Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

@SithArissa , I think for your previous check it should probably be charm vs cool, and I will be adding a setback for a backstory point (will be made clear in his response). Also using a force power against a pc still needs a vs discipline check.

@EliasWindrider you don't need to take him to extreme range, just long range should do it. I think I may give it 1 conflict but that'd be it. I think an average deception should be enough to make it look like the trooper is leaping away instead of being thrown away.

If you guys want to sneak to the ship after it will be the a hard stealth check with 1 setback and a boost. Just running for it is a hard athletics with 2 setback.

13 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@SithArissa , I think for your previous check it should probably be charm vs cool, and I will be adding a setback for a backstory point (will be made clear in his response). Also using a force power against a pc still needs a vs discipline check.

@EliasWindrider you don't need to take him to extreme range, just long range should do it. I think I may give it 1 conflict but that'd be it. I think an average deception should be enough to make it look like the trooper is leaping away instead of being thrown away.

If you guys want to sneak to the ship after it will be the a hard stealth check with 1 setback and a boost. Just running for it is a hard athletics with 2 setback.

master of shadows reduces difficulty

sneaking to the ship : 2eP+1eA+2eD+1eS+1eB 2 successes, 1 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-a.png a-s.png d-th-th.png d-th.png s-f.png b-s-a.png

for any non force immune additional dice

Sleight of Mind : 3eB 2 successes, 4 advantage
b-s-a.png b-s-a.png b-a-a.png

Edited by Stormbourne

@Stormbourne , if you're looking for someone in the village to give the food to it will be an easy perception check with a boost (success in the check does not automatically mean you find someone though if there's no one there).

5 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Stormbourne , if you're looking for someone in the village to give the food to it will be an easy perception check with a boost (success in the check does not automatically mean you find someone though if there's no one there).

Searching for urchins : 2eA+1eD+1eB 1 success, 2 advantage
a-a-a.png a-s.png d-th.png b-a.png

Ok, so you don't see any urchincs because there aren't any here to see. However with the advantage you would spot on the edge of town there seems to be some kind of open stables with several huge bird like creatures in it (this will be handy for later).

Also I'd like to try follow Avalon. Check needed?

5 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Also I'd like to try follow Avalon. Check needed?

*Side eye* why?

Just now, Stormbourne said:

*Side eye* why?

So they can talk.

If you're being stealthy stealth vs perception, if not just follow the footprints (no check).

Just now, Rabobankrider said:

If you're being stealthy stealth vs perception, if not just follow the footprints (no check).

No stealth.

Also if I didn't give it out already 2 conflict for Avalon for theft.

13 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Also if I didn't give it out already 2 conflict for Avalon for theft.


9 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@SithArissa , I think for your previous check it should probably be charm vs cool, and I will be adding a setback for a backstory point (will be made clear in his response). Also using a force power against a pc still needs a vs discipline check.

@EliasWindrider you don't need to take him to extreme range, just long range should do it. I think I may give it 1 conflict but that'd be it. I think an average deception should be enough to make it look like the trooper is leaping away instead of being thrown away.

If you guys want to sneak to the ship after it will be the a hard stealth check with 1 setback and a boost. Just running for it is a hard athletics with 2 setback.

I'm going to have a pair of troopers jump, because Karr used the plural "yourselves" which Elias knows is 2 or 3 and he's hoping for 2 because he only has 2 ranks of magnitude so 2 is all he can do without spending darkside pips. Will that effect the conflict and difficulty of the stealth check, since Karr may think *both* of force sensitives he sensed bolted.

Also part of the deception was throwing an object at Karr, it will be a sil 1 object which has no chance of killing him, and in case things don't go well having a few wounds chipped off him wouldn't hurt.

Here's the deception check using sense emotions for the boost.

Deception : 2eA+2eD+1eB 1 success, 1 threat
a--.png a-s-a.png d-th-th.png d-f-th.png b-s-a.png

Here's chemdat's stealth roll using the 5 leftover advantage from excal'ur's roll and passing 4 to Akua's stealth.

Stealth : 3eA+6eB+1eS+3eD 2 successes, 4 advantage
a-s-s.png a-a.png a-s-s.png b-a.png b-a-a.png b-s.png b-a-a.png b-s.png b--.png s-f.png d-th-th.png d-f.png d-f-f.png

And here's Elias' stealth check

Stealth : 3eD+1eS+3eA+3eB 1 success, 4 advantage
d-f-th.png d-f.png d--.png s-th.png a-a.png a-a-a.png a-s-s.png b--.png b-a-a.png b-s-a.png

So Akua's roll will have 8 boosts

Edited by EliasWindrider

Heyo everyone! So I have my own SWFFG on gamersplane, and I was wondering if anyone would like to join. I have space for 5 more clones/enlistees in the GAR. The story is basically 2 squads of 5 clones/enlistees with a jedi padawan. The starting arc will be training on Kamino and once that is done, the 2 squads will be sent out to fight in the actual war.

The 1st squad is completed and I hope some of you guys could join the 2nd squad! Thanks!

Here is the link:


Could you roll 1eA+2eP+9eB+3eD+1eS for a stealth check to get aboard the shuttle?

