On 11/24/2017 at 7:40 AM, penpenpen said:And what about the one wielding the power (let¨s call them the "Master" for now)? A responsible, compassionate master would surely feel some kind of responsibility towards the newly awakened force user, and whatever actions they may take using their newfound power. Some kind of obligation there could certainly be in it's place. A darker counterpart of such an obligation (for a more... passionate master) isn't quite as obvious, but as the power gives no direct benefit of to the master, what would be the motivation for a selfish person to master such a selfless power? The most likely answer would be the create a pawn (or "apprentice" if you like) to serve them. As this would be a considerable investment in time and effort, it's not unreasonable to apply some kind of obligation pertaining to maintaining control over such an investment.
I'm being a bit vague here, but since obligations key heavily into characterization aspect of role playing it's tricky and sometimes even counter productive to nail down exact rules mechanics for them. I hope the gist of my points are clear enough.
I'm glad you like it
. Something that appears may have been missed is in my reworking of the power I made it so you can only grant Force rating when you don't use Dark Side pips; you can open someone to a new way of perceiving and interacting with the world only if you do it gently and they want it; if you're too forceful or simply want to inflict harm on the target, all you do is leave them emotionally crippled by their past wrongdoing (i.e. Atonement Obligation). I also changed it so the difficulty of the Vigilance check and the amount of Obligation granted is based on the Force rating the power granted, so you need more Strength upgrades to do it the best. I'm also considering moving another one of the Strength upgrades to the left-hand side of the tree, so that you have to buy more of the full tree to get the best result from the Mastery.
And since you're adding your voice to the multitudes that are saying that an Obligation cost to the Master should be considered, I will consider it. The Mastery is already fairly complex and I don't want to make it too complicated, but I'll see if I can make it work.
And I see your point about the Sith
. But that's sort of the thing, isn't it? The whole point of the Sith philosophy is that having the Force makes them special. They're elitists. They wouldn't be able to really use this power and be in keeping with their mindset. So buying into this power is a tacit way of saying you don't agree with the Sith philosophy, because the way the power is used runs entirely counter to it. At least, in my mind it does. I think the mechanics help express that, too, but I'm certain I've got creator's glasses on
On 11/24/2017 at 0:42 PM, Noahjam325 said:The big reason i don't consider the cost of Obligation and Wounds/Strain to be equitable is because Wounds/Strain are very firmly defined and understand in the rules. Obligation is much more... open to interpretation. It requires more work on the part of both the GM and player to interpret or "put a value on" so to speak, unlike Wounds/Strain.
Otherwise i really like the idea behind the force power. I'm currently considering giving this a try with my players. We're currently just doing very casual episodic adventures every week. So I'm currently using this time to practice and try all my whacky ideas. I might be able to convince our force user to give this a try. I would probably tweak the lore around it to better suit our setting though.
That a good point. I might argue that a high-level, more esoteric power is justified in inflicting more esoteric "wounds," but since this is a game we do need to ensure that it can be played. As I said above, I'll look into finding a way to alter it. Do you think inflicting a mental "Critical Injury" would work better? Something that tracks with rules that are already more clearly defined, just with some slight variations?
And I'd really appreciate it if you could give it a shot! If you do, let me know how it goes
3 hours ago, ASCI Blue said:Given how border irrelevant conflict is in this system, use the DS pips. Use it a couple times, gain a little conflict, go pet some puppies or give a homeless person food, you're good to go.
True, Conflict doesn't really hurt too much if you're only dipping into it a little. I don't actually use the Conflict rules, which is why I didn't write this to interact with them. I use Marcy's Morality system, which I'm sure she would have no trouble explaining if she ever stops by
. But as I mentioned, you can no longer grant a Force rating if you use some Dark Side pips, meaning you need to be able to generate at least 4 light side pips with some regularity (and have 2 Destiny Points available) to be able to use that aspect.