Star Wars Clone Wars: Cyclone Squad IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

The rain made the trek up the curve of the dome quite the challenge. Doc was decent at keeping his footing, but he had to focus on moving so that he wouldn't end up like Acklay's Cloud.

The caution was well worth it, though. As he neared the top of the dome, Doc noticed another squad right in front of him. They had black shoulder patches and were making their way down the dome. One of them had a DC-15A with bipod still hanging out. Oss's squad, no doubt.


This was it, the first taste of combat. Doc gripped his blaster carbine and set out to do some damage.

Edited by satkaz

Gundark scrambles the rest of the squad up the dome and the find a squad of troopers. Combat Time. Gundark is ready!

"AWW YEAH!!! Let's go!! You guys here for rain duty or something?" Gundark yells over at Oss's squad.

9182 readied his Rotary Cannon the barrels made a mechanical whir sound as they spinned. He took a forward position placing himself between his brothers and the enemies coming down from the dome roof. " IT'S SHOWTIME BOYS!" He yells as he prepares to fire.

Edited by Shlambate

“Frakk!” Anler curses as he spots the enemy troopers that apparently were attempting to outflank them using the same route they are trying to take into the dome. As the clones can’t get their weapons to bear since he’s blocking the way he has to make a split-second decision: Dive to the side and let the clones do their thing, or charge forward. A more experienced battle commander might have sent the clones in first, but that’s not Anler’s style.

“Quickly, before they call this in,” he manages to tell the others before dashing forward. As he runs he parries a blaster bolt from one of the enemy troopers, dodges another and then he’s amongst them, swinging with his lightsaber. His swings are crude and wide, but the clones have had no training against a weapon like this.

His blue-bladed lightsaber bounces off the helmet of the first trooper, giving him a mild shock that takes him out of the training exercise. Reversing the swing, the Padawan catches the next clone with a swing from above into his right shoulder. The training saber gives the clone a shock and he goes down, but Anler isn’t looking at him anymore.

The Jedi Padawan swiftly thrusts his saber at the third clone, but the trooper manages to deflect the blade somewhat with his rifle, causing the blade to bounce off his thigh instead of hitting his torso. He gets a shock, but not enough to take him out of the exercise. Anler is slightly annoyed that the clone managed to defend himself, since his saber would have cut right through the rifle had he not been using the training emitter.

OOC: Anler closes to Short with the ‘free’ maneuver for the Triumph, and then burns 2 strain to get a second maneuver to engage the clone minions, before attacking. I'll flip a DP for the attack since I can't aim and have a rather crappy pool.

Attacking clone minions, flipping a DP : 1eA+2eP+2eD 1 success, 2 advantage

a--.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png d--.png d-th.png

Not bad! The attack inflicts 7 damage with breach 1, which is enough to take out one clone and wound another. I’ll spend 1 advantage on activating a critical, taking out a second minion (a critical hit auto-downs a minion), and the second advantage to give the next PC to attack a boost to the attack roll.

CT-5472 carefully makes his ascent of the dome. At one point, he nearly loses his footing in the driving rain.. but manages to steady himself.

When Oss and his squad appear above, he deftly draws one of his heavy pistols, and fires a shot at him. It's a good shot, and causes Oss to reel into the runner he was sending to report contact.

"Nice shooting, Gunslinger!" Doc says to him, impressed by his hit by Oss. "Heh, Gunslinger. Not a bad nickname for 5472, considering his penchant for pistols over rifles."

But there's little time for anything else. Since Anler is busy with the other clones, Doc follows Gunslinger's idea. He takes aim at Oss and fires.

The shots miss Oss, but the same can't be said for his marksman rifle. The rifle gets shot out of his hands and starts the slide down the dome. Oss is now without his favored weapon...

OOC: Aimed at Oss, fired.

