Zealux Myr's Legion Workshop

By ZealuxMyr, in Painting

Boba Fett (ESB)

ZZV117b.jpg ZyLlugo.jpg

R8i7nyd.jpg SgKt1Vy.jpg

IG-11 & The Child

i2IXlsp.jpg 8GVClvB.jpg

E1uwhw2.jpg qOo0nDF.jpg

Generic Mandalorian w/Whistling Birds and a BlasTech DC-15S Sidearm Blaster

smtZdvH.jpg V16rYaU.jpg

xvqbX5T.jpg y311kqe.jpg

Can similar tank camouflage effect be achieved with a regular brush? Any tips?

Edited by robertpolson
5 hours ago, robertpolson said:

Can similar tank camouflage effect be achieved with a regular brush? Any tips?

You could probably accomplish this with a brush too. An airbrush makes it infinitely easier.

With a brush I would imagine that you would block off each zone and then try to feather the colors into each other with some dry-brushing-esk techniques?

This is the Way

I'll post here until they actually shut it down on us. I get Asmodee/FFG needs to be mindful of expenditures and running a forum like this costs money, but to shut off a direct connection to the Community seems like a poor choice. Even if you suspect the vast majority goes elsewhere to interact, this is still a valuable connection.

With that in mind, here's a dump of non-FFG miniatures 3D printed from third party digital designers...

PnOpnZj.jpg yDbNa80.jpg

ZYMAxfI.jpg IFORcPy.jpg

oqE3zBe.jpg tnI0BvD.jpg

JGZNXpe.jpg wozUqYb.jpg

r9jQrSX.jpg qaPvLJw.jpg

fPZrYX4.jpg g5sL2Cn.jpg

ocM7M2w.jpg Ayvr0rp.jpg

nUwNhv2.jpg aNlbSi0.jpg

YOg3gOp.jpg bSxIHz9.jpg

Te0TcCP.jpg THgRWmi.jpg


I guess, in the future, you'll all just have to find me on Imgur: https://imgur.com/user/zealuxMyr

New Age Boba Fett

Painting the fresh-paint Mandalorian Season 2 Boba Fett is currently one of my favorite iterations of Boba, I've really enjoyed painting it and - somehow - he just looks *more* impressive with clean armor (to me anyway).

PGZW0YG.jpg oCvTUSg.jpg

LsE2qC7.jpg 6JSegvB.jpg


JZWCdtA.jpg plDZIud.jpg



Ghez Hokan

[ Legends ] I give you a Mandalorian Warrior colder than the beskar’gam he wears, so ruthless and so without mercy that even Death Watch wouldn’t have him: Ghez Hokan. Appears in the novel Republic Commando: Hard Contact by Karen Traviss.

ALrn0ah.jpg 1tewYFs.jpg

ceNyU2J.jpg gsU2kiE.jpg

Generic Mandalorian #5

JtS40bW.jpg SQEcFH3.jpg

7L2iC8C.jpg ys7RURS.jpg

Generic Mandalorian #6 - Beskad Duelist


taOK6JV.jpg 23Eg09u.jpg

Generic Republic Commando - Custom Markings (Purple)

91tjWug.jpg JGl89ct.jpg 3DjBbc5.jpg

Deadliest Bounty Hunter this side of the Rishi Maze

uXmsFQZ.jpg QHfTJ0P.jpg

Dash Rendar

kZhM7ac.jpg GuFLEcT.jpg

It's Treek!

Generic Mandalorian #7 - Last in the Set

6SLcC2L.jpg HEFGopK.jpg

nq9A28x.jpg QJefyDD.jpg

He may be sporting an E-11 BlasTech blaster, but I assure you he can hit the side of a bantha...

Boba Fett - Decimator of Stormies

QVwgAU6.jpg m5gxuhY.jpg

Xl5wNVI.jpg OOAoYAl.jpg

The Marshal - Cobb Vanth

w7zVa17.jpg zdtMfXt.jpg

tUOulsw.jpg ivgu1PG.jpg

tI86ktl.jpg DANgJ4Z.jpg

SC7HR1T.jpg PQHc6iN.jpg

EAZmgvg.jpg lvkki50.jpg

ibdiZV0.jpg NDK5KEf.jpg

Kamino Security Forces - Phase 1 Troopers

Yd13D2W.jpg X6q1HgT.jpg

qjkis7a.jpg EkoQ33H.jpg

1JJJnaD.jpg TwwzMvf.jpg

It is January 27, 2021...probably my last post here before the shutdown. It's been fun - see you all out there, somewhere...