Elias has 4 green for agility which I believe makes him the best pilot in the group, besides I'm going to want to use the ships comlink after we're airborne to reduce the danger to the 2 scout troopers Elias puppeted to see if I can shave a point of conflict or 2 off my total and also reduce the risk to Teeto should @CathyKitten decide to rejoin the game.

The verbiage/monologue over the comm will go something like this

Elias: Greetings Matthis Karr, thank you for donating your shuttle to help us escape. I'm sure you realize that we could have easily killed you just now using this ship's guns, however, we chose to spare your life because needless killing is not the jedi way. In return I ask you to spare the lives of the 2 scout troopers that I telekinetically puppeted to send you on wild mynock chase as a diversion. As evidence that those 2 troopers are not willing participants in our escape, and as you will undoubtedly hear from another 2 scout troopers walking back from the crash site of the star fighter where I ambushed them using their own speeder bikes as weapons, there are 4 of us, and we are all aboard this shuttle, will the rest of you sound off without giving your names so Karr can hear 3 voices besides mine?

Chemdat: yo


Elias: My apologies for accidentally killing 4 of the 6 scout troopers I ambushed at the crash site, my intent was to take them all down before any could report they were under attack so we could use their uniforms as a disguise. I was expecting there would be some serious injuries but I didn't think there would be that many if any casualties. You might want try being quite a bit less over the top with your villainy, the problem with being the opposite of subtle is it's easy to see you coming from lightyears away and that makes you easy to avoid, but I don't expect you to fall for the same set of tricks again because Korath Lorren always spoke highly of your capabilities, so maybe we'll cross sabers next time. Oh and Korath sends his regards, I'll tell him we crossed paths the next time I see him. See you around Matthis.

Edited by EliasWindrider

@TheShard , looks like you are able to convince the bartender let you guys stay.

@EliasWindrider I have an idea for your disadvantage form the deception I'll use in the ic.

Also guys there is other stuff to do with advantage than just generate boost dice. Just saying, there's lots of other options and it does seem like the system is being gamed passing 9 boost dice for a single check.

You guys can narrate yourselves getting into the shuttle (depending on @player3333902 's check) and getting ready to leave, but I will be doing a post before you guys leave properly.

6 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@TheShard , looks like you are able to convince the bartender let you guys stay.

@EliasWindrider I have an idea for your disadvantage form the deception I'll use in the ic.

Also guys there is other stuff to do with advantage than just generate boost dice. Just saying, there's lots of other options and it does seem like the system is being gamed passing 9 boost dice for a single check.

You guys can narrate yourselves getting into the shuttle (depending on @player3333902 's check) and getting ready to leave, but I will be doing a post before you guys leave properly.

If we present a senario for advantage use would you allow some of them? Or can we only use them RAW?

I like to encourage creativity, so if it's a scenario that seems like it matches the number or advantage I'd probably allow it. Best way to check is just run it by me if you guys have an idea and I'll check to see if it's possible.

23 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@TheShard , looks like you are able to convince the bartender let you guys stay.

@EliasWindrider I have an idea for your disadvantage form the deception I'll use in the ic.

Also guys there is other stuff to do with advantage than just generate boost dice. Just saying, there's lots of other options and it does seem like the system is being gamed passing 9 boost dice for a single check.

You guys can narrate yourselves getting into the shuttle (depending on @player3333902 's check) and getting ready to leave, but I will be doing a post before you guys leave properly.

Only ;) 8 boost were being passed, 1 was the boost you prescribed. But I do see your point... I would be willing to voluntarily limit in the future or even for this roll onward what is the maximum number of boosts we can pass without "gaming the system"? Does 5 seem like a fair number?

I don't really want to put a fixed number on it, I'm just saying if you guys can think of another way to use your advantages there's no harm in doing so. I'm ok letting it work for this post, but in the future it's something worth considering. :)

I think the people on Dantooine are going to have to take 1 conflict each for theft (mitigated for the corruption/evil spin on things). Whoever it flying please do me a hard piloting (planetary) check.

@player3333902 , ic you would know that the republic has a base on Gorse, may be a handy place to hide out and plan your next move.

@EliasWindrider no need for a deception check to help Teetoe, if he's alive he can get away.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

I think the people on Dantooine are going to have to take 1 conflict each for theft (mitigated for the corruption/evil spin on things). Whoever it flying please do me a hard piloting (planetary) check.

@player3333902 , ic you would know that the republic has a base on Gorse, may be a handy place to hide out and plan your next move.

@EliasWindrider no need for a deception check to help Teetoe, if he's alive he can get away.

Pilot : 4eA+3eD 1 success, 1 threat
a-s-a.png a-s-a.png a--.png a-s.png d-f-th.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

Not that I'm expecting it to hit (dice pools staistics being what they are) but Chemdat would be take a pot shot at Matthis Karr in response to him throw the object at the shuttle.... so assuming it's a silhouette 4 shuttle

Gunnery potshot at Matthis : 3eA+4eD 0 successes
a-a.png a-s-a.png a-s-s.png d-f-f.png d-f.png d-th-th.png d--.png

It's close enough to make Matthis flinch, I wasn't expecting it to be that close

Btw Elias and Matthis never met, so I don't think Matthis would recognize Elias' voice, and Korath has had a large number of Apprentices over the years 2 or 3 males and at least 2 females prior to this campaign that I'm aware of

Edited by EliasWindrider