New Character Ideas

By XCcamel, in Imperial Assault Campaign

Put some ideas together for enemies and bosses in either skirmish or campaign. Haven't been play-tested but let me know what you think. Im happy to edit each unit based upon the vibe in the room.

Click on the units name to view their stats.

Edited by King_Balrog
On February 22, 2019 at 9:52 AM, thinkbomb said:

This type of story line would work well for the further-branching mission structure like HotE. ^^ Just some counter-thoughts ...

Mudtroopers - stats look fine. You'll need to back in some personality via their abilities, though. 2 maybe suggestions: buff them when they are close to a leader (reflecting lack of proper training) // Spray and Pray: a surge that lets them essentially cleave to a target near the original target

AT-DT - My two cents would be to push it a little bit smaller (making it a larger 2x2 figure) and reflect it as such in the stats. These figures tend to run a little smaller in scale when they're bigger anyways, so it'll make it stand out more from the AT-ST, AT-DP, and Weiss. The abilites are cool, though. :D (I would say danger close needs to be an attack action, tho).

everything else looks fun.

Empire class abilities would be fun to have one based on the Mimban forces and one for the Crimson Dawn.

Not sure what to suggest for agenda decks ... one Agenda card ability, tho: Shuttled in Reinforcements, 2 influence one-off: at the start of a round place neutral mission token on the board on any exterior space (probably add other restrictions). During the optional deployment phase of the next round, this space becomes an active deployment point and is then removed. [basically mimicking when that shuttle dropped off the troopers on the train]

I appreciate the feedback, Thinkbomb.

My idea behind the AT-DT was a sniping vehicle, being able to lay down fire from across whole tiles. I would add either the awkward ability from the AT-ST, or a more powerful version so it can't shoot enemies within two spaces of itself. The "Danger Close" ability would be a special attack, and restricted to only exterior spaces.

The mudtroopers could have an ability called "undisciplined", when a leader is within 2 spaces, gain +2 accuracy and 1 surge. This could actually breathe some life into Inspiring Leadership command deck, by having units who are innately buffed by leaders already.

I love the agenda card idea for the drop ship. Maybe the rest of that agenda set could be themed around mobile warfare, granting efficient travel to units, and a card which gives a special action that gives movement points and attack?

On 3/1/2019 at 5:56 PM, XCcamel said:

I appreciate the feedback, Thinkbomb.

My idea behind the AT-DT was a sniping vehicle, being able to lay down fire from across whole tiles. I would add either the awkward ability from the AT-ST, or a more powerful version so it can't shoot enemies within two spaces of itself. The "Danger Close" ability would be a special attack, and restricted to only exterior spaces.

The mudtroopers could have an ability called "undisciplined", when a leader is within 2 spaces, gain +2 accuracy and 1 surge. This could actually breathe some life into Inspiring Leadership command deck, by having units who are innately buffed by leaders already.

I love the agenda card idea for the drop ship. Maybe the rest of that agenda set could be themed around mobile warfare, granting efficient travel to units, and a card which gives a special action that gives movement points and attack?

AT-DT = I'm seeing the synergy now. that's awesome. ^___^ yeah, the awkward tag would be super appropriate. You may want to consider flagging it as "massive" even if it's a 2x2 just to keep it out of the star destoyer bridge.

the undesciplined attribute is awesome. really liking that idea.

and that's a good theme for the drop ship agenda. lots to play with there.

Bear with me on this it might be a stretch, but following the end of the clone wars, I can see groups like the Hutt cartel, Black Sun, and other nefarious organizations picking up surviving separatist droids and reprogramming them for their own purposes. These droids would include:

B1 battle droid- cost 5, group size 3, traits are droid/trooper, 3 health, speed 4, defense white, attack green yellow, has expendable ability, for two surges may reinforce a defeated figure from this group, once per round.

Droideka destroyer droid- health 5, speed 1, attack blue yellow red, +1 block, cost 6, group size 1. At the beginning of the activation, may change forms. Attack form- black defense die, surge to gain 1 block power token, surge for +1 damage and bleed, trade all surge block tokens for block tokens. Ball form- white defense die, noncombatant- cannot attack, +3 speed, trade all block power tokens for surge blocks.

