Custom Investigators

By Morgaln, in Fan Creations

This is the REVISED version of Lester. I found this one to be more apporiate. Kain's main advantage is his Lucky Cigarette Case and the fact he starts with a good load of set items.

As for Herbert West, I like his concept and wanted to see what he would be like as an Investigator. The advantage of bringing back Devoured characters is that one of your fellows may have a really good skill combination that you would have like to keep.


If the reanimator made the zombie investigator redraw starting equipment, then it might be pretty cool. But as it is you would be taking your investigator back with a huge penalty (no items plus corruption). No one would ever do that since the rules say you take a new investigator with starting equipment.

Neat idea, but change it so you draw starting equipment again.


kroen said:


Now this seems like an interesting character. She has a well thought out ability and doesn't seem to be broken. Well done this time. Try and make every character you submit this well rounded.

Thx. I realized her ability is more bad than good, unless when used properly in which case it can be very good. Either way I thought a +2 bonus to focus is appropriate.


Dark Jco. said:

kroen said:

Now this seems like an interesting character. She has a well thought out ability and doesn't seem to be broken. Well done this time. Try and make every character you submit this well rounded.

I concur!

MrsGamura said:

Dark Jco. said:

kroen said:

Now this seems like an interesting character. She has a well thought out ability and doesn't seem to be broken. Well done this time. Try and make every character you submit this well rounded.

I concur!

Talking about constructive criticism... sigh

I was thinking, we have redemeed cultist, why not have an actual cultist? maybe he's having second thoughts. This is what I came up with:


Edit: Forgot to add the ability "Trusted Member- Any Phase: Rodger can never lose his Cult membership."

It's "Whenever Roger has an encounter..."

Has. Not Have.

Also: I don't like Victoria's Deathloop. If she loses a combat she goes unconscious, and then her turn ends with her in the hospital or Asylum with just 1 point in Stamina or Sanity. And now it is the end of the turn and she didn't kill anything, so she drops again. If her Stamina and Sanity are both 1 (which they will be soon becaus she now has no money or equipment, she'll get devoured.

Victoria should bypass the vampirism restriction if she is at the hospital or the asylum. Otherwise she goes into a death spiral she can't get out of the first time she drops.


Frank said:

It's "Whenever Roger has an encounter..."

Has. Not Have.

Also: I don't like Victoria's Deathloop. If she loses a combat she goes unconscious, and then her turn ends with her in the hospital or Asylum with just 1 point in Stamina or Sanity. And now it is the end of the turn and she didn't kill anything, so she drops again. If her Stamina and Sanity are both 1 (which they will be soon becaus she now has no money or equipment, she'll get devoured.

Victoria should bypass the vampirism restriction if she is at the hospital or the asylum. Otherwise she goes into a death spiral she can't get out of the first time she drops.


I kindof agree with this, but not exactly, remember, any turn that she does combat she doesn't lose stamina/sanity, so she can hang out at a hospital or asylum slowly losing stamina, but once monsters start showing up in arkham, as long as she goes out to kill them (and wins) she'll be back up to full health soon enough. I wouldn't mind a bypass though (even though I think it's possible for her to play effectively without it). And a bypass would encourage her to take encounters at the Asylum and Hospital.

I guess allowing her to bypass her ability in the asylum and hospital is logical.




edit: hmm just realized he doesn't have 4 at fight nor lore... okay so -1 will +1 fight.


She may be better off with less Sneak and more Luck.

As written, the Belly Dancer gets better against tougher monsters. Remember that the modifiers are expressed as negative values , and when you subtract a negative value you get a positive modifier. So when the Monster has a -3, she subtracts that -3 from her Will check and ges 3 extra dice. Also, it's currently toughness independent, which may or may not have been what you were looking for.


Frank said:

As written, the Belly Dancer gets better against tougher monsters. Remember that the modifiers are expressed as negative values, and when you subtract a negative value you get a positive modifier. So when the Monster has a -3, she subtracts that -3 from her Will check and ges 3 extra dice. Also, it's currently toughness independent, which may or may not have been what you were looking for.

Technically true, but pretty pedantic :)

I think expressing it as Will (-X) is probably OK, most people would get how it was meant to work. The Seduction ability is a bit odd though - I get why it's meant to work on Cultists, but limiting it to all crescent-symbol monsters means it also works on the Dunwich Horror, Children of Abhoth and so on. And amorphous blobs of ropey flesh are surely unlikely to be distracted by the booty-shakin'.

The items list a bit much too - it's not overpowered, but it would probably be special enough to just give her one fixed item and have the rest random. Random items are a bit more fun, and they add to the replayability of the character. I'd leave her with the makeup kit (it's characterful) but scrap the rest.

True it is weird that it works on DH, Abhoth but left in crescent to make things simpler. Crescent is related to Earth Monsters, Cultist, Maniacs, Vampires, Zombies... would not want to got though all the monsters and list what ones would make sense and what ones wouldn't plus wouldn't cover newer monster....after the investigator was created!

If they made Human a type I would change it to that.

On the will -X yea two negative make a positive but hopefully most people get you just take the number... I don't want to write the absolute Value of the Horror Rating Modifier, etc

She has all the fixed stuff cause I was making this in another guys thread... he hand her start with a lot of fixed things!

but true I could see taking away the fixed unique and spell and giving them to her as she may gain a dollar out of the deal.

You know what monsters want to have chldren with sexy earth ladies? Hexagon monsters.


Yes the Goat Spawn are Hot!

Yes I know he lived in England and died before the 1920's lengua.gif

Yes staring a sentence with yes is the way to go!


Street cloths...


Note: as it stands now he can't enter Dunwitch so should add the Bridge.



clarification: the "first player" condition is only checked during the mythos phase.


currently, as the bookfinder ability is worded, it could technically allow a player to search the entire unique deck for a single tome (because a tome is a unique item, therefore one could discard it to draw a tome in a cycle, I realize that's clearly not your intent, but). Also, do you intend for the ability to be usable while shopping?

Avi_dreader said:


currently, as the bookfinder ability is worded, it could technically allow a player to search the entire unique deck for a single tome (because a tome is a unique item, therefore one could discard it to draw a tome in a cycle, I realize that's clearly not your intent, but). Also, do you intend for the ability to be usable while shopping?

Good point. I should word it "Whenever Erwin gains a non-tome unique item". And well, it can work while shopping, but he has to buy an item first. Notice I used "gain" and not "draw". If he shops, he may buy any card, and then when he gains it he may discard it to draw a tome.

2 spellcasters:



The Butcher guy doesn't need a rifle AND a fight track that goes up to six. Give him a smaller gun, I reckon, or start him with no gun at all. Start him with a knife! More in-character surely.

Rose Miller's good! I like the idea, I'm surprised no-one has ever thought of including an ability like this before. However the second clause ought to be an additional ability (or maybe just ought to be cut altogether). Just paying Sanity costs with Stamina is probably good enough; her 'second' ability should be a bit more distinct. Something to do with Spell cards themselves, maybe? You could (just an idea) let her draw a few spells at the start of the game and then pick which two she actually gets. Also, with two fixed commons and two fixed spells, she probably doesn't the fixed unique; cut the unique and give her a Clue or two instead. It'll help compensate for her naff fight/will track.

(Also, we're so short of ideas for spellcasting characters that we're starting to step on each other's toes: some of these special abilities are quite like ones that I put in Cult of the Golden Scarab. I didn't think the tome-searching ability was powerful enough if it was restricted to only one type of item, so I let the ability work on commons AND uniques. Half of the tomes are nearly useless anyway, in my view).