Star Wars Clone Wars: Cyclone Squad IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Anler times his attack, sensing the falling clone troopers inside the door. When the shooting dies down for a brief moment, he crouches low and scoots inside the door and vaults the makeshift barricades erected by the defending clones. As he does, he manages to swing his lightsaber against the helmet of one of the troopers still standing to defend the left part of the room before his friend realizes what happened. Without looking, he thrusts his saber at the second trooper's chest plate, taking him out of the action as well.

Anler spends a maneuver to get in, another (burning 2 strain) to aim and then attack against the minion group with two.

Attacking group of two troopers : 2eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 1 success
a--.png a-s-a.png p-s-a.png b--.png d-th-th.png d-f.png

I forgot the boost from @satkaz

Floating boost : 1eB 0 successes, 1 advantage

Legendary man, this allows Anler to activate a critical. He does 7 damage, breach 1, and a crit, taking down both troopers.

Drummer would watch helplessly as his men are cut down. He would frantically wave his pistol in the direction of the jedi as he bellows out his orders. 'Get the jedi, get him!' he'd shout. The cadets would obediently turn from their crouched positions to take aim at the commander. Without a second thought, they would open fire on him with ruthless efficiency. The shots would strike the already battered leader around the chest and legs from where the men were crouched, firing upwards.

Squad 1 Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+1eD 1 success

p-s.png p--.png a-a-a.png d-th-th.png

Does 10 base damage to Anler

Data focuses as Anler counts down and opens the door. A hail of blaster bolts flies both ways, and one hits him in the shoulder leaving it slightly numb. He targets one group of clones scoring several hits.

Shooting Squad : 2eA+1eP+2eB+1eD+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage
a-a.png a-a.png p-s-s.png b-s-a.png b-s.png d-th-th.png s-f.png

12 damage and 1 boost for the next guy. 2 Strain for the second aim.

Jackpot fires a single bolt it goes flying past the troops he was aiming at as Drummer stands up to take a shot, it nails the commander in the head dropping him. "yYeah! Come on, let's wipe 'em." Jackpot yells.

If summers had one ability it was to hide. She eventually left her hiding spot. And shot at, and (of course) hit. how do ya like that suckers

Doc takes a moment to recover from the fight. That shot on Drummer was nice, he thought, up until he saw Anler's unconscious body near him.

"...Blast it, the Commander's down." Doc says as the squad moved into the room.

Checking his simulated vitals, it's clear that if this was a real life situation, Doc wouldn't be able to get him up again: he would need medical evacuation.

"Can't do much on him." Doc says to the squad. But at the very least, he could prop him up behind cover, maybe hide him so that the incoming wave won't see Anler knocked out and get a morale boost from the knowledge.

"...Hopefully, you'll wake up to a victory." Doc says to the now-unconscious Anler. "...Might as well get ready."

"Let's gear up." Jackpot says, "Gundark, you know how to use a Saber?"

" Let's not use the Jedi's saber, we are more likely to kill ourselves with the Dam thing! " Slugger said as he started to set up his gun in the middle of the HQ Doc could notice Slugger was moving quite sluggish and he was holding onto his side.

On one of the terminals there was a handy holographic projection of a timer. It had roughly ten minutes remaining on it. It was the timer for the end of the exercise, Drummer must have been using it to monitor how long he had to hold out for, he'd almost made it. There was a beep from the comlink on his wrist, and a voice rang out from the floor. 'Major? major! I don't know if you can hear me but we're on our way! The attackers are nearly through the last line though sir, I don't know how long we can hold out!'

At almost the same time, the unconscious jedi's comm would begin to speak as well. It was Zombie talking, shouting would probably be a better use of the word. 'Alright boss, I mean commander! We've got them on the run! The last line is shattered but they've made a run into the other corridors and it's going to take time to flush them out. A few are heading to reinforce the command centre! I don't know if you've taken the position or not, but you best be ready to fight!'

Mass Combat Check : 3eP+1eB+3eD 1 success, 2 advantage

p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png b--.png d-th-th.png d-f.png d--.png

Advantage spent to add boost to next check

Gunslinger considers their fallen Commander, but quickly discards any idea of using the cloak and saber as a ruse, to distract or draw fire.. Hmm.. The Major is another story, however..?

