Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

On 11/1/2018 at 12:23 PM, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , sorry, I think I had a complete blank there because there should indeed be 2 survivors out of the six (5 soak, 30 wounds for the group). I am going to say however that those two are staggered so they're not fighting back currently. You guys would find them sprawled out near their bikes.

Question: does 2 of them surviving (making it more reasonable for Elias to think they would have all survived, as in the ones that died were in universe unlucky) reduce the amount of conflict he took?

Btw we are going to confiscate the weapons (helmets and any other comlinks) of the troopers (are they stormtroopers or mandos) before they come to. My plan is for us to take 4 of the imperial speeder bikes, 4 sets of armor/uniforms/gear, destroy the remaining comlinks and disable the remaining speeder bikes including Akua's original speeder bike (so that they'll have to walk back to their compatriots, in order to communicate what happened), were going to take anything shiny that they could use to signal others from a distance, and use their own binder cuffs to cuff their right hands together to make it extremely difficult for them to run effectively, we're going to try to use the first order associated uniforms and speeder bikes to ride to the shuttle incognito and hopefully get aboard and take off before anyone realizes we aren't first order associated troops. We'll stow our own gear in the "imps" (because Elias would be referring to them as imperials rather than first order) bags/survival kits and carrying it that way so as not to attract attention

I feel that Elias would realistically know that throwing speeders about at high speed would guarantee some casualties (this isn't the last jedi :p), or at the very least some pretty grievous injuries. However a part of the conflict count was the deaths caused, so I will knock it down to 5. I think that's a fair number with the two survivors now.

Cool, they soldiers would have the same standard equipment of the stormtrooper minion (combat knife, frag grenade, com, rifle and laminate armour). No cuffs unfortunately though. They would look like First Order scout troopers (I can't find anything official but this looks pretty cool, so the armour resembles something along these lines:
bb48cefdcde2b3ea58a0e91e617b262b.jpg ).

As you guys approach the village I think I'm going to have you do an average deception check with a boost to see if the other troopers spot something off with the ruse on your arrival.

I will also need you guys to do a vs discipline check with a difficulty of 2eC+3eD. Why (depending on your roll) will become apparent later.

Sense : 4eF 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png

There's my sense

7 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

I feel that Elias would realistically know that throwing speeders about at high speed would guarantee some casualties (this isn't the last jedi :p), or at the very least some pretty grievous injuries. However a part of the conflict count was the deaths caused, so I will knock it down to 5. I think that's a fair number with the two survivors now.

Cool, they soldiers would have the same standard equipment of the stormtrooper minion (combat knife, frag grenade, com, rifle and laminate armour). No cuffs unfortunately though. They would look like First Order scout troopers (I can't find anything official but this looks pretty cool, so the armour resembles something along these lines:
bb48cefdcde2b3ea58a0e91e617b262b.jpg ).

As you guys approach the village I think I'm going to have you do an average deception check with a boost to see if the other troopers spot something off with the ruse on your arrival.

I will also need you guys to do a vs discipline check with a difficulty of 2eC+3eD. Why (depending on your roll) will become apparent later.

Yeah I was expecting them to be BADLY hurt (likely broken arms or legs, hence the crawling instead of walking comment) but I was actually expecting rivals or nemeses (mandos) and thinking that MAYBE just maybe mathiss karr might be with them... so yeah adversaries with high soak and wounds ending up just below their thresholds rather than "minions", and I got 5 successes and not much advantage (so an unusually damaging roll), against opponents with lower soak and a lot fewer hp than I was expecting (5 each vs 15 each and 5 instead of 8 soak) so wasn't really expecting that deaths would be highly likely (I was expecting the mando rivals to end up with 2 or maybe 1 hp each. But no worries 5 conflict actualy seems pretty fair considering the outcome.

I've got a question... this is an "avoid be noticed" check which is kind of deception and kind of stealth... I was wondering if I could roll stealth for Elias to blend into the crowd of other first order troops or maybe apply (if a little bit of talking (a salute "sir") is required) his 2 ranks of sleight of mind which normally apply to "avoid being noticed"/stealth checks to the "avoid being noticed"/deception check

Sense emotions would let Elias add 1 boost to deception checks, sleight of mind would let him add 2 to stealth checks.

