FFG veteran, but just picked up Descent for the first time after the wife showed a desire to play this!! I'm hoping for a continued campaign including myself, wife, and daughter. With just a glimpse at rules, I had initially figured I would be the Overlord with my wife and daughter each playing 2 characters in a continuing campaign. I then noticed this app and thought it could be more fun with each of his playing a character with the app running Overlord.
#1: Different rulebook to download. Are the rules so different then standard play?
#2: How "smart" is the app? Does the app sometimes or often make poor decisions? Does it become predictive and thus become easily exploitable?
Campaigns with the Road to Legend app - Are we going to be limited to only playing campaigns designed for the app? I don't want to be limited to only single random encounters, but a linked campaign with a finale. Can you pick up standard campaigns and use the app to play them? If not, how much play time are we going to get out of using just the app to play campaign(s)?
EDIT: I've figured this one out with some reading about RtL campaigns.
#4: Any problems with starting as a newb with Road to Legend as opposed to learning the game first with standard play?
PS: Is it normal to often get broken miniatures due to the hardened plastic? I picked up a brand new box and four figures had broken arms, horns, weapons, etc. I've already sent off a support request (which I'm sure will rectify things due to past great customer support with FFG), but is this going to be a common problem if I pick up expansions?
Edited by SturnAdded question #4