Custom Investigators

By Morgaln, in Fan Creations

Thelric said:

You don't need to go to quite those lengths. In fact, you don't have to restart the program at all, and you can restrict the change to single investigators. You just need to set the "on-paint" setting of the component to some script code that will paint what you want, and move the "real" stat lines somewhere off the card so they won't be visible. Like this:

  1. Open an investigator.
  2. Open the Quickscript window.
  3. Paste this script into the window.
  4. Run the script.

This investigator now has constant skill lines. Forever. Muah ha ha ha ha. Or until you remove the on-paint setting.


great, thanx

Thelric said:

You don't need to go to quite those lengths. In fact, you don't have to restart the program at all, and you can restrict the change to single investigators. You just need to set the "on-paint" setting of the component to some script code that will paint what you want, and move the "real" stat lines somewhere off the card so they won't be visible. Like this:

  1. Open an investigator.
  2. Open the Quickscript window.
  3. Paste this script into the window.
  4. Run the script.

This investigator now has constant skill lines. Forever. Muah ha ha ha ha. Or until you remove the on-paint setting.


I still think Sex with Strange Eons is a better idea :')

Avi_dreader said:

I still think Sex with Strange Eons is a better idea :')

Ah, so you found the hidden easter egg in SE...

I'm posting these FF characters on behalf of my friend. There are @ 16 of them so is going to take some time here's the 1st one...







Uhhh... Hobbit Horror? ;') Somehow I think Gandalf would look great in a straitjacket.

I can see Frodo with 7 will but 5 movement and no sneak? He's a Hobbit so that makes him a little guy so he would be naturally be sneaky and slow. Perhaps make it to where he can't loss the One Ring similar to Luke's gate box. Make the one ring not exhaust and add in this "pay one Sanity and if your ever reduced to 0 sanity while you have it add a Doom Token on the AO."

The other guys look good.

I know he should be sneaky, but I didn't wanted to spend focus point on sneak because he have the one ring... and the idea with doom token is nice, but I wanted to keep it simple.

kroen said:

I know he should be sneaky, but I didn't wanted to spend focus point on sneak because he have the one ring... and the idea with doom token is nice, but I wanted to keep it simple.

The One Ring of Sauron should be powerful, scary, and dangerous, not simple. (IMHO)

Yenreb said:

kroen said:

I know he should be sneaky, but I didn't wanted to spend focus point on sneak because he have the one ring... and the idea with doom token is nice, but I wanted to keep it simple.

The One Ring of Sauron should be powerful, scary, and dangerous, not simple. (IMHO)

Well I was trying to adjust to investigators and items to the spirit of Arkham Horror, otherwise the Home of Frodo would be the Shire...

Trying to post characters see what happens ?action=view&current=Ted-Brautigan-Front

Did this work?


I hate posting pics on this page, its worse than learning calculus.


Yaay! I did it!

This guy is from Stephen King's Hearts in Atlantis and also the Dark Tower. LMK what you think.


Clicking lock ratio fixed that problem. Readable now.

Or maybe not... Ted-Brautigan-Front-Side.jpg


kroen said:

Yenreb said:

kroen said:

I know he should be sneaky, but I didn't wanted to spend focus point on sneak because he have the one ring... and the idea with doom token is nice, but I wanted to keep it simple.

The One Ring of Sauron should be powerful, scary, and dangerous, not simple. (IMHO)

Well I was trying to adjust to investigators and items to the spirit of Arkham Horror, otherwise the Home of Frodo would be the Shire...

The ring should give corruption cards :')

Lord of Squirrels said:


Heh... He's actually a bit weak... Zero Cash... 1 Focus... 3 Speed... Chased by the King... :') I didn't think I'd ever say this ;') but you might want to bump up his focus by one at the very least. Yeah, I know psychic is useful, but I'm not so sure if it's *that* useful ;'D

Also, on a personal level :') I prefer pictures that fit with the rest of the AH art ;') not photographs.

Yeah MRS Gamura thought he was a little weak too. The pic is more of a personal thing as I think Anthony Hopkins is badass. I will make a Hannibal Lecter investigator next.

Lord of Squirrels said:

Yeah MRS Gamura thought he was a little weak too. The pic is more of a personal thing as I think Anthony Hopkins is badass. I will make a Hannibal Lecter investigator next.

He's almost as bad as Sister Mary ;') but at least he has psychic and clues. On the other hand he has a limp and no luck ;') heh... Oh decisions decisions...

Hrm... No photoshop effects that could make the picture look more cartoony?

He's an old dude, I can't see him running around all over the place. And he was hiding so I gave him some sneak. I wasn't trying to make a badass. He does kinda look like Sister Mary...Creepy.

Lord of Squirrels said:

He's an old dude, I can't see him running around all over the place. And he was hiding so I gave him some sneak. I wasn't trying to make a badass. He does kinda look like Sister Mary...Creepy.

::Laughter:: I get why you did what you did, but unless he has alzheimers too, you should add a point to his focus.

Two new investigators:



I changed Ted to 2 focus but it won't let me show the updated version. I delete it but it still shows 1 focus when I reload the update. Oh Well.

Here are some of my Final Fantasy Characters: from my favorite game FF6



MrsGamura said:


This is for the DT fans.

Was thinking about taking away a Unique and adding a Common and Clue.

Updated... Roland-Deschain-Front-Side-1.png

kroen said:

Two new investigators:



Parker's pretty cool... It's nice to see Egyptian Items in the game again (they almost never show up), however, this leads to the next problem... Her ability is unlikely to ever be used. Perhaps if you had her draw exhibit items instead of unique items when gaining unique items in an encounter. Williams is broken— especially given that he has five speed. His abilities would mean two sealed gates in the early game. Do we *really* need another Wendy? ;') ::Shrug:: if you really want him to gather clues though (while retaining some balance) why not give him ancestral visions (I think) as a fixed starting item?