BTW Elias marginally aced the discipline check... one net success 2 triumph and an advantage... I'd like to know more about the situation so I can figure out how to best use those before rolling for chemdat

Discipline because??? : 2eA+3eP+3eD+2eC 1 success, 1 advantage, 2 Triumph
a-a-a.png a-a.png p-tr.png p-s-a.png p-tr.png d-th.png d-th.png d-th.png c-f.png c-f.png

Edited by EliasWindrider

@EliasWindrider , fair point, I think what I'll say is if you are trying to sneak to onto the ship while using the uniforms it'll be stealth, but if you're trying to pretend to be a trooper and 'hide in plane sight' I'll keep it as a deception check. You guys can decide how you want to go about it.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , fair point, I think what I'll say is if you are trying to sneak to onto the ship while using the uniforms it'll be stealth, but if you're trying to pretend to be a trooper and 'hide in plane sight' I'll keep it as a deception check. You guys can decide how you want to go about it.

What I'm thinking is a lot like the situation in RotJ where they're trying to infiltrate endor in the shuttle Tyderium and Han says something like

"Keep your distance from that command ship, Chewie but don't look like you're trying to keep your distance."

chewbacca howls something and Han replies "I don't know, fly casual"

what would an "approach the shuttle from a direction that the fewest people can see while trying to NOT LOOK like were trying hide" be? i.e. we're trying to not be seen and in the event that we are seen we'd like to be over looked, and if someone calls out to us pretend we didn't hear them/didn't think that they were talking to use ... which a kind of halfway in between the 2 (not that) "extreme" options you provided?

maybe a stealth check without the boost and if we fail we get to make the deception check with a boost as a second chance at not being stopped?

or maybe roll stealth to see if we can get a bigger bonus to deception?

does stealth vs. deception change the difficulty?

Edited by EliasWindrider

I guess hard stealth with a boost would do that, but if you are spotted you may need deception to pull off the act.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

I guess hard stealth with a boost would do that, but if you are spotted you may need deception to pull off the act.

Cool... that's what I was looking for

I need to get @Stormbourne and @player3333902 to say they agree before we proceed though.

And does everyone or only Elias need to roll the 3 purple, 2 red discipline check? Or would that depend on whether we all make the stealth check?

But to not slow things down here's Elias' check

Stealth in scout trooper armor trying to look like not trying to hide : 4eA+3eB+3eD 3 successes, 4 advantage
a--.png a-s-a.png a-s-s.png a-a-a.png b-s.png b-a-a.png b-s.png d-th.png d--.png d-f-f.png

Passing 4 boosts to the next PC/Chemdat and here's chemdat's stealth roll

Stealth in scout trooper armor trying to look like not trying to hide : 3eA+5eB+3eD 1 success, 2 advantage
a-s.png a--.png a-s.png b-a-a.png b--.png b--.png b-a.png b-a-a.png d-th.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

Passing 2 boosts to the next PC

(Assuming that they agree to this course of action)

Explanation for passing boost is only having to follow the stealthy leader

And in case Elias needs to explain things here's the deception check assuming the already quoted difficulty remains in play... 2 cunning no ranks the 1 boost because I'm assuming the disguise, the other boost for sense emotions, and the force dice for influence control upgrade. The minimum number of white pips (currently 1) needed to succeed on the check the rest (currently 3) being spent on advantage

Pre rolling deception in case it's needed : 2eD+2eA+2eB+4eF 4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
d-th.png d-th.png a--.png a-a.png b-a.png b--.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

Edited by EliasWindrider

@Rabobankrider , how close is the sith to akua and elias? Or do i have to make a check to do that? I was thinking using move to shift something in a classic distraction tactic then hopefully it will ease the difficulty of the stealth check.

15 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

@Rabobankrider , how close is the sith to akua and elias? Or do i have to make a check to do that? I was thinking using move to shift something in a classic distraction tactic then hopefully it will ease the difficulty of the stealth check.

If you’re talking Mathis Karr, he’s no Sith. He was an Inquisitor back during reign of the Empire.

20 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

If you’re talking Mathis Karr, he’s no Sith. He was an Inquisitor back during reign of the Empire.


Um Elias took 8 conflict in order to be able to avoid confronting Matthis Karr (or first strike nuke him from orbit if he happened to be present)... because the rough draft build suggestion (as in I don't know the current build but I know it's scary) I gave to Rabobankrider is about-as or maybe a little more powerful than a 2500 xp Elias would be and was built specifically to be able to solo three 1500 xp master characters. Besides he's Korath's arch nemesis/is integral to Korath's unresolved story line and I don't want to take that away from Tramp... and if I was inclined to kill-steal Matthis from Tramp, our best chance of taking him out without also taking casualties would be to fire on him with the shuttle's weapons.

