I always liked The Maniac so had to make a character of one.
Set his stats for these reasons...
Speed/ Sneak ~figured he would not really care about sneaking but would have OK speed.
Fight/ Will ~would have OK fight and good will, after all he needs to get close enough to his victims to "Axe them a question".
Lore/ Luck ~not so great luck but above average Lore, after all what do you think drove him insane in the first place, tasted a just a little bit to much of the Mythos.
Axe ~duh!
Summon Monster ~because killing things is fun and getting other poeple killed by things is just heaven!
3 toughness monster ~because every killer has his trophies
0$ ~I'll just take yours! ha ha
one clue ~so he's not clueless
Exhibit ~after the CotDP Mythos card, the one with the Maniacs in Downtown streets
Skill ~everyone gots one
Sadistic Glee ~hmmm so thats how that thing kills you...Cool!
Axe Murder ~this is my Axe and it's my friend...and he's thirsty!