Worlds Lists 2018

By ThatJakeGuy, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Congrats to everyone who played in Worlds yesterday! Let's break the veil of secrecy and tell everyone what you played! Also let us know your record and general thoughts on the experience. I'll start:

Tres Amigos Worlds 18 (15/15/40)
[12] IG-88
[0] Focused on the Kill
[1] Temporary Alliance
[12] Luke Skywalker
[6] Onar Koma
[3] Elite Jawa Scavenger
[3] R2-D2
[2] C-3PO
[1] Black Market


[3] Assassinate
[3] Son of Skywalker
[2] Blaze of Glory
[2] Tools for the Job
[2] Heightened Reflexes
[1] Brace for Impact
[1] Extra Protection
[1] Negation
[0] Celebration
[0] Devotion
[0] Element of Surprise
[0] Officer's Training
[0] Planning
[0] Take Initiative
[0] Urgency

This is probably the most fun list I've ever played (tied with Double Bantha). I ended up going 5-2, 22nd in Swiss. Overall it was an excellent event, and it was great to meet many of you guys in person!

Congrats man! Great finish with a fun looking list. Robot Luke and Luke. LOL.

@ThatJakeGuy I've contemplated IG+Luke, but the low activation count and lack of midranged figures to contest objectives always scared me off. You obviously had a good showing, but anything you'd change after the day?

So did you ever draw SoS and Blaze of Glory in the same opening hand? And did you manage to keep a smile off your face when it happened? :P

38 minutes ago, ManateeX said:

So did you ever draw SoS and Blaze of Glory in the same opening hand? And did you manage to keep a smile off your face when it happened? :P

I did get Blaze, SoS, Assassinate, Heightened, and some other cool stuff after Round 1 in one game, and I stayed calm.

Then I got hit with Strategic Shift.


Edited by ThatJakeGuy
33 minutes ago, Averagejo3gam3r said:

@ThatJakeGuy I've contemplated IG+Luke, but the low activation count and lack of midranged figures to contest objectives always scared me off. You obviously had a good showing, but anything you'd change after the day?

Raining Freight is really tough, but you can use Luke and IG to hold objectives and still get good attacks on the shielded, stashed away, and lost and found missions. Hidden Treasure and Priority Message turn into deathmatches with this list. You can easily control the center of Jawa map and on U-Screw District you can take control of one of the lanes.

I'd probably cut Extra Protection for Tough Luck. I often found myself wishing for the extra insurance against Han and Vader reroll. Otherwise, no changes the list. It's really powerful and no one knows how to fight it.

Here’s what’s I saw on stream:

Daniel Taylor:


Focused on the Kill

E Weequays


E Jawa



Temporary Alliance



Devious Scheme

Greg Monson:

Han Solo

Rogue Smuggler

E Alliance Rangers

Alliance Smuggler x2





Rebel High Command

Ira Mayers:

Darth Vader

Driven by Hatred

E Jet Troopers

E Riot Troopers x2

Officer x2

Zillo Technique

Cross Training

Brandon Quiocho:

Captain Terro


Officer x2

E Jet Troopers x2

r Jet Troopers

Zillo Technique

Rule by Fear

Gil Sarepi:

Han Solo

Rogue Smuggler


Wookie Avenger






Rebel High Command

This is another great thread idea, Jake! Fun to see you in person again.

Han/Rangers list; went 4-3 and placed 26th (strength of schedule included losses against Daniel Taylor and Brandon Quiocho, who finished top 4; last loss was against Logan Streeter, who won Michigan Regionals and finished 31st at Worlds.)

I ran a game-by-game thread on the Zion's Finest slack channel, but I'll get it into a write-up for here, too.

