First Time Playing as Scorpion, Deck Building Help Wanted

By Blu3key, in L5R LCG: Deck Building

Short story: See title.

Long story: I've primarily played as Unicorn since launch, and now I'm itching to try my hand as the emperor's underhand. I've played against Scorpion, but have no experience actually constructing a deck for them. I was thinking about splashing Crab, but that's been my mainstay for my ponies, and I'd like a different flavor. Was thinking about running a Scorpion/Phoenix deck to capitalize on Scorp's many air shugenja. My primary focus in mind while throwing this together was dishonor (though I don't want that to be necessarily the only path to victory). So, professional scorpions, consider this my gempukku; please guide me to (dis)honor. :ph34r:

Deck Created with Legend of the Five Rings Deckbuilder

Deck Clan: Scorpion

Total Cards: (85)

Total Conflict: (40) Total Dynasty: (40)

Total Influence: (6/10)

1x City of the Open Hand (Core Set #6)

1x Seeker of Void (Core Set #218B)

Province: (5)
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (2/2) Water (0/1)
1x Before the Throne (The Chrysanthemum Throne #61)
1x Night Raid (Core Set #21)
1x Pilgrimage (Core Set #22)
1x Public Forum (Into the Forbidden City #42)
1x Shameful Display (Core Set #24)

Character [Dynasty]: (39)
3x Bayushi Liar (Core Set #95)
3x Bayushi Shoju (Core Set #107)
3x Blackmail Artist (Core Set #98)
3x Fawning Diplomat (The Chrysanthemum Throne #70)
3x Illustrious Plagiarist (Meditations on the Ephemeral #110)
3x Shosuro Actress (Core Set #103)
3x Sinister Soshi (Core Set #97)
3x Soshi Illusionist (Core Set #99)
3x Yogo Hiroue (Core Set #106)
3x Yogo Outcast (Core Set #100)
3x Young Rumormonger (Core Set #101)

Character [Conflict]: (6/10)
3x Bayushi Kachiko (Into the Forbidden City #56)
3x Seeker of Knowledge (Core Set #171)

Attachment: (7)
2x Cloud the Mind (Core Set #202)
3x Fiery Madness (Core Set #183)
2x Ornate Fan (Core Set #201)

Event: (27)
2x A Fate Worse Than Death (Fate Has No Secrets #98)
3x Against the Waves (Core Set #177)
1x Ambush (Core Set #188)
2x Assassination (Core Set #203)
3x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
1x Censure (Into the Forbidden City #60)
3x Court Games (Core Set #206)
2x For Shame! (Core Set #207)
2x Forged Edict (Core Set #184)
3x I Can Swim (Core Set #187)
2x Policy Debate (For Honor and Glory #40)
3x Way of the Scorpion (Core Set #185)

Holding: (7)
3x City of Lies (Core Set #108)
3x Favorable Ground (Core Set #128)
1x Imperial Storehouse (Core Set #129)

Edited by Blu3key
Edited Deck

I would drop out 3x I Can Swim. I always feel its too expensive. 2 cost to remove a character you've already dishonored and you have to bid higher than they do? That's a lot of set up to kill someone.

I'm wary of A Fate Worse Than Death. 4 fate is a lot to risk... Never play this if it can be canceled so ensure you have the favor and if they are Crane that they don't have more honored characters than you do, and if they're Scorpion... idk... Same with Ambush.

In place of 3x I Can Swim I would put in 2x Ishiken Initiates. I love these when I play Scorp + Phoenix as they can create a surprise 4th conflict attack with province breaking strength for just 2 fate. If you can catch them without defenders this can aid both victory conditions as she's likely to break a province, and undefended costs them an honor with it. I'd put the last card in as either a 3rd Policy Debate or a 3rd For Shame. These are both pretty reliable cards for this deck so having 3 copies just makes a good thing better.

Edited by shosuko
On ‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎15 at 9:31 PM, shosuko said:

I would drop out 3x I Can Swim. I always feel its too expensive. 2 cost to remove a character you've already dishonored and you have to bid higher than they do? That's a lot of set up to kill someone.

I'm wary of A Fate Worse Than Death. 4 fate is a lot to risk... Never play this if it can be canceled so ensure you have the favor and if they are Crane that they don't have more honored characters than you do, and if they're Scorpion... idk... Same with Ambush.

In place of 3x I Can Swim I would put in 2x Ishiken Initiates. I love these when I play Scorp + Phoenix as they can create a surprise 4th conflict attack with province breaking strength for just 2 fate. If you can catch them without defenders this can aid both victory conditions as she's likely to break a province, and undefended costs them an honor with it. I'd put the last card in as either a 3rd Policy Debate or a 3rd For Shame. These are both pretty reliable cards for this deck so having 3 copies just makes a good thing better.

I run 3x I Can Swim and 3x A Fate Worse Than Death, I usually go into the conflict phase with a ton of fate so for me running both is a great way to kill things off. However, it is not for everyone.

I would recommend removing that Ambush!, it has very little use in the current state of the game.

Splashing some Crab can help as well

Watch Commander is a pretty good attachment to bleed your opponent of some honor. Levy can be pretty punishing late game as well.