Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

51 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Stun them both. Steal the ship. Go on a grand adventure with blackjack and hookers. 

That is a substantially more tempting offer than your other ones :P

16 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

You’ll have to come out of your cabin. That way we can drag Avalon along and double team him. ?

How do the telepathy rules work in FFG? Because that's totally the Jedi way to double team a guy... communicate on a "different channel" :P

Given Jonas' high FR and Enhance, Avalon would have a hard time out-wrestling him anyway...

27 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

How do the telepathy rules work in FFG? Because that's totally the Jedi way to double team a guy... communicate on a "different channel" :P

Given Jonas' high FR and Enhance, Avalon would have a hard time out-wrestling him anyway...

Based just in the RAW, it’s purely receptive. You can read someone else’s mind but can’t project your thoughts, which is an oversight on their part given that Luke does just that in ESB. However, I was just thinking that you could come out and help “scold” the boy verbally, or otherwise help discipline him. You’re gonna need to come out anyway.

One question. Of the seven two man cabins in the back (shown in the floor plan below) which cabin are you in? I’d like to keep the front most of those rear cabins for the female student(s), and the crew quarters for the male students. So that leaves any of the six two man staterooms along the very back just before the engine room.


well i knew this wouldn't work

this isn't gonna work : 2eA+1eD+3eC 1 failure, 2 threat
a-a.png a-s-a.png d-f-f.png c-th.png c-th.png c-th-th.png

22 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

One question. Of the seven two man cabins in the back (shown in the floor plan below) which cabin are you in? I’d like to keep the front most of those rear cabins for the female student(s), and the crew quarters for the male students. So that leaves any of the six two man staterooms along the very back just before the engine room. 

22 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The left-most one sounds good.

17 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

The left-most one sounds good.

So, when are ya gonna post in the IC thread and join in?

Ok you know what, I'm just going to narrate the arrival to Drall.

@EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne , can you guys do an average perception check please.

26 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok you know what, I'm just going to narrate the arrival to Drall.

@EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne , can you guys do an average perception check please.

Well, I need to make a few Healing checks for myself to get back up to full strength during the trip.

Healing (self) 1st use : 4eF 4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png

Healing (self) 2nd use : 4eF 5 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png

Healing (self) 2nd use : 4eF 4 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ds-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png

Healing (self) 4th use : 4eF 6 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ds-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png

Healing (self) 5th use : 4eF 4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

These, plus a full nights rest will take me back up to full strength.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
56 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok you know what, I'm just going to narrate the arrival to Drall.

@EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne , can you guys do an average perception check please.

excal'ur yes?

keeping an eye on that bantha : 3eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat
a-s-s.png a--.png a-s-s.png d-f.png d-f-th.png

Oh, @Stormbourne , during the trip, Korath does have Avalon scrub the galley and floors, and clean the library and workshop with Hacker supervising to make sure the job gets done.

I'm sure I can convince hacker to tell you to do it while I take a nap

11 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

I'm sure I can convince hacker to tell you to do it while I take a nap

Not likely. It’s Avalon’s punishment. Also, remember, Korath and Hacker are old friends .

Edited by Tramp Graphics
3 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Not likely. It’s Avalon’s punishment. Also, remember, Korath and Hacker are old friends .

Going off what their interactions I'm still confidant

3 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

Going off what their interactions I'm still confidant

Korath and Hacker have adventured together for decades. There’s a reason why Korath trusts Hacker with the security of the Jedi Star, and as his number 2 man. He may be an irascible curmudgeon, but they’ve been through H e l l and back again together.

@SithArissa , I think that I'm going to say that ic the sith spirit told you to go to Zygeria instead of Tatooine. Reesh is there and as I am currently active those two should be able to meet up fairly easily. If you want to narrate Arissa arriving on Zygeria I will set the scene that will lead the two together and we can go from there. Tatooine will probably be the next planet when @Lotr_Nerd and @player3333902 are available.

8 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@SithArissa , I think that I'm going to say that ic the sith spirit told you to go to Zygeria instead of Tatooine. Reesh is there and as I am currently active those two should be able to meet up fairly easily. If you want to narrate Arissa arriving on Zygeria I will set the scene that will lead the two together and we can go from there. Tatooine will probably be the next planet when @Lotr_Nerd and @player3333902 are available.

What are the chances that @Jonas Shaaf 's character would know any of the Jedi listed on the Operation Scourge Dossier found on page 11, and did you make any updates or corrections to it?

29 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

What are the chances that @Jonas Shaaf 's character would know any of the Jedi listed on the Operation Scourge Dossier found on page 11, and did you make any updates or corrections to it?

I (the player) don't have access to that, so I can't say.

Jonas likely has heard of any prominent Jedi Master active before the discovery of the Clone army. He would have met most of the prominent Watchmen at least once.

Just now, Jonas Shaaf said:

I (the player) don't have access to that, so I can't say.

Jonas likely has heard of any prominent Jedi Master active before the discovery of the Clone army. He would have met most of the prominent Watchmen at least once.

Here's the post. some of this may need adjustment. We have three Order 66 survivors on the list (bolded by me), one of whom is on Drall. To my knowledge, they were all padawans at the time. It's also possible that Jonas knew (or at least knew of) Korath's master, Oruk. But that's up to you. If you want your character to have known him, I can tell you a little more about him, and let you come up with any past interactions Jonas may or may not have had with him in the past.

On 6/26/2018 at 7:13 PM, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , just so there's no confusion, I'm going to write up the contents of the info that you stole on the pc's. If I've made errors or missed stuff out for peoples characters, @Tramp Graphics , @EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne , @TheShard , @player3333902 let me know!

