Good evening lovely people! I've been working on a new Force power, and I wanted to get some opinions from the board about how to make it better! The general idea is as follows: the Force user can awaken latent ability in the target, but by connecting to the everything around them, they are forced to face all the harm they've caused to others. Let me know what you think! I fully expect there to be massive problems with it as written currently; this is just a first draft .
Oh, and in case you're wondering: I have no concerns regarding adhering to canon. I don't care if I'm tearing it to shreds or not .
Prerequisite: Force Rating 3 +
|10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
|21 |30 | 30 | 30|
|40 | 22|50 | 61|
|62 |23 | 63 | 70|
|80 | 80|90 | 90|
Basic Power [10 - 20xp]: You open another’s spiritual awareness, connecting them to the Force, at the risk of forcing them to confront all the hurt they’ve caused others throughout their lives. Spend [OO] to grant one engaged character Force rating 1 for 1 round. If any ● generate [O], the target must make an Average fear check .
Duration [21 - 5 xp; 22 - 10 xp; 23 - 20 xp]: Spend [O] to increase the duration of this power by 1 round per Duration upgrade purchased. This may be activated multiple times.
Control (Reveal) [30 - 10 xp]: Spend [O] to grant the target one Force power you possess with a Force rating prerequisite of 1. The target gains the basic power and all upgrades you possess for the duration of the power. This may be activated multiple times. If you grant the target any Force powers, upgrade the difficulty of any fear check made as part of this power once.
Range [40 - 10 xp]: Spend [O] to increase the range of this power by 1 range band. This may be activated multiple times.
Control (Searing Visions) [50 - 10 xp]: Spend [TTT] or [D] generated on a fear check made as part of this power to Disorient the target for the remainder of the encounter.
Strength [61 - 10 xp; 62 - 15 xp; 63 - 20 xp]: Spend [OO] to increase the Force rating granted to the target and the difficulty of any fear check made as part of this power by 1 per Strength upgrade purchased.
Control (Inspire) [70 - 20 xp]: Spend [OO] to grant the target one Force power you possess with a Force rating prerequisite of 2, or spend [OOO] to grant the target one Force power you possess with a Force rating prerequisite of 3 for the duration of the power. The target must have a Force rating equal to or higher than the Force rating prerequisite of the granted power. If you do, upgrade the difficulty of any fear check made as part of this power twice.
Control (Epiphany) [80 - 25 xp]: The target’s mind is inundated with information, which provides the answer to one question of personal importance to the target. If any ● generated [O], the target is staggered for 1 round per Force rating granted by the emotional weight of the knowledge gained.
Mastery [90 - 25 xp]: Once per session, spend [OOOO]. The target may make a Daunting Vigilance check . If the check is successful, the target permanently gains Force rating 1 once the power ends if it did not already have Force rating 1. If any ● generated [O] and the target fails the fear check, the target gains the Atonement Obligation at a rating equal to 5 times the [O] spent on this power.
*P.S. Sorry about the difficulty mapping out the tree layout. I can answer any questions, and if you have suggestions for an easier read, I'm all ears!
Edited by Absol197