Thats a promise
Docking Bay 327 (Martin's painting workshop)

Very cool. I really appreciate the Work In Progress pics.

17 hours ago, Ghosthacked said:#79 And something i put together pretty quickly but not quick enough for the last tournament on last Sunday. With the new point changes I couldn't fly my Sloane PAtrol Leader list anymore so I had to downgrade to a Reaper, but i always hated the pancake look. So I took advantage of the oversize 1.0 Silencer wings to put this bad boy together.1. I also cut the Silencer wing supports to widen the wingspan a bit as with just the reaper struts it looked too narrow next to the huge body.2. Then there were these bare parts at the back so i used a spare StarViper body that i also sliced in half to add the extra engines and guns.3. Luckily this Silencer wasn't glued properly so the wings were very easy to seperate that made painting A LOT easier.4. I might have gone over board with the decals though. But meh, it fits my Ghost Squadron.5. Did i mention i love Vallejo Metal Color?White Mr Hobby Surfacer 1500Abbadon Black layer for the wing panelsBlack Tamiya Panel LinerVallejo Metal Color Gunmetal Grey for the guns and detailssemi-gloss Mr Super Clear all overArdcoat over the Abbadon Black canopy as usual
Very good job!!! Did you think about adding several 3D printed accesories to your creations? I think you may find a wide brand of parts to make more modifications, I have designed and printed several ones, and saw som guys using them for making modifications on YTs, YVs, E wings... ...and many other ships...
if you’re interested contact me and I can send more pictures about this
I am truly impressed.

man, BGG is huge. Is this our new home for paints? I couldn't find any groups.
On 12/28/2020 at 3:05 AM, Ghosthacked said:man, BGG is huge. Is this our new home for paints? I couldn't find any groups.
Until/unless we find a better home, it appear the be the future of this forum.
which section though?
24 minutes ago, Ghosthacked said:which section though?
I say Variants is a good place