Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

5 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Also @Jonas Shaaf , are you just moving to short range or actually leaving combat altogether?

Jonas can't outrun the chief, so he might as well hang out until this gets resolved.

Elias would like to wait a short period for a good opening, drop to the ground then do a low arc force jump to cover some distance without leaving tracks, repeated that at good opportunities and a not terribly indirect but low traffic route to the speeder.

16 hours ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Jonas can't outrun the chief, so he might as well hang out until this gets resolved.

Well, the chief is occupied with Korath, so.... And Jonas should definitely notice the sound of activated lightsaber in Korath's hands.

Any chance of Jonas grabbing Avalon and getting him to safety? Either that or try mind wammying the minions and get most of them to retreat.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
44 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Any chance of Jonas grabbing      Avalon and getting him to safety? Either that or  try  m  ind  wammying the minions and get m  ost  of them  to retre  a  t  . 

Definite negative on the former. Not like Jonas could restrain Avalon in his blinded state anyway.

Jonas will try to do something about the minions on his next turn.

5 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Definite negative on the former. Not like Jonas could restrain Avalon in his blinded state anyway.

Jonas will try to do something about the minions on his next turn.

Yeah. The fewer casualties the better.

16 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Elias would like to wait a short period for a good opening, drop to the ground then do a low arc force jump to cover some distance without leaving tracks, repeated that at good opportunities and a not terribly indirect but low traffic route to the speeder.

@player3333902 @Rabobankrider forgot to tag you so you know to respond to this.

Running short on time today guys, sorry. Will try get your posts up tomorrow.

Koriban Combat:

  1. @SithArissa
  2. Tomb Guard 2: soak 7, wounds 15/15 armour 1, rival

Manaan Combat

  1. @Jonas Shaaf
  2. @Tramp Graphics
  3. Pirate Captain: Soak 5, wounds 20/20, strain 12/12, defence 1, adversary 2, cortosis armour
  4. Pirate Crew 2: Soak 4, wounds 15/25, 3/5 men
  5. Pirate Crew 3: Soak 4, wounds 24/25, 5/5 men
  6. @Stormbourne
  7. Pirate Crew 1: Soak 4, wounds 25/25, 5/5 men

@EliasWindrider and @player3333902 , I'd say you guys can do an average stealth check with 2 boost (thanks to using leap to avoid detections) and a setback due to Mandalorians being on your tail. If you pass you can reach the speeder undetected.

@SithArissa , if you want your apprentice to show up on Drall the ship they hitch a ride on could end up taking them to the landing pad in the village I was on about.

@player3333902 , did I miss an attack from you on Tatooine? If not it's short range. :)

@Rabobankrider yeah thats cool she just wanted off Courascant so the next ship to anywhere did the trick.

Parry the Tomb Guard to reduce damage to 0 now at 3 strain.

Attacking back.

Saber Attack : 2eB+4eP+1eA+3eF+2eD+1eC 2 successes, 2 advantage, 4 Dark Side
b--.png b-a-a.png p-s-s.png p-s.png p-s.png p-s-a.png a--.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds-ds.png d--.png d-f-th.png c-f-f.png

7 damage. 2 Advantage for the Crit. +20 Lethal Blows. +40 Makashi Finish, +55 Juyo Savagery.

Critical : 1d100+115 194


Edited by SithArissa

Well, **** :p That guy is dead.


14 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Koriban Combat:

  1. @SithArissa
  2. Tomb Guard 2: soak 7, wounds 15/15 armour 1, rival

Manaan Combat

  1. @Jonas Shaaf
  2. @Tramp Graphics
  3. Pirate Captain: Soak 5, wounds 20/20, strain 12/12, defence 1, adversary 2, cortosis armour
  4. Pirate Crew 2: Soak 4, wounds 15/25, 3/5 men
  5. Pirate Crew 3: Soak 4, wounds 24/25, 5/5 men
  6. @Stormbourne
  7. Pirate Crew 1: Soak 4, wounds 25/25, 5/5 men

@EliasWindrider and @player3333902 , I'd say you guys can do an average stealth check with 2 boost (thanks to using leap to avoid detections) and a setback due to Mandalorians being on your tail. If you pass you can reach the speeder undetected.

@SithArissa , if you want your apprentice to show up on Drall the ship they hitch a ride on could end up taking them to the landing pad in the village I was on about.