Ranged Heavy [Taking Oss Down] : 1eP+2eA+1eD+1eC+1eB 2 failures, 3 advantage
p-a-a.png a-a.png a-a.png d-th-th.png c-f-f.png b-a.png

Missed by a good amount, but will spend all 3 advantage to force a disarm on him.

Edited by satkaz

"WHOOOOOOOO!" Practically screaming and channeling his inner gundark, Gundark runs full pelt and decks the first cadet in front of him and then commando kicks the next one dropping both.

"I'm right here behind you Commander Paddie!"

4 strain for 2 maneuvers to get into engaged range of the minion group and then Gundark decks them. 6 dmg pierce 1 and a crit. Last adv. heals a strain.

Clipper is right up with the rest of the squad when Oss and his squad appears, unfortuuently it seemed that Songbird didn't like getting his wings clipped, as he swiped his rifle to hit Clipper's feet and knock him down, "You really hit the jackpot didn't you 7777." Songbird says as Clipper slips down the dome. Now the lowest by far it would take sometime to get back up. And it seemed he had an option for a nickname to mock Songbird, Jackpot.

"Cool it, guys. Acklay's with us for this mission. We need to succeed, here."

CT-8128 struggled to keep his boots to stick to the slippery side of the dome. When he hears Doc shout about the enemy squad he doesn't focus on his steps as he's looking for targets. Loosing his foothold he starts sliding back down the wall but manages to grab a small protrusion and pull himself back on his feet. He fires a couple of shots in the direction of the sniper he spotted but isn't sure whether he managed to hit.

Shooting Oss : 2eA+1eP+1eC+1eD 0 successes

a-a-a.png a-a.png p-s.png c-f-th.png d-th-th.png

Oss would not have been expected the sight of a Jedi leading not one, but two squads up the side of the dome. His face said it all as his squad was brutalised by the attackers. Within moments only one troopers was left. One was only alive because he had fallen on top of him as he had come under fire. He'd even had his prized rifle shot out of his hands! 'Blast!' he'd mutter as he scrambles to his feet. As he does he'd drag the cadet behind him up as well, shouting at him as he pushes him in the direction of the dome. 'Warn the others!' he'd shout before turning to face the Padawan. He didn't have time to get his rifle, it seemed clear they were going to lose this fight. The least he could do is disrupt them a bit.

With a mighty bellow he would charge towards the Jedi, ducking low under the blaster fire as he goes. Reaching the commander, he would raise a fist, driving it straight into the boys jaw. It would make one **** of a crack as it connects, and would cause the Jedi to fall flat on his back. It may have not done much damage, but it took the pressure of the remainder of the squad, if only for a moment. 'We ain't done yet lads!'

Rival Combat Check : 3eA+2eD 0 successes, 2 advantage

a-a.png a-a.png a-a.png d--.png d-th.png

2 advantage to activate knockdown.

Edited by Rabobankrider

Jackpot grabs one of the ledges on the dome as he starts to fall and by the time he is back even with Anler, the rest of the Cyclones and the Acklays only two troopers left, seeing an opportunity he fires at the trooper that is running away, he unleashes a hail of blaster fire and manages to hit the troopers comlink, but otherwise failing to do any real damage.

0 success and 3 Advantage

9182 got up closer to fire at the Clone who was trying to run away, he aims his cannon to be square on the Clone troopers back and fires. The running clone drops to the ground before the blaster bolts even have a chance connect, he could hear the rotary cannon even in the storms of Kamino! By being closer to the ground it made the shot impossible for 9182 his weapon of choice wasn't about pinpoint accuracy, ' Sometimes this gun just gives my position away, if he hadn't of dropped I would have had him' . 9182 would continue to fire but to no avail.

