So, the Imperial Apocalypse Clock so far:
- Supplies of Jade are running out- known to Kachiko, and presumably others of high rank in the Imperial Court
-The elemental kami are now reacting unreliably to the prayers of shugenja. Known to the Phoenix leadership, probably suspected by others.
-The Dragon Clan are having a birthrate problem- and their Champion has a vision of a "wave" that must be opposed. The birthrate issue is sufficiently widely known that the Dragon have a deal for Unicorn widows and orphans. The vision is known only in select circles of the Dragon
-The Crab are feeling hung out to dry- especially since they just had on their family daimyo get told to get lost. Kisada is feeling the strain of his position, as per "Dark Hands of Heaven." Pretty much everybody seems to know the first part of this, but nobody seems to care.
-The Lion are looking at potential open war with the Crane and possibly the Unicorn. Public knowledge, but also basically business as usual. They also face internal dissension on a pretty impressive order of magnitude, with their Champion opposed by the Matsu daimyo and a decent chunk of the Ikoma.
-The Crane, normally a breadbasket, are tsunami-ravaged. The food shortages are bad enough that it's affecting the Empire as a whole. Public knowledge, but in the "Screw you Jack, I've got mine" world of Rokugani politics, considered irrelevant by anyone who ISN'T having shortages.
-The Phoenix are certain that meishodo is behind their worries, but haven't presented it that way because they're keeping a lid on the instability of the kami- but Isawa Kaede had a vision involving a meishodo talisman and a presence hungering for the palace. Not public knowledge at all. Culminates in Iuchi Shahai being sent to teach the Seppun Hidden Guard meishodo.
-We have a younger son of the Emperor, Daisetsu, who appears to be playing political games of his own, and has not yet come of age.
-Bayushi Kachiko is feeling dangerously ambitious in regards to the Throne, and appears to resent when the Emperor doesn't do as she says... er, respectfully suggests. Shoju has told her to cool her jets on that front, but Kachiko isn't exactly used to disappointment.
-The Unicorn, beyond all the other stuff they're mixed up in, appear hellbent on forcing the Empire to accept their customs (like fighting with scimitars and failing to do their marriage homework for a betrothal involving their own Champion), and we all know how accepting Rokugan is of the new.