I ran:
10 Han Solo/RS
12 ERangers
3 Mak Eshka'Rey
4 Hera Syndulla
3 Gideon Argus
3 R2-D2
2 C-3P0
2 Alliance Smuggler
1 Balance of the Force

Command Cards:
3 Assassinate
3 On the Lam
2 Call the Vanguard
2 Tools for the Job
2 Run for Cover
1 Negation
1 Intelligence Leak
1 Strategic Shift
1 Black Market Prices
1 Stealth Tactics
1 Tough Luck
0 Celebration
0 Planning
0 Element of Surprise
0 Take Initiative

Edited by GottaBadFeelingAboutThis

So, I started playing in August and this was my first Worlds. I won 26th with a 4-3 record, with losses to DT, Brandon Quiocho (top-4 this year) and Logan Streeter (Michigan Regionals champion, also top-32 at Worlds this year). Deployments/CC in the above comment, but Han/Rangers/Mak/BotF version, with Run for Cover instead of Heightened Reflexes, etc. I've placed 2-2 in regionals tournaments twice with under-meta lists, so I was really hoping to come away with a winning record, or at least 3-4 "since it's tougher at worlds." My stretch goal was top-32 for dice, so I was pretty thrilled with my tournament run.

Started the day 2-0, so I felt good about my strength of schedule. Twice I was at the top of my bracket and played a better-record player: 2-1 against DT's 3-0, and 3-3 against Matt Moutoux's 4-2. Both games I didn't know that in advance, and was grateful for it!

Round One: Mos Eisley Mission A
1-0 vs Javier Alcalde Jurado
(finished 45th in Swiss): Mirror-ish match vs Han/Rangers/Mak, except he ran Diplomatic Mission instead of BotF

Game went to time; I won 36-29. Big story is that he didn't play for the objectives enough. We both played celebration off figures and he was down pretty far until round 3, when he used "I Make My Own Luck" and then his Rangers to clear two of my rangers early in the round. He was able to use New Orders to have his remaining two rangers try for my Han, but OtL was well in my hand by then, keeping him safely away from any shots. I had pulled something like 14 points from objectives over the game, and his later-round kill points weren't able to make up the difference. Nice guy from Spain, and we wished each other well. I was glad for an initial win, since that's pretty important for Strength of Schedule .

Round Two: Nal Hutta Raining Freight
2-0 vs Jake Peterson (finished 22nd in Swiss): 3 Amigos List, Jedi Luke/IG/Onar -- list above

Jake wasn't running Devious but won initiative and took the good side. I settled back and began focusing, waiting for him to come to me. I was able to lob a shot and kill R2 by his terminal early, dropping him to 5 acts. Anticipating initiative, I ran a smuggler to the west lane, figuring he'd either score-and-die or that I'd keep initiative with negation and make his points back in a big way. JKL came and killed the smuggler, allowing Han to take a focused shot (JKL rolled only single-evades on defense, and Han rolled 8 natural damage round 1). Basically the story of the game is that he moved up and I was able to hold still and take shots. He had pretty terrible luck: he saw SoS with Black Market end of round 1, and had to sell it, anticipating Luke would die before drawing it. We were pretty focused on the battle and kept forgetting to place crates, but basically I put mine near 3P0 behind the southern walls and he put his near R2 on my terminal. 3P0 wound up scoring his crates because I didn't want to spread them towards his jawa. Round 3 IG had finally closed on me and killed two rangers, but I intel-leaked away blaze of glory and focused down IG in response. EoR 3 Han killed Onar and Jake shook on the game.

Jake deserves special mention for being a really good sport in the face of really bad luck, including only rolling single-evades on Luke's defense, showing Son of Skywalker on Black Market when he couldn't draw it (also let me know it wasn't a threat), and of all other things, under-rolling with Luke on a 3P0 kill, leaving 3P0 at one hp. Jake was even a good sport as I took some time to get my activation order right after that, since 3P0 was deflect-kill-able, and I was trying to line up Mak for a critical hit. He was gracious about it all.

Personal Note: my first store tournament in August 2017, I lost terribly to this list twice on both Nal Hutta missions, being piloted by Brett from South Dakota, who had copied Jake's list. It felt like a milestone to have trained up to a point where I could win against it with its original pilot! Again, Jake had terrible luck, but I also didn't screw up the opportunities that gave me. I was now super happy with my strength of schedule.

