Genesys Master Resources List

By SkyJedi, in Genesys

Don't think this is listed- BGG often have useful resources/info for games, here's their Genesys page:

Reminds me- should really tag the games I play on BGG to support them, always forget!

Edited by Watercolour Dragon

I'd like to submit my Genesys Companion Character Sheet v1 for listing.

Updated the Genesys Symbols for Google Docs page to include dark background friendly and colorblind supported symbols and dice.

Since I already had a ton of Star Wars RPG dice, it didn't make sense to me to buy Genesys dice. I went ahead and edited Hedgewizard's GM sheet to replace all the Genesys dice symbols with their Star Wars dice equivalents. I figured that, if anyone else is doing the same, they may find this useful.

I would like to submit the Terrinoth Beastary to the listing

The Melting Plot podcast link isn't working as of this moment.

Posting to request inclusion of my mystery/horror one-shot for a modern setting: Mummy's Boy

Posting to request inclusion of another one-shot adventure, 'DEATH at Gardner House!'

7 hours ago, pocket-contents said:

Posting to request inclusion of another one-shot adventure, 'DEATH at Gardner House!'

The design and layout of this is outstanding!

Posting to request inclusion of another one-shot adventure. This one's for Shadow of the Beanstalk; it's called 'The Clone Flu' .


On 2/12/2019 at 7:42 AM, drainsmith said:

Your network cards resource is outstanding. Thank you for taking the time to do this and to share it with the community.

Is this resource still being updated? I came here looking for ready-to-play adventures, but several recent ones aren't listed.

I'd like to submit RPG Sessions to the list. It's...

  • Online Character sheet
  • Online Dice Roller
  • Can integrate those 2 things with Discord games using our Discord Bot


Forum Post Link

Edited by Joress


I am starting this topic because there are not a lot of adventure modules available for the Genesys RPG system at this time. However, there are a great deal of D&D 5e modules and resources available. I hope this at least starts a conversion process that will help many of us D&D DMs that are used to that particular system to be able to quickly convert what we already have in our possession to the Genesys RPG system until more Genesys RPG modules are made available.

For example, in preparing to run a 4 week short campaign GM rotation stint of Genesys this summer at a local game shop, I decided to convert a series of one shot D&D modules I like into the Genesys RPG way of gaming.

The below image is what I have figured out so far that seems to work. I know it is not perfect because D&D, for example, has many more ranges for Ability Scores which provide different negatives or bonuses to your base score for checks and such. So, I had to condense them and equate certain ones that I felt would match the best with Genesys's RPG system. Also, D&D's Difficulty Checks (DC) chart has base scores of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, & 30. Rarely does a module use those base scores. Usually they are 9, 11, 12, 16, & etc, numbers that fall in between them. So, I added the ranges under the D&D column for ease of reference.


Remember, some people will be more perfect at the conversion process than others. The point is not necessarily 100% perfection with each resource provided, but providing somewhat valid conversion ideas/suggestions and resources whereby we can pick and choose what we like and feel will work for us as we convert modules and resources over to the Genesys RPG way.

I hope this helps some of you create a world of adventure for your players whether it be set in fantasy, modern day, the future, or on a planet in a galaxy that is more than a hop-skip-and-a-jump with warp drive. Now, it's time for me to warp drive my butt to bed and into the realm of the Sandman!

Thanks to all the contributors of this thread. You have been a great help to me, as I look to GM my first RPG ever using the Genesys system on the coming Saturday. I'm very excited and still a bit awed by the amount of work I still need to finish up ... The game is set in the universe "Shadows of the Apt" by the English novellist Adrian Tchaikovsky --> a great mix of typical genres using a lot of historic tropes.

Inspired by the Adversary cards linked to in the list, I've made my own fillable PDF with 4 compact Adversary cards per sheet (cheaper to print). I hope that will be helpful to some of you 🙂

EDIT: In the sheet I added an extra level/rank for the Adversaries --> "Legendary". This is only for those NPC's, that you really, really shouldn't **** with. A single NPC with the rank "Legendary" should be considered a threat for (or even the doom of) the whole group of Player Characters ... Like for 4 Kor Blademasters to meet Nicol Bolas, The Fellowship of the Ring to meet Melkor, you and mee to meet Lucifer. That kind of encounter. Encounters in which the players should either speak a VERY good case or prepare to run for the hills.

EDIT v2: The Adversary cards are of course too small for most enemies of the Nemesis rank and thereby also the Legendary rank. That is a blunder in my design. For those enemies I'm going to use the sheets already presented in the list of tools.

Edited by baumannt

Does anybody have a link to the Goons alternate minion rules. The link on the first post is dead.

17 hours ago, Manifestpr said:

Does anybody have a link to the Goons alternate minion rules. The link on the first post is dead.

i saved it at

So I am not the creator, or maintainer, of this resource - so I don't know that it is my place to link it here, but I came across it while looking for Genesys resources beyond the official forums and the Foundry, and it seemed to me that it had some really good content, that lots of people could probably benefit from knowing it existed...

And it hasn't been updated in over a year, so I figured maybe it's abandoned...

But here is Genesys Realms .

It has 3 unique settings, and lots of content for each.

Could it/each be added to the list?

You're welcome to add my homebrew rules and resources for Shadow of the Beanstalk.