Operation Scorch:

[Redacted] has compiled a list on what is believed to be the large majority of remaining force users in the known galaxy. The majority of those on this list are survivors of order 66 and the following hunt under the former Darth Vader and the inquisition. Targets are to be apprehended if possible, and eliminated if not.

Korath Lorren: With additional input from [redacted], Lorren has been identified as a force user who has been under the tutelage of several masters, and was an apprentice at the Skywalker academy. Operatives have presumed him to have been killed during the academies destruction. The file on Lorren was going to be closed, but [redacted] has demanded that it remain open. Operatives will continue to hunt for him. [Redacted] has provided a physical description, see below.

Reesh Zarru: A Gand former imperial operative who was a part of [redacted]. Proved to be a talented hunter who was part of several successful operations under the old empire. Disappeared aftter the battle of Yavin, presumably to Gand where he could blend in.

Additional, a second analysis of old records suggests that Zarru was one of several force users who made a prison break during transportation to Mustafar.

Side note, operatives have noted that a large concentration of hunters have been arriving on Zygeria, including several Gand findsman. Although it is unlikely that one is Zarru, it is an opportunity to test the hypothesis regarding the high concentration of force users in the findsman community. No physical description due to the familiarity in the species.

Ysanna Culture: Although no specific individuals have been identified, researchers has speculated that the people of Ossus are decedents of the old jedi culture. This should be investigated further, and may require a task force being dispatched to Ossus.

Excal'ur Pendragon: Survivor of order 66, disappeared almost immediately afterwards. Operatives have been unable to locate Pendragon, but images were extracted from the temple of what he looked like at the time, see below.

Side note, operatives have heard rumours of jedi survivors fleeing to Dantooine due to historical relevance. It is possible that Pendragon is one of those survivors, [redacted] will investigate further.

Drez'n Bercilak: Drall member of a Corellian sect of Jedi known as the green knights. Survivor of order 66, after which he disappeared. It is suspected that he fled to Drall where he can blend in. Seems to be the last survivor of the sect, although the popularity of the knights means he most likely has non force users assisting him in hiding. Images extracted from the temple can be seen below of what he looked like at the time of order 66.

Akua Serendine: Miraluka survivor of order 66. Additional priority is assigned to this target as a member of the former and current rebellion. Will have additional contacts of interest as well as possible leads on other force users. Capture is imperative. Images extracted from the temple can be seen below.

@EliasWindrider , I think without a check what Elias is sensing there may be a bit much. I'm ok with you knowing about something big coming, that's fair enough, but knowing all the details regarding a force user planning on stealing ships is a bit specific. If you want to make a sense check you may be able to identify a force user near by.

@player3333902 , if you want to do a sense check as well, that will allow you to sense Elias. The same check can be used to poke who he senses.

Bit of an info dump there, but I think it'll help get things rolling.

Also @Tramp Graphics , I know you put in a rule about a players characters not being linked, but considering @EliasWindrider has said that they won't be connected during training etc, it shouldn't be a massive problem. If he was planing to teach himself it'd be one thing, but he's not.

Also @TheShard , I should have asked, if you're making a forsee check, which upgrades do you want to activate with your force powers? Just so I know what he should be seeing.

@Tramp Graphics , I was happy with the first draft, and there are no corrections to be made. @Jonas Shaaf , you may have heard of padawans Seredine, Bercilak and Pendragon, but you were a master during their childhood, so probably didn't have a lot of time with them.

Duration and strength upgrades... But feel free to give me what you want... Hes opening himself up freely to the force without specific intention.

I would have been a padawan, but in a way an already experienced jedi. He left before the school was wipped out. To focus on building a corellian dojo. He would have been an awkward student either too experienced for padawans or not with for the jedi knights. So you'd out remembered him, if not his name if you were there when he was.

7 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Here's the post. some of this may need adjustment. We have three Order 66 survivors on the list (bolded by me), one of whom is on Drall. To my knowledge, they were all padawans at the time. It's also possible that Jonas knew (or at least knew of) Korath's master, Oruk. But that's up to you. If you want your character to have known him, I can tell you a little more about him, and let you come up with any past interactions Jonas may or may not have had with him in the past.

Let's say that Jonas had met Drez'n's master at one point. Given the near-heretical stature of the Green Knights, they're the sort of people the Brotherhood would have kept an eye on (probably as a low-consequence training exercise). @TheShard is that OK with you?

Jonas will have likely heard a little of Oruk, Korath's master, but would have never crossed paths with him.

17 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Let's say that Jonas had met Drez'n's master at one point. Given the near-heretical stature of the Green Knights, they're the sort of people the Brotherhood would have kept an eye on (probably as a low-consequence training exercise). @TheShard is that OK with you?

Jonas will have likely heard a little of Oruk, Korath's master, but would have never crossed paths with him.

Well, you would know that Oruk’Ryu’Ken was a 2000 year old duinuougwuin . He actually fought in the Sith Wars that culminated in the Battle of Ruusan. He was a truly “old school” Jedi.

4 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Well, you would know that Oruk’Ryu’Ken was a 2000 year old duinuougwuin . He actually fought in the Sith Wars that culminated in the Battle of Ruusan. He was a  truly “old school” Jedi.

When 2000 years old you are, look this good you will not, Yoda!

3 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

When 2000 years old you are, look this good you will not, Yoda!

He was also 100 meters long.

2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

He was also 100 meters long. 

Did he fight in the Sith Wars by clobbering starships with his bare hands? :P