Do I need more than 1 core set?

By Spartan_Dude, in L5R LCG: Deck Building

Hey guys and dolls

Over the past couple of weeks I've been introducing my friends to this game and It's been going down well. Now that some of us are getting into it I'm wondering as to what to buy next. And I was just wondering if 1 core set is enough and go straight to a dynasty pack or whether It's advised I get another first.
I should probably say that I am personally not looking to get into serious competitive or tournament play. I consider myself I try-hard casual. I play for fun but I do try to win. So I'm not too focused on having the absolute best decks, just decent ones.

8 minutes ago, Spartan_Dude said:

try-hard casual

You probably want a total of 3 core sets then. It allows you to play equivalent to tourney play, even if you don't play them. Because 3 is the limit of any card in a deck, it gives you all the options on deck building, and I consider deck building one of the most interesting aspects of the game.

Three sets will also allow you to make 2 fully legal decks, so you can share.

I'd recommend getting at least one more core set and then getting the dynasty packs.

If you are playing mostly casual, this opens up a larger variety of cards to you and keeps you familiar with the cards as they come out so if you do happen to play against more competitive people, you are at least prepared for what you may come across.

If you feel like you need to pick up that 3rd core set later it should be easier to get since FFG is probably going to do a better job of keeping it in stock since its "evergreen" (always tourney legal) and the dynasty packs will eventually rotate.

Yeah. If you want to invest in the game getting a second core set is mandatory. A third is probably the best next move.

Yep. One more I to third core...

Editing this out. It probably should be its own topic

Edited by Kaiba6798

Very casual here, but I still had to have 3 cores. 2 minimum and then maybe shop the dynasty packs for what looks fun or interesting, but again, I recommend all.

Hello there,

Instead of opening another topic, I chose to re-use this one for another question regarding dynasty packs : how many dynasty pack do I need to buy if I've got 3 core sets. Just one of each is enough ?

Thanks for your answers,


Dynasty packs and Clan packs have playsets, so you need only one of each for a single player.

Ah so for two players it's better to have two copies of each ? Or are we just saying that one copy of each dynasty and clan packs is enough for two players building different decks ? Thanks,


58 minutes ago, Elrad said:

Ah so for two players it's better to have two copies of each ? Or are we just saying that one copy of each dynasty and clan packs is enough for two players building different decks ? Thanks,


That depends. ;-) If both of you play the same clan, you most likely should buy a pack for each.

If you're not, and you're not even splashing each other's clan, one pack is sufficient. A friend of mine and I bought every pack twice, but we realised that this means just a lot of dead (duplicate) cards, so we will go with one pack for both of us with the next cycle.

29 minutes ago, ichaos1985 said:

That depends. ;-) If both of you play the same clan, you most likely should buy a pack for each.

If you're not, and you're not even splashing each other's clan, one pack is sufficient. A friend of mine and I bought every pack twice, but we realised that this means just a lot of dead (duplicate) cards, so we will go with one pack for both of us with the next cycle.

Unless you both want the same neutral cards (or want to splash the same third clan).

OK thank to you two :-)

I guess I'll go with 3 core and 1 of each subsequent pack :-)



You're welcome.

I recently wrote a post about this, it might be of some help.

To get fully into the game you will need all the cards, but you can stagger that and get a lot of enjoyment as you slowly expand your collection. It is definitely possible to have fun and enjoy the game with just one core set.