Idea for Crime Based PBP based on Nar Shadda

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Cool, at this stage there's no massive rush :)

You guys interested in setting up something on Discord? Might be easier for charcraft there than here...

Hmm, Discord might be hard to use if we all have wildly varying time zones.

If you guys want I can start things off with an episode 0 type thing. It's be a really quick session based around your character getting to know each other before you all end up going your separate ways if that's of interest, that might help mesh them together.

Are all 5 players ok with us being in a gang together as children?

If so, I personally don’t need to go into it. I’m more curious about our present scenario as a group. Are we still a gang or forming an organization? Is our territory at the neighborhhood level or is there a district we are in with some background?

6 minutes ago, Vergence said:

Are all 5 players ok with us being in a gang together as children?

If so, I personally don’t need to go into it. I’m more curious about our present scenario as a group. Are we still a gang or forming an organization? Is our territory at the neighborhhood level or is there a district we are in with some background?

I'm personally okay with either. I set up my character so that it'd work either way.

I thin the current idea is that at least 2 of you will be working together towards some criminal goal, and you begin to try and get the others to join back up with you. For example @satkaz 's character has recently returned to Nar Shadda so you guys may see this as a chance to begin again or something.

7 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

I thin the current idea is that at least 2 of you will be working together towards some criminal goal, and you begin to try and get the others to join back up with you., what you're saying is that...they're putting the band back together?

As to the group dynamic, I'm fine with us being some band of street kids that survived together, and are now coming of age and trying to make a more significant name for ourselves.

So my obligation is going to be criminal, in that he was caught stealing once from one of the local Hutt's, so they have an eye out for him now. Any particular names you want me to use for that criminal status? A specific Hutt for example?

Also, decided on a Thief to start, eventually going into Trader.

11 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said:

As to the group dynamic, I'm fine with us being some band of street kids that survived together, and are now coming of age and trying to make a more significant name for ourselves.

So my obligation is going to be criminal, in that he was caught stealing once from one of the local Hutt's, so they have an eye out for him now. Any particular names you want me to use for that criminal status? A specific Hutt for example?

Also, decided on a Thief to start, eventually going into Trader.

I don't mind if you make up a Hutt, really.

16 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said:, what you're saying is that...they're putting the band back together?

Looks like it.

17 minutes ago, satkaz said:

Looks like it.

Eeeexceeellent *steeples fingers*

Edited by KungFuFerret
2 hours ago, KungFuFerret said:, what you're saying is that...they're putting the band back together?

Well now I need to make El Woodblooz.

@Rabobankrider I finally created a background for my character. I choose favor obligation to explain how Leto acquired his acute social awareness across multiple classes on Nar Shadda. I also made Leto's older brother the founder of our childhood gang who made it big and left the system. If it conflicts with anything, I can easily change it.

All looks fine to me :)

Sweet. Yeah, I'm currently envisioning Leto as a upcoming Rusty Ryan style charmer.

Hey, @Rabobankrider , you mentioned your buddy wanted to join in. Has he already chimed in here? Also, I should have something developed by tomorrow evening.

Hey, I found this place. Now, I was meaning to ask: You mentioned stuff from Age of Rebellion is open yes? If that is the case, I was considering possibly nabbing the Medic specialisation from Soldier for my dear ol' Nautolan (Yeah, he's a Nautolan doctor).

As for how I can justify it? I have a guy who I was thinking originally went to some form of Medical school off-world where he joined up with the alliance, but ended up leaving after some bad stuff went down that left him disillusioned and thus he came back home to Nar Shaddaa. Heck, could even have it be he came back with our other guy coming home from off-world.

2 minutes ago, ExileofEnya said:

Hey, I found this place. Now, I was meaning to ask: You mentioned stuff from Age of Rebellion is open yes? If that is the case, I was considering possibly nabbing the Medic specialisation from Soldier for my dear ol' Nautolan (Yeah, he's a Nautolan doctor).

As for how I can justify it? I have a guy who I was thinking originally went to some form of Medical school off-world where he joined up with the alliance, but ended up leaving after some bad stuff went down that left him disillusioned and thus he came back home to Nar Shaddaa. Heck, could even have it be he came back with our other guy coming home from off-world.

