Game demo videos

By Animewarsdude, in Star Wars: Legion

Team Covenant

General Games

Nice, I didn't notice TC posted theirs already. Now where are my headphones...

Stormtroopers have precise? :rolleyes:

6 minutes ago, Kubernes said:

Stormtroopers have precise? :rolleyes:

They also roll the worst of the three attack dice. If they move and shoot they don't hit anything, if they actually set up and aim they can hit stuff, but still not super well.

17 minutes ago, player1750031 said:

Nice, I didn't notice TC posted theirs already. Now where are my headphones...

I thought these exact words on seeing this; get outta my head man?!

Some information from the Team Covenant video:

- Games are 800 points, instead of the 1000 that has been said before

- Play area is 6X3

- The types of units are Commander, Core, Support, Special Forces, Heavy, these are called ranks

- There are some limitations on the ranks, one to two Commanders, three to six Core units, up to three Special Forces, up to three Support and up to two Heavy units.

- Commanders will be in the range from 160 to 200 points, with some play room for upgrades

- Snow Speeders and AT-STs are name dropped as Heavy units.

- Set up for the game involves three sets of three cards , one is the conditions, one is the set up area, and the other is the objective. Both players eliminate one of each type until they have a single condition, set up area, and objective. The core set has 12 cards, four for each category, and Alex Davey mentions they will release more of these as the game grows.

- Pierce pushes damage through defense dice.

- Units with armor ignore damage with the exception of critical damage, units with Impact can change normal damage they roll to Critical Damage equal to the Impact number, so if it was Impact 2 if you roll three damage you can change two of those to Critical Damage.

- There was the discussion of FFG possibly making 3D terrain though the matter is skirted around. I think he does mention that some simple terrain will be included in the core set, most likely the barricades seen so far.

- commanders will have their own command cards to choose from.

I belive in an interview video from General Games Alex Davy said that they will include 8 barricades as terrain. But of course I could have misheard or misremembered that.

A player may only have 7 command cards, they are free to select whichever they want, the core set provides 2 per pip and each commander provides 3 which the player can choose from as well. So far we've see 4 pips, with the 4 pip returning to the players hand so if we assume that is only one command card then with the coreset a player has the election of the base 7 command cards alongside the three for their commander.

Love the conditions/set up/ objective cards.

reminds me a bit of the Dust Warfare system, which was fantastic.

1 hour ago, Animewarsdude said:

- Units with armor ignore damage with the exception of critical damage, units with Impact can change normal damage they roll to Critical Damage equal to the Impact number, so if it was Impact 2 if you roll three damage you can change two of those to Critical Damage.

It is noted in the video that impact only triggers when attacking armored units.

2 hours ago, LifeGain said:

I belive in an interview video from General Games Alex Davy said that they will include 8 barricades as terrain. But of course I could have misheard or misremembered that.

Alex Davy is the designer of Legion in FFG.

55 minutes ago, Kentares said:

Alex Davy is the designer of Legion in FFG.

He's saying Alex said it in the interview with General Games.

20 minutes ago, Tbetts94 said:

He's saying Alex said it in the interview with General Games.

Of course youre right. My mistake. Sorry.

Insert shameless self promotion here. Best FFG demo person there is ;)

I really like those cards for determining missions that Alex talks about at the end of the video

4 hours ago, TallTonyB said:

Insert shameless self promotion here. Best FFG demo person there is ;)

I dunno, the tall guy seems kind of annoying.

Which one are you Tall Tony.....oh. Oops.

Just kidding! Hope it's as fun as it comes across.

The mission selection mechanic is very similar to how the new Open Mission cards work for 40K. Interesting.

Still, very cool.

5 minutes ago, kurttkrueger said:

The mission selection mechanic is very similar to how the new Open Mission cards work for 40K. Interesting.

Still, very cool.

It does appear to be, yes......but unlike GW, with this you don't have to shell out more moneys for it! (I hope)

6 minutes ago, Dice lord said:

It does appear to be, yes......but unlike GW, with this you don't have to shell out more moneys for it! (I hope)

Yeah, that's a good point. Cards are in the core set. I'll imagine we'll see more included with additional units/expansions.

Edited by kurttkrueger

I just hope that, i could bulid a legit army only on stormtroopers/troopers that will work - i just love infantry <3

3 hours ago, Frodos said:

I just hope that, i could bulid a legit army only on stormtroopers/troopers that will work - i just love infantry <3

In full 800 point games you could run Vader (one commander is required) with 54 stormtroopers. No idea of it would be viable, but it would look cool as ****. :D

Seriously, FFG? You're hiring a demo person that's in a larger scale than the players?

13 hours ago, Animewarsdude said:

A player may only have 7 command cards, they are free to select whichever they want, the core set provides 2 per pip and each commander provides 3 which the player can choose from as well. So far we've see 4 pips, with the 4 pip returning to the players hand so if we assume that is only one command card then with the coreset a player has the election of the base 7 command cards alongside the three for their commander.

I think you might have misinterpreted this slightly. There's the base set of 4 command cards, Standing orders (4p), Assault (3p), Push (2p), and Ambush (1p). Each commander will come with 3 unique command cards 1 each of 1-3 pips. When you build your command deck of seven cards you may only have 2 cards of any one pip value. Technically, and you can kind of see it when he's showing the rule book, you build 2 each of 1-3 and add Standing Orders for your 7th.

The only part I'm confused with and his description doesn't make clear is when you have 2 commanders wether you can take both commanders cards of a specific value, or you're required to take one of the generics. There can still be strategy of taking just one commanders card of a pip value and choosing the generic because of some of the limitation of units that you choose on certain commander cards.

Oh, and one would assume that the core set is coming with 2x the generic command cards and the Luke and Vader set.

Edited by Aahzmandius_Karrde
1 hour ago, TallTonyB said:

In full 800 point games you could run Vader (one commander is required) with 54 stormtroopers. No idea of it would be viable, but it would look cool as ****. :D

If I remember corrcetly, you can (sadly) only have up to 6 trooper kind of unit in you army/list/squad. The bare stormtrooper unit contain 4 models and cost 44 points (so 6 x 44 = 264). Most likely i would run a DLT-19 or HH-12 (what seems to have Impact 3 keyword - so good against armored enemy forces, if i want to run only infantry) upgrade card. If i would choose 3xHH-12 and 3xDLT-19 (with cost 24 and 34 points), total cost of stormtroopers would jump up to 438 points. I can also add a "Stormtrooper" upgrade card, 11 points each, that add extra model to a unit. So now my troops cost 504 (with still open 2 upgrade slots - Granade and a Chip/Enhancement??) , i can add Vader as a leader- what in total would be +704 points with 60 stormtroopers and Vader :o I cant wait to do that!