Deathtroopers crewing the tank. Very clever!
Zealux Myr's Legion Workshop
22 hours ago, Proton Torpedo said:Deathtroopers crewing the tank. Very clever!
Thanks, glad you like them! They are not actually deathtroopers; it may surprise you to learn that they are actually green and brown! I must admit they do look pretty similar under the lighting I used to take these pictures.
These tank operators are painted in base coat of Tamiya XF-65 (Flat) Field Grey, the armor plates and helmets then received a generous application of Citadel Contrast Colour Cygor Brown, and a light wash of nuln oil (1:8 dilution). The helmet top plate is Citadel Abaddon Black trimmed with Citadel Mephiston Red. By comparison my Death Troopers are based in Citadel Abaddon Black, the armor plates and helmets were painted in Tamiya X-1 (Gloss) Black, and they received no washing. [The second squad received a Tamiya X-7 (Gloss) Red helmet stripe.]
Edited by ZealuxMyrVery tidy, I'm digging that tank.
Love this work. Is the tank airbrushed? The subtle changes in color gradient are amazing.
Edited by HexcessiveMan the tank looks great.
@Hexcessive , yes the tank is primarily air brushed. The Olive Drab (Tamiya XF-62) green was put on as a base coat.
Then I airburshed on Citadel's Mournfang Brown and XV-88 (diluted to a sprayable consistency with Windex, of course). This lead to the tank looking like this:
I then went back with the Olive Drab to touch up some areas of over browning. Producing this final base-coating product:
From there it was just a matter of a lot of detailing and technical work. Mostly done with Tamiya branded paints. Here's a shot of getting the commander/gunner fitted in, he's only base coated so you can really tell he's green:
(scout trooper camio is from a WIP squad; still have 2 models to do before it's done)
@ZealuxMyr thanks so much, i am going to have a buddy help me get a base coat down like this on mine. Cheers!
, no problem! Happy to share, be sure to share your finished product!
On 4/12/2018 at 3:47 PM, ZealuxMyr said:
I love the effect that the gloss gives!
Special Operations Scout Troopers
Imperial Royal Guard
Boba Fett with a completely and shamelessly stolen modification employed!
Fett looks great! That terrain in the background needs some work though. 😄
On 2/16/2020 at 12:48 AM, Sharkbelly said:Fett looks great! That terrain in the background needs some work though. 😄
You don't like my brown-out condition sandstorm terrain?
@ZealuxMyr couple things here:
1. Its really cool to see how much your skill has progressed from beginning to end.
2. What was your color scheme for Boba? He's my fave SW character. I have his mini, and am terrified to paint it because I know i'll f it up.
3. How many different storm trooper kits did you buy to assemble that army? i'm looking to do a storm trooper army and i'm trying to see how much this is gonna set me back.
Thanks dude, good job!!!
Kal Skirata - An Alternate Boba Fett Scheme
He will eventually have the Gizmo HeroClix flames like Boba Fett as Boba Fett (above) has; just need to acquire another.
Looks good!
On 8/21/2019 at 12:14 PM, ZealuxMyr said:@Hexcessive , yes the tank is primarily air brushed. The Olive Drab (Tamiya XF-62) green was put on as a base coat.
Then I airburshed on Citadel's Mournfang Brown and XV-88 (diluted to a sprayable consistency with Windex, of course). This lead to the tank looking like this:
I then went back with the Olive Drab to touch up some areas of over browning. Producing this final base-coating product:
From there it was just a matter of a lot of detailing and technical work. Mostly done with Tamiya branded paints. Here's a shot of getting the commander/gunner fitted in, he's only base coated so you can really tell he's green:
(scout trooper camio is from a WIP squad; still have 2 models to do before it's done)
feel this should be a thing that needs to be done now that I've seen this!
Great work on the mini's mate
Bought a 3D printer (Anycubic Photon - a UV resin printer) and now I have this to add to my Legion army:
Baby Yoda, destroyer of chicky nuggies and towering over the battlefield at a whopping 9.175mm, and the base are both 3D printed. The base matches the Legion bases but also includes the two bushes and tree stump in the print.
Now that I have a 3D printer I am certain I will never actually finish painting my FFG-official miniatures...all the self made stuff is going to jump to the front of my painting queue! Baby Yoda is the first Legion miniature I've actually based, nothing else I have has been there's that.
Edit April 09, 2020: Finally finished the "full size" (79.99mm) version, figured I'd throw it into this post for reference:
On the full size model I left Baby Yoda's eyes closed like the modeler intended, on the Legion Scale one I painted in open eyes because he's so small. At Legion scale not painting in open eyes makes him look like I just forgot that he has eyes...
Edited by ZealuxMyrImperial Commandoes: A Stormtrooper Upgrade Pack Conversion Story
My first finished model is the Stormtrooper Captain. Armor plates are painted with the same Tamiya X-1 (Gloss) Black that I used for my death troopers. The body suit, shoulder paldron, and blasters are primarily Citadel's Abbadon Black with further leadbelcher, corvus black, and Tamiya XF-63 german grey detailing. Visor insert is painted in Tamiya X-13 Metallic Blue.
All primed and ready to enter the queue, you can seen in the background that they're cutting in front of my Snowtroopers. Due to almost 90% coverage of the model they're just primed in the Tamiya X-1 (Gloss) Black paint.
A better display of the modifications, the green bits: Imperial Commando helm (sized to 7mm tall), DC-17m blasters in sniper, anti-armor, and blaster configurations, and each unit also has a DC-15s sidearm on their hip. Cutting away the E-11 blasters and warping hands to fit the DC-17m blasters was a huge pain, but ultimately worth it. Fitting the helms was easy, just had to drill a hole in the bottom of the helm (printed it solid). So glad these guys came super posable with just simple round pegs for all body attachments (and round in a standard drill bit size to boot!) as it made adjusting the arm positions super easy to accommodate the different blasters.
On 2/18/2020 at 8:24 PM, BullyMoo said:@ZealuxMyr couple things here:
1. Its really cool to see how much your skill has progressed from beginning to end.
2. What was your color scheme for Boba? He's my fave SW character. I have his mini, and am terrified to paint it because I know i'll f it up.
3. How many different storm trooper kits did you buy to assemble that army? i'm looking to do a storm trooper army and i'm trying to see how much this is gonna set me back.
Thanks dude, good job!!!
@BullyMoo , Boba Fett is painted to match the Return of the Jedi color scheme. He's based in Tamiya XF-19 Sky Grey, his plates are a Tamiya XF-62 Olive Drab base with Tamiya XF-71 Cockpit Green covering them in a single coat (doesn't completely obscure the darker Olive Drab base but also blocks most of it). In total, including the Nuln Oil darkwash, at least 19 different paints were used; some are Tamiya brand but most are Citadel. It's easy to remember the Tamiya brand paint colors, because they have reasonable names...Citadel? Not so much...
I bought 2x core sets and 2x Stormtrooper expansions shortly after launch. With everything else available now, I don't think there's a real need to do this. You do not need 6x Stormtrooper Squads when you could run Snowtroopers or Shoretroopers instead...if you're trying to do an exclusive Stormtrooper-Only army you'll want the Stormtrooper Upgrade expansions and, when it comes to playing a game, good luck with those white attack dice!
Imperial Commando Delta Squad
38 - "Boss"
62 - "Scorch"
40 - "Fixer"
07 - "Sev"
Classic ESB Snowtroopers
Snowtroopers as Galactic Marines
Galactic Marine E-Web Support
Extra bits (boxes and fuel cylinders) are 3D printed and have been added for enhanced flavor.