Who still owns copies of both of these?

By copperbell, in Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition

I am lucky to still have them all in my collection (although I never played the game because interest was low here in the Netherlands). I bought them for the enormous amount of background-info! Still love them for that!

On 7/5/2018 at 12:58 AM, AK_Aramis said:

The most recent FFG NDS Star Wars book covered Clone Wars, Rebels, & Rogue One...

They have had issues getting permission for Ep VII; the beginner box may be all they were allowed, or they may be waiting for Ep IX, so they don't screw it up. An issue WEG had no issue with... WEG was even used by LFL as a "writer's bible" for the EU. (Mr Zahn mentioned this in an interview.)

The old novels are no longer canon, and new ones are probably off-limits...

Be happy they're allowing it at all... Disney cancelled the MHRP license, even tho' it was money in the bag. (Not enough, apparently, despite critical acclaim, and rapid fan adoption). Seems, now, that perhaps the lineup was too close to the upcoming movie sequence...

How can you screw up a screw up?

I have my original books (beat to ****, I got them in middle school in '88) as well as a near mint set I pick up a couple years ago off Ebay for next to nothing. I all so have a bunch of the of the source books and the 2nd Edition.

8 minutes ago, samuraisolomon said:

I have my original books (beat to ****, I got them in middle school in '88)

If I left any Cheetos fingerprints on any of them, I simply cannot recall. I blame it on the Surge.

On 7/5/2018 at 1:58 AM, AK_Aramis said:

The most recent FFG NDS Star Wars book covered Clone Wars, Rebels, & Rogue One...

They have had issues getting permission for Ep VII; the beginner box may be all they were allowed, or they may be waiting for Ep IX, so they don't screw it up. An issue WEG had no issue with... WEG was even used by LFL as a "writer's bible" for the EU. (Mr Zahn mentioned this in an interview.)

The old novels are no longer canon, and new ones are probably off-limits...

Be happy they're allowing it at all... Disney cancelled the MHRP license, even tho' it was money in the bag. (Not enough, apparently, despite critical acclaim, and rapid fan adoption). Seems, now, that perhaps the lineup was too close to the upcoming movie sequence...


13 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:


Marvel Heroic Role Play. Cortex Plus. Done by Cam Banks of Margaret Weis Productions.

I missed d6 years ago as I was still at school... roll forward and I mention it to my old man on a visit to my parent's... he got my sister to find a decent used copy of the core rules from '88 was it on ebay??? YAY.. go Dad!! My old man didn't give the price but it was less than £20 :)

EDIT: 1st ed.... 1987!!!! Crikey

Edited by ExpandingUniverse

I still have my originals. They're in great shape.

My 87's are in Anchorage, but still legally mine. My 2018's are in use at the FLGS on Wednesday nights.