8 minutes ago, XCcamel said:

Bear with me on this it might be a stretch, but following the end of the clone wars, I can see groups like the Hutt cartel, Black Sun, and other nefarious organizations picking up surviving separatist droids and reprogramming them for their own purposes. These droids would include:

B1 battle droid- cost 5, group size 3, traits are droid/trooper, 3 health, speed 4, defense white, attack green yellow, has expendable ability, for two surges may reinforce a defeated figure from this group, once per round.

Droideka destroyer droid- health 5, speed 1, attack blue yellow red, +1 block, cost 6, group size 1. At the beginning of the activation, may change forms. Attack form- black defense die, surge to gain 1 block power token, surge for +1 damage and bleed, trade all surge block tokens for block tokens. Ball form- white defense die, noncombatant- cannot attack, +3 speed, trade all block power tokens for surge blocks.

It isn't THAT much of a stretch to see some dilapidated battle droids here and there ... though I doubt the big name cartels would use such dated tech extensively. (more likely it'd be used by small fries). It definitely would be a welcome change of pace to have Supers, B1s, and Droidekas, though.

B1: love the reinforce double-surge concept. totally fits. Any notion for the elites' extra attribute?

Droideka: for the ball form, it'd probably be cleaner worded as a double-action instead of a separate form. It should also gain efficient travel in that state, imo.

So here's a rough spitball for the super ...
- Cost 6, group size 2, HP 5, Black def, range attack red/blue, speed 3, surge: accuracy+2, surge: +1dmg // rocket launcher special attack ability (something like LoS, range of 4-5, green die dmg to target and adjacent spaces), maybe 1 per round

The commander droids would make for an interesting LEADER droid unit (in case you wanted to go all in). not sure what that would entail though

7 minutes ago, thinkbomb said:

It isn't THAT much of a stretch to see some dilapidated battle droids here and there ... though I doubt the big name cartels would use such dated tech extensively. (more likely it'd be used by small fries). It definitely would be a welcome change of pace to have Supers, B1s, and Droidekas, though.

B1: love the reinforce double-surge concept. totally fits. Any notion for the elites' extra attribute?

Droideka: for the ball form, it'd probably be cleaner worded as a double-action instead of a separate form. It should also gain efficient travel in that state, imo.

So here's a rough spitball for the super ...
- Cost 6, group size 2, HP 5, Black def, range attack red/blue, speed 3, surge: accuracy+2, surge: +1dmg // rocket launcher special attack ability (something like LoS, range of 4-5, green die dmg to target and adjacent spaces), maybe 1 per round

The commander droids would make for an interesting LEADER droid unit (in case you wanted to go all in). not sure what that would entail though

My thinking behind the droideka was a type of mercenary E-web, and the forms were to give it two vastly different sets of abilities, a fast ball form with a white die, which cannot attack, and maybe doesn't block line of sight, and the slow attack form with the black defense die and heavy attack. This also keeps it from being over powered, while attacking, the rebels can simply outrun it, forcing it into ball form to catch up and then hit it while the shields are down. I do agree, ball form should be granted efficient travel, and the attack form, assault.

On 3/12/2019 at 5:53 AM, XCcamel said:

My thinking behind the droideka was a type of mercenary E-web, and the forms were to give it two vastly different sets of abilities, a fast ball form with a white die, which cannot attack, and maybe doesn't block line of sight, and the slow attack form with the black defense die and heavy attack. This also keeps it from being over powered, while attacking, the rebels can simply outrun it, forcing it into ball form to catch up and then hit it while the shields are down. I do agree, ball form should be granted efficient travel, and the attack form, assault.


Click the units name below to see it's stats

Droideka -Elite units so you can only have 2

(while the shields are up only melee or adjacent ranged units can harm the droideka)

(Droideka is squishy due to its low health, weak to melee, and movement can be risky if you don't prepare beforehand.)

Image result for energy shield imperial assault

Edited by King_Balrog

rough idea I think FFG may want to consider - hero / trooper combo packs (Similar to the r2/3p0 set)

one example: Enfys Nest and their troopers. (probably a rebel ally, the story mission could be the rebellion assists them as they're freedom fighters)

so the pack would have the leader herself, then 2 guerilla troopers (either 1 or 2 missions to unlock both at once, or individually).

Main idea being I really doubt anyone would buy the troops without the leader, so why not both.


