Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Silun looks quite concerned as he considers Carth's information on what they are up against, and continues to ponder if there is anything he can think of to help.

"What worries me even more than the droids is the staff. We could muscle our way through inorganic defenses, but we're not doing this to hurt republic citizens, and even if we were forced to stun them we may open up an ugly bag of kouhuns if the republic finds out we were involved."

"Is the control room which overlooks the hangar the place where the magnetic locks on the landing gear can be shut down?" Armatta asked Carth while waiting for her code to dig up some results. "And where is the security centre located in that set-up - in a completely different building?"

Carth hums a little as he thinks about Armatta's question. "Well I suppose so, normally you could do it from there, but if the ship is a high priority like this one, then it'll need clearing first. That is unless you can bypass their control systems. As for the security centre, that's in one of the backrooms of the spaceport. It's not much, change room and lockup for their equipment and contraband. The security captains office has the console you'd need to unlock the ship if that's the way you want to go".

On 6/7/2020 at 6:09 PM, Mikeyfett7 said:

Silun looks quite concerned as he considers Carth's information on what they are up against, and continues to ponder if there is anything he can think of to help.

"What worries me even more than the droids is the staff. We could muscle our way through inorganic defenses, but we're not doing this to hurt republic citizens, and even if we were forced to stun them we may open up an ugly bag of kouhuns if the republic finds out we were involved."

" Staff can be decieved, words are powerful tools, and should Armatta prove a good enough slicer so can falsified credentials." Zoroku says looking to Silun his hand on his chin still formulating a plan to get to the ship. " The droids may see through our slicing attempts easier than an organic eye, and destroying them only leads to suspicion and further investigation as to who may be destroying the Droids. A single Droid Brain controlling them would be preferred as we could either turn them off or make them ignore us as well."

On 6/9/2020 at 8:56 PM, Rabobankrider said:

"Is the control room which overlooks the hangar the place where the magnetic locks on the landing gear can be shut down?" Armatta asked Carth while waiting for her code to dig up some results. "And where is the security centre located in that set-up - in a completely different building?"

Carth hums a little as he thinks about Armatta's question. "Well I suppose so, normally you could do it from there, but if the ship is a high priority like this one, then it'll need clearing first. That is unless you can bypass their control systems. As for the security centre, that's in one of the backrooms of the spaceport. It's not much, change room and lockup for their equipment and contraband. The security captains office has the console you'd need to unlock the ship if that's the way you want to go".

Zoroku nods as he listens to Carth, " It seems we may need several slicers, I have some general knowledge of computers but I am into means the most practiced." He said looking to the whole group. " Unless the droids would also be controlled in that room Captain Onasi."

25 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

" Staff can be decieved, words are powerful tools, and should Armatta prove a good enough slicer so can falsified credentials." Zoroku says looking to Silun his hand on his chin still formulating a plan to get to the ship.

Silun nods his jowled head in response. "True, true."

He continues to try and think of solutions to their several problems, in spite of all this secrecy and espionage not being his area of expertise. "Carth, is there any reason civilians would have to be in that compound? Even a flimsy excuse is better than none if we were to be spotted."

At Zoroku's question, Carth sighs and shakes his head. "I'm afraid that's out of my area of expertise really. I see the droids around, but I don't know what makes them run. As for civilians, you may struggle there. Spaceport staff however have access to most areas. Engineers ad pilots can often get by on uniform, with only needing passes for the high security areas".

After some intense focus on her datapad and slicer gear, Armatta looked up at the rest of the group with an expression of satisfaction on her face.

"Alright, I've got us some maps, but not passwords to secure areas. For that I'll need hardline access on-site," she explained. "On the other hand, I've managed to loop the security camera footage in the secure areas so we should be able to move unnoticed unless we actually meet any overly-curious people or droids. We'd better start moving now - I've no idea as to how long that will last."

With their plans in order as best as they can be. The jedi, mandalorian and republic officer leave the diner. Tension fills the air as they feel the weight and risk of the mission that they were about to undertake. They had to find a way to secure their ship and get it out of the spaceport. They also had to find any information on the whereabouts of Karath before leaving. It would not be easy, it could result in them being arrested, causing who knows what damage to the relationship between the senate and the jedi.

Carth leads them to the entrance of the spaceport before stopping short of moving inside. The hustle and bustle was everywhere, with travellers coming and going, uncaring about the objective of these strangers. Security droids could be sen moving in pairs among the crowd, painted in the trademark orange and black as they kept an 'eye' out for suspicious activity. A few organic security officers can be seen as well, checking boarding passes and helping those with queries.

Carth glances back at the others with a serious expression. "Alright, here we are. If you want to make this work, speed will be of the essence. We'll probably have to split up, a group this size isn't exactly subtle".

Zoroku nods his head in agreement, " Indeed. We will split in half to deal with the many tasks we need to accomplish to do quickly." Zoroku looks to the group locking eyes with each of them in turn, " Armatta, A Djana, Krios, and Carth will be one group focused on slicing the Mag Locks. Silun Zalen and I will focus mostly on gathering information on finding Karath and distracting the Guards." Zoroku says addressing the group.

Silun returns Zoroku's gaze and nods, ready to get moving once again. "If all goes well we can have the information we need and be leaving on our ship within a few hours. If not, we improvise."

" I believe we will have failed at our objective should we have taken hours." Zoroku says looking at Silun, " The Longer we Linger the more likely we get caught and Karath gets away."