Hastily removing his own helmet, gauntlet, and vambrace, he exchanges them for the distinctively marked items from Drummer's immobilized form. As he secures the wristcom, he listens to the incoming message. Careful to make sure the Major's link is not switched to voice-activation, he addresses his comrades:

"Cyclones. When Drummer's remaining troops fall back toward us, they won't know what to expect. I will beckon them to approach.. the safety of Slugger's Z-6, hopefully when their guard is down. Jackpot. Be prepared to man the cannon, if you have to- Slugger looks like he's about to blow over."

Edited by Edgehawk

" Jackpot won't need to, if we do this right none of them should be standing after out firing squad gets to chew through them. " Slugger remarks back at Gunsligners comment as he finished setting up his Cannon on some makeshift High cover, " Inform Zombie of your change in outfit so he doesn't open fire on you when he gets here." He starts to spin up the Z-6 but then stops looking to Gunslinger " Gunslinger I'm guessing I keep Martha quiet till you enter the room else that might give up our trap. "

"Roger that, Gunslinger." Doc says on the comms. He sets himself behind one of the consoles for cover and aims for the door, ready to ambush the enemy.

Gunslinger gives the clone an appraising look. Still looks like Martha's the only thing holding him up..

"No offense, mate. You say you got it, they're all yours. I don't think your cannon revving up should warrant undue attention, in the clamor and chaos of this raid.. if the ruse doesn't work, we're still going to open fire. I'm just hoping to buy us the initiative, lure them in a bit. The cannon needs to be hot."

Deciding upon a finishing touch for his charade, he holsters one of his blaster pistols, and retrieves Drummer's.

The remnants of Banshee squad would push down the long corridor preying on Drummer's fleeing reinforcements to the command centre on Zombie's orders. The troopers had been part of Zombie's main assault force. The forward assault maneuver of resistance barricade after barricade had been devastating for the unit. The squad had lost their medic, Necromancer, fairly early in the mission. Unable to recover lost units, Banshee would hunt the retreating forces as Zombie suppressed the others from escape. By comm Zombie informs Banshee that the new Commander could float through the defense walls and should be at the command centre by now.

Hot on the defense's tail, Banshee would begin their famous cadence sequence intonations. The clone trooper, Wraith, releases a loud wailing howl which tauntingly echoes in front of the rival reinforcements approaching numerous fallen ventilation ducts. Next on tempo Siren cackles a reverberating raucous laugh as the retreaters start turning down a new corridor. As Banshee pursues, the squad increases their unit rhythmic sprinting technique to close the gap.

As the squad turns down the new corridor, CT-6180 releases a strikingly discordant shriek echoing down a series of twists and turns. Banshee was hoping the defense would react to their taunting cadence intonations to slow the enemy's pace down. The more Banshee could distract the reinforcements, the higher the odds of victory. The squad's confidence was high as the unit continues their team spirit bellows and screeches.

Edited by Vergence

"...Who in the frak put a mynock in Kamino?" Doc said, hearing the shrieks nearby.

The remaining troops that were heading for the command centre would speed up their pace as they dash down the corridor. They had no intention of being caught by the Banshee's and the second squad close behind them. As far as they were concerned if they made it to the centre they could hold out until the end of the exercise. If it wasn't for what was waiting for them, they may well have been right.

'Come on, don't fall behind!' one would shout as they round the corner to the command centre. 'What the **** happened here?' another would ask as they follow the trail of carnage to the centre. 'No time, come on! There it is!'

Twenty five troopers came barreling towards the defending clones, some limping or clutching at wounds. Even if they had been beaten back by Zombie and his men, it was going to be a tough fight. Fortunately, the reinforcements for Anler's team was close behind.

Hearing their approach, Gunslinger leans out, so that Drummer's helm is visible down the passage leading to the command center. Taking encouragement from not getting immediately blasted in the face, he leans farther, gesturing with the borrowed pistol in the fallen leader's own gauntlet... Hustle! he beckons, causing the helm to shift as he does so. "Major Drummer..." the wristcom begins, then falters. Attempting to adjust the helm, he overextends himself, and falls into the passage with a clank. To top it off, the pistol fires, ricocheting harmlessly down the passageway toward the now wary troopers. As the embarrassed squad leader regains his feet, he is a sight to behold, obviously wearing only a few pieces of Drummer's distinctively colored laminate. Gunslinger dives back into the command center, but they are already shooting.