Ranged Heavy : 1eP+3eA+1eB+2eD 0 successes
p--.png a--.png a--.png a-a.png b-a.png d-th.png d-th.png

As Oss tackled the Jedi commander, the final clone cadet would try to make the dash for the vents. If he made it, the element of surprise was going to be well and truly lost. With his comlink periodically spraying sparks and fizzing, he scrambled back to his feet having narrowly avoided being cut to pieces by a rotary cannon. As he ran he would fire wildly behind him with his rifle at the cannon wielder. The shots actually flew true, and although they may not down the cadet, they may buy him some time. He had reached the vents by this point, and if the attackers didn't stop him, he'd be gone.

Meanwhile, Acklay squad would move forwards into the firing line, weapons raised. At the fleeing cadet. 'Don't worry, we got this' Songbird would say with a smirk. 'Acklay squad, fire!' Kee would shout, filling in for Law. There would be a short burst of fire, and the cadet would be struck hard in the back. Falling forwards, he would lie prone, unmoving. Cloud would look around with a grin. 'Well, I think we've avoided alerting the others, assuming the others didn't hear all that'.

Minion Combat Check : 3eA+3eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
a-a-a.png a-s.png a-s-s.png d-f.png d--.png d-th.png

Maneuverer to medium range of cadets (except 9182) and engaged range to ventilation system.

10 damage to 9182 and 1 boost dice to Oss

Ac klay Combat Check : 2eA+3eP+2eD 1 success, 2 advantage
a-a-a.png a-s.png p-a-a.png p--.png p--.png d-th-th.png d--.png

Maneuver fowards 1 range band. Does 9 damage to cadet, killing him.

Edited by Rabobankrider

Anler quickly recovers, jumping athletically to his feet. Seeing the clones cut down the last trooper before he can call for reinforcements, the young Padawan concentrates on the single remaining clone in front of him. He dodges a blow from the large cadet and is about to strike when his lightsaber shorts out. Anler gives his weapon a look of utter disbelief, shaking it and hearing an unnerving rattling sound.

He presses the button to activate his saber again, and is relieved when the blade extends from the hilt again. His relief is short-lived. He maneuvers to strike at his opponent, only to have his weapon short out again as he strikes. The blow that would have hit the clone's head instead hits nothing. Clearly, the lightsaber was damaged as Anler hit the ground earlier. What a terrible way to start a training exercise!

OOC: I had forgotten Anler was on the ground, which requires a maneuver to get up. Anler would therefore only be able to aim once, not twice as I thought when I rolled the dice. But since both boost dice came up blank that won't matter and there is no need for any re-rolling.

So, that's a maneuver to get up, another (burning 2 strain) to aim, and then attack on Oss:

Hitting Oss upside the head : 2eA+1eP+2eB+1eD+1eC 1 failure, 3 advantage, 1 Despair
a-s.png a-s-a.png p-a-a.png b--.png b--.png d-f-f.png c-d.png

As per the GM post in the OOC thread, the Despair will be used to damage Anler's lightsaber one step. I'll use the advantages to give the next PC to attack a boost (hello @Edgehawk !), and then recover the two strain spent on the second maneuver with the remaining two advantages.

CT-5472 takes his time lining up his next shot, carefully waiting for a clear line of sight... now! And the Commander twists around, cursing his malfunctioning saber, just avoiding the blast... which strikes Gundark's bulky frame instead.

Gunslinger, huh?

Edited by Edgehawk

Doc take a moment to aim down the sights. It'll be a hard shot since Gundark and Anler are in the way, but Doc's confident he can make it.

And the shots ring true, hitting Oss square in the chest. It's not enough to be considered a kill, but he should be going down at this point. Doc is proud that he made that shot.

"Go get him, Gundark!" he yells, hoping that he'll hear and capitalize on the action.

Unfortunately, it seems that Gundark also took some friendly fire.

"Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark. Better than the commander, though. Who knows how much bantha poodoo we'd be in if that happened..."