@player3333902 , did I miss an attack from you on Tatooine? If not it's short range. :)

I just noticed that Korath hasn’t healed since the last “session” and was already down ten wounds from his fight with that Dark Sider. I should have healed at least three of them on the trip to Manaan just through rest. This’ll be tougher than I thought. I don’t think my Strain was reset either. Those should have also reset after one night’s rest.

Do you want me to adjust my Strain and Wounds accordingly? Parry takes care of five of those wounds from that hit as well.

You can recover those 3 wounds and all your strain, but as we aren't retconning the previous session it's not a full reset. For the record the captain was designed for you three to work together to defeat. He could have activated linked there and really done some damage ?

@TheShard , average perception with a boost as Kark is trying to be spotted with the shouting. @SithArissa you can do the same check if you want to spot Kark (please don't let my padawan fall to his death!)

@Stormbourne , sorry for the mistake there, here are your dice: Missed Challenge Dice : 2eC 1 failure, 1 threat
c-f.png c-th.png . That reduces the threat to 1 but the damage is the same.

Also if I make a mistake with rolls etc for anyone in the future, please post it in the ooc instead of the ic, just keeps things a bit neater :)

2 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

You can recover those 3 wounds and all your strain, but as we aren't retconning the previous session it's not a full reset. For the record the captain was designed for you three to work together to defeat. He could have activated linked there and really done some damage ?

@TheShard , average perception with a boost as Kark is trying to be spotted with the shouting. @SithArissa you can do the same check if you want to spot Kark (please don't let my padawan fall to his death!)

@Stormbourne , sorry for the mistake there, here are your dice: Missed Challenge Dice : 2eC 1 failure, 1 threat
c-f.png c-th.png . That reduces the threat to 1 but the damage is the same.

Also if I make a mistake with rolls etc for anyone in the future, please post it in the ooc instead of the ic, just keeps things a bit neater :)

okay threat still used in same way?

Double post

Edited by Tramp Graphics
12 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

You can recover those 3 wounds and all your strain, but as we aren't retconning the previous session it's not a full reset. For the record the captain was designed for you three to work together to defeat. He could have activated linked there and really done some damage ?

@TheShard , average perception with a boost as Kark is trying to be spotted with the shouting. @SithArissa you can do the same check if you want to spot Kark (please don't let my padawan fall to his death!)

@Stormbourne , sorry for the mistake there, here are your dice: Missed Challenge Dice : 2eC 1 failure, 1 threat
c-f.png c-th.png . That reduces the threat to 1 but the damage is the same.

Also if I make a mistake with rolls etc for anyone in the future, please post it in the ooc instead of the ic, just keeps things a bit neater :)

That’s fine. Is it Korath’s turn yet?

Perception : 2eA+1eB+2eD 1 success, 1 threat
a-s.png a--.png b-s.png d-th.png d-f.png

I need some xp in perception

Edited by TheShard

Oh, @Rabobankrider , for future reference, Korath does have one rank in Dodge , which is an out of turn incidental. So expect that to be used for any further attacks made against him.

@Rabobankrider Do those of us involved in the Tattooine shootout need to roll for initiative?

@Stormbourne , yeah threat would still be the same.

@Tramp Graphics , Korath already went this turn, it's stil @Stormbourne 's turn before combat resets.

@TheShard , you would see Kark dangling from the tower, but not the newcomer arriving (at least until they make themselves known to you).

@Lotr_Nerd and @player3333902 , yeah you guys should roll initiative as this will be turning into a combat scene.

1 minute ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Stormbourne , yeah threat would still be the same.

@Tramp Graphics , Korath already went this turn, it's stil @Stormbourne 's turn before combat resets.

@TheShard , you would see Kark dangling from the tower, but not the newcomer arriving (at least until they make themselves known to you).

@Lotr_Nerd and @player3333902 , yeah you guys should roll initiative as this will be turning into a combat scene.

That's what I wanted to know. I wasn't sure if combat had reset or not. Thanks.

He sees the dangling man.

You bloody fool!

Its not doom... Its just a, mundane emergency. Your losing your wits to age old fart!

(Is there an easy way to reach him?)

@TheShard , I think you posted in the wrong thread there ? You would be able to see a spindly looking ladder at the base of the tower, but it's going to take time to climb. If you have stuff like force leap you may be able to use a near by roof to make a jump up or something along those lines.

Crap yes i did