Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

On 10/22/2018 at 12:24 PM, Rabobankrider said:

Ok you know what, I'm just going to narrate the arrival to Drall.

@EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne , can you guys do an average perception check please.

Is this casual observation for which vigilance would be appropriate or am I looking for something specific or specifically require perception for another reason?

7 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Did he fight in the Sith Wars by clobbering starships with his bare hands? :P

Long, not wide. They’re serpentine in shape. Think Japanese dragon with a segmented body, many legs, and wings. They do breath fire though.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Hey, @Rabobankrider , what can the Jedi Star ’s sensors and databanks tell us about the warrens Jonas is talking about? If need be, I can make a Lore or Core Worlds check.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
15 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Korath and Hacker have adventured together for decades. There’s a reason why Korath trusts Hacker with the security of the Jedi Star, and as his number 2 man. He may be an irascible curmudgeon, but they’ve been through H e l l and back again together.

Curmudgeon accurately describes both hacker and you Korath/Tramp, this needs clarification

@EliasWindrider , I think that it could work as a vigilance. Sam difficulty though.

@Tramp Graphics , again, don't get too bogged down at this stage, your next stage is bringing the ship down to the planet so the others can get involved.

4 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , I think that it could work as a vigilance. Sam difficulty though.

@Tramp Graphics , again, don't get too bogged down at this stage, your next stage is bringing the ship down to the planet so the others can get involved.

Yes, but I need to know where on the planet to go. There are a lot of settlements all over the planet, and even narrowing it down to the Pole's that still means north or south, and even then how many settlements are there to search? I need some idea of which direction to go from here.

Jonas's vision shows you being over the one you need to be, and Hacker says that there is only one settlement close to the ice caps. I've not made it difficult dude.

5 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Jonas's vision shows you being over the one you need to be, and Hacker says that there is only one settlement close to the ice caps. I've not made it difficult dude.

That's what I need to know.

@Rabobankrider can you add that last bit of info from Hacker to the IC thread quick?

Well it's all in the ic posts. :) And the bit about Hacker's comment is already in there when you arrived at the planet.

Edited by Rabobankrider
12 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Well it's all in the ic posts. :) And the bit about Hacker's comment is already in there when you arrived at the planet.

New IC post added.

5 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , I think that it could work as a vigilance. Sam difficulty though.

@Tramp Graphics , again, don't get too bogged down at this stage, your next stage is bringing the ship down to the planet so the others can get involved.

Vigilance for casual observation : 3eA+2eP+2eD 3 successes, 3 advantage
a-a.png a-s-a.png a-s.png p-a-a.png p-s-a.png d-th.png d-th.png


And in case you want me to roll for chemdat too

Chemdat's vigilance for casual observation : 3eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage
a-a.png a-s.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-f.png

Edited by EliasWindrider

So Drez'n learned mostly from 2 holocrons. An ancient jedi padawan training holocron from the very ancient days of the jedi and a damaged holocron containing various bits from green jedi masters.

He mostly studied with Luke's Academy to fill in holes to his knowledge.

If you were around during Revan's time you'd of known of Barlo Arym Bercilak an ancestor to Drez'n. Never made the rank of master, it was speculated he died early. However he was an exceptionally talented swordsman and he practiced a primitive precursor to the soresu style.

35 minutes ago, TheShard said:

So Drez'n learned mostly from 2 holocrons. An ancient jedi padawan training holocron from the very ancient days of the jedi and a damaged holocron containing various bits from green jedi masters.

He mostly studied with Luke's Academy to fill in holes to his knowledge. 

If you were around during Revan's time you'd of known of Barlo Arym Bercilak an ancestor to Drez'n. Never made the rank of master, it was speculated he died early. However he was an exceptionally talented swordsman and he practiced a primitive precursor to the soresu style.

Ah, so Jonas would have no idea about Drez'n, since Luke's birth postdates Jonas (and the KOTOR era vastly predates him). Sounds good to me.

No... But B.A. Bercilak is a known figure in jedi lore to some degree.

On 10/25/2018 at 1:07 PM, TheShard said:

No... But B.A. Bercilak is a known figure in jedi lore to some degree.

Why am I reminded of B.A. Baracus....

1 hour ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Why am I reminded of B.A. Baracus....

The B. A. was "bad attitude" a i.e. a military label that got applied to Baracus for insubordination

Sorry for the delay, will be sorting posts tomorrow.

23 hours ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Why am I reminded of B.A. Baracus....

You should be... You... Should beeee!

16 hours ago, TheShard said:

You should be... You... Should beeee!

I pity the fool...

@EliasWindrider , you would notice that in the distance there are several speeder bikes with first order troops heading your way. With the advantage I'd say you guys have some time to prepare before they arrive.

@TheShard , I guess to catch the sword your brawl vs Xanth's melee.

Brawl vs melee : 2eD+2eP+2eA 1 success, 2 advantage
d--.png d-th.png p-a.png p-a.png a-a.png a-s.png

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , you would notice that in the distance there are several speeder bikes with first order troops heading your way. With the advantage I'd say you guys have some time to prepare before they arrive.

About how many speeders or can't I tell at this distance?

I'll give the others a heads up (cover is assumed) and try to use foresee to gain a tactical advantage I don't think that the roll is good enough (don't know whether 1 or 2 white pips is required)

Foresee about immediate battle : 4eF 1 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ds.png

Here's my constant vigilance initiative roll

I'm assuming we have to fight because we have 1 speeder bike for the four of us, excal'ur might be able to hide us before an ambush or us stealing one of their speeders though

Vigilance for initiative : 3eA+2eP+3eB 4 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
a-s.png a--.png a-s.png p-tr.png p-s-a.png b--.png b--.png b-a.png

But assuming we fight my opening move will be move vs the speeders, what's the difficulty? The specifics of the attack will depend on description of enemy forces and of course how well I roll.

Btw how many is several (impacts how many magnitude upgrades I need)

Edited by EliasWindrider

@Rabobankrider , how large is that landing pad. You said it’s designed to handle shuttles, At almost 55 meters (Silhouette 5), the Jedi Star isn’t exactly a “small” ship. Will it fit? And more importantly will it fit without impeding other ships or risk damaging them or it?