The Nubian design collective's whole vehicle crafting handbook

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

13 hours ago, Gordian Naught said:

What is the "custom hp" column meant to represent? Final Hard Points from building them or HP from the actual Stat blocks.

The excess hp column is the left over hp minus the custom xp... so the difference between RAW and constructed

Bantha-II Cargo Skiff

Sil 2, Spd 3, Hand 0, Def 0, Armor 0
HTT 6, SST 8

Max Alt 50m, Sensors: Short
Crew: 1, Enc 250, Pass 16
Price 8000, Rarity 4
Cust HP 2

This vehicle...
Even with Larger Scope, Ambiguously Large Silhouette, 3×Extra HP, the Transport Hull, 3×Cargo Pods, and an Integrated System [Dedicated Cargo Bay], this is 2 HP shy of the target HP, and the Enc (w/ 3 Cargo Pods and 6 Dedicated Cargo Bays) is only 215.

On top of that, it carries 16 passengers.

The YT-1300 only has a Cargo capacity of 165...

3 hours ago, salamar_dree said:

Bantha-II Cargo Skiff

Sil 2, Spd 3, Hand 0, Def 0, Armor 0
HTT 6, SST 8

Max Alt 50m, Sensors: Short
Crew: 1, Enc 250, Pass 16
Price 8000, Rarity 4
Cust HP 2

This vehicle...
Even with Larger Scope, Ambiguously Large Silhouette, 3×Extra HP, the Transport Hull, 3×Cargo Pods, and an Integrated System [Dedicated Cargo Bay], this is 2 HP shy of the target HP, and the Enc (w/ 3 Cargo Pods and 6 Dedicated Cargo Bays) is only 215.

On top of that, it carries 16 passengers.

The YT-1300 only has a Cargo capacity of 165...

What if you do larger scope and ambiguously small silhouette with deceptive advertising back down to 2?

Deceptive advertising because 250 enc is kind of unbelievable.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Nope. It doesn't have enough HP even with the Ambiguously Large option and leaving it as Sil 3.

And even if it did, it still lacks the full Enc value.

Truthfully, saying that it's Silhouette 3 is pushing it. It should be Sil 4 with that Enc rating.

9 minutes ago, salamar_dree said:

Nope. It doesn't have enough HP even with the Ambiguously Large option and leaving it as Sil 3.

And even if it did, it still lacks the full Enc value.

Truthfully, saying that it's Silhouette 3 is pushing it. It should be Sil 4 with that Enc rating.

Ok. Leave it at sil3 and call it the 5%

Edited by EliasWindrider

Similar issue with the Ubrikkian Industries Luxury-class Sail Barge. 300 passengers and 1000 encumbrance on a sil 4 landspeeder, you'll either be short passenger space or encumbrance threshold.

20 minutes ago, Gordian Naught said:

Similar issue with the Ubrikkian Industries Luxury-class Sail Barge. 300 passengers and 1000 encumbrance on a sil 4 landspeeder, you'll either be short passenger space or encumbrance threshold.

How would it work with a second maneuver integrated improvements?

Not really on the Luxury-class. I only got to the passenger/crew number I did by sacrificing all the base passengers converting to crew quarters and then doubling with integrated improvements. Then adding what passengers I could with leftover HP. I had a brief idea of making it start at sil 5 then using deceptive advertising to reduce it to 4, but thought that would complicate the build too much.

The order of operations I used to get to crew 26 is, Base Crew 2 / Passengers 4, then used ambiguously large to double to 4 / 8, 1 passenger quarters to 4 / 10, then convert passengers to crew to get 13 / 1, then doubled the crew with integrated improvements to 26.

I did this because you can add more passenger berths later but not any extra crew of any significance after the frame is built. But to get to 300 passenger on this frame and hull would be still high 20 HP.

If y'all can find a work around be my guest. Took me two days to get it were it is.

Should the Landspeeder gain the same Specials as the Airspeeder (Multiple Larger Scopes, Integrated Improvements)?

