Conditions: Limited; Objective: Intercept Transmissions; Deployment: Corner

By gesumurphy, in Battle Reports

I just played a 500 point game at my local game shop and it was a lot of fun. The Legion players at this shop are all trying the actual game mechanics and rules and not simply duking it out. My opponent and I chose the objective, conditions and the manner of deployment. I had a 495 point army and he had a 499 point army. We both played rebels (I was the "dark" rebels) and it was interesting to see my opponents version of a 500 point army vs. mine. I had 1 heavy (Air Speeder), 2 basic troop units (one had grappling and the other impact grenades) and Luke. He on the other hand countered with 2 large troop units (6 soldiers each and both with Z-6 soldiers), one basic unit, an AT-RT w/flamethrower and Luke. We found that the Z-6 were more effective than Ion soldiers against my Air Speeder since you got to roll more dice. His AT-RT destroyed my grappling unit as it climbed to higher ground above my troops and roasted the whole unit (white dice suck) below. I did get revenge with Wedge and the speeder. He was able to use the cannons on the AT-RT and it's ground buzzer on a troop unit behind it. However it didn't survive long after it destroyed the AT-RT again due to the Z-6 unit. I may rethink using the Air Speeder or, looking back, at the strategy I used with it. It's probably better coasting along the edges and attacking from there and then speeding away. I may go with 2 AT-RT units next time instead of the speeder.

It's all a bit wonky, I reckon, until you get to 800 points. Below that, balance is a little strange.

I think general consensus on the T-47 is to keep it on the edges, murdering things. Limit how much can hit it on any one turn.

1 hour ago, Weatsop said:

It's all a bit wonky, I reckon, until you get to 800 points. Below that, balance is a little strange.

I think general consensus on the T-47 is to keep it on the edges, murdering things. Limit how much can hit it on any one turn.

Yeah. I'm thinking getting to max range, fire and try to leave; staying out of range. The only problem is the first action is a compulsory move then 2 actions so pivoting after an attack to leave is just a pivot; you can't leave. If you go forward you could head straight into the thick of things or even banking.

I tend to use compulsory as a sort of dogleg turn back to the edge, then pivot to (just) get a target in arc, then shoot. Next turn, dogleg again, pivot, shoot.

Wedge is for when I need a bigger pivot. :)

And I've flat given up on a rear weapon. If I can use it, that usually means things have gone terribly wrong.

Also remember that only the compulsory move needs to be speed 3. You're allowed to use the 1-speed thingamo for normal moves, which can help line you up better.

(Having said all that: I've gone 3 x ATRTs instead. :P )

Yeah the AT-RTs seem to be the way to go. I like my two AT-RTs with their cannon and the other with its rotary gun. As for Wedge since he's only 5 points it's nice to be able to do at least a 180. I will try the tactic you suggested with the dodge/pivot, but probably attack units that have already moved and are not on standby.

On 21.4.2018 at 4:11 AM, gesumurphy said:

His AT-RT destroyed my grappling unit as it climbed to higher ground above my troops and roasted the whole unit

How could this be, you had the higher ground. ;)

22 minutes ago, TobiWan said:

How could this be, you had the higher ground. ;)

No, sadly my unit which had grappling capabilities hadn't climbed yet, but had used up all its actions. Then his unit climbed. In the next round he got the initiative and roasted my guys =(. White dice suck (I rolled blanks).

Edited by gesumurphy

My own experience is that the Z-6 is more interesting as an additional HP than as an "anything" killer, though it does increase the chances of scoring crits.
Maybe with scope and aiming...

6 hours ago, Deuzerre said:

My own experience is that the Z-6 is more interesting as an additional HP than as an "anything" killer, though it does increase the chances of scoring crits.
Maybe with scope and aiming...

the best way of looking at the Z-6 is that it gives you the potential of a whole squad of stormtroopers for 11 points

22 hours ago, Darth evil said:

the best way of looking at the Z-6 is that it gives you the potential of a whole squad of stormtroopers for 11 points

That, and don't underestimate the importance of crits. Every dice has the same chance of a crit - and crits are often all that really matters. Sometimes it really doesn't matter if it's a white dice or a black one.

Adding 6 white dice is +0.75 crits on average, going from "probably not" (a 41% chance to crit with 4 black dice) to "likely" (74% chance of at least one crit off 4 black and 6 white).

ALSO: split fire is really important if you want to suppress your opponents. Especially important if their commander goes down, but even just in general use.