Legends of the Alliance - IA App Coming Soon

By werdnaegni, in Legends of the Alliance

On 11/21/2017 at 0:17 PM, Otakuon said:

It would be nice if they had full narration for all the in=app text (at least for dialog from/between characters). But I am not holding my breath for that one...

I've been messing around on the Descent app for a bit. And this would be greatly appreciated.

I can imagine it being kind of awkward for the poor soul that has to read the narrative passages when everyone in the group can see the text.

And there's a lot of text in the Descent app:


I think narration is very unlikely. This would require voice actors that would greatly increase the production costs. I suppose they could cut cost in this area and have water-cooler-joe read the narration. But I'd rather read it myself :)

Honestly, I don't mind narration, but I hate dialogue. I find it's pretty difficult to separate dialogue from other narration without doing character voice, which simply isn't my style. So if the app took this over, I'd be pretty happy.

3 hours ago, VadersMarchKazoo said:

I think narration is very unlikely. This would require voice actors that would greatly increase the production costs. I suppose they could cut cost in this area and have water-cooler-joe read the narration. But I'd rather read it myself :)

Water-cooler-Joe ( :lol: ) does a pretty good job with the intros for each Descent campaign:

Road to Legend voice over example

I was hoping it would be like this throughout the campaign but instead players are dumped with walls of text.

Edited by Armandhammer

Logging in to say that I'm also rather excited for this app. Just to keep things moving along for @The Cocky Rooster

For whatever reason I ended up buying every IA expansion and blister pack.. hope it uses all of that.

Just now, jazzee said:

Logging in to say that I'm also rather excited for this app. Just to keep things moving along for @The Cocky Rooster

For whatever reason I ended up buying every IA expansion and blister pack.. hope it uses all of that.

Thanks :) I'm there with you, I bought up everything as soon as the IA app rumours started.

Don't know if this has been mentioned before in the thread, but my hope is for certain sound effects. For example, door sliding sounds when they are opened and closed would be nice. Even nicer would be Vader's breathing sound for a brief moment whenever he is deployed. Some background music on the main screen plus the scrolling text and music before missions, and I think I would be very very happy. Even if these aren't there initially, hopefully they would be added with an update down the line.

As if it wasn't obvious they have added this to the Steam Store page:


Star Wars: Imperial Assault - Legends of the Alliance requires the Star Wars: Imperial Assault board game to play!

21 minutes ago, The Cocky Rooster said:

As if it wasn't obvious they have added this to the Steam Store page:

It's obvious, but never underestimate the stupidity of an entitled fanboy on Steam.

Without that, the game would be roasted by people too thick to read about a product they download, even if its free.

Just now, subtrendy2 said:

It's obvious, but never underestimate the stupidity of an entitled fanboy on Steam.

Without that, the game would be roasted by people too thick to read about a product they download, even if its free.

LMAO, too true.

13 hours ago, Master Wang said:

Don't know if this has been mentioned before in the thread, but my hope is for certain sound effects. For example, door sliding sounds when they are opened and closed would be nice. Even nicer would be Vader's breathing sound for a brief moment whenever he is deployed. Some background music on the main screen plus the scrolling text and music before missions, and I think I would be very very happy. Even if these aren't there initially, hopefully they would be added with an update down the line.

Road to Legend:

1) Menu music is super epic

Great start when you first open the app. I imagine something similar will be in place for Legends of the Alliance.

2) No music in-game, just ambient sounds (water running, fire crackling, birds chirping, etc.)

It’s not distracting and really sets the mood. If the app is lacking in this department, Youtube has some good mixes:

Unofficial Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG Music Mix

3) When you activate a minion group, it makes a snarling sound. It’s the same snarling noise for every minion group

Really annoying. Hoping for a good variety in the Legends of the Alliance, especially since character noises/sounds are so recognizable.

Edited by Armandhammer
10 minutes ago, Armandhammer said:

Road to Legend:

1) Menu music is super epic

Great start when you first open the app. I imagine something similar will be in place for Legends of the Alliance.

2) No music in-game, just ambient sounds (water running, fire crackling, birds chirping, etc.)