Round Three: Uscru Entertainment District, Lost and Found
2-1 vs Brandon Quiocho
(finished Top 4): Terro/AT-DP/2eJets/rJets/2Off/Zillo

Brandon took top side and passed; I began focusing and planned to move towards the left-side diner to avoid long sight lines to the right. Looking back, maybe I should have played for the center: jets to the left and DP to the right. He played a lot of push moves with the DP and brought it to the NE corner with LoS over the two objectives. Terro pushed all the way to my terminal door, threatening EoR ferocity and SoR CtV. I intel leaked away Grenadier (saw ferocity) and ended the round with a smuggler on the middle two objectives. EoR both terminal doors opened and Terro ferocity-shot a ranger non-lethally; Han shot Terro. SoR I had focused CtV into Terro and followed up with Han first-act, killing him but committing Han to a square. The Jets rolled in round two. The Rangers were able to force a lot of zillo discards from jets, including Overrun. I had to run Hera and Mak away from objectives to flee the ATDP -- Hera "dodged" two DP shots with Run for Cover and On the Lam, but that was a lot of good cards gone to kill Terro and save Hera. His officers and rJets covered 8 points or so of objectives and round 3 was basically just cleanup for him. Multiple Jets lived with only one health, and he was able to run them away behind the DP. Mak tried a priority target attack and low rolled; critical hit got zillo-tap blocked to save the Jet and the re-drawn shared experience. Brandon took the game. It was an impressive showing, especially considering that I stopped 5 points of powerful command cards from being played in Grenadier and Overrun.

Round Four: Nal Hutta Shielded
2-2 vs Daniel Taylor
(Won Worlds 2016-2018): IG/EQuays/Greedo/R2/DS

DT took bottom and we started focusing. He played IG and Greedo to the right and hid the EQuays under the southern walls. I was able again to lob a shot onto R2 on his terminal, killing him and celebrating for an early 7, but he told me after that he wasn't sure it was worth a focus when I had to deal with his big hitters. I moved Han and Rangers to the Eastern side, which may have been a mistake; IG and Greedo were able to get shots on them before vice-versa. IG and Greedo were able to take peek-a-boo shots from the generous corner by the third generator. This was essentially my nightmare setup for a match: Rangers lose some oomph against shields; Devious could give me the bad side; DT was my opponent. After the game I asked him if he'd lost one to be playing against my 2-1 record, and he said, "No, I was 3-0," so I realized my strength of schedule was still good, even if I was sitting at 2-2.

Round Five: Uscru Entertainment District, Priority Message
3-2 vs Matt
Froom (finished 60th in Swiss): Han/Ahsoka/Jyn/Mak

Matt hadn't played this map before the tournament and I think it hurt him a bit. He took top side and played towards his terminal, leaving his support to the left of them. I staged Rangers and Han near my terminal (diner side). He had Han and Jyn near the center door and Ahsoka to the right end of Round One. I opened my terminal door, and he opened his (misplay?) which meant that Ahsoka and Jyn had no easy path to action round 2. Our droids moved clockwise around the map; no EoR Han shots. Round 2 I got off a Call the Vanguard shot on the top hallway (Hera, I think?), but left the ranger exposed. He was able to get the ranger kill with Hera and Mak near the diner, but lost both of them to my other rangers' counterstrike. Jyn came down the East side and set up Hair Trigger options on my support; I body blocked with a smuggler and had a comfortable margin of time to prep through the rest of the round. I can't recall Han action through that round, though mine may have helped with the Hera/Mak kills. Ultimately, I was able to put out more damage in round 2 due to his 13 points of attackers being out of position, and that kept an advantage up through time being called in the round. Matt was a good sport about it, especially since he was still getting to know the map.

Round Six: Mos Eisley B-Side
3-3 vs Logan Streeter
(finished 31st in Swiss): Han/Leia/Ko-Tun/Mak

This was a rough game for me -- it was about 6:30 pm when we started and I think fatigue hit me, because I made some pretty obvious mistakes immediately. I had the indoor zone and mis-played pretty early, leaving a focused ranger out near my back wall where he could get LoS to it. He used Ko-Tun with Hera support to wipe it out. I followed with a second mis-play, sending another focused ranger to shoot at Han, who killed it with Return Fire. I think I was tired at this point in the day, because those were pretty boneheaded plays that really defined the game. I worked hard for a while to get back into it, and he played a bit lazily with Leia, leaving her away from the box to take pot-shots at my terminal hallways without Battlefield Leadership support. When his Leia dodged my Han's Tools-for-the-Job EoR in Round 2, I conceded the game -- those 8 points would have made the score winnable, I think, and I was in a position to score maybe 3 boxes total, but I was down WAY too much firepower without the kill on Leia, especially if she was able to respond in round 3 by adding another Han shot or something.