" Hello There! " Slugger would shout at the oncoming clone troopers as Gunslinger dove back behind cover. Slugger fired a volley at the 5 squads of incoming Clones. With the cover he had rested his Canon on he no longer had to deal with recoil, now he could aim with barely any resistance as if he was using a garden hose. He takes out an six of them within seconds laughing heartily while he does so.

Ranged Heavy (It's Clobbering Time!) : 2eP+2eA+2eB+1eC+2eD 2 successes, 4 advantage

p-s.png p-a-a.png a-a.png a-a-a.png b-s-a.png b-a-a.png c-th.png d-th.png d-th-th.png

42 damage and 6 Clones bite the dust.

'It's a trap! Take cover!' The troopers would scatter as they catch onto to Gunslingers failed ruse. It was too late for some though. As the last hope for Drummers defence begin to be shot down by the rotary cannon, others would be quick to respond. One squad leader ducking low under the blue gunshots would wave his men forwards. 'Enough of this, rush them!' The squad would charge down the corridor, firing in response.

The target was the impostor of their commander, and he took a beating from the incoming shots. One would clip his pistol, sending it skittering from his hand behind him.

Enemy Squad 4 Combat Check : 3eP+2eA+1eD 4 successes, 3 advantage

p-s.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png a-s-s.png a-a.png d-th.png

Spend maneuver to move to short range, does 12 base damage to Gunslinger, 3 advantage spent to make Gunslinger drop his gun

Edited by Rabobankrider

Gunslinger's last fuzzy thought, before succumbing to the overwhelming barrage of stunfire, is that he hopes he comes-to before Drummer does...

Jackpot leaps across the door pulling out the pin and chucking his grenade through the door before rolling to a stop at the control panel and slamming the close door button. “That’s a lot of hostiles.” He says before checking out Gunslinger, “Gunslingers out, Doc you want to try and help slugger before he goes the same way?”


The grenade would roll out into the corridor, bouncing slightly in the smooth surface of the floor before it comes to rest at the feet. The team only spotted it too late as they ran forwards. 'Grenade! Get do-' one trooper would start to short, but it was too late. The wave of blue energy crackled forth, catching two of the clones, sending the energy surging through their armour. They dropped to the floor without a word while the remainder of the squad skidded to a halt.

Before them the door slid shut, locking them out and blocking their fire. One would step forwards to examine the sparking mechanism that was left of the lock from the previous breach. 'Can you get it open?' The squad leader asked.

The clone would twist around to grin at him. 'Oh yeah, I'll get this open no problem'. With that he would crouch down and begin to work at the exposed wires.

'Good, when it's open we will take the command centre. Starting with that blasted gunner, he won't be taking any more of our men with that cannon'. There would be a low rumble to excited laughter as another two squads moved down the corridor. One would rap on the door with his knuckles, calling out through the thick metal. He was unsure if they'd hear him, but the other clones seemed to find it amusing, 'Do you want to let us in boys? We'll even let you surrender if you want!'

As they moved towards the door, the reinforcements arrived. Banshee squad came running around the corridor, blasters raised. Of course they weren't expecting there to be quite as many of the enemy forces. Still, even in their battered state, they were not about to give up. 'Open fire!' the squad leader would shout, and the blue shots would be fired down the corridor in the be back of the enemy.

The enemy would duck down, taken by surprise at the attack from behind. One of them would take a shot to the leg as he dives to the side of the corridor. 'Where did they come from?' one would shout.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door Acklay squad would stand up, stretching their joints after having crouched behind cover. 'There's no way we can take all of them on' Songbird would mutter. 'It's little more than a suicide run'.

'Quiet' Kee would say calmly, patting the man on the shoulder. 'Zombie will be here soon, probably'. He would glance down at the fallen comrades, at Gunslinger, at Anler. 'Songbird's right though, it's not the best situation to be stuck in. Anyone got any bright ideas?'

