Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Silun slides forward into the space as well, determining to help even though he's not at all likely to force open something that his much larger and stronger friend.

As expected, when he tries to push the grate open he struggles against it for several seconds before giving up with a groan. As he eases off, the grate gives a quiet but audible squeak, and Silun looks up with a grimace, hoping that the people outside missed or dismissed the small sound.

Armatta whispered, "Let me try."

She squirmed into position and looked carefully for any mechanical weak points. She did notice a few spots where the rust had flaked off due to both Zoroku's and Silun's attempts to remove the grating quietly.

Those look like some promising points upon which to exert some force. Not to mention the Force.

Gritting her teeth, Armatta gave the grating a series of short, powerful, yet precise jabs with her fist, followed up by a quick lunge to catch it in both hands when it finally gave up its hold on the tunnel opening.

Quietly, you idiot, quietly!

Armatta lowered the now-freed grating to the ground beside the opening.

As Armatta drops onto the floor of the hanger, the blare of the sirens outside is lessened a little. Even still they drown out most other things, red lights flashing overhead adding to the already tense scene. From here she could easily see the ship filling the centre of the hanger. It was a large hammerhead design popular among many of the jedi order. In fact it looked like the same model that Armatta and other padawans had travelled to Ilum on. It looked like it had received recent repairs with new well polished panels sitting alongside bent or scarred metalwork. Unlike most jedi vessels, this one had been fitted with gun turrets. The dorsal turret looked like a medium laser cannon while the ventral was most likely an ion cannon. The ships nameplate looks like it had been replaced, but left blank for the time being.

Inside the hanger Armatta can see a number of 'organic' security personnel, as well as a small number of droids. Some looked like standard loader droids while there was at least a couple of security droids. A small number of engineers and pilots are clustered together, sat on a set of crates as they watch the warning lights nervously. Overlooking the hanger the jedi can see a long class window, most likely for the control room to the hanger. Although the jedi had unlocked the mag-clamps stopping the ship taking off, the hanger door was sealed, keeping the rood of the hanger shut above the ship.

Zoroku gestures for Silun to follow and trails immediately after Armatta hugging as close behind as to not let the guards in the room notice the train of padawans entering through a Grate in the Ventalation. As they get to a pile of crates to hide behind he surveys the room looking around to take in his surroundings, ' It seems the ship was repaired finally. I am not the best equipped to pilot it but I do know how to get it to take off, and the quickest route to the cockpit.. .' Zoroku thinks to himself as he sees his ship and the five Civilian crews working it, shifting his vision around the room he spies about nine armed guards around the room, and the droids were more heavily armed. ' As soon as we open that door all nine of them will converge on us and the two outside. The Droids seem to be more of a threat as they are better armed to combat Jedi, and they can be destroyed without cost to republic lives. The Guards will be hard to take down as we must spare each one, they are fellow citizens of the republic we are not here to cause damage.' He taps Armatta's shoulder who was still taking in the room and starts to point out what he had observed.

" Good News, I am intimately familiar with the ship, and as soon as Silun and I can get on it I can guide him to a quicker take off." He says first pointing out the ship and the Civilians around it. ' The bad is that we are out numbered and out gunned by the security forces and the Door's opening will alert them to us. I see two options." He shows Armatta and Silun the locations of each of the Guards. " First tell me do you both have your Lightsabers?" He asks his fellow Padawans while showing off his from inside his Pilot Disguise. ' Your Answers will change what plans of mine would be viable." He looks back out to the room still pondering on how to tackle the tactical puzzle in front of him.

Keeping his deep voice to a low rumble, "Eh, lightsaber is packed...with my armor" , Krios tapped one of the bags he was carrying.

"Are we opening the bay doors or blasting our way out? We might want to find our way to the control room before boarding..." Krios finished.

"I have mine in a boot sheath underneath the coveralls," whispered Armatta. "Not easy to reach in an emergency, but not easy to spot either. And I'm with Krios on trying to open the hangar bay doors from the control room first. Preferably without violence."

" The opening of that door will cause a fight as Krios and An-Danja need to enter, the Question is the difficulty of the fight to come." Zoroku explains to Armatta as he continues to survey the Guards. " Either we take out the droids before we open the door in the stealthiest way possible or we set up for a fight with the Guards, the only way to avoid the fight is for Krios and A-Danja to enter through the vents and for all of us to sneakto the ship." He looks back to Armatta waiting again for a response.

Edited by Shlambate

Seeing that he might need it sooner rather than later, Silun pulls his lightsaber out of his pack and conceals it on his person similar to Zoroku. Luckily, his small shota hilt is easily hidden in his pilot's guise.

"There, now I have it ready if I need it, or I can try this thing so I don't blow our cover." He indicates the blaster less well hidden in his disguise.

"And unfortunately even sneaking to the ship won't be enough, we need to either access that control room like those two said or figure out another way to open those." He gestures up at the ship sized hangar bay doors above them.

Andja follows the others, trying not to struggle too much with her luggage. Making as if they had just entered from the door that is now behind them, she heads toward their ship.