2 hours ago, Gordian Naught said:

Not really on the Luxury-class. I only got to the passenger/crew number I did by sacrificing all the base passengers converting to crew quarters and then doubling with integrated improvements. Then adding what passengers I could with leftover HP. I had a brief idea of making it start at sil 5 then using deceptive advertising to reduce it to 4, but thought that would complicate the build too much.

The order of operations I used to get to crew 26 is, Base Crew 2 / Passengers 4, then used ambiguously large to double to 4 / 8, 1 passenger quarters to 4 / 10, then convert passengers to crew to get 13 / 1, then doubled the crew with integrated improvements to 26.

I did this because you can add more passenger berths later but not any extra crew of any significance after the frame is built. But to get to 300 passenger on this frame and hull would be still high 20 HP.

If y'all can find a work around be my guest. Took me two days to get it were it is.

Sil 4, crew 26, passengers 300, enc 1000, 3 armor, -2 handling

Landspeeder sil 2 1 +2xsil hp, 1 crew, 3 passengers

Need 2x larger scope (which needs to be added) , and an ambiguously large silhouette

For crew double to 2, ad one, double twice to 12, use an integrated improvements to halve it back down to 6. Will later multiply by four to get to 24 for +8 hp (gunship hull)

We now have 13 hp.

Passengers start at 3 add 2 = 5, double 4 times (2 from larger scope, 1 from ambiguously large silhouette, 1 from integrated improvements) so 5×16=80.

Htt is 19.

Single ion coil for 2 hp, 1x enhanced output and 1x fine tuned circuits, mod it 3x for strain and it's at 21 sst,

With the gunship hull, with an extra hp and an integrated system (auxiliary generator) we have 3 armor -2 handling, and with the 2 mods we now have 20 hp, and 25 sst.

But we need 4 reinforced frames to get to 35 htt (12 hp left)

We're not going to get to it with the current rules. But we can add a "passenger barge" (general pleasure vessel) hull with, 1 armor, -2 handling, treat vessel as 1 sil larger for purpose of determining cargo and passengers added by dedicated bays and berths. Decrecrease the cost of dedicated passenger and cargo bays by 1.

Mods are 2x "double crew AND passenger capacity AND add sil hp," so nothing appropriate to combat for special features, this may solve the skiff problem too.

So with that, replacing the gunship hull with the barge hull.

We add 2 passengers to the base landspeeder, use 1x larger scope we're at 2 crew and 10 passengers oficers quarter +1crew apply larger scope again 6 crew and 20 passengers, officers quarters => 7 crew, 19 passengers, ambiguously large silhouette 14 crew and 38 crew, 2x integrated improvements 7 crew 76 passengers

With the barge hull and the 2 mods we have 28 crew and 304 passengers, and 21 hp, 1 armor, -2 handling. Ion coil with 3x strain mod, 1x fine tuned circuits, 1x enhanced output

19 hp, 21 sat, speed 2

With the hull we need 2x layered plating, and integrated system for an auxiliary generator

Use 8 hp for 4x reinforced frame and were' at 35 htt and 11 hp

Spend 8 hp for 4x dedicated cargo bay and we're at 980 enc,

1 hp for weapons leaves us at 2 customization hp.

Edited by EliasWindrider
2 hours ago, salamar_dree said:

Should the Landspeeder gain the same Specials as the Airspeeder (Multiple Larger Scopes, Integrated Improvements)?

I gave it 2 larger scopes & 2 integrated improvements


A couple clarifications:

If during the Frame stage, if you have a Sil 2 Landspeeder (3 passengers) and select the Passenger Quarters option first, you add 1 passenger (4 total), correct?

Then if you take 2×Larger Scope next, it doubles the passengers to 8 and then again to 16. Right?

52 minutes ago, salamar_dree said:


A couple clarifications:

If during the Frame stage, if you have a Sil 2 Landspeeder (3 passengers) and select the Passenger Quarters option first, you add 1 passenger (4 total), correct?