Interlude: Standings

After round six they post standings, and after my trouncing by Logan, I was wondering if I was, in fact, likely to go home at 3-4. I'd eaten something to get my sugar levels back up and had taken a walk outside to be away from noise and clear my head before the last game. When I saw standings, I was pretty shocked that my 3-3 had me at 38th -- I took it as confirmation that having losses to people who were all sitting at high win records was in my favor, standings-wise. So I really psyched myself up for the last game, figuring that if I could get to 4-3, I had a puncher's chance of finishing top-32.

What I didn't know, going into my last game (and I'm super glad I didn't!) is that my opponent, Matt, was at 4-2 and ranked 18th going in -- so he had a puncher's chance of Top 16 cut! My strength of schedule basically was cutting both ways, though I didn't know it, and my assumption is that I was at the top rung of the 3-3 ladder, and he was at the bottom rung of the 4-2 ladder, strength-of-schedulewise.

Round Seven: Mos Eisley A-Side
4-3 vs Matt Moutoux
(finished 29th in Swiss): Han/Chewie/Lando

This game felt the most like a chess match to me. We each had 8 acts, and he had initiative so I was getting last-act, which proved pretty critical. I've piloted Chewie in a Regionals before, so I know pretty well how to frustrate him with conservative play, and I told myself immediately that I needed to force an over-extension somehow. I deployed my rangers towards the SW door and set up 3P0 early on my outdoor terminal, telegraphing the bottom door for Han's EoR. Matt wound up focusing Han and Chewie and playing both towards the SW Cantina room, supported by Hera, preparing to win a sniper battle if/when that door opened. I played the rest of the round very conservatively, focusing and moving R2, 3P0, and finally Han (around activation 6-7) into the terminal hallway, but without any easy lines of sight on them once the doors opened. Towards the middle of activations, I moved Hera and Mak along my back hallway, preparing to have sniper firepower down the top two lanes. I was holding Call the Vanguard and I reserved my smuggler activation to show I could contest the middle objectives, so I was prepared to end with either a ranger or smuggler on those squares. He wound up pushing Jyn way forward to threaten Hair Trigger or an early round kill on Mak, which I identified as the over-extension I'd hoped for -- he even said as he did it something like, "This may be a mistake, but let's see if I can make something happen." So I wound up never opening a door round one, and activated my rangers last to put one on the middle stashes -- effectively "surrendering" my "easy" stash in the Cantina room in favor of the middle two. That left me up 6-4 end of round one. I got off Call the Vanguard and was able to Assassinate Jyn to clear her, and wound up 11-4, though it took 5 points of command cards and left a ranger pretty exposed to do it. I think he may have been able to take inititive, because he definitely was able to attack and stun my ranger with his smuggler. I believe I activated the rangers fairly early round 2, and was able to un-stun and kill the smuggler, which cleared my LoS for another Ranger to take a long range focused element of surprise attack on his R2. Down by several activations and safely far away, he passed to me, and I was able to get off planning and focus with Gideon in my back hallway, leaving him with no really good shots and a long trek from the Cantina corner to the NE corner where I was gathered. He played Chewie forward with movement help from Gideon or cards, and was able to take a focused, element of surprise shot on an exposed ranger ... I added stealth tactics and dodged, which was pretty lucky for me and pretty frustrating for him. I was able to move up Han and shoot at Chewie, who OtL'd back around to the middle objectives. We got through another round, but I was pushing into the early 30's. We heard time called in round 3, and I used Black Market Prices on Hera to sell Heightened Reflexes for 2 more points, and as I was trying to figure out what to do with her other activation, he conceded the game. Again, really good sport about it, and sort of grinned and said, "Hey, it really is just a game!" Sounds like the NE guys are a pretty great group to play with, and I wish I could get out there sometime for a tourney.

General Thoughts

Worlds was a blast, even if I'd lost every game. The quality of play is really high, and people are friendly and want to get to know each other. I stayed in an Air BnB with 11 other guys from the forums, and feel like I know them a lot better for Vassal games or chatting about list building in the future. And it was a lot of fun to put names with faces on so many people. I definitely encourage people to make the trip if you ever can -- it's definitely worth the days off work and the price of gas and lodging!