When hailed by the sentries guarding the hangar, she subtly weaves the Force into her words, as she attempts to talk her way past:

”Change of plans, straight from the Senate. I know, I know.. Anyway. Due to heightened security concerns, we are moving the Jedi ship to an undisclosed, secure location. Just need you to sign here.. and here.. and initial here.”

Tapping a few official-looking prompts into the datapad, she extends it to one of the guards. When he seems hesitant, she continues: “Don’t worry, this is just an acknowledgement of the change of custody. Time is of the essence, here. If the ship was deemed safe here, we wouldn’t be moving it.”

After Krios and An-Danja made their way through the vents the group had decided to try and sneak across the room to deceive their way past the Guards to hopefully take the Ship they had come for in a peaceful manner. the goal was to open the door so that the deception would be much easier to pull off.

Once An-Danja makes her attempt to deceive the guards he tries to help further in her deception, " Yeah Man, we gotta move haven't you heard the alarms, the Senate is no longer happy with the security of this Hangar." Zoroku says once again in his Dude persona his Sunglasses pushed high as to cover his red eyes. " The Dude abides by the Senate's Orders and so should you guys." He says calmly yet implying that they needed to move quickly

The door back to the corridor hisses open to reveal that the droids guarding the door had left. They must have left to deal with the 'disturbance' set by the former mandalorian ally. The party are able to pull of this first part of their deception, acting as if they had walked their way in and acting as if they belonged.

The guards inside however do not seem taken with the deception. Two of the secruity droids begin to stomp towards the group, rifles raised. "You do not have clearance to be in this impound hanger. Please disperse at once. You do not have-"

The droids are cut off as the presumed leader of the security force runs forward, flanked by several others in the squad. "Oi oi, what's this? We've not been given any orders about a transfer. The station's in lockdown, there's been some kind of explosion apparently". The security officer turns to Zoroko with an unimpressed look. "That's what the alarm is about, dude". This may be only a spaceport security officer, but the posture and general presence suggests that this figure may be a war veteran. As he stands there his eyes narrow a little as his hand slow shifts towards the handle of the baton on his hip. "Where's your security detail?" he asks, gesturing to the engineer and pilot uniforms. "This is highly irregular".

“You won’t be needing that,” Andja says, gesturing subtly at the officer reaching for his baton.

“These are highly irregular times. It was determined that a security detail would draw unwanted attention, and in fact detract from mission safety. You will find everything is in order for us to depart.”

( Deception : 1eA+2eP+2eB+2eD+2eS+2eF 3 successes, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

a-s-s.png p-s-s.png p--.png b--.png b-s-a.png d-f-f.png d--.png s--.png s-th.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png 2 light pips for Advantages, unless additional Successes would help).

“You remind me of my friend Walter, always high strung, no chill. You just gotta relax man, relax and trust in the Senate.“ Z oroku sa ys as the Dude remarking on the Guards comments. “Hey Donny, come with me let’s warm that bad boy up, get it ready for take off.” He points to Silun with a ‘come over here’ motion acting with great confidence to give the feeling that The Dude and his friends were supposed to be taking that ship on the Senates orders, “Hey Man, could you open those doors over there, it would speed things up.” He says looking back at the guards.

Silun nods and follows Zoroku's lead, trying to act confident and in charge like the others.

The officer seems unconvinced as he watches Andja closely. As Zoroku speaks the officer jabs a finger in his direction. "Listen, mate, you're on thin ice with this as it is. Don't be telling me-", he paues as one of the guards clears his throat loudly. The head guard straightens up, smoothing out his uniform a little. "Right, give it here" he snaps, snatching the datapad from Andja and tapping on the screen forcefully, forcefully not reading the details on it. Tossing it back he turns and waves to one of the engineers, following it with a sharp whistle. "Oi, go get the hanger door open!"

The engineer jumps to his feet and half runs across the hanger to the door across the room, quickly disappearing from sight. In the mean time the guards step to one side and let the jedi past and board their ship.

The ship itself was a welcome sight and release from the sound of the blaring alarms. The supplies and fuel were almost fully stocked, and the repairs to the vessel had been done remarkably well. For Zorku in particular it may be a welcome sight. The ship he had travelled on for his first mission, before all of this. Before the death of his fellow padawans, the attack on Fornost, the betrayal of the Karth and even the senate turning against the jedi. Before the news of his fathers removal from the chiss admiralty. In truth with the investigation and hunting Karath, he hadn't had much time to think about all that had been going on.

As the jedi board, there is a low rumble as light is cast on the ship, the hanger door splitting into four as it draws back. It looked like the jedi were in the clear, they'd freed the ship and convinced security to let them past. Not only that but they had potentially located Karath. Still, they were a long way from ending their mission, Cathar was a long way away, and they did not know what they would find when they get there.

Armatta hurried on board the waiting starship.

That other guard's interaction with the officer was rather odd, she thought to herself as she looked for comfortable sleeping options and dropped her bags there.

Next she made her way to the cockpit, intent on learning the newly (re-)acquired vessel's systems. I might end up having to do damage control and the like in the middle of a battle, so I'd better figure out how everything works while it's still peaceful.