Enfys: general notion is a brawler melee, 3 die attack, black def. Brutality. Special double-action where she leaps a few spaces and stuns all adjacent (or within 2 spaces) opponents with 1 dmg

the enfys troopers would draw paralells to the rodian guns

Edited by thinkbomb
On 3/12/2019 at 4:53 AM, XCcamel said:

My thinking behind the droideka was a type of mercenary E-web, and the forms were to give it two vastly different sets of abilities, a fast ball form with a white die, which cannot attack, and maybe doesn't block line of sight, and the slow attack form with the black defense die and heavy attack. This also keeps it from being over powered, while attacking, the rebels can simply outrun it, forcing it into ball form to catch up and then hit it while the shields are down. I do agree, ball form should be granted efficient travel, and the attack form, assault.

form cards are a pain, but I definitely see the advantage of what you're doing here. ^^

On 3/11/2019 at 5:44 PM, thinkbomb said:

... though I doubt the big name cartels would use such dated tech extensively. (more likely it'd be used by small fries).

Mercs already have HKs, which were originally far older (though did see use during the Clone Wars, apparently).

Incidentally, one of the Star Wars wikis actually lists them as canonically at the aftermath of Hoth just because of Imperial Assault, which is... questionable at best, but cool.

Spoilers for the Aftermath trilogy and light thematic spoilers for an IA mission:

Also, it's definitely canon that Temmin Wexley rebuilt a B1 during the GCW, and he surely wasn't the only person in the entire galaxy to do this.

From what I remember, there was also a factory still full of active B1 droids on Akiva, too.

And, without giving anything away, a mission in Imperial Assault tackles a similar theme.

Edited by subtrendy2
On 3/13/2019 at 9:53 AM, thinkbomb said:

rough idea I think FFG may want to consider - hero / trooper combo packs (Similar to the r2/3p0 set)

one example: Enfys Nest and their troopers. (probably a rebel ally, the story mission could be the rebellion assists them as they're freedom fighters)

so the pack would have the leader herself, then 2 guerilla troopers (either 1 or 2 missions to unlock both at once, or individually).

Main idea being I really doubt anyone would buy the troops without the leader, so why not both.


Enfys: general notion is a brawler melee, 3 die attack, black def. Brutality. Special double-action where she leaps a few spaces and stuns all adjacent (or within 2 spaces) opponents with 1 dmg

the enfys troopers would draw paralells to the rodian guns

My take on both:

Enfys Nest (An notorious swoop-bike pirate; talented in melee combat. Able to shrug off blasterfire and steal VP's from an opponent when they complete skirmish objectives)

Nest-electroripper (her skirmish card would perform the same move you mentioned above: leap/stun/causes 2 strain (think of a shorter distance version of Ahsoka's Force Leap ability))

r Cloud-Rider Raider e Cloud-Rider Raider ( Single units that can form into elite squads. A notorious, yet noble, band of smugglers and raiders who challenge the powers that be)

Related image (Similar to deathtroopers, access to blast which few Scum units have)

Edited by King_Balrog
2 hours ago, King_Balrog said:

My take on both:

Enfys Nest (An notorious swoop-bike pirate; talented in melee combat. Able to shrug off blasterfire and steal VP's from an opponent when they complete skirmish objectives)

Nest-electroripper (her skirmish card would perform the same move you mentioned above: leap/stun/causes 2 strain (think of a shorter distance version of Ahsoka's Force Leap ability))

r Cloud-Rider Raider e Cloud-Rider Raider ( Single units that can form into elite squads. A notorious, yet noble, band of smugglers and raiders who challenge the powers that be)

Related image (Similar to deathtroopers, access to blast which few Scum units have)

Ahsoka's force leap is strictly for mobility (though insanely powerful in that regard). Strain's a good touch instead of damage.
I think her campaign card should have the ability rather than the VP stuff. (no comment on that, haven't played pvp enough to know if that's balanced)

Likewise, the Raiders would need a separate campaign card, but given them blast and the deathtrooper ability plays into their aggressive tactics. ^^ I'd suggest having 5 hp for the elite rather than regular, but that aside fun stuff.

1 hour ago, thinkbomb said:

Ahsoka's force leap is strictly for mobility (though insanely powerful in that regard). Strain's a good touch instead of damage.
I think her campaign card should have the ability rather than the VP stuff. (no comment on that, haven't played pvp enough to know if that's balanced)

Likewise, the Raiders would need a separate campaign card, but given them blast and the deathtrooper ability plays into their aggressive tactics. ^^ I'd suggest having 5 hp for the elite rather than regular, but that aside fun stuff.

