I resisted minis games when I was younger. I started with X-wing back in 2013 because it was simple and looked awesome on the table. I'm still in love with it. I expanded to Imperial Assault in 2015 and loved it. Played a couple demos of Destiny and liked it way more than I've ever liked a cardgame, so I have a small collection there now.
Let's be clear, I'm "mostly" a casual gamer. I play games to meet people and to get a little mental exercise. And above all else, because its fun.
I don't have a big history as a tabletop gamer. Other than those listed above, I've been an avid videogamer since I was a kid and I love pen and paper RPGs, but actual figures on the table was new for me before X-wing and even now I'm intimidated by the scale and intricacies of games like Warhammer and Armada. I'm also not a painter. It's expensive and frustrating and time-consuming, and I'd rather not spend time painting that I can spend playing the game.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I'm incredibly excited for this game.
The scale doesn't matter to me. I'll likely commission a handful of figures to be painted by some friends, but I don't plan to spend any of my own time painting. I like that there's only two factions. I like that its mechanically straightforward. I'm simply not into the hobbyist aspects of miniature gaming. It's not my thing. I don't mean to say any of those opinions are invalid, because there are worlds of people who are miniatures hobbyists and those aspects are important to them. Good for you! I think you should keep painting and play the games you want to play.
I just want to play the game. It's simple and it looks like tons of fun. I wanted to start a thread for others like me, because I see a lot of negativity about some aspects of the game that are irrelevant to me personally. The most important thing, in my opinion, should always be "Is it fun to play?" I think it looks like a lot of fun. I'm not naive about it. The game seems simple, but I prefer that. Simplicity is what really hooked me into X-wing when I began, and Legion seems similarly simple.
So who else is hype to play Star Wars Legion? What do you like about the demos you've seen? What don't you like about the gameplay?
Sound off!
Edited by Engine25