: 1eP+2eA+2eC+2eB 1 success, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png a-s-s.png a-a.png c-th-th.png c-f.png b--.png b-a.png

Doc takes a manuever to aim (or aim twice if Edgehawk had other ideas with his advantage, which causes 2 strain), managing to hit with a total of 10 damage. Since Oss' soak is 5, Doc dealt 5 damage. Not bad for threading the needle. After this, he's going to use 1 advantage to give to Gundark, 1 advantage to heal one strain, and pop Second Wind for another point of strain.

Edited by satkaz

As Anler struggles with his lightsaber Gundark gets hit with a shot. AHH! After. Focus on Oss. Gundark thinks trying to steel himself. He yells, "Hey Oss over here!" and follows with a quick punch almost downing Oss. Gundark then grabs Oss in a bear hug so he can't get away easily. "Sorry Oss, but you're not going anywhere!"

Punching Oss (corrected) : 3eA+1eP+2eB+1eD+1eC 2 successes, 4 advantage

a--.png a-s-s.png a-s.png p-a.png b-a-a.png b-s-a.png d-f.png c-f.png

1 maneuver to aim

Damage: 4 (brawn) + 2 (successes) +1 (weapon) - 4 (soak) = 3 damage

2 adv to heal strain

2 for another maneuver to grapple with oss

also I rolled the wrong dice at first but caught it before I posted. You can check my history if you'd like:)

Edited by Stneu73

As Gundark grabs Oss, Data has no clear shot at him. "I better make sure that's all of them", he thinks climbing up to the airvent. "And if for some unlikely reason Oss manages to free himself he'll run right into my Blaster."

I'll just change my action into a second maneuver so no need to spend strain

Oss would grunt loudly as he is struck, wriggling furiously as he tries to break free of the vice like grip. 'You think this plan'll really work?' he'd growl as he continues to struggle. 'Drummer will see you coming a mile away!' With that, the squad leader would draw his head back before bringing it foward in a violent headbutt, crashing against Gundarks helmet as he followed this up with an inaccurate swig of fist to the cadets side, hampered by the firm grip he was held in. He made no attempt to break free of the hold, instead he would rely on the bulk of Gundark to protect himself from potential fire from his allies. He was hoping they wouldn't try to shoot into the fray a second time.

Oss Combat Check : 2eA+1eP+2eD 2 successes

a-a.png a-s-s.png p-s-a.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

Flips a destiny point to upgrade the check

Does 4 damage to Gundark

Edited by Rabobankrider

Jackpot began to line up a shot but stoped when he saw the mass of bodies surrounding Oss. It looked like a grav-ball player with the ball getting tackled. Instead he headed forward to join Data.

As we have three spots until Oss I'm just going to convert my action to a maneuver and move forward.

Gundark doesn't even budge when Oss headbutts him. "You're gonna have to try harder than that, Ossy." Smiling Gundark then says, "And this is gonna work like a charm."

Heh heh I has soak


Edited by Stneu73

Seeing that Oss was still standing 9182 closed the distance between him and Gundark who had successfully kept Oss subdued. " Sorry Brother." 9182 picked up his cannon and swung it at Oss' head with full force, knocking his helmet clean off, " Dream of Twilek women." He said over the comm as he downed Oss. However using a canon as a bat, 9182 pulled a muscle ' Oww... I'll feel that in the morning.' The rest of the Squad could tell that swing while mighty probably didn't do wonders for his back

Melee Check : 3eA+2eD 5 successes, 1 threat

a-s-s.png a-s-s.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-th.png He takes one strain and knocks down Oss.

Oss continued to struggle as Gundark held him. Suddenly Oss's head jerks forward and then back again as his body goes limp. When Gundark Realizes that Oss is out cold he drop him and looks up seeing 9182 on the backswing with his cannon. "Nice hit I wasn't really expecting that Haha!" Looking around Gundark says, "First battle felt great. Gotta keep going though!" With that Gundark heads over to the vent entrances.

Lana summers follows him "you guys are so violent. I think I found some decent friends.