Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

11 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Versus Avalon:

Versus Avalon : 4eP+1eD+2eC 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Despair
p-s.png p-s-s.png p-a-a.png p-s-a.png d-th.png c-d.png c-f-th.png

@Rabobankrider long shot can i use the despair to grab the lightsaber from the air?

Edited by Stormbourne
8 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

@Rabobankrider long shot can i use the despair to grab the lightsaber from the air?

You do realize that the check was made AFTER the no check activation of magnetic weapon tether was resolved right?

If I were you, and I really really really wanted the lightsaber, I'd be asking about whether the blind Jonas stumbles over the body of either of the 2 pirates I/you took out which causes him to DROP the saber or knock it loose from his belt to land on the floor and maybe he then accidentally kicks it over toyou, it gets you almost or pretty much the same thing without undoing an already resolved action.

But instead so there isn't pvp antagonism going on, I would recommend that you ask to have it cause cause jonas to stumble over a blaster pistol on the floor and accidentally kick it right next to you (which saves you a maneuver), now that's a boon to you without a penalty to jonas and you are both pcs but it was pvp roll so maybe @Rabobankrider will allow that.

Point main point is you should get more creative about descriptions about how to get what you want with out revisionist history to already resolved actions. That's more likely to be approved by a GM. I hope that was helpful.

7 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

You do realize that the check was made AFTER the no check activation of magnetic weapon tether was resolved right?

If I were you, and I really really really wanted the lightsaber, I'd be asking about whether the blind Jonas stumbles over the body of either of the 2 pirates I/you took out which causes him to DROP the saber or knock it loose from his belt to land on the floor and maybe he then accidentally kicks it over toyou, it gets you almost or pretty much the same thing without undoing an already resolved action.

But instead so there isn't pvp antagonism going on, I would recommend that you ask to have it cause cause jonas to stumble over a blaster pistol on the floor and accidentally kick it right next to you (which saves you a maneuver), now that's a boon to you without a penalty to jonas and you are both pcs but it was pvp roll so maybe @Rabobankrider will allow that.

Point main point is you should get more creative about descriptions about how to get what you want with out revisionist history to already resolved actions. That's more likely to be approved by a GM. I hope that was helpful.

okay well yes that can happen as well what i stated was my end goal but i don't mind the method. i also get your warning of not being directly involved to hindering other characters

Edited by Stormbourne
5 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

okay well yes that can happen as well what i stated was my end goal but i don't mind the method. i also get your warning of not being directly involved to hindering other characters

Why doesn't Avalon simply follow Korath's orders?

Probably because they are orders.

Been following this through OOC and recent IC. TLDR: Why is there tension between Avalon and Jonas IC?

6 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:

Been following this through OOC and recent IC. TLDR: Why is there tension between Avalon and Jonas IC?

Avalon pickpocketed Jonas' lightsaber and killed two Niktos with it.

4 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Avalon pickpocketed Jonas' lightsaber and killed two Niktos with it.

Roger Roger. Goes back to popcorn.

4 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:

Roger Roger. Goes back to popcorn.

He did the same to my character earlier, but I just made him give it back.

5 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Why doesn't Avalon simply follow Korath's orders?

Why should he? Did I miss anyone other than Korath deciding Korath was in charge and able to give anyone else orders?

Just now, Nytwyng said:

Why should he? Did I miss anyone other than Korath deciding Korath was in charge and able to give anyone else orders?

Avalon is unoffically koraths apprentice

Fair enough.

5 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

Why should he? Did I miss anyone other than Korath deciding Korath was in charge and able to give anyone else orders?

3 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

Avalon is unoffically koraths apprentice

3 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

Fair enough.

On top of that, Korath has Avalon's best interest in mind, and wants the boy to not only survive this mess without further loss of life, but also learn some self-discipline and self restraint, as well as keep the boy from getting into any more mischief.

3 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

On top of that, Korath has Avalon's best interest in mind, and wants the boy to not only survive this mess without further loss of life, but also learn some self-discipline and self restraint, as well as keep the boy from getting into any more mischief.

You do have your work cut out for you cause avalon grew up on the street so knows that you survive by taking whatever gives you an advantage in surviving

Just now, Stormbourne said:

You do have your work cut out for you cause avalon grew up on the street so knows that you survive by taking whatever gives you an advantage in surviving

Yeah, so did Ezra Bridger, and look how he turned out. :P The thing is that Ezra listened to his mentors.

24 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

On top of that, Korath has Avalon's best interest in mind, and wants the boy to not only survive this mess without further loss of life, but also learn some self-discipline and self restraint, as well as keep the boy from getting into any more mischief.

Not something that entitles one to give others orders, though.

19 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Yeah, so did Ezra Bridger, and look how he turned out. :P The thing is that Ezra listened to his mentors.

yea i ain't playing play ezra I'm playing Lift form the stormlight archive if you want to know what the characters like read edgedancer or her wiki

15 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

i also get your warning of not being directly involved to hindering other characters

I think that was directed at me too :)

I look forward to some good Avalon/Jonas RP once the characters escape from the sunken temple...

