compulsory moves and leaving the table/crashing

By shlominus, in Rules

a unit has to make it's compulsary move. due to **** positioning (well played, shlomi! :rolleyes: ) there is no legal way to make the move successfully. the only options are:

1) move off the board

2) perform a partial move and suffer damage

does flying off the board have priority in this case?

Edited by shlominus

No, you can move as you want, as long as it is legal. And legal means that you have to move as far as you can when doing the Compulsary move. Crashing in a terrain is ok. But just doing a partical move when a full move is possible is not ok.

You cannot do a partical move on your own and suffer the damage. The only way to do a partical move with the compulsory move is when move is not possible because there is something in the way.

6 hours ago, Tokra said:

No, you can move as you want, as long as it is legal. And legal means that you have to move as far as you can when doing the Compulsary move. Crashing in a terrain is ok. But just doing a partical move when a full move is possible is not ok.

You cannot do a partical move on your own and suffer the damage. The only way to do a partical move with the compulsory move is when move is not possible because there is something in the way.

In other words, if the compulsory move puts your unit off the board, you have to do it? I understand OP but I don't understand your response.

The way I played it when my T-47 was near the edge was a compulsory move straight off the board and into defeat.

3 minutes ago, Xiervak said:

In other words, if the compulsory move puts your unit off the board, you have to do it? I understand OP but I don't understand your response.

The way I played it when my T-47 was near the edge was a compulsory move straight off the board and into defeat.

If you are doing a compulsory move, you have to do a full move. You cannot decide to do a partial move and suffer the damage.
The only way that a compulsory move has to be done as partical move is when the full move cannot be done, because there is terrain or an engaged trooper in the way.

If you are in a bad position, and all your compulsory moves are leading off the board, you are flying off the board.
But if you have any way to ram impassible terrain with the vehicle, you might stay on the board but suffer the damage.

It seems as though you have the choice, if you would go off the board, to stop at the edge and take the damage instead. From the RRG entry for Speeder X (Unit Keyword):

To perform a compulsory move, the unit performs a full move at its maximum speed. If it cannot do so, or if a full move would cause any part of the unit leader’s base to be outside the battlefield, it can perform a partial move instead, ending its movement as far along the movement template as possible . If the unit performs a partial movement in this way, the unit suffers a number of wounds equal to its maximum speed. If the unit leader ends this movement with any part of its base outside of the battlefield, the unit is defeated.

2 hours ago, FranquesEnbiens said:

It seems as though you have the choice, if you would go off the board, to stop at the edge and take the damage instead. From the RRG entry for Speeder X (Unit Keyword):

To perform a compulsory move, the unit performs a full move at its maximum speed. If it cannot do so, or if a full move would cause any part of the unit leader’s base to be outside the battlefield, it can perform a partial move instead, ending its movement as far along the movement template as possible . If the unit performs a partial movement in this way, the unit suffers a number of wounds equal to its maximum speed. If the unit leader ends this movement with any part of its base outside of the battlefield, the unit is defeated.

my god, why is this standing under speeder and not as well under compulsory move! And why does it stand in (in)direct opposition to the compulsory move entry.

And this is the entry from the compulsory move:

• If it is impossible for a unit to perform a full move, it can perform a partial move instead, but the partial move must end as far along the movement template as possible.
» If the unit performs a partial movement because it cannot perform a full movement, the unit immediately suffers a number of wounds equal to its maximum speed.
» If the unit leader ends this movement with any part of its base outside of the battlefield, the unit is defeated.

2 hours ago, FranquesEnbiens said:

It seems as though you have the choice, if you would go off the board, to stop at the edge and take the damage instead. From the RRG entry for Speeder X (Unit Keyword):

To perform a compulsory move, the unit performs a full move at its maximum speed. If it cannot do so, or if a full move would cause any part of the unit leader’s base to be outside the battlefield, it can perform a partial move instead, ending its movement as far along the movement template as possible . If the unit performs a partial movement in this way, the unit suffers a number of wounds equal to its maximum speed. If the unit leader ends this movement with any part of its base outside of the battlefield, the unit is defeated.

thanks, i must have missed that somehow. :blink:

So, I'm confused. Can you elect to do a partial move to suffer damage even though there is a legal full move that would take you off the board?

3 hours ago, MAstaKFC said:

So, I'm confused. Can you elect to do a partial move to suffer damage even though there is a legal full move that would take you off the board?

You can indeed. You are free to place the maneuver tool against the unit, adjust it as you like, and select whichever maneuver trajectory you want.

What you cannot do is select a trajectory, then voluntarily perform a partial move (and suffer damage) when a full move is possible on that particular trajectory.

Following the info from Alex the vehicle should not even suffer damage from this.

It is in the thread about compulsory move into an engaged mini. The intention was (as far as i heard it), that only a partial move, resulting from terrain, cause damage to the vehicle.
If this is true (and if this will changed this way in the next RRG or FAQ) you can freely move of the board, doing a partial move to stay on the edge, turn around, and just go on. Without any drawback.

15 hours ago, Tokra said:

why is this standing under speeder and not as well under compulsory move! And why does it stand in (in)direct opposition to the compulsory move entry.

If you read further in the Speeder X entry, it does restate the bit about if you go off the board, you are defeated - yes, shortly after telling you that you can choose to do a partial move to stay on the board. I don't about you, but if my choice is to complete the move and be destroyed, or stop and not be destroyed, I think I know which one I will pick...

We also ran into a further issue with compulsory moves. In one game a speeder activated nearly in front of an AT-ST. The player obviously wanted to keep the vehicle in arc, but to do so meant not doing it's full move and ending short. On top of that the speeder doesn't have melee, so if he was able to choose he could simply stop short of the AT-ST and fire. The other option was to simply turn another way entirely which would give him a full move but go out of arc. Now this proposed a huge issue, simply because it breaks the complete point of compulsory moves. If you can simply fly your speed into...lets say the back of an AT-ST you can literally just park there, completing half compulsory moves by choice. This doesn't seem like a drawback if this is the simply makes more sense that it has to complete a full move if possible. In another section of the rules it states:

• If it is impossible for a unit to perform a full move, it can perform a partial move instead, but the partial move must end as far along the movement template as possible.

I read that as you MUST take a full move regardless of where you end up, even if it's your only option.

34 minutes ago, FranquesEnbiens said:

If you read further in the Speeder X entry, it does restate the bit about if you go off the board, you are defeated - yes, shortly after telling you that you can choose to do a partial move to stay on the board. I don't about you, but if my choice is to complete the move and be destroyed, or stop and not be destroyed, I think I know which one I will pick...

Depending on the situation, the end result could be the same.

If the 74-Z has to stop short it would take 3 damage, destroying one of the models in the unit. If it was the last model, this would defeat the unit, just like moving off the board.

With the T-47, 3 damage may not be so bad, unless it is further along in a game and that 3 damage would cause it to reach its Resilience threshold, or be defeated.

6 minutes ago, NeonWolf said:

Depending on the situation, the end result could be the same.

Yeah, I am talking if the choice is to damage or destroy your unit. I would keep a T-47 alive every single time, even at 1 and with any of the damage effects.

@Masume I agree that the rules as they currently exist seem to take some of the risk out of the compulsory move, and perhaps lower the difficulty of playing them, but perhaps that's what they had in mind? It's hard to know exactly what to make of the seeming contradictions, but I guess I would go with the Speeder X entry, since it's much more specific about the vehicle compulsory moves.