For reference, here is my Imperial Assault painting thread . I've painted all the figures from that game.
I keep telling myself that I'll eventually take better pictures, but for now, here's Luke Skywalker, temporary commander of Spectre Company.
And because everyone asks, here is my responses to the most frequently asked questions about this figure:
- No it's not based on Luke from the Storms of Crait comic. I just like Crait, wanted to give him a cape to stand out.
- The colors are loosley inspired by Chopper from Rebels.
- I got the acrylic rod for the lightsaber at
To create the base I did the following:
- Paint base red
- Apply Citadel's Agrellan Earth
- Let it dry
- Drybrush/paint with a super light gray until there is no more brown left
- drybrush on some white over that
- touch up some details with more red (like the foot swipe).