Hello there!
I'm a newbie to this forum and have only gotten into Imperial Assault recently. I'm a veteran to gaming and tabletop wargimg, though, and to painting (converting and sculpting) miniatures as well. I greatly enjoy the game and its potential for story-driven skirmish wargaming, and I'm almost ashamed I didn't give it a shot much earlier.
To me, it's the characters that make Star Wars what it is, and since my childhood in the early 80s Darth Vader and Luke have been my favourite characters, because they have the most interesting arcs of all characters in the original movies. I'm not chained by nostalgia, though, and Ahsoka Tano has become my favourite character for the same reasons Vader and Luke have been, and waiting for my pre-ordered copy of her for Imperial Assault is a true test of my patience.
So much for where I'm coming from. What better way to introduce myself than with some pictures of the first Imperial Assault miniatures I've painted in the past few weeks.
So, let's start with Vader. He's a challenge, being almost completely black, and my first instinct as an experienced miniature painter was to create the different textures through contrasting methods of highlighting - going for soft diffuse highlights with the matt and semi-glossy elements, and harsh, well-defined highlights for the glossy elements. Then I decided to do something different, though.
I primed the figure black and then painted all areas which are exposed to light from above with a very dark grey which barely registered. Next I carefully highlighted all raised details and textures with a dark grey, and then with a medium grey where details and textures are exposed to light from above. The chest armour was painted black and a dark gunmetal grey. The lightsaber blade was primed white with a teenyweeny tint of yellow and even less red. In order to get a deep vibrant red for the red aura of light a very bright saturated red was painted in transparent layers on the blade, leaving the bright almost white core of the blade. Next I painted the red reflections of the blade on the edges of the cape and on all parts of the suit and armour which are exposed to the light of the saber. In order to get these reflections to look real you need to make sure to create strong, well-defined and small reflections on the glossy parts, and soft, more diffuse reflections on the matt elements. After this and all the remaining details like the lightsaber-hilt and the control panels were done, it was time to varnish the miniature. I went with a very matt varnish as a base. Then I carefully painted gloss varnish in multiple layers on the helmet, the armour on Vader's chins and knees, and on the lightsaber-hilt. It took me about 10-15 layers to get the very smooth shiny result I wanted. As a last step, a very fine brush was used to paint gloss varnish in multiple layers on all the raised details and textures of Vader's mask, leaving the recesses matt black. This helps bringing out the features and avoiding having them be drowned out by reflections from recessed areas, something which always looks bad on such a small scale. I basically used the gloss to naturally highlight these areas. Although Vader is almost exclusively black, he provided to be quite a challenge, but I'm very happy with the result and I hope you like it, too:
Hera Syndulla, Chopper and Leia were much more straight-forward to paint than Vader, and I always take my time when painting faces, because not getting these right can easily ruin an otherwise good paint job:
I have Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight painted, too, but I cannot upload any more images currently, having reached my limit it appears. I hope this will be increased, soon, because I hate to upload to image hosts and linking to images.
Anyways, so much for my first post - constructive feedback is welcome, and I hope to be able to paint Ahsoka soon. In the meantime, I have a huge load of Ally- and Villain-Packs to paint as well as figures from the core game.
Have fun!
Edited by Fourtytwo