I appreciate the critiques.

I personally think strain is underused in skirmish, and less useful against imperials in campaign(just converts to 1 to 1 damage)

Enfys Nest (Campaign)

Enfys doesn't have the access to the force so I figure shed jump half as far (she has jet boots similar to Cad Bain) maybe 2-3 spaces. I think stun and damage together would be too powerful, so i think strain alone would be sufficient, specifically because it counts as a free action/ free damage(skirmish). In campaign- she would gain a different version of Privateer (probably similar, yet unique, to Hondo's ulterior motive ability (having to do with stealing crates off the board)). Instead of enemy of my enemy she would have access to the jump slam attack as an action [-->].

For the Raiders, they would function similar to death troopers but specialize in separate damage types and have access to blast. (valid critique on hp but I mostly did a 1 for 1 copy of these guys below, cloud riders have way less survivability due to their white dice- specifically if the imperial player uses them to fight the heroes.) In a 1v1 i think the deathtrooper would win 75% of the time (as he should- its like a navy seal vs a street thug)

Death Troopers campaign Elite Death Troopers campaign

Edited by King_Balrog
On March 11, 2019 at 6:44 PM, thinkbomb said:

So here's a rough spitball for the super ...
- Cost 6, group size 2, HP 5, Black def, range attack red/blue, speed 3, surge: accuracy+2, surge: +1dmg // rocket launcher special attack ability (something like LoS, range of 4-5, green die dmg to target and adjacent spaces), maybe 1 per round

The commander droids would make for an interesting LEADER droid unit (in case you wanted to go all in). not sure what that would entail though

I can see it being possible for the droid army remnants finding their way into the game, especially with the Clone War kick FFG has been on recently between X-wing 2.0 and Age of Rebellion. Probably implement it like they did the Rebels stuff, divided into 4 waves, 2 seperate character waves (Grand Inquisitor, and Hera/Chopper), a big box and a small box.

They could have a small box centered around Geonosis, drawing from the Vader comics and Rebel TV show, and drop the B1s in there. Maybe a big box with the B2s and commander droids, potentially centering around IG-88 trying to build a droid army? The destroyer droids can come as a pair in a blister pack, possibly with the agenda mission expanding a mini campaign.

As far as the commander droid is concerned: obviously a droid/leader trait, order action (executive order for elite) cost 3/6, black defense, health 4/6, ability called Tactical Network which grants + 2 accuracy and 1 surge to friendly droids within 3 spaces (3 accuracy for elite) and elite can surge to focus friendly units within 3.

6 minutes ago, XCcamel said:

I can see it being possible for the droid army remnants finding their way into the game, especially with the Clone War kick FFG has been on recently between X-wing 2.0 and Age of Rebellion. Probably implement it like they did the Rebels stuff, divided into 4 waves, 2 seperate character waves (Grand Inquisitor, and Hera/Chopper), a big box and a small box.

They could have a small box centered around Geonosis, drawing from the Vader comics and Rebel TV show, and drop the B1s in there. Maybe a big box with the B2s and commander droids, potentially centering around IG-88 trying to build a droid army? The destroyer droids can come as a pair in a blister pack, possibly with the agenda mission expanding a mini campaign.

As far as the commander droid is concerned: obviously a droid/leader trait, order action (executive order for elite) cost 3/6, black defense, health 4/6, ability called Tactical Network which grants + 2 accuracy and 1 surge to friendly droids within 3 spaces (3 accuracy for elite) and elite can surge to focus friendly units within 3.

Fun concept. Definitely not its own faction (there's a lengthy discussion about faction identity), but it would be a good idea to push in some CIS representation via expansion.

Smallbox, imo, seems more appropriate (with a few blisters). Mostly given the lack of a good massive unit.

B1s, B2s for the scum grunts. Imperial Interrogation/torture droid for the Empire (not sure for their 2nd, either a support technician or troopers that can command a companion droid).
Since you mentioned the box, the commander droid could make a good "generic villain" similar to Blaise and Sorin. Zuckus and 4LOM (duo pack) would be fun tie-in villains.

