1 hour ago, jayc007 said:All of the weapon crafting sounds good, although I would think there are more than a few instances of weapons being present on ships 2 sil or more smaller than "allowed". So having it only selectable once may not be the best option.
As to the accessible systems mod... I don't see why it couldn't be applied to almost any sil. All it really has to be is quick release panels or nicely organized cableing and systems.
The plan was once only, but I am thinking of dropping it entirely and leave the gunship hull as the only way to get an oversized weapon. Because I didn't want them to go 2 sizes "bigger than normal". But if you're saying that's desired then the 2 sizes too big can still be accomplished by miniaturizing the weapon once and selecting the gunship hull. And maybe the oversized weapon mount in dangerous covenants could get it to 3 sizes too big, depending on phrasing. Then an airspeeder elegant designed to an iron man suit maybe could mount 1 vehicle weapon normally restricted to a sil 4 ship. Which I think is a little ridiculous, so I'd want to either ditch the miniaturization crafting upgrade or phrase the gunship hull ability to mount oversized weapons to not stack with the oversized weapons mount from dangerous covenants.
I was thinking of stripping off the x3 limitation on linked because they're going to need a huge amount of advantage to get use out of it anyway.
But I was debating with myself about a 2 triumph autofire upgrade which would reduce the cost to activate linked from 2 advantage to 1.