He could simply be a black market doctor. There is plenty of story precedent for people with medical training, but who do medical work for criminal organizations. maybe he has an Addiction Obligation, and was fired from the medical facility he worked at. Or maybe a crime lord that he worked for, saw his potential for medicine, and felt like it was a good investment to pay for his training, putting him in Debt Obligation to that Hutt, to patch up his guys withotu having to report pesky things like Blaster Shot Wounds to the authorities.

1 hour ago, KungFuFerret said:

He could simply be a black market doctor. There is plenty of story precedent for people with medical training, but who do medical work for criminal organizations. maybe he has an Addiction Obligation, and was fired from the medical facility he worked at. Or maybe a crime lord that he worked for, saw his potential for medicine, and felt like it was a good investment to pay for his training, putting him in Debt Obligation to that Hutt, to patch up his guys withotu having to report pesky things like Blaster Shot Wounds to the authorities.

Funny you mention addiction obligation as that was what I was thinking of giving him, mainly to alcohol.

And how dare you insinuate such things about my character! I'll have you know he runs a perfectly fine and wonderful clinic thank you very much! ...The fact that it's located in a dingy back-alley and most clients are either very poor or criminal is nothing but a Coincidence I swear! xD

To be honest, I am fine with making him just a back alley doctor as well. Perhaps he just had no luck opening anything official or getting into an actual medical institution after getting his degree, and ended up selling his services back on Nar Shaddaa...and may possibly end up going all Walter White at some point.

Edited by ExileofEnya

I think the GM is pretty cool with whatever background you write up. I mean, it's just flavor text. As long as it ends up with "and the he ended up on Nar Shadda" I think it will fly. Is he going to have a connection to the members of the gang that were already on planet? Like he grew up with them, then went off to medical school and came back? Or is he simply a new member to the crew, comparatively to the other members?

7 minutes ago, ExileofEnya said:

To be honest, I am fine with making him just a back alley doctor as well. Perhaps he just had no luck opening anything official or getting into an actual medical institution after getting his degree, and ended up selling his services back on Nar Shaddaa...and possibly end up going all Walter White at some point.

Yep, that's totally fine. I mean, I'm basically trying to make not-John Wick here, who has a beef with someone in Nar Shaddaa and gets involved with the other PCs on the way.

Which is making me reconsider if I should take the Smuggler/Gunslinger as the first career/specialization or actually go for Soldier/Sharpshooter as first career/specialization, then go to Gunslinger as second specialization.

Gunslinger is mechanically more correct in my mind, but for thematic purposes, Soldier/Sharpshooter works better, plus it allows my character to be good with all of the weapon skills except Gunnery.

Edited by satkaz

All the AoR and EotE specializations are approved. It’s starting xp so most of us are planning our 2nd specialization later.

1 hour ago, satkaz said:

Yep, that's totally fine. I mean, I'm basically trying to make not-John Wick here, who has a beef with someone in Nar Shaddaa and gets involved with the other PCs on the way.

Which is making me reconsider if I should take the Smuggler/Gunslinger as the first career/specialization or actually go for Soldier/Sharpshooter as first career/specialization, then go to Gunslinger as second specialization.

Well, the reason I was thinking of going soldier/Medic originally was basically to pull of the disillusioned and shell-shocked veteran angle (Hence addiction obligation), namely because he joined up with his sister and she ended up getting killed along with his squad on a mission gone wrong...although actually if that happens, I think I have a way we can work this.

Wanna pull the old Fashioned "Joined up together, squad got killed save for us two" routine?

Edited by ExileofEnya
Just now, ExileofEnya said:

Well, the reason I was thinking of going soldier/Medic originally was basically to pull of the disillusioned and shell-shocked veteran angle, namely because he joined up with his sister and she ended up getting killed along with his squad on a mission gone wrong...although actually if that happens, I think I have a way we can work this.

Wanna pull the old Fashioned "Joined up together, squad got killed save for us two" routine?

It could work, but the setting so far is right after Episode 3. It could still work since it could be justified as us being specialists attached to clone units or something.