Generic Heroes?
A refuge oldman Jedi would be suiting. Maybe even have his figurine sport some battle-worn armor with the robes (similar to Obi and some of the others of the era). Build his abilities for a more calculate play (as opposed to Davith and Diala who are more both brawlers).
Offhand, drawing a blank on the other hero.

12 hours ago, thinkbomb said:

Fun concept. Definitely not its own faction (there's a lengthy discussion about faction identity), but it would be a good idea to push in some CIS representation via expansion.

Smallbox, imo, seems more appropriate (with a few blisters). Mostly given the lack of a good massive unit.

B1s, B2s for the scum grunts. Imperial Interrogation/torture droid for the Empire (not sure for their 2nd, either a support technician or troopers that can command a companion droid).
Since you mentioned the box, the commander droid could make a good "generic villain" similar to Blaise and Sorin. Zuckus and 4LOM (duo pack) would be fun tie-in villains.

Generic Heroes?
A refuge oldman Jedi would be suiting. Maybe even have his figurine sport some battle-worn armor with the robes (similar to Obi and some of the others of the era). Build his abilities for a more calculate play (as opposed to Davith and Diala who are more both brawlers).
Offhand, drawing a blank on the other hero.

IT-O Interrogator (an Elusive and tenacious unit that seeks to cripple opposing figures with status effects. Leaves behind an acid pile when unit reaches lethal damage)


7 hours ago, King_Balrog said:

IT-O Interrogator (an Elusive and tenacious unit that seeks to cripple opposing figures with status effects. Leaves behind an acid pile when unit reaches lethal damage)


my own thoughts on it...

The interrigation droid in film (used on leia) was a bit more substantial than the cam droids (something like pumpkin sized as opposed to american-football sized). I don't think the auto-dodge is appropriate. ^^; 3-4 hp and white die for the common grunt. mobile speed 5. Cost 2
green green melee, auto-weaken, surge pierce 1, surge bleeding

Intimidating passive (rename it) = weakened hostile figures who attack this unit suffer -2 accuracy. All melee attacks must reach accuracy to hit this figure.

Invasive procedure (copied from 0-0-0 and others)

ELITE It's Reputation Alone... = so these things were usually used in tandem with "organic operators". There should be an offensive-adjacency bonus for friendly figures ... I'm just kinda tired atm. Maybe it gives offensive power tokens (surge or dmg) to adjacent friendlies at the end of activation.


CAMPAIGN - tactics intention is that this would be offensive-support debuffer to go along with more regular damage dealers. Basically send it in after other troops are in the field so it doesn't get picked off, then have it rush in and administer pain. (potentially pair it with an imperial officer to move it into position prior to activation so it can invasive procedure / attack 2 heroes)

Edited by thinkbomb

Half baked idea warning...

Not much of new trilogy content is valid for use in Imperial Assault... I think Rathtars have potential, though (and would make for an amazing figurine).

Massive figure, can move indoors. Give it the consume option that the rancor has, and some other attributes that generally make it "friendly fire."

... I'd buy it.


That and a rebel tauntaun rider. Everyone would buy that.

On March 17, 2019 at 3:13 AM, thinkbomb said:

Half baked idea warning...

Not much of new trilogy content is valid for use in Imperial Assault... I think Rathtars have potential, though (and would make for an amazing figurine).

Massive figure, can move indoors. Give it the consume option that the rancor has, and some other attributes that generally make it "friendly fire."

... I'd buy it.


That and a rebel tauntaun rider. Everyone would buy that.

I agree that some of the sequel trilogy is salvageable for IA, mostly creatures and some new species of alien as generic characters, and maybe some of the new planets.

Rathtar should definitely be one that makes it to the game, but I think as a 2x2 large. We saw it move down the cramped hallways of the ship swiftly, so that means they can go inside. Assuredly melee attacks, no reach, but a special attack similiar to mandolirian whip, grab a figure from up to 3 away and push them adjacent. Consume is perfect for it, and non-sentient.

The crystal dogs from Crait are very explainable, seeing how there's a rebel base there, but I would argue for them to be a companion rather than figure, maybe purchasable for the rebels like the R-5?

They could also use the horse creatures from Canto Blight to make a generic mercenary version of a dewback rider.

I highly doubt porgs have anyplace in this game (unless as a supply card: cooked porg, deplete to recover 3 damage, take one strain from its friends guilt tripping you).


