort the ic stuff en mass after to save time.

Also @EliasWindrider there is a conflict point for Elias for leaning on combat to try and get rid of the ship, not a very jedi thing etc etc.

Also @Jonas Shaaf I keep forgetting to ask, is Arvel in uniform?

Computers : 1eS 0 successes, 1 threat

Ok, still a success (as expected to be fair), with 2 advantage I'd say that despite this computer being battered and something like 60 years old, the important files are still working. The password would have been the jedi code (may be obvious with hindsight but not many people know it outside of the order). You can narrate that as you want.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Also @Jonas Shaaf I keep forgetting     to ask, is Arvel in uniform? 

No. But he totally has an officer haircut. And a Republic Army duffel bag.

4 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@TheShard , as you did not know the guy, the check for you would have an extra setback to it. You can roll that separate and add it to the total roll if you want.

I will sort the ic stuff en mass after to save time.

Also @EliasWindrider there is a conflict point for Elias for leaning on combat to try and get rid of the ship, not a very jedi thing etc etc.

Also @Jonas Shaaf I keep forgetting to ask, is Arvel in uniform?

For saying "it's not my wish to fight you but if that is your wish I will oblige you?"

In case you wanted to know my/Elias' thought process behind that post (and a lot went into the choice of the few words)

Elias putting a larger wager on the outcomes of him verse the captain and his entire crew was intended to put a monetary value on Elias' confidence to deal with him in a non lethal way after he twice responded to diplomacy with (escalating) aggression. Because regular diplomacy wasn't working, Elias was hoping that "speaking the language of money" would be something that got through to the angry smuggler/business man. That Elias' confidence (as in no I don't have a death wish) and the smuggler's risk of monetary loss, would get him to de-escelate. Of course Elias had to get the captain to think that without realizing Elias was trying to get him to think that, because if he thought that Eliaswas trying to get him to think that he might think that Elias was bluffing. But even if the captain escalated again instead of de-escalating, no one directly involved was going to get seriously hurt/dead, because unarmed parry plus 6 ranks of parry plus 18 strain on top of a pretty good defense pool makes Elias nearly invulnerable against them and precision strike means Elias can take them down without risking serious injury to them. The no weapons so I don't have to use lethal force statement was mostly "for show"... because of precision strike, whether or not they use weapons doesn't increase the risk of them getting dead/seriously injured, but getting them to not use weapons would prevent innocent bystanders, including the other PCs and anyone who happened to be walking by. And letting them know Elias could beat them without killing them, made it non threatening. I went with the complicated/nuanced logic above because I figured that if he used coercion/threats to get the captain to back down it would earn conflict.

Since regular diplomacy failed twice, and placing a large wager in a non threatening way to get him to de-escelate earned conflict, I have to ask if there was any course of action that would have gotten him to de-escelate without earning conflict?

@EliasWindrider , the conflict is not for his phrasing, but for his intended actions to fight when there is alternatives (walking away, letting someone else take over the talking etc). Non-lethal violence is still violence.

You've walked into a smugglers bar, declared you're selling a clearly suspicious in a rather unsubtle manner, and then there's the fact that his daughter has taken a liking to one of the crew (the captain is very protective), and he's currently trying to leave the planet, not make business bigger. Then it's been insinuated that he won't buy it because he can't or is scared (at least that's the way he's taken it). After that instead of trying some other option you've jumped straight to violence. My ruling on conflict stands. There is options to get out of this without violence.

Kill them. Kill them all.

7 hours ago, SithArissa said:

Kill them. Kill them all.

it isn't right

do it



*weird sound effect*

@Rabobankrider , what's the skill check and difficulty to search for any Jedi Artifacts (or the vault that they may be in)?

@Tramp Graphics , it would be an average perception with 2 setback.

On 1/27/2019 at 6:37 PM, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , it would be an average perception with 2 setback.

Perception : 2eP+1eB+2eD+2eS 0 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
p-s-a.png p-tr.png b-a.png d-f-th.png d-f-th.png s-th.png s-th.png

Well, that’s an “interesting” roll. Let’s see what we can do with it.

I didn’t find anything. However, with the Triumph, I notice some details that can be useful (granting a Boost on future checks interacting with said element) later. Have fun with that Threat.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

For the threat I think it'll just be that maybe the darkness or the dark side residue of the attack is getting to Korath a bit, so I think it'll be a black dice on his next check due to the distraction. For the triumph I'd say spotting something handy is fine, unfortunately there's not much to really see in this place beyond what you've found already, I'll sort that in the ic.

@SithArissa , I'm adding Reesh and Arissa back into things (yaaaay)!

@EliasWindrider , @Jonas Shaaf , @Stormbourne , @player3333902 , it's up to you guys how you want to proceed on Gorse currently. The chances of finding another person to sell the shuttle to are low, so you may want to try and mend bridges or cut your losses.

@EliasWindrider , you need a reason for your new padawan to join the group here while removing Chemdat.