It’s not distracting and really sets the mood. If the app is lacking in this department, Youtube has some good mixes:

Unofficial Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG Music Mix

3) When you activate a minion group, it makes a snarling sound. It’s the same snarling noise for every minion group

Really annoying. Hoping for a good variety in the Legends of the Alliance, especially since character noises/sounds are so recognizable.


1) Menu music is super epic

Does anyone else think the Road to Legend menu music sounds a lot like the theme to the Dark Knight film?

3 hours ago, The Cocky Rooster said:

As if it wasn't obvious they have added this to the Steam Store page:

Star Wars: Imperial Assault - Legends of the Alliance requires the Star Wars: Imperial Assault board game to play!

There are a number of threads regarding RtL and MoM on steam where people complain about the game making no sense, I assume because they just searched for random free games on steam. There is even a youtube video of someone playing MoM for ages without the game and not working out why things didn't make sense (language was an issue).

Edited by BruceLGL
4 minutes ago, BruceLGL said:

There are a number of threads regarding RtL and MoM on steam where people complain about the game making no sense, I assume because they just searched for random free games on steam. There is even a youtube video of someone playing MoM for ages without the game and not working out why things didn't make sense (language was an issue).

That's beautiful, obscure YouTube comedy gold. I need to go find it.

10 hours ago, subtrendy2 said:

That's beautiful, obscure YouTube comedy gold. I need to go find it.

14 hours ago, The Cocky Rooster said:

As if it wasn't obvious they have added this to the Steam Store page:

I think this is necessary. Most products sold or being available for download on Steam work without additional stuff you need. VR games and Boardgame Apps are probably the only exceptions for this. And since we don't have a category for Boardgame Apps (yet!), having that disclaimer is a good idea.

7 hours ago, BruceLGL said:

Oh my god, it even tells him in the beginning of the video. This is beautiful, thank you!

We've waited over a year...where is the app! ;)

5 hours ago, blackflow said:

We've waited over a year...where is the app! ;)

December 5th... or at least sometime before the holiday break. Yes. For sure!

Ah, I remember back in the day when we were worried that the core set wasn't going to make it in time for Christmas. Those were stressful times.

I really wish the app had map awareness and tracked all tokens. Then they could use the same simple rules based decision tree without exposing it to the players. It could just dictate the end result ("stormtrooper moves to indicated position and attacks So-in-so") and then let the player resolve the dice/effects/etc. Then we could complain about how crappy the AI is :) . I imagine that would make it too close to a real video game and EA would then want half of the profits from the entirety of IA for licensing fees.

Obviously only speculation but knowing the decision tree can allow the players to plan for it's weaknesses. It also limits the Imperial forces from exploiting any unnoticed blunders by Rebel players.

That being said, I am super excited for this. I have only managed to get this on the table twice with my group. Maybe I'll get some use out of it yet.

8 hours ago, McTavish said:

I really wish the app had map awareness and tracked all tokens.

It's not a licensing thing.

If it had map awareness and tracked all tokens then you could play it without having actually purchased the game.

Which would be dumb for FFG to do.

(incidentally that's why Descent and Mansions of Madness don't have map awareness or track all tokens.)

Plus it would mean a lot more hands on time on the app as opposed to playing the game, which slows down the pace a lot, and means you are staring at the tablet more than you actually spend looking at the cool board. It also removes decision making from the players, thus removing the chance of some epic situations. You know you can kill yourself with that shot, but its the imperial rule. Much more intense than if a tablet tell's you to "shoot the guy in the corner". It's a lose/lose.

I just want this app to quit soon and give me lots of hours of fun. 
To this day I only played empire (which is a lot of fun), but it should be nice to play with the rebels as well.
Edited by Belvasques

where there any leaks which big expansions will it use ? Descent uses only the newest expansions :/ . I know that it will use heroes from every expansion but campaigns spanning from Hoth to Heart of empire would be awesome.

2 minutes ago, blackflow said:

where there any leaks which big expansions will it use ? Descent uses only the newest expansions :/ . I know that it will use heroes from every expansion but campaigns spanning from Hoth to Heart of empire would be awesome.

The first campaign in the app will only use core, but supposedly all expansions will eventually be supported.

IA has a lot less expansions, so it's probably easier to incorporate this.