Dragon Conflict cards

By Tonbo Karasu, in L5R LCG: Deck Building

Has anyone else noticed that every single Dragon card so far with Influence on it costs 2? That basically means you can never splash more than 5 Dragon cards (6 with a Keeper). Do you think is deliberate, a coincidence or flavour (Dragon don't come down out the Mountains much)?

I did notice. I think it was an obscure design choice someone made, but I don't see the flavor or significance behind it. Theoretically it means "All dragon cards are equally useful to splash," but I don't know if that's really true. They may have wanted to keep Dragon from being heavily splashed as a flavor nod (since you won't be able to throw multiple 1-costs in), but I don't the advantage of making this a rule.

I just thought it all was a part of their "balance" theme.