On 1/30/2019 at 3:03 PM, Rabobankrider said:

For the threat I think it'll just be that maybe the darkness or the dark side residue of the attack is getting to Korath a bit, so I think it'll be a black dice on his next check due to the distraction. For the triumph I'd say spotting something handy is fine, unfortunately there's not much to really see in this place beyond what you've found already, I'll sort that in the ic.

@SithArissa , I'm adding Reesh and Arissa back into things (yaaaay)!

@EliasWindrider , @Jonas Shaaf , @Stormbourne , @player3333902 , it's up to you guys how you want to proceed on Gorse currently. The chances of finding another person to sell the shuttle to are low, so you may want to try and mend bridges or cut your losses.

@EliasWindrider , you need a reason for your new padawan to join the group here while removing Chemdat.

Yeah I was thinking that too but you had pops pulled the pops card and yanked her away, I was wondering what your plan was for that. I had her leave a note and was wondering what you think it should say to get things back on track because I don't want it to run counter to your plans because we apparently weren't on the same page for the last encounter and it didn't turn out well.

Edited by EliasWindrider
On 1/30/2019 at 3:03 PM, Rabobankrider said:

For the threat I think it'll just be that maybe the darkness or the dark side residue of the attack is getting to Korath a bit, so I think it'll be a black dice on his next check due to the distraction. For the triumph I'd say spotting something handy is fine, unfortunately there's not much to really see in this place beyond what you've found already, I'll sort that in the ic.

@SithArissa , I'm adding Reesh and Arissa back into things (yaaaay)!

@EliasWindrider , @Jonas Shaaf , @Stormbourne , @player3333902 , it's up to you guys how you want to proceed on Gorse currently. The chances of finding another person to sell the shuttle to are low, so you may want to try and mend bridges or cut your losses. 

@EliasWindrider , you need a reason for your new padawan to join the group here while removing Chemdat.

Arvel would vote for abandoning the shuttle if since have another way off world...

On 1/30/2019 at 11:03 PM, Rabobankrider said:

For the threat I think it'll just be that maybe the darkness or the dark side residue of the attack is getting to Korath a bit, so I think it'll be a black dice on his next check due to the distraction. For the triumph I'd say spotting something handy is fine, unfortunately there's not much to really see in this place beyond what you've found already, I'll sort that in the ic.

@SithArissa , I'm adding Reesh and Arissa back into things (yaaaay)!

@EliasWindrider , @Jonas Shaaf , @Stormbourne , @player3333902 , it's up to you guys how you want to proceed on Gorse currently. The chances of finding another person to sell the shuttle to are low, so you may want to try and mend bridges or cut your losses.

@EliasWindrider , you need a reason for your new padawan to join the group here while removing Chemdat.

Excal'ur doesn't care as long as we don't keep it


If the plan is still to swap out Chemdat for Aris, maybe Chemdat could fly off into the sunset with the shuttle after getting the name/location of a buyer off world, not sure how that gets Aris into the picture.

Maybe pops says to someone he owes protection money to that Elias robbed him/forced him to pay it to him as protection money, and they come looking to collect from Elias (with a blaster pointed at Aris' head) to keep him from muscling in on their territory, after a non lethal brawl that Elias can't talk down and doesn't initiate, pops is not pissed at our group because we saved Aris plus from here on out pops doesn't have to pay protection money when doing business on gorse? Or because a lot more people are after him he wants someone who can keep Aris safe to get her offworld. Or we give the people pops' owes the shuttle to settle his debt. And he owes us, and wants us to get Aris offworld safely, and he'll find us later to repay us (or at least that's what he says)

Just spitballing ideas here.

Edited by EliasWindrider
4 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:


If the plan is still to swap out Chemdat for Aris, maybe Chemdat could fly off into the sunset with the shuttle after getting the name/location of a buyer off world, not sure how that gets Aris into the picture.

Maybe pops says to someone he owes protection money to that Elias robbed him/forced him to pay it to him as protection money, and they come looking to collect from Elias (with a blaster pointed at Aris' head) to keep him from muscling in on their territory, after a non lethal brawl that Elias can't talk down and doesn't initiate, pops is not pissed at our group because we saved Aris plus from here on out pops doesn't have to pay protection money when doing business on gorse? Or because a lot more people are after him he wants someone who can keep Aris safe to get her offworld. Or we give the people pops' owes the shuttle to settle his debt. And he owes us, and wants us to get Aris offworld safely, and he'll find us later to repay us (or at least that's what he says)

Just spitballing ideas here.

chem over hears a bounty hunter (aris) is coming after flees and elias keeps her off his trail

5 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

chem over hears a bounty hunter (aris) is coming after flees and elias keeps her off his trail

Aris isn't a bounty hunter and Chemdat doesn't have any enemies/rivals off of Ossus. And he'd have limited understanding of bounty hunters.

@Rabobankrider , what’s the skulduggery difficulty to find and/activate the mechanism to open this compartment?

@Tramp Graphics , it is a daunting skulduggery, it's not going to be easy to identify a way into this.