Then if you take 2×Larger Scope next, it doubles the passengers to 8 and then again to 16. Right?

For each core component, You get to choose the order you apply crafting upgrades... but attachments happen during assembly (after crafting).

So you could choose to apply them in that order yes.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Can you take another crack at the cargo skiff with the passenger barge hull?


Edited by EliasWindrider
1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

Can you take another crack at the cargo skiff with the passenger barge hull?


Already done! 😁

The cargo is 215 vs 250, HTT 13 vs 6, and it's shy 1 HP, but it's Sil 2!

Edited by salamar_dree
6 hours ago, salamar_dree said:

Already done! 😁

The cargo is 215 vs 250, HTT 13 vs 6, and it's shy 1 HP, but it's Sil 2!

Why wasn't the htt 9?

Edited by EliasWindrider
7 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Why wasn't the htt 9?

Hmm... Isn't it Sil+VSL?

Isn't that calculated during the Frame step?

Sil was bumped to 3 by Larger Scope. Wouldn't that be 3+10 (Sil+VSL)?

(Is Deceptive Advertising going to change it again at the Assembly step? If so, it needs to be mentioned.)

Edited by salamar_dree

The HTT of Landspeeders is very Sil dependent. Most Sil 2 Landspeeders have low HTTs (about 4), while the Sil 4 Sail Barge is at 35.

I'm not sure how to reconcile that.

1 hour ago, salamar_dree said:

Hmm... Isn't it Sil+VSL?

Isn't that calculated during the Frame step?

Sil was bumped to 3 by Larger Scope. Wouldn't that be 3+10 (Sil+VSL)?

(Is Deceptive Advertising going to change it again at the Assembly step? If so, it needs to be mentioned.)

You said it was sil 2. And for a landspeeder ambiguously large silhouette gives you the same hp as larger scope, ambiguously small silhouette, and deceptive advertising.

Does landspeeder frame with extra hardpoint and ambiguously large silhouette and the passenger barge hull get you to the same enc and hp crew and passengers as however you did it? My guess is yes. Actually 2x larger crew and passengers.

Edited by EliasWindrider

If you start with a landspeeder frame add a passenger quarters (+1=4) apply ambiguously large silhouette you're at 2 crew and 8 passengers, you can use 1 integrated improvements to decrease crew and 1 to enlarge passengers, putting you at 1 crew, 16 passengers, 9htt, 7hp, 5 enc

Throw on an extra hp for 8 hp.

Single ion coil, 2x enhanced output, modded twice for +sil strain gets you to speed 3 and 8 sst, 6 hp

Passenger barge hull, integrated system dedicated cargo bay, 3x cargo pods, extra hp, gets you to 65 cargo. You end up at 125 cargo... how the heck were you getting 215 enc when using ambiguously small silhouette (which causes you to determine enc from bays and pods as if you were 1 sil smaller) ?... this needs to be a flat sil 3 with a passenger barge hull by my math to get to 215.


Oops... cargo bays aren't limited to 3... you can get 4. So 155..... that's why you need sil 3 to be able to have more dedicated bays and berths

Edited by EliasWindrider


Okay. It's still 9 HTT vs. 6 RAW.

2 hours ago, salamar_dree said:


Okay. It's still 9 HTT vs. 6 RAW.

You were right... sil3 can have 6 bays berths/sil 2 can have 4.

Edited by EliasWindrider

We han have the hull reduce htt by sil and determine the number of allowed bays and berths as 1 sil larger... then we could get to 215 enc and 7 htt... and the sail barge could I think get an extra hp from hull and assembly for another reinforced frame and still work. That will be in the next release.

Here's the latest and greatest

the initial post should point to this as well.

Got the reduced protection in the table and listed under speeder bike and land speeder, updated passenger barge hull, added passenger barge to the table, added side car attachment, renamed basic sensors to sensors (basic), maybe something else as well.

Edited by EliasWindrider