Carth nods silently, a grim look of determination on his face. Tugging at his jacket to readjust it, he follws in step with the rest of his team as they move into the spaceport. The two teams quickly find themselves surrounded by all manner of people as they make their way through the entrance as travellers rush past one another to either find their flights or are heading towards the cityscape behind. There must be someone from every walk of life of Corouscant here (except the wealthy, they of course travel privatley). Mercenary teams heading out on their latest hunt, engineers collecting crates of parts, droids collecting business associates to ferry them where they need to go. Even with their diversity, the team of padawan's blend in well with this crowd.

Armatta slouched her way into one of the spaceport's many shops, looking like a luggage-burdened mechanic on her way out to a longer job in the Colonies. She bought an extra datapad and re-joined the others in a discreet corner behind some potted plants. The necessary maps and other information were copied from her own datapad to the new one, and a swift 75-credit transfer was made between Zoroku's and her own identity-free credit sticks to pay for the new datapad.

"Alright, there are some staff changing rooms here and here," Armatta pointed out on the maps. "The Engineers will use this one, and the Flight Crew can use that one. Once we're properly disguised, we'll go through these secure doors into the spaceport's non-public areas - I do have the access codes for these doors. The Engineers will then visit the impound hangar doors to slice them for the access codes. When I've got those codes, I'll pass them on to the Flight Crew. After that, the Engineers will move on to Flight Control and see what we can do about releasing the mag-locks."

She looked around at the others. "We've got each other's comlink info, so that covers inter-group commuications, I believe. Andja, Krios, and Carth - ready to raid the laundry for some uniforms?" she asked with a grin.

Edited by Bellona

Krios tugged at his snug tunic eyeing how far it pulled away from his body.

“Shopping? My favorite. Can’t wait to see the selection” he said wryly.

Zoroku nods as he receives the Datapad and takes a good look at the map and then turns to his squad. " Let us find more appropriate disguises. " He said looking at Zalen and Silun, " Then we start to look for any clues on where Karath went. "

Silun nods in agreement and follows where Zoroku leads, trying to keep an ear out for any loose talk that might potentially help them.

As the two groups separate out, they make quick work of tracking down a changing room that they can steal from. The rooms are as one would expect, dull tiling covering the walls and floors, battered and scratched lockers lining the walls. Chipped benches run down the centre of the room, and even in the open a few jackets and overalls have been tossed haphazardly over the tops of the benches. It was easy pickings for the jedi to find what they needed, and a quick task to get changed. With their youth and diversity, they did not look out of place in the dull blue uniforms of the spaceport. Fortunately at this time of day the locker rooms are quiet, no one to catch them.

After getting changed, Carth looks down at himself with a grimace. "I think I prefer my naval uniform, if I'm being honest. Ok, now what?"

"I'm definitely with you on that one," Armatta replied to Carth. "I'm really missing my armoured robes. They're meant to be worn, not carried around like excess baggage!"

She tossed the second backpack onto the locker room bench with some irritation.

"I wonder if we can find a ladder. I've heard that one can get in anywhere when carrying a ladder ..."

As they finish changing, Silun looks down at the new disguise. The diminutive Sullustan actually looks quite normal in the utilitarian uniform with his goggles hanging around his neck. He shrugs as he looks to the rest of his group. "Ok, where to first? I'm guessing we want to figure out where Karath is heading before we try to deal with the hangar. Any ideas on how we might go about that without rousing suspicion?"

Zoroku puts on a flight suit that roughly fit his frame although it was a bit loose, the Sunglasses he had seemed to fit in with the Flight Suit completeing his look as a pilot, As Silun asks his question Zoroku picks up a flight helmet and looks to the Sullustan, " Let us scout out the area by the Hangar, specifically where the ship we wish to take is, this should give the group more information on what we are dealing with. Also while on the way we should be ever attentive to the conversation going on around us, as to hear news and or rumors of Karath's whereabouts."

When the team of jedi make their way to the impound hangers, they unfortunately find little to see at the time. The corridor was wide, but largely abandoned in terms of civilians, most of the individuals here were engineers or security. On either side of the corridor was a angular hanger door with a thin strip of glass that gave a view of the ships inside. On either side of the door was a droid, painted orange and black. They were not armed like military droids, but did carry what looked like stun batons at their sides. Next to each door was also a squat green control panel, most likely the door controls. Here and there were a few pairs of sentient security officers, pacing back and forth though largely uninterested in the others going about their business.

Zalen quietly follows his fellow companions, looking around, guard up. He had yet to fully trust the Jedi, but seeing how they worked, he reckoned he could let them help him for now.

“I can set up a.... recon spot. May help us better if I’m up high.”

Silun nods, watching the officers to try and figure out the pattern to their movements. He seems to already view Zalen as just another member of the team, despite barely knowing him or why he is here.

"Keep within reach of us, and try not to be seen. The fewer questions asked and the less alarm we raise the better off we'll be. We'll stay in comlink contact."

" There are very few places in this hanger were eyes cannot reach, I would advise against finding a hiding spot as it would only lead to questions as to why you are acting suspicious." Zoroku rebuts Zalens idea of finding a recon position.

Edited by Shlambate

<Miss Click>

Edited by Shlambate

While the first team make their way to the impound hangers, the second team are quickly able to blend into the crowd and are whisked across the spaceport to the flight control building. From the outside, flight control was easy to recognise as the large central tower that oversaw all incoming and outgoing traffic from the port. Inside it was a more subtle affair. near the centre of the spaceport was a large double doored turbo lift with a sign next to it that read 'flight control'. Every so often the lift would open to allow access or exit of flight staff. Some of them were engineers or security staff, but the majority simply seems to be well dressed individuals without uniform. They were most likely the operators of the flight control deck. Access to the lift was locked by a computer pad to one side of the door, but there were no guards. However the lift was part of a corridor that was crammed with all manner of people using the spaceport, resulting in a semi-constant stream of people moving past the entrance.