On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 12:11 PM, GottaBadFeelingAboutThis said:

So, I started playing in August and this was my first Worlds. I won 26th with a 4-3 record, with losses to DT, Brandon Quiocho (top-4 this year) and Logan Streeter (Michigan Regionals champion, also top-32 at Worlds this year). Deployments/CC in the above comment, but Han/Rangers/Mak/BotF version, with Run for Cover instead of Heightened Reflexes, etc. I've placed 2-2 in regionals tournaments twice with under-meta lists, so I was really hoping to come away with a winning record, or at least 3-4 "since it's tougher at worlds." My stretch goal was top-32 for dice, so I was pretty thrilled with my tournament run.

Hey, congrats! 26th at Worlds after playing for less than a year...the Force is strong with this one!

4 hours ago, thereisnotry said:

Hey, congrats! 26th at Worlds after playing for less than a year...the Force is strong with this one!

Perfect! That means 30 years from now I can die peacefully on my own private rock after playing a Vassal game against an angry young IA player piloting an old Vader list idea against my younger friends.

... uh ... spoilers.

Went 3-4 with Unshakable Vader. Was doing fine until I hit @kennydkbrown and went on a losing streak. :P

Vader w/ Driven by Hatred

2x eJet

rRiot w/ Cross Training

2x rOfficer




Command Deck:



Call the Vanguard

Fuel Upgrade

2x Parting Blow

Dark Energy

Looking for a Fight


Force Rush

Intelligence Leak

Take Initiative



Element of Surprise

I still think it's a great list despite my record. That was more a combination of inexperience with the game and bad map/matchups. Met a lot of great people and had a really good time though!

Edited by defkhan1

4-3, lost my last round 41-41 on the tiebreaker ?

Oh well, was exactly at 32nd place so I got the dice.

  • 2x eJets
  • 2x eSentry
  • 2x rOfficers
  • RFB
  • Zillo

14 minutes ago, MatchstickMan740 said:

4-3, lost my last round 41-41 on the tiebreaker ?

Oh well, was exactly at 32nd place so I got the dice.

  • 2x eJets
  • 2x eSentry
  • 2x rOfficers
  • RFB
  • Zillo

Cool! I was wondering if any double Jet/Sentries would make it.

  • IG w/ FotK
  • elite Weequay
  • Hera
  • Greedo
  • Gideon
  • R2
  • e Jawa
  • 3P0
  • temp alliance
  • devious scheme

Went 6-1 in swiss, my only loss was a 33-36 nail-biter vs DT.
Lost in the semi-finals to Greg 30-32.

11 minutes ago, brettpkelly said:
  • IG w/ FotK
  • elite Weequay
  • Hera
  • Greedo
  • Gideon
  • R2
  • e Jawa
  • 3P0
  • temp alliance
  • devious scheme

Went 6-1 in swiss, my only loss was a 33-36 nail-biter vs DT.
Lost in the semi-finals to Greg 30-32.

Thanks Brett, looking forward to the write-up!

Han Solo [12]
Ahsoka Tano [8]
Jyn Odan [5]
Hera Syndulla [4]
R2-D2 [3]
Gideon Argus [3]
Mak Eshkarey [3]
C-3P0 [2]
Alliance Smuggler [2]
Rogue Smuggler [-2]

On the Lam [3]
Tools for the Job [2]
Comm Disruption [2]
Negation [1]
Stealth Tactics [1]
Brace for Impact [1]
Smuggled Supplies [1]
Hit and Run [1]
Tough Luck [1]
Armed Escort [1]
Intelligence Leak [1]
Element of Surprise [0]
Take Initiative [0]
Planning [0]
Positioning Advantage [0]

Very fun list with a bit of a skill cap on Ahsoka. She was a true MVP in most matches, from pulling Vader out of position to scoring a pile of objective points in Mos Eisley and Nal Hutta to assassinating countless Rangers and eQuays. In terms of command card choices, the spy package was amazing, the command card control was a lifesaver. Same with the defensive package, given that my primary strikers are Jyn and Han, keeping them around for as long as possible placed a huge thorn in my opponents side, especially when they were pumping resources in to taking them out. I swapped in Hit and Run over Right Back At Ya! the day before the event and will not look back, I had underestimated that cards' utility. Every time I played it, it enabled Han's end of round attack, Jyn's Hair Trigger, or kept Ahsoka alive/let her contest an objective. The only thing on the bubble to be cut is Armed Escort. The card is great, but if it is drawn late it is essentially dead, or if you already are pressing an advantage it is a 'win more' play. Not sure what I would cut it for at the moment, given that when it does work it works really, really well.

