Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Inner rim : 5eA+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 4 advantage
a-s-a.png a-s-a.png a-a.png a-s-a.png a-a.png b-s-a.png d-th-th.png d-f.png

47 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Inner rim : 5eA+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 4 advantage
a-s-a.png a-s-a.png a-a.png a-s-a.png a-a.png b-s-a.png d-th-th.png d-f.png


It helps to tag the person you want to see it.

@TheShard , you'd suspect that it'll be risky to take the ship. The ice on the glaciers may look secure from the sky, but you know any field like that is likely to be riddled with hollow spots that could drop the ship into a chasm. With the advantage, I'd say you have a suspicion about where this hidden jedi may be. You remember on your way down a large crack in the side of one of the glaciers, very deep and hidden well from the air. You didn't think much about it at the time, but now, it'd make a great hiding place.

@Rabobankrider before we leave Gorse Elias will want to spend 300 credits to buy materials to make reinforced clothing (so enough for 12 sets).

So question for all players, what do you all think we should do with the first order shuttle? It's a valuable resource that happpens to attract attention that we do NOT want. I'd recommend selling it to either the Resistance who we have no means (outside the force) of contacting or to a smuggling operation, Tino might have contacts higher up the black sun chain that would be willing to buy it but that would tell his bosses he's working with us and when he goes awal in their ship they'd hunt us. Of course we could trade the first order shuttle to the black sun to get tino and his ship free and clear (120K for the kst-100 and 140K for the lambda, the extra 20K of value would buy out Tino's contract allowing him to become a freelance agent for black sun instead of an employee)

If no one has objections Elias will ask Tino about whether his bosses would like to acquire a stolen first order shuttle.

@Rabobankrider getting tino and his ship (mostly anyway) free from black sun obligations seems like away to not dump a large number of credits on us but gives a benefit for the shuttle.

Otherwise, Elias could use seek to find a Resistance contact or black marketeer on Gorse, assuming half value that would be 70K credits.

Seek for Resistance contact on gorse other than Akua : 4eF 4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png f-ls.png f-ds-ds.png

So what are people's thoughts?

Get rid of it.

2 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Get rid of it.

But what do you recommend we try to get in exchange for it? Who do you recommend we sell/give/loan/etc. it to?

1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

But what do you recommend we try to get in exchange for it? Who do you recommend we sell/give/loan/etc. it to?

Whoever wants it. Push come to shove, I’d potentially scuttle it and be done with it if necessary. It’s too hot.

23 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Whoever wants it. Push come to shove, I’d potentially scuttle it and be done with it if necessary. It’s too hot.

You're just wasteful. It's a resource we paid conflict to get. I'd like something of similar value in exchange.

In terms of how much conflict, Elias paid 10 and the others paid i think 2 each. That's a pretty hefty price for a ship.

Edited by EliasWindrider
21 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

You're just wasteful. It's a resource we paid conflict to get. I'd like something of similar value in exchange.

In terms of how much conflict, Elias paid 10 and the others paid i think 2 each. That's a pretty hefty price for a ship.

ppft I got 10 conflict for extra damage on an invincible undead creature. Ain't nothin.

3 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

ppft I got 10 conflict for extra damage on an invincible undead creature. Ain't nothin.

Arissa is trying to be darkside, getting conflict is a plus for her. Elias is trying to be lightside. That's the difference.

18 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Arissa is trying to be darkside, getting conflict is a plus for her. Elias is trying to be lightside. That's the difference.

Arissa also has a sense of humour.........

4 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Arissa also has a sense of humour.........

I got the humor in the phrasing, I wasn't clear on whether you were being serious or the whole post was a joke. When I refer to Elias in the third person I mean the character, when I say I I mean the forum member with the screen name Elias Windrider. You seem to not be making that distinction and using gand speak humor

Hey guys sorry about dropping off the face of the earth but work picked up heavier than its been in the past for me for that time of year plus the usual chaos of the holidays had me swamped but I am back now, if you guys still want me to play that is.

6 hours ago, Lotr_Nerd said:

Hey guys sorry about dropping off the face of the earth but work picked up heavier than its been in the past for me for that time of year plus the usual chaos of the holidays had me swamped but I am back now, if you guys still want me to play that is.

I'd still like you to play

6 hours ago, Lotr_Nerd said:

Hey guys sorry about dropping off the face of the earth but work picked up heavier than its been in the past for me for that time of year plus the usual chaos of the holidays had me swamped but I am back now, if you guys still want me to play that is.

come join us for tea said the hatter while sitting with a rabbit at the long table

23 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Rabobankrider before we leave Gorse Elias will want to spend 300 credits to buy materials to make reinforced clothing (so enough for 12 sets).