1 hour ago, Bitterman said:


soon's I figure out how to effectively put unofficial physical supply cards into my deck this is going in. It's beautiful. XD

2 hours ago, XCcamel said:

I agree that some of the sequel trilogy is salvageable for IA, mostly creatures and some new species of alien as generic characters, and maybe some of the new planets.

Rathtar should definitely be one that makes it to the game, but I think as a 2x2 large. We saw it move down the cramped hallways of the ship swiftly, so that means they can go inside. Assuredly melee attacks, no reach, but a special attack similiar to mandolirian whip, grab a figure from up to 3 away and push them adjacent. Consume is perfect for it, and non-sentient.

The crystal dogs from Crait are very explainable, seeing how there's a rebel base there, but I would argue for them to be a companion rather than figure, maybe purchasable for the rebels like the R-5?

They could also use the horse creatures from Canto Blight to make a generic mercenary version of a dewback rider.

I highly doubt porgs have anyplace in this game (unless as a supply card: cooked porg, deplete to recover 3 damage, take one strain from its friends guilt tripping you).

your adjustments on the Rathtar fit it perfect. ^^

I think a small box for Canto Blght and Krait would be really solid. Lots of fun there

And yeah, freakin' porgs. XD

On March 14, 2019 at 8:37 PM, thinkbomb said:

Fun concept. Definitely not its own faction (there's a lengthy discussion about faction identity), but it would be a good idea to push in some CIS representation via expansion.

Smallbox, imo, seems more appropriate (with a few blisters). Mostly given the lack of a good massive unit.

This got me to thinking if the Seperatists could even have enough different units to possibly constitute a "seperate" faction?

AAT- massive, three attack dice- one green and arsenal ability, black defense die.

Vulture Droid (walking mode)- massive, awkward, speed 3, can fly in a pounce type action to move up to 6 spaces.

STAP- large (2x1), mobile, white die, speed 6, 4 health.

dwarf spider droid- large (2x2), speed 4, black defense, self destruct ability, 5 health.

Umbaran troopers- small, group of three, able to hide, speed 5, health 3, white defense.

Commando droid- group of 2, agile, white defense, red green attack, efficient travel.

IG-100 Magna Guard- group of two, guardian/droid, melee, red and yellow attack, white defense with automatic block.

I realize that the odds aren't great to see most or any of these units in IA, (more likely to see them in Legion).

7 hours ago, XCcamel said:

This got me to thinking if the Seperatists could even have enough different units to possibly constitute a "seperate" faction?

AAT- massive, three attack dice- one green and arsenal ability, black defense die.

Vulture Droid (walking mode)- massive, awkward, speed 3, can fly in a pounce type action to move up to 6 spaces.

STAP- large (2x1), mobile, white die, speed 6, 4 health.

dwarf spider droid- large (2x2), speed 4, black defense, self destruct ability, 5 health.

Umbaran troopers- small, group of three, able to hide, speed 5, health 3, white defense.

Commando droid- group of 2, agile, white defense, red green attack, efficient travel.

IG-100 Magna Guard- group of two, guardian/droid, melee, red and yellow attack, white defense with automatic block.

I realize that the odds aren't great to see most or any of these units in IA, (more likely to see them in Legion).

I started to reply, realized it was a big post. so I started a separate thread.

I'd love it, but that details all the sad face things with new factions.

I would like to see a big box for Endor, especially as Legion steals all headlines for new products. This big box would be supported by a wide array of blister packs, like the core set had. The campaign could revolve around acquiring the plans for the second Death Star, and a recon mission on the forest moon to scout out the shield generator. Enemies would include: scout troopers- group of 2, snipers, so attack is 2 blue die with built in accuracy bonus.

Speederbike- vehicle, 2x1, speed 4, has an ability similiar to the tie striker in Xwing, forcing the unit to move 2 spaces at the start of the activation, mobile,

Acklay- massive, melee attacks, reach, high defense,

Blister packs would include ewoks as a rebel ally, Yoda, either as his prequel warrior version or pacifist support version from Empire Strikes Back, a bothan spy group, Zuckuss and 4LOM, a named Death trooper commander, and Inferno Squad as a unique group.

One of the heroes can be a sullustan, the other I'm not sure of yet. An upgrade or refit to the AT-ST to make it cheaper and change up how it's used would be interesting, like a jungle refit- it loses a defense die, and awkward, adds an innate block and slows its speed for a discount of a few threat.