Edited by EliasWindrider
59 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

@Rabobankrider , how close is the sith to akua and elias? Or do i have to make a check to do that? I was thinking using move to shift something in a classic distraction tactic then hopefully it will ease the difficulty of the stealth check.

if you go next you'd be rolling 1 green + 2 yellow + 3 blue vs. 3 purple so that should be pretty easy to make (and just pass along the advantage any triumphs to excal'ur as boosts) so really I don't think you need extra boosts besides which force moving something is more likely to alert someone to the presence of force users which would I think would make things harder not easier... based on the rolls I posted we're already more than likely free and clear even if someone spots us.

of course if you the player (not the character) want a fight before we leave Dantooine, I'm cool with that, I just think it'd be counter productive to our character's objectives at this point.

@Rabobankrider im assuming perception check to find then skulduggery to steal something from the kitchens

@EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne and @player3333902 , I will need a discipline check with 3 purples and 2 reds (3eD+2eC) as well ( @EliasWindrider this is for Chemdat as well).

If you guys do decide to try and sneak in, @player3333902 and @Stormbourne I will need a hard stealth with a boost.

@player3333902 , currently as you are a bit out of the village you're not sure where the sith is, or even if they are still at the village. If it helps though you guys are currently at long range of the village.

@Stormbourne before you can steal food I'm going to need another stealth check due to your threat generated, this time with 2 setback.

11 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne and @player3333902 , I will need a discipline check with 3 purples and 2 reds (3eD+2eC) as well ( @EliasWindrider this is for Chemdat as well).

If you guys do decide to try and sneak in, @player3333902 and @Stormbourne I will need a hard stealth with a boost.

@Stormbourne before you can steal food I'm going to need another stealth check due to your threat generated, this time with 2 setback.

First jesus christ

Jesus christ : 2eP+2eC+3eD 1 success, 3 threat
p-s-a.png p-a.png c-th.png c-th-th.png d-th.png d-th.png d--.png

Second chemdat should stick with me incase of a failed stealth roll

Sneaky time : 1eA+2eP+1eB+3eD 1 success, 2 threat
a--.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png b--.png d-th.png d-th-th.png d-th-th.png

Stealth against 2 black? Anything else?

Edited by Stormbourne

Still a hard stealth, just with two setback instead of one (it's not a good place to hide in the kitchen).

2 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Still a hard stealth, just with two setback instead of one (it's not a good place to hide in the kitchen).

Well Avalon's feeling lucky, arissa have fun

More sneaking : 2eP+3eD+2eS 1 success, 2 threat
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png d-f-th.png d-th.png d--.png s-th.png s-th.png

Ok, so I'd say you're not caught, but you also can't grab any food at this point because of the drall being so close.

Korath is doing a Seek check on Avalon:

Seek : 4eF 3 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png

Using two LSPs to activate the base power to locate him in the kitchen.

As usual, using a force power involving another pc (unless they agree beforehand) requires a vs discipline check.

Any force power with another pc need a vs discipline guys, I do keep saying this.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne and @player3333902 , I will need a discipline check with 3 purples and 2 reds (3eD+2eC) as well ( @EliasWindrider this is for Chemdat as well).

If you guys do decide to try and sneak in, @player3333902 and @Stormbourne I will need a hard stealth with a boost.

@player3333902 , currently as you are a bit out of the village you're not sure where the sith is, or even if they are still at the village. If it helps though you guys are currently at long range of the village.

@Stormbourne before you can steal food I'm going to need another stealth check due to your threat generated, this time with 2 setback.

Chemdat marginally fails the discipline check (0 success/failure) with 3 advantage and a despair... the 3 boosts come from Elias' 2 triumph and advantage on his discipline check seeing his brother be rock solid gave Chemdat a little extra courage but not enough.

Discipline because??? : 3eA+3eB+2eC+3eD 0 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Despair
Edited by EliasWindrider
31 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

As usual, using a force power involving another pc (unless they agree beforehand) requires a vs discipline check.

Any force power with another pc need a vs discipline guys, I do keep saying this.

Discipline vs Discipline : 3eP+1eD+2eC 1 success
p-a-a.png p-a.png p-s-a.png d-th.png c-th.png c-th-th.png

@player3333902 @Rabobankrider

Akua has 2 ranks of the confidence talent, would that affect the difficulty of the currently 3 purple 2 red discipline check that @player3333902 has to make?

Edited by EliasWindrider

Is no one surprised i ordered for you or called you jedi?

Just now, TheShard said:

Is no one surprised i ordered for you or called you jedi?
