I Have You Now - Not-so-new (but still opinionated) Armada blog

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada

5 hours ago, Green Knight said:

The Kuat (minus the Admiral since that could be more list depended) is exactly the build I'd like to try out (I originally had point defense re-route, before I realized how bad it was). It seems like there's now a nice combination of upgrades that can go together for very efficient anti-squad tech while not having to sacrifice everything for it (only wasting 11 points for anti-squad tech if your opponent doesn't bring squads)

4 minutes ago, AlexW said:

The Kuat (minus the Admiral since that could be more list depended) is exactly the build I'd like to try out (I originally had point defense re-route, before I realized how bad it was). It seems like there's now a nice combination of upgrades that can go together for very efficient anti-squad tech while not having to sacrifice everything for it (only wasting 11 points for anti-squad tech if your opponent doesn't bring squads)

Yes. That Kuat build is actually something you might use with some success. Only problem is most ppl are trying to use Boarding Troopers with anything that smells of Avenger...

GK, when you follow a link, the link text turns a dark gray that is unreadable against the black page background. Trying to read or re-read sentences with link text in them, or trying to scan through the post titles on the home page is just impossible.

Help me, Greenie Pie, you're my only hope!

1 hour ago, Green Knight said:

An aside: I'm really sad the Command version of the Kitten doesn't have a fleet command slot.

Never crossed my mind before, but yeah, that would be super cool for Arq swarm lists. Or just a cheaper way for imps to get a fleet command. Maybe Chimaera-like titles for the Arquitens and the MC80H in a future campaign pack? Bring balance to the fleet commands.

Edit: Oh, but if they were titles you could equip them on the Light/Assault Cruiser as well and that makes less sense. I don't know.

Edited by Villakarvarousku
3 hours ago, Green Knight said:

Yup, solid article.

On Pryce vs SAd:

Generally speaking, my rule of thumb is this--assuming you're taking one or the other and debating which:

If you're bringing a competitive number of activations, and want to push it a little harder to directly compete with the really high-activation MSUs, you take SAd. Cheaper, and will be useful more often.

If you're going to be out-activated most of the time anyway (dual Christmas Trees, for example), take Pryce to get a one-round trump card.

Not many cards from W7 left to write about...

  • Chimaera
  • Profundity
  • Thrawn
  • Raddus
  • Gax Saxon/Mando fighter
  • Cymoon/Kuat
  • MC75s

...so saving the best for last :)

Edit: and Darth Vader, the boarding team

Edited by Green Knight

Man, I wish I had a blog where I could say “that’s how it works.” And get away with it ?

39 minutes ago, Drasnighta said:

Man, I wish I had a blog where I could say “that’s how it works.” And get away with it ?

You can be a guest writer: 'Dras' This Is How It REALLY Works Corner' :)

On 3/9/2018 at 5:33 AM, Green Knight said:

Not many cards from W7 left to write about...

  • Gax Saxon/Mando fighter

...so saving the best for last :)