I had not played Uscru before going to worlds, just too much stuff going on in life to facilitate play testing, so I assumed that I would lose those two rounds (or at the very least be playing an uphill fight). All in all I felt I did well (3-2 if you factor out Uscru), definitely needed some practice, especially on Uscru; and I learned a ton. Worlds was also a continuing reminder of how awesome this community is, and I am very grateful to be a recent addition it.

On 5/5/2018 at 11:11 AM, GottaBadFeelingAboutThis said:

Round Five: Uscru Entertainment District, Priority Message
3-2 vs Matt
Froom (finished 60th in Swiss): Han/Ahsoka/Jyn/Mak

Matt hadn't played this map before the tournament and I think it hurt him a bit. He took top side and played towards his terminal, leaving his support to the left of them. I staged Rangers and Han near my terminal (diner side). He had Han and Jyn near the center door and Ahsoka to the right end of Round One. I opened my terminal door, and he opened his (misplay?) which meant that Ahsoka and Jyn had no easy path to action round 2. Our droids moved clockwise around the map; no EoR Han shots. Round 2 I got off a Call the Vanguard shot on the top hallway (Hera, I think?), but left the ranger exposed. He was able to get the ranger kill with Hera and Mak near the diner, but lost both of them to my other rangers' counterstrike. Jyn came down the East side and set up Hair Trigger options on my support; I body blocked with a smuggler and had a comfortable margin of time to prep through the rest of the round. I can't recall Han action through that round, though mine may have helped with the Hera/Mak kills. Ultimately, I was able to put out more damage in round 2 due to his 13 points of attackers being out of position, and that kept an advantage up through time being called in the round. Matt was a good sport about it, especially since he was still getting to know the map.

That was a nerve wracking game (but a very fun and rewarding one) given how different Uscru plays compared to other maps in the cycle, especially on the courier droid mission we played; and my completely lack of preparation on it. I'm not sure how much practice would have helped in our match, you left very few openings for me to capitalize on. You were very tight with your activation order and generally outplayed me at every turn. I definitely should have stayed closer to my support and played the middle sight lines through the lounge instead of trying a frontal assault around the booth; that might have tightened up the score a bit, but who knows. I learned a lot that game, sadly those lessons were about one day too late :D. Congrats again on your top 32 finish.

EDIT: Looking back at my reporting on the Slack Channel, I had forgotten the back breaking Intel Leak which baited my Comms disruption (my hand was pure gas) in to a strategic shift on the opening on Turn 2. I lost Tools, OtL, and EoS + the Comms Disruption.

Edited by Froomja
Added some quality information.

My list:


Command deck:
Parting blow x2
reinforcements x2
grisly contest
dark energy
Face to Face
fleet footed
looking for a fight
Force rush

I ended the day 1 5-2 with losses to BrettKelly and Kenny (from zions finest) both of whom went 6-1. I ended the day #21 so no cut for me :(. I'll have a full writeup in a day or two.


  • AT-DP
  • Captain Terro
  • Elite Jet Trooper
  • Elite Jet Trooper
  • Reg Jet Trooper
  • Imperial Officer
  • Imperial Officer
  • Rule by Fear
  • Zillo


  • Call the Vanguard
  • Element of Surprise
  • Ferocity
  • Fuel Upgrade
  • Grenadier
  • Negation
  • Overcharged Weapons
  • Overrun
  • Planning
  • Provoke
  • Shared Experience
  • Sit Tight
  • Size Advantage
  • Take Initiative
  • Tough Luck

Went 5-2 in swiss, losing to Matt Lansdowne in the 5th round and Kenny Brown in the 7th round.
Lost in the semi-finals to the World Champ DT.