Just now, Jonas Shaaf said:

I think that was directed at me too :)

I look forward to some good Avalon/Jonas RP once the characters escape from the sunken temple...

most of my actions usually try towards character interactions cause those can be as fun as the combat and moments of epic

17 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

yea i ain't playing play ezra I'm playing Lift form the stormlight archive if you want to know what the characters like read edgedancer or her wiki

Yes, but this isn't Stormlight Archive . It's Star Wars . To take inspiration for a character from another franchise is one thing. But to try and recreate a character from another franchise entirely, with that other character's full abilities, and exact personality, is something else.

If Avalon wants to learn the ways of the Force, he needs to start following the instructions given to him. And he needs to start thinking of others, and put their needs above his own desire for self gratification.

17 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

Not something that entitles one to give others orders, though.

If it's your apprentice , you do. Teachers have authority over their students. A teacher provides instruction and leadership to the student and implement the rules and structure of study, so that the student learns and grows in knowledge and maturity. Look at Yoda in ESB. He tells Luke what to do all the time. Look at Mr Miyagi from the original Karate Kid . Watch the scene where he finally accepts Daniel as his student, starting at 0:40-1:00. To quote


"I promise teach Karate. That my part. You promise learn. I say, you do; no question. That your part.

14 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

most of my actions usually try towards character interactions cause those can be as fun as the combat and moments of epic

Or they can end up derailing the scenario and cause disruptions in the game, which can be very frustrating for the other players. Cooperation would be just as effective in story telling as throwing monkey wrenches into other peoples' planned actions, if not more so, and more enjoyable too.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

HE doesn't NEED to do anything HE doesn't want to with HIS character. STOP trying to play other peoples characters. If you want a a scenario where everyone follows Koraths letter to a T go write some fanfic.

Just now, SithArissa said:

HE doesn't NEED to do anything HE doesn't want to with HIS character. STOP trying to play other peoples characters. If you want a a scenario where everyone follows Koraths letter to a T go write some fanfic.

Please don't take the statement out of context, Arissa. I specifically prefaced that statement with, "If he wants to learn the ways of the Force..." If Avalon (Not Stormbourne) wants to become a Jedi ,and learn the ways of the Force , be it from Korath, or any of the other Jedi Masters, then he'll need to start accepting their orders and instructions, and start being more selfless . Otherwise, none of us is likely to teach him anything. No Jedi is going to teach a student who doesn't obey instructions, who is selfish , who doesn't listen , who is reckless . There's too much risk in that student turning to the Dark Side.

B @SithArissa , if you want to narrate the slaughter of the next creation go ahead :)

@Jonas Shaaf , unfortunately the captain sees you, but it looks like he will too distracted anyway. The crew cannot see however. Feel free to narrate kicking a blaster or bludgeoning weapon to @Stormbourne .

Also @Jonas Shaaf , are you just moving to short range or actually leaving combat altogether?

@Tramp Graphics , Korath's motivations doesn't make him any more or less suitable to lead in this case. I've told you numerous times this game is a democracy, not everyone following you. Also Ezra did end up listening (some times) and ended up in a number pretty bad situation, so not a fantastic example.

You also don't get to say what characters try to recreate or not. I think you're mad because Avalon isn't listening, not because of the source material. If I tried to make an obedient character from something there'd be no real complaints.

Also Avalon isn't really your apprentice, and you're not Yoda.

You are also not Mr Miagi. ' To take inspiration for a character from another franchise is one thing. But to try and recreate a character from another franchise entirely, with that other character's full abilities, and exact personality, is something else'

Let the gm (me) worry about derailment and disruptions. Honestly, you're probably going to need 3 people to do well in the fight, so shouldn't be sending him away.

@SithArissa 's comment does seem to be warranted, as we have established that Avalon is staying, but you are still ******* about it ooc. Complaining in the ooc is not going to resolve it, accept and overcome.

@Tramp Graphics , Your last post should really be if Avalon wants to learn the ways of your force. The same would apply for him becoming your kind of jedi. Do not speak for the other jedi masters, you don't know what they're going to do. Reesh would have no trouble training him currently (when he arrives), and I KNOW @SithArissa would be more than happy to have a new acolyte if you are so ready to discard a pupil.

Also for the record Korath has as of yet shown, maybe a third of the qualities you would expect from a jedi, so probably shouldn't be lording it over other players. Korath seems to be determined to get his way regardless of what others want (selfish), doesn't listen to other characters, and has just decided to challenge and constantly declares he is a jedi to people in a galaxy where jedi are systematically hunted and executed (reckless).

Also you would turn away a student because it's too risky that they'd turn to the darkside, I say it's more likely they'll go dark without careful guidance.

I shouldn't have to say this, but stop criticising other characters ooc, it is really ******* annoying. Also stop trying to pain Korath as leader, he isn't. Currently Jonas is the most superior jedi in the party, and when the group is all together it would most likely be Drezn' or Akua who have the most experience and knowledge of what it is to be a jedi. So let's try and remember that this is a democracy for a reason.

On a lighter note, I will try to get to my ic posts tomorrow or Sunday. Also @CathyKitten , are you still with us?

Well, if Korath can beat their leader in this duel, I expect that the minions will likely lose the will to fight, and get them to leave. That’s Korath’s plan anyway.

Maybe, only one way to know.