[Editors Note: Hey guys, OP here. I would like to take a moment to say. I was wrong. Yep! Was completely wrong. There is a difference in scale, and its actually quite noticeable. I thought that instead of just deleting my thread and pretending the below never happened, I would instead own up to my own incorrectness. Please stand by as I expect the Internet will probably implode.]
Geeze guys,
Everyine is flipping out about scale and people are saying "these figures are out of scale from imperial assault! Its a slap in the face! Im boycotting the game!
for the record THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF THIS," The only scale comparison between Legion and Imperial Assault is a mockup made from screenshots based off the painting video. And in that comparison the scales are pretty darn close! The varriation appears to be due to base thickness.
still we just dont know... so everyine take deep breaths and chill...
Edited by DiggityDug