10 minutes ago, reznoob said:


  • AT-DP
  • Captain Terro
  • Elite Jet Trooper
  • Elite Jet Trooper
  • Reg Jet Trooper
  • Imperial Officer
  • Imperial Officer
  • Rule by Fear
  • Zillo


  • Call the Vanguard
  • Element of Surprise
  • Ferocity
  • Fuel Upgrade
  • Grenadier
  • Negation
  • Overcharged Weapons
  • Overrun
  • Planning
  • Provoke
  • Shared Experience
  • Sit Tight
  • Size Advantage
  • Take Initiative
  • Tough Luck

Went 5-2 in swiss, losing to Matt Lansdowne in the 5th round and Kenny Brown in the 7th round.
Lost in the semi-finals to the World Champ DT.

Wow! That semi-final... I liked your aggressive approach. It was unfortunate that DT had in his hand exactly what he needed to destroy your best units early game. I felt like you deserved more than you got from that game! What a match!

Here are the deployment cards:

  • AT-DP
  • 2x eJets
  • eRiots
  • rRiots with Cross Training
  • rOfficer
  • Zillo
  • Rule By Fear

I think these are the command cards...

  • Grenadier
  • Call the Vanguard
  • Overrun
  • Reinforcements x2
  • Fuel Upgrade
  • Intelligence Leak
  • Shared Experience
  • Strategic Shift
  • Brace Yourself
  • Element of Surprise
  • Planning
  • Positioning Advantage
  • Take Initiative
  • Urgency

I started 1-2, but then took the next four to finish 18th with 5-2. I had a FANTASTIC time.

Edited by TheChrisLS

Went 5-2 in the swiss. Placed 15th. Won the first round of top 16, and lost to Brett Kelly in a super close top 8 game.

My list was unshakeable Vader

Vader with driven by hatred

2x ejets

Riot troopers with cross training

2x officers


Rule by fear


Cc deck

Take initiative, negation, tough luck, planning, intel leak, grenadier, fuel upgrade, call the vanguard, dark energy, looking for a fight, 2x parting blow, urgency, element of surprise, and face to face

2 hours ago, reznoob said:


  • AT-DP
  • Captain Terro
  • Elite Jet Trooper
  • Elite Jet Trooper
  • Reg Jet Trooper
  • Imperial Officer
  • Imperial Officer
  • Rule by Fear
  • Zillo


  • Call the Vanguard
  • Element of Surprise
  • Ferocity
  • Fuel Upgrade
  • Grenadier
  • Negation
  • Overcharged Weapons
  • Overrun
  • Planning
  • Provoke
  • Shared Experience
  • Sit Tight
  • Size Advantage
  • Take Initiative
  • Tough Luck

Went 5-2 in swiss, losing to Matt Lansdowne in the 5th round and Kenny Brown in the 7th round.
Lost in the semi-finals to the World Champ DT.

I didn't get a chance to tell you this at Worlds, but I have such respect for you bringing this outside-the-meta list! So cool to see an AT-DP and Terro in the top 4!


My list was a tweaked version of what I ran at the Omaha Regional.

2x rSmuggler


On the Lam
Heart of Freedom
I Make My Own Luck
Tools for the Job
Stealth Tactics
Tough Luck
Collateral Damage
Brace for Impact
Element of Surprise
Take Initiative
Officer's Training

I really wasn't sure how I would fare. It's a rather swingy list that doesn't match up well on certain missions/maps, and if Drokkatta gets alpha striked before he does his work I'm sort of toast. I ended up 5-2 in Swiss, losing to Arvydas (the Euro Champ) and Kyle Bossom (Top 16). Luckily, I ended up making the top 16, which was my goal for this year after missing the cut last year by a die roll.

I ended up getting paired with Brett in the Top 16 match on the droid mission on Uscru, which was a rough match up for me. I played rather aggressively, knowing that if I held back I might have a respectable score but I'd probably still lose. Well, I lost, by a looooooooot, leaving both Hera and Iggy left with one point on the board before Brett hit 40.

A somewhat disappointing end, but I felt great about taking my wonky list to top 16. I'll probably do a full write up by the end of the week.

Worlds was such a blast! Thanks to all of you who made it so!