Enemy squads 2 and 3 move to close range of command centre (door between them and their attackers).

Banshee Squad Combat Check : 1eP+2eA+2eD 0 successes, 1 advantage
p-a-a.png a--.png a-s-s.png d-th.png d-f-f.png

Banshee squad spends advantage to inflict 1 strain on enemy squad 5

Seeking victory, CT-6180 runs down Drummer's forces with Banshee hunting through the corridor. As the squad turn the corner, the eminent manhunt was overwhelmingly fruitful. The trackers ran straight into Drummer force's desperate attempt to reclaim the Command Centre. Barrages of stunfire siege the objective as our defending forces flood the valiant strikers with returning rotary cannon fire. At the carnage's height, a gutsy Cyclone flung well position stun grenade into the lead assault force which sent two clones into the air. This event prompt Banshee to yell 'Open Fire' applying merciless pressure. CT-6180 saw the lead force who just ate a grenade scramble to a sparking pad which seemingly opens the Command Centre. The clone thinks " The new Commander must of cleverly coded the panel to keep the door sealed. Time to win this exercise and hold the objective! ". CT-6180 yells " Cover me!!! " to Banshee as he rushes toward the clones tampering with the mechanism. He bawls a blood-curdling roar at Drummer's forces as he focused stunfire upon the clone techs. During his fury, CT-6180 couldn't be sure how many went down unconscious; he was aware he took at least one clone down, maybe two.

p-s-s.png a-s-s.png a-s-a.png d-f.png d-f-f.png

1x maneuver towards Squad 4 to medium range; Heavy-Range action dealing 11 damage and 1x advantage to add a setback to their next check.

Edited by Vergence

Doc moves to Slugger, hoping to get some use out of his medpac.

"Hold on, I'll-"

And that's when Doc notices the medpac has lost all power.

"Well, guess that isn't happening." Doc hears Kee nearby and answers. "Well, if we had another stun grenade, it'd be nice if we could set up a trap that works when they open it. Hopefully blinds them. Otherwise, we just have to hope reinforcements come soon."

Taken by surprise with an attack to the rear, the squad working on the door would have no way to defend themselves before losing two of their men. The clone crouched by the door would take a shot to the head, banging his helmet heavily against the wall as he falls, his brother stood next to him catching a few straight to the chest as he turns to fire.

'Somebody deal with that lunatic!' The squad leader would shout as he slides to one knee as he takes up the position at the door console. In response the squad nearest the back of the corridor would raise their guns as one and open fire on CT-6180. The shots wouldn't knock the clone out, but they were certainly going to sting when he had time to think about them after combat. The ferocity of their attack would give them the upper hand for a little while, allowing them to push their advantage. 'Hold on the door! Let's deal with this lot first!' one would should call over his shoulder to those trying to breach the command centre.

'Oh you will, will you?' would come the triumphant cry of a new squad of clone rounding the corner behind Banshee squad. It looked like the reinforcements had caught up with the action, and were ready to get stuck in. 'Cut them down' their leader would shout as they join the fray.

The suprise of the attack had brutal results, felling two troopers almost instantly. 'Agh! We're getting swamped' one of Drummers men would shout in despair.

A laugh would erupt from one of the reinforcements as they continue to fire. 'Banshee's push up! Get tot he door before the timer sounds!'

Meanwhile, the sound of the battle could be very faintly heard by the door of the command centre. 'What's going on out there, why haven't they bust in yet?' Cloud would ask in a genuinely puzzled voice.

This would earn a sharp slap to the back of the helmet, courtesy of Gror. 'What, you want them in here with us?'

Enemy Squad 5 Combat Check : 3eP+1eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage

p-a.png p-s-a.png p--.png a-a.png d-th.png d-th.png

Does 10 base damage to CT-6180, advantage spent to give boost dice to Enemy Squad 4.

Banshee Support Squad Combat Check : 3eP+1eA+2eD 4 successes, 1 Triumph
p-s-s.png p-s.png p-tr.png a-a-a.png d--.png d-th-th.png

Does 13 base damage to Enemy Squad 5, upgrades CT-6180's next skill check.