So question for all players, what do you all think we should do with the first order shuttle? It's a valuable resource that happpens to attract attention that we do NOT want. I'd recommend selling it to either the Resistance who we have no means (outside the force) of contacting or to a smuggling operation, Tino might have contacts higher up the black sun chain that would be willing to buy it but that would tell his bosses he's working with us and when he goes awal in their ship they'd hunt us. Of course we could trade the first order shuttle to the black sun to get tino and his ship free and clear (120K for the kst-100 and 140K for the lambda, the extra 20K of value would buy out Tino's contract allowing him to become a freelance agent for black sun instead of an employee)

If no one has objections Elias will ask Tino about whether his bosses would like to acquire a stolen first order shuttle.

@Rabobankrider getting tino and his ship (mostly anyway) free from black sun obligations seems like away to not dump a large number of credits on us but gives a benefit for the shuttle.

Otherwise, Elias could use seek to find a Resistance contact or black marketeer on Gorse, assuming half value that would be 70K credits.

Seek for Resistance contact on gorse other than Akua : 4eF 4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png f-ls.png f-ds-ds.png

So what are people's thoughts?

@Jonas Shaaf



Are you all okay with us giving the shuttle to black sun in exchange for getting tino and his ship free and clear of black sun? If not completely clear then moved from an employee to a freelancer? The black sun would certainly have a smuggling use for a first order shuttle.

2 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Jonas Shaaf



Are you all okay with us giving the shuttle to black sun in exchange for getting tino and his ship free and clear of black sun? If not completely clear then moved from an employee to a freelancer? The black sun would certainly have a smuggling use for a first order shuttle.


Just now, Stormbourne said:


What would you WANT to do with the shuttle?

4 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

What would you WANT to do with the shuttle?

idk pimp it up and pick up chicks

3 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

idk pimp it up and pick up chicks

I'm *guessing* you're joking, but in case you're not... is that something Excal'ur would do?

8 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm *guessing* you're joking, but in case you're not... is that something Excal'ur would do?

yes sarcasm is hard to convey outside of vocal communication

5 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Jonas Shaaf



Are you all okay with us giving the shuttle to black sun in exchange for getting tino and his ship free and clear of black sun? If not completely clear then moved from an employee to a freelancer? The black sun would certainly have a smuggling use for a first order shuttle.

Arvel would not be OK with getting involved with organized crime in any form, especially Black Sun.

13 hours ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Arvel would not be OK with getting involved with organized crime in any form, especially Black Sun.

I know that means Arvel would not be ok with Tino becoming only a freelancer for black sun. But Tino already is a black sun employee, and simply accepting tino into the group gets us involved with black sun, because you normally never get out of that life. So would Arvel tolerate the group buying Tino's freedom from black sun with the first order shuttle?

Edited by EliasWindrider
On 1/4/2019 at 9:51 PM, EliasWindrider said:

You're just wasteful. It's a resource we paid conflict to get. I'd like something of similar value in exchange.

In terms of how much conflict, Elias paid 10 and the others paid i think 2 each. That's a pretty hefty price for a ship.

No. I'm serious about it being too hot. It's not simply a First Order shuttle. It was a command shuttle; specifically the personal command shuttle of Mathis Karr. It's like the difference between stealing a generic shuttle, such as the Shuttle Tydirium and stealing Darth Vader's, or the Grand Inquisitor's, personal shuttle. A generic Lamda class shuttle is pretty easy to fence or otherwise use for missions without too much trouble. Do that with Vader's personal shuttle, or even the Grand Inquisitor's personal shuttle, and you, and anyone else associated with the operation, is toast. The same here. It's too hot because it is the personal command shuttle of very high ranking in the First Order, particularly, one of the high ranking Dark Side adepts. As such, it is much more easily traced . That makes it far more dangerous to keep or sell off, for both parties .

On 1/5/2019 at 1:05 AM, Lotr_Nerd said:

Hey guys sorry about dropping off the face of the earth but work picked up heavier than its been in the past for me for that time of year plus the usual chaos of the holidays had me swamped but I am back now, if you guys still want me to play that is.

Yes, you're definitely still welcome.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

@EliasWindrider , ok, you can do that at some point. Unfortunately you do not sense a resistance contact on the planet, most likely because until recently it was under the command of the republic.

@Lotr_Nerd , welcome back. I am going to retcon this so that your Jawa dd in fact leave with Tino and is currently on the ship. I'm afraid that your master will now have to be met on Mandalore at this point.

@Tramp Graphics , @TheShard , @SithArissa , @Jonas Shaaf and @Stormbourne , when you guys know how you want to get out into the wilds to search for @Jonas Shaaf 's mate, throw a post up for it (as GM Kark is taking a back seat).