"I suggest," said Armatta to the others in the cockpit while she was starting up the ship systems diagnostics, "that the ship first jumps to the edge of the Cathar system, so as to get a chance to take a discreet look around before making a microjump closer in to the planet itself. If there's one thing that I learned while travelling with my master, it's that it often pays to be cautious when approaching a new system."

Noting what Armatta says Zoroku turns to Silun, " She makes a good point, we don't want to give ourselves away. Let's get this ship in the air now that we have the Guards outside fooled, I don't want to test how long they will stay that way." He takes off the sunglass he had been wearing all day and puts them in the flight suit. He then goes to Krios to pick up his bag from him. " I'll be in one of the group quarters changing into my armor should anyone need me, I will be out momentarily so that others may change if they wish." Zoroku says as he proceeds to walk out the cockpit. ' Now would be a good time to contact the Ascendancy, maybe trick them into giving me info on current Sith Empire ships or their tactics so that I may feign playing a double agent for them. It is the only way to get in the good graces of the Republic Navy so that I may help them defeat the Sith Navy...' As he was walking out of the room it was clear to everyone he was lost in thought.

After getting himself out of the Flight suit and into his proper armor Zoroku stealthily made his way to the Living Quarters where the only other long range communication device would be found, and he was not about to talk to the ascendancy in front of Silun and the others, while they would be unlikely to understand Cheunh, Zoroku wasn’t about to take any chances in the likely busiest part of the ship at the moment. Turning on the Communicator he began the call standing in the straightest posture rivaling that of a Republic Soldier.

As he boards the ship, Silun goes from nervous and uncertain to palpable excitement. He gives a quick nod to Armatta's advice before dashing to the cockpit, eagerly jumping into the pilot's seat and taking the controls. He raises the ship from it's platform and up and out of the hangar bay with deft movements, adeptly piloting the ship through Coruscant airspace and out of the atmosphere. Once he has done so, he makes his way over to the astrogation console to plot their course for the Cathar system. Taking Armatta and Zoroku's request into account, he aims to put them close to the outskirts of the system to give them time and space to get their bearings.

Edited by Mikeyfett7
Wrong name.

Krios nodded to Armatta then departed the bridge and found a bunk area in the ship and dropped his bag on a bed.

Finally back into proper attire - Jedi armor and robes and a lightsaber on his hip - Krios headed back to the bridge.

"Well, if there's anything I can do let me know."

Krios gazed into the whirling blue void of hyperspace and relaxed his mind, searching through the Force. What awaited them on Cathar? Mandalorians to battle? Civilians to free? Whatever it was it was better than being penned up on Coruscant doing nothing....

As Krios gazes out into swirling tunnel of hyperspace, he hears his masters head in the back of their head, telling ghost stories about merchants and smugglers going mad after staring into the blue for two long . Losing their minds after seeing the horrifying visages that live in the space between space. Nonsense, of course.

Entered into hyperspace, there is little else for Silun to do. Unless they hit a void shadow there journey was effectively automated from here on out. If they did his a void shadow, there probably wouldn't be much left of the ship to work with anyway. Fortunately it seemed that the hyperspace beacons were working correctly, and it would be a smooth journey. Even if they weren't, the latest developments in autonomous navigation computer aboard this vessel should keep them right.

In the main living area, Zoroku finds a presently decorated occupied with tables and chair, a large holo-projector on the wall to accompany it all. There even seemed to be a recreational table for dejarik, and a few decks of cards presumably left by the Fornost engineers. Even jedi couldn't meditate all the time. That is unless Master Vrook was in fact correct. In the centre of the room was a large holo-table, set up for meetings and communications. Activating the communicator, it doesn't take Zoroku too long to prepare the appropriate information to initiate the contact.

After a moment of garbled squawking from the machine (frustratingly loud for a covert communique), Zorku is once again face to face with the stern looking handler who had notified him of the shift in power. "Agent Splint, you were not scheduled to communicate for another week. Is something the matter?" Despite the question there was no sound of concern in the chiss's voice.

Zoroku responds in Cheunh equally sternly, " I have made headway and have impressed an Admiral, however The information I was provided seventeen years ago is no longer relevant.” He stares the handler in the eyes, “If I am to climb their ranks and get at their secrets, I will need to first get in. They require proper information, I require more current information, if I am ever to provide you with anything.”

Edited by Shlambate

Seeing that they are safely into hyperspace, Silun goes and changes out of his stolen uniform and into his usual armored robes, putting the uniform away with his disguise from the temple. After he's done changing, he goes to tell Zoroku and Armatta that they will be jumping to just outside of the system as requested. Seeing that Zoroku's busy on the communicator, he goes and finds Armatta.

"Armatta, just thought I'd tell you that we'll be coming out of hyperspace on the outskirts of the Cathar system, like you asked, and hopefully well hidden from any watchful eyes."

"Great!" replied Armatta to Silun.

"The system diagnostics came back clean," she continued, "but I want to spend the next few days going over the entire ship and checking for nuisances such as trackers and the like. If this was the only suitable ship that the Jedi Order had on hand, then it would have been an obvious target for spies placing tracking beacons and other undesirable items."