Legends of the Alliance - IA App Coming Soon

By werdnaegni, in Legends of the Alliance

So, it'll eventually hit the App store too, right?

I believe so


It just showed up and I have downloaded it to both my phone and tablet.

1 minute ago, Armandhammer said:


Can you please post a few non-spoiler screen shots to confirm? This is hard to believe!




so did not open for steam yet

That's insane.

Kind of disappointing that the steam store/apple app store were left behind. I'll be hitting refresh all day .

Maybe it was an accidental release?

I got it on my S8+ as well

4 minutes ago, Armandhammer said:

That's insane.

Kind of disappointing that the steam store/apple app store were left behind. I'll be hitting refresh all day .

Maybe it was an accidental release?

That's my bet. Still no luck in the app store, so I'm stuck waiting, grumble, grumble...



Okay. Okay! OKAY! :D

18 hours ago, The Cocky Rooster said:

Trust him ;)

All heroes available.

What's the tutorial like? Is it a fleshed out standalone mission with tips or...?

Merry Christmas (Happy Holidays!) everyone! Thanks FFG!

It's on the App Store (iOS)

3 minutes ago, Armandhammer said:

What's the tutorial like? Is it a fleshed out standalone mission with tips or...?

so far it tips with a group of stormies. i'm still going through it

The armoury seems cool. also gave a random piece of equipment after first game.

second game may have been a random encounter. Even though i put all the expansions i had in only baddies from core box included. its ok give replay possibilites later when they do add them.

Downloaded to my phone. Going to try a solo run this weekend to see if I am fine using my phone or if I need to look into purchasing an inexpensive tablet for ease of gameplay in the future.

19 minutes ago, subtrendy2 said:

It's on the App Store (iOS)

I'm not seeing it on there. How'd you find it? :(

1 minute ago, Masterchiefspiff said:

I'm not seeing it on there. How'd you find it? :(

I just searched Imperial Assault and it was the 3rd or 4th one listed.

1 minute ago, FSD said:

I just searched Imperial Assault and it was the 3rd or 4th one listed.

confirmed in Canada

Yeah, it wasn't at the top (weirdly) but it was there. Like @FSD said, maybe four items down.

Not even kidding: type in "Star Wars Imperial Assault" not there. "Fantasy Flight Games" Not there. Now I type in "imperial assault" because I trust you guys - and it's there!

Its like it's a detective mini-game to get the app...seriously?!? Haha

But seriously, thanks for the tip :)

Hopefully it will be updated to where it's easy to find.

Star Wars: Imperial Assault

colon was important

1 minute ago, Corver said:

Star Wars: Imperial Assault

colon was important

Colons are very important. ;)